“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live!” IMy God, shall sin its power maintain, And in my soul defiant live! ’Tis not enough that Thou forgive, The cross must rise, and self be slain. IIThen in my life Thy love reveal,— As by The Christ Who bore the cross, So by my sacrifice and loss, And by the bitter pangs I feel. IIIO God of love, Thy love declare,— ’Tis not enough that Christ should die, I too, with Him, in death must lie, And in my death His anguish share. IVLord, is it nothing now, to Thee?— Yea, it is much, that well I know, For Thou hast memory of the woe That filled Thy soul at Calvary. VAnd Thou wilt come with gracious aid, When, burdened on the awful road, I fall beneath the grievous load Upon my fainting spirit laid. VINor let me feel Thou hast no care, Though arrows fly, and darkness fall; Sin must be slain, but when I call Thou art attentive to my prayer. VIIO God of love, Thy power disclose,— ’Tis not enough that Christ should rise, I, too, must seek the brightening skies, And rise from death, as Christ arose. VIIIAnd from the cross, and to the grave Descend; and when the morning breaks, To life anew the soul awakes That sin nor death shall e’er enslave. IXThe cross is love: the Christ’s, and mine;— ’Tis life to die, and death to live, And not enough that God forgive, If I would live the life divine. CHRISTMAS???a ?? ???st??? Te?. IHark! upon the morning breezes, In the darkness, ere the waking, Music sweet the senses pleases, Soft upon the stillness breaking;— “Glory, Glory!” this the singing, Welcome to Immanuel bringing. IIShepherds at their watch beholding Angels clad in glistening whiteness, Heard the wondrous news unfolding ’Mid that dazzling scene of brightness;— “Glory, Glory!” peace, and kindness, Light is breaking on our blindness. IIIGlorious morn! The sun uprising, Shone upon a world rejoicing; God is with us, truth surprising; List to song the message voicing,— “Glory, Glory!” ages told it, Heavenly voices now unfold it. IVGod adored, our nature wearing! Ah, such condescending meekness! Stooping to a world despairing, Full of pity for our weakness;— “Glory, Glory!” praises swelling, God hath made with man His dwelling. te????t?? t?? ???st??. IHail to the morn that dawns on eastern hills, More radiant far than any earthly morn; ’Tis heavenly light that all creation fills;— The Christ is born. IIMystery profound, through all the ages sealed, Now, to a world all hopeless, and forlorn, In Bethlehem’s manger is at length revealed;— The Christ is born. IIILo, from their watch, the herdsmen raise their eyes, For, dazzling light the robe of night had torn, And angels poured their raptures from the skies,— The Christ is born. IVBring ye your gifts of gold and incense rare Wise men who come, all travel-stained and worn, Find ye the Child, and pay your homage there;— The Christ is born. VHail to the morn, the world exulting sings; Only to Him, in fealty we are sworn, Lord of our lives, Immortal King of kings!— The Christ is born. ?? ???? t? d??a p??sf????s??· ?? p????e? t? ?a?a ????tt??s??. IHail to the King, Who comes in weakness now, No wreath of gold encircleth His brow, Lowly His state,—in lowly worship bow; Hail to the King! IIBorn of His Maiden Mother, pure as snow, Son of our God, begotten long ago, Ere yet the stream of time began to flow; Hail to the King! IIINowhere was found a shelter for His head, Humble He lay, e’en where the oxen fed, No couch nor crib, a manger was His bed; Hail to the King! IVHerdsmen were there who heard the angels sing; Wise men from far who myrrh and incense bring, No other hand bestowed an offering; Hail to the King! VHail to the King! O Christ upon Thy throne, Look on the souls which Thou didst make Thine own, When by Thy Birth and Death Thou did’st atone; Hail to the King! ??f?a??es?e ???a???· ???a??? ??a????s?e· s???t?sate t? ???, ???st?? ?e??????t??. Christmas. IYe saints exult with cheerful song, Ye heavens be glad this morn, And let the mountains leap for joy, For Christ on earth is born. IIBehold the Virgin Mother holds The Child in warm embrace,— The One-begotten Son of God, Incarnate Word of grace. IIIAnd shepherds from their lonely watch, By angel guidance given, At Bethlehem found the Promised Child, And praised the God of heaven. IVAnd heavenly choirs their music poured, Upon the stillness, then, Ascribing glory unto God, And peace on earth to men. VLo, wise men from the Morningland, Their costly treasures bear, And at the manger worshipped low, And laid their offerings there. VINow, with the angel host who sang, We join our thankful praise, To God the Father, God the Son, And Holy Ghost, always. ? ?at?? e?d???se?, Stichera Idiomela. Christmas. IHe came because the Father willed, And from the midst of heaven’s renown, The promise to our world fulfilled, And won a kingdom for His crown. IIHe came because He willed to bear The burden that His love imposed; And all our lot of sorrow share, Until the day in darkness closed. IIIAh! angels hailed that morning bright, And in the heavens their carols sung; But God Himself was hid in night, When sin and death their arrows flung. IVBut not to sink beneath their power, The God-man girt Him for the fray; And from the darkness of that hour, There sprang the light of endless day. VAnd wounded souls the triumph knew; Fresh courage to the faint was given; And e’en the dead to life anew, Rose in the glorious might of heaven. VIFor sin was crushed, and death was slain;— All hail, the great victorious Son, Who mounts the throne of heaven again, To rule the kingdom He has won. ???st?? ? ?as??e??. INow the King Immortal Comes to claim His own,— Shepherds at their watch by night, Hail the glory of the light— They, and they alone. IIHeralds from the heaven-land, Tell His Advent clear;— Where the sound of hurrying feet? Where the crowds come forth to greet? Where the loyal cheer? IIIAngels, on the night winds Have their carols thrown,— Theirs, the music rapturous, sweet, Theirs, the songs the Monarch greet, Theirs, and theirs, alone. IVAh, the silent night hours, Ah, the slumberers, prone,— Mortals