- Alleluia! Alleluia! 87
- Alleluia, hymn of sweetness 93
- B
- Be present, Holy Trinity 119
- Broken are the bands that bound us 100
- Burst are the iron gates of death 91
- C
- Christ, the light that shines eternal 32
- Christian soldiers in the conflict 123
- Come, Thou Creator Spirit blest 109
- D
- Dark night has drawn her curtain round 34
- E
- Emmanuel, come! we call for Thee 45
- Eternal King, enthroned on high 97
- F
- For us the cruel cross He bare 82
- From the Father’s throne descending 27
- G
- Gone are the shades of night 23
- H
- Hail, thou blessed cross, all hail! 78
- Hear us, O Christ, our King 125
- Holy Spirit, come with power 111
- J
- Jesu, delight of every heart 133
- K
- King of heaven, our nature wearing 65
- L
- Let us tune our hearts and voices 49
- Lo, the day, the day approacheth 143
- M
- Maker of the world, we pray 22
- My heart goes forth in love to Thee 20
- N
- Now daylight floods the morning sky 15
- Now let us tune our hearts to sing 63
- Now sinks the fiery orb of day 38
- Now sinks the glowing orb of day 25
- O
- O Christ, who art ascended now 104
- O Christ, who in that hour of dread 81
- O city girt with glory 149
- O day, the chief of days, whose light 3
- O Food for pilgrims pining 131
- O God, I love Thee, not alone 11
- O Holy Father, gracious Thou and tender 118
- O Holy Spirit, font of love 114
- O Jesus, when I think of Thee 17
- O Light that from the light wast born 5
- O spotless King, who shared its gloom 83
- O Thou Eternal One in Three 7
- O Thou Eternal One in Three 117
- O vision bright of heavenly peace 153
- O ye who seek the Lord, come nigh 57
- S
- See in the east the morn arise 36
- See, sweet soul, my sister dear 129
- See the royal banners 69
- Shout praises, ye heavens 89
- T
- Tell, my tongue, the glorious conflict 72
- Terror grim the soul oppresses 139
- The din of battle now is dead 87
- The Word, proceeding from above 135
- Thirty years by God appointed 75
- Thou, blest Creator of the light 13
- Thou our Redeemer art, O Christ 61
- Thou who hast led our steps this day 30
- Thy blessed passion, Christ, be ours 82
- Thy works, O God, Thy name extol 9
- To-day the lingering clouds are riven 102
- To Thee, O Christ, our prayers shall rise 41
- V
- Veiled was the glory of Thy face 80
- W
- When evening shades around us close 43
- Wherefore in the lowly stall 54
- Z
- Zion is glad this glorious morn 52
Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh and London