PUGNATE, CHRISTE MILITESGiven in editions of the Paris Breviary subsequent to 1736, along with the hymn Coelestis O Jerusalem, for the vigil of All Saints Day at Lauds. Author not traced. IChristian soldiers in the conflict! Bear the banner of the cross; Rich reward shall crown the victor, More than recompense for loss. IINot with paltry palms that wither Shall the brow be gaily crowned, But with light that shines eternal, And with heavenly joy renowned. IIIYours are mansions fair and comely— There your souls in bliss shall rest; Stars shall sparkle in their radiance, On the pathway of the blest. IVEarthly joys are faint and fleeting, Earthly favours quickly fade; Heavenwards lift your eyes, expecting There your true reward is laid. VGod be praised who crowns the victor, Christ be praised who saves from sin; Equal praise to God the Spirit, By whose aid we fight and win. AUDI NOS, REX CHRISTEThis pilgrim or processional hymn was first published from a MS. of the eleventh century by Du MÉvil at Paris, 1847; reprinted by Neale in his Hymni EcclesiÆ, in 1851, as Cantus Peregrinatorum. IHear us, O Christ, our King; Lord, hear the prayer we bring, And take the ordering of our way. RefrainThy mercy, Lord, extend; Thy mercy, Lord, extend, And take the ordering of our way. IIO Three in Unity! Protect us all each day: In this Thy path divine we pray. IIISend us a faithful guide: An angel to abide, Whose hand shall lead us to Thy throne. IVOur upward path direct, From every foe protect, And bring us back to claim our own. VThy strong right arm extend, And with Thy left defend, And save us from the enemy. VIO Thou Creator wise, Soon may our longing eyes The glory of Thy kingdom see. VIINow glory let there be, O Father, unto Thee, From age to age eternally. |