TU TRINITATIS UNITASA cento. Added to the Roman Breviary in 1568. In a subsequent edition it is the hymn for Lauds on Trinity Sunday. It is made up of the first stanza of a hymn with the same opening, and of the third stanza of the composition, Æterna coeli gloria, with a doxology added. IO Thou Eternal One in Three, Dread Ruler of the earth and sky, Accept the praise we yield to Thee, Who, waking, lift our songs on high. IIThe star that tells the approach of day Is lingering in the glow of morn, And night and darkness fade away— O Holy Light, our souls adorn! IIITo God the Father throned in heaven, To Christ the One Begotten Son, And to the Spirit praise be given, Now, and while endless ages run. O PATER SANCTE, MITIS ATQUE PIEFound in two MSS. of the eleventh century, and included in the York, Sarum, and Aberdeen Breviaries. IO Holy Father, gracious Thou and tender; O Jesus Christ, Thou much adorÈd Son; Spirit most sweet, Thou Paraclete, Defender, Eternally one! IITrinity Holy, Unity abiding, True God Thou art, unbounded goodness Thou, Light of the angels, trust of the confiding, We hope in Thee now. IIIThee all creation pays eternal homage; Thee all Thy creatures songs of glory raise; Now come we humbly, joining in the chorus, O hear Thou our praise. IVGlory to Thee, O God of power almighty, Triune yet One, and great Thou art and high; Hymns fitly tell Thy honour, praise, and glory, and eternally. ADESTO, SANCTA TRINITASAuthorship unknown. It first occurs in a MS. of the eleventh century in the British Museum Library, has a place in the English Breviaries of York, Hereford, and St. Albans, and is printed in the “Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church.” IBe present, Holy Trinity, One glory Thou, one Deity; Where’er creation’s bounds extend, Thou art beginning without end. IIThe hosts of heaven Thy praise proclaim, Adoring, tell Thy matchless fame; Earth’s threefold fabric joins the song, To bless Thee through the ages long. IIIAnd we, Thy humble servants, now To Thee in adoration bow; Our suppliant vows and prayers unite With hymns that fill the realms of light. IVOne Light, we Thee our homage pay, We worship Thee, O triple ray; Thou First and Last, we speak Thy fame, And every spirit lauds Thy name. VPraise to the Eternal Father be; Thou only Son, all praise to Thee; And Holy Ghost to Thee be praise, Great Triune God, yet One always. |