wake, arise, adore, Angels, shepherds, honours pour, They, and they, alone. VJesu, King Immortal, Mount thy rightful throne; Loyal hearts their plaudits pour, Heavenly choirs in songs adore, They, not they alone. ?????st?? ??a???sa?t?? ?p? t?? ???, ? p???a???a t?? ?????p?? ?pa?sat?. Menaeon Dec. 25. IWhen o’er the world Augustus reigned, The rule of kingships felt decay; And when our Lord appeared as Man, The idol shrines were swept away. IIOne earthly power the people knew, One world-embracing rule obeyed; Then Gentiles to the Godhead knelt, And undivided homage paid. IIIAnd when the monarch’s will was known, A census of the tribes was told; Then, in the name of Christ their God, His faithful subjects were enrolled. IVFor great Thy mercy is to us, O God, our King, Whose rule we own, And we will render while we live, One glory to Thy name alone. ??? p??ta pep????ta? f?t??. IO Light, resplendent of the morn On golden pinions upwards borne, That usherest in the day; We rise responsive to the call, As night removes her dusky pall, And speeds her flight away. IIO Light, that, from the Father’s face, Shone on our world with winning grace, When darker night prevailed; We rise to greet Thine Advent bright, All hail! majestic in Thy might, When darkness is assailed. IIIO let my soul Thy rising see; From every cloud my vision free, And on my pathway shine; Then shall my course, in safety trod, Lead ever nearer to my God, The source of light divine. IVO Jesus, Morn of better day, Thou Light of lights, Whose gladsome ray Gives light, and life, and cheer; Light to my soul, and life impart, And fill with joy my inmost heart, And scatter night and fear. PASSIONTIDEIO wounded hands and feet! O heart, with spear thrust torn! O brow, with blood drops falling down, Beneath the stinging thorn! O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine? IIThe angels were amazed, The sun refused his light, And they who knew that Christ was God, Turned from the woeful sight;— O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine? IIIMy soul, can’st thou not tell? Why such a sacrifice? Hast thou no needs, for which alone The cross can find supplies? O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine? IVFor thee the cross was reared; For thee the Christ was slain; For thee He sojourned with the dead, And rose to life again;— O Jesus, Lord divine, Thus was the anguish Thine. IWhen Jesus to the judgment hall By cruel men was led, He wore a purple robe of scorn, And thorns upon His head;— They called Him King, and bowed the knee, And paid Him homage, mockingly. II“Away! let Him be crucified!” The impious shouts proclaim; And forth they led the Son of God To die a death of shame; And passing thence amid’ the crowd, Beneath a ponderous cross He bowed. IIIBehold Him nailed upon the cross And left alone to die, While from the awful scene of death His timid followers fly;— In agony He groaned and sighed, And faint, He bowed the head, and died. IVAh, cruel death for Him to die, Ah, vilest death of shame,— Who, to redeem our guilty souls, From God, in pity came;— The glory of the Father’s throne He left, to make our souls His own. VO Jesus, to Thy cross I cling, For Thou, my Lord, art there, Who, in Thy love, True Man became, My load of sin to bear; And lo, I lift my eyes to heaven, For God in mercy hath forgiven. IThey brought Him to the hill of death Where ruthless felons died, And there, upon a cross of shame, The Christ was crucified; By wicked men the nails were driven, And God, in silence, looked from heaven. IIThey bade Him find His help in God, If He were Christ indeed, And save Himself, as He had saved So many in their need; Such taunting words like venom stung, And God beheld the arrows flung. IIIThey wagged their heads in mocking scorn, And bade the Christ come down,— While from His wounds the blood-drops fell, And from the thorny crown; The spear uplifted pierced His side, And God beheld the crimson tide. IVAll dark at noon, the sun refused His wonted light to shed, For sin and death had God defied, And Christ His Son was dead; And God had turned His face away, Nor heard the Christ in anguish pray. VAll hail the Resurrection morn! The light returns again, And Christ is throned at God’s right hand Who once for man was slain; And God extends His pardoning grace, Nor hides the brightness of His face. I“Watch with Me,” The Master said, And the night around Him fell, While the snares of sin and hell, On His awful path were spread. IIBut they slumbered while He prayed;— They who were His constant care, Heard no echo of His prayer, When His soul was sore dismayed. IIIThen He held the cup of woe, And the prayer to God was made,— Thrice in agony He prayed, That He might the draught forego. IVBut the will of God was done, In the garden, on that night, And He rose in all the might Of the well-beloved Son. VAh, my soul, thy Lord behold,— Wake from slumber, hear Him pray, All thy griefs are borne away, By His agony, untold. VIAnd the strength of God is thine When the will of God is done In obedience, as a son, Conscious of a love divine. IThey cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And surging crowds around Him pressed; With breaking heart, and soul distressed, He bore the cross on which He died. IIThey cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And He the well-beloved Son, The Son of God Who should have won The love He never once denied. IIIThey cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And to the wood His hands were nailed, And mocking words His ears assailed, That God, Who looked from heaven, defied. IVThey cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And when the deed of night was done, The light was blotted from the sun, And hell’s abode exulting, cried. VThey cried, “Let Him be crucified!” Ah, Lord, my soul with anguish burns, As to that cruel cross it turns, For ’twas for me the Saviour died. IO darkest night that ever fell! Before the sun had set, The light was blotted from the heavens, And death, and darkness met. IIFor God had turned His face away From all the sin He bore, Whom in His love to earth He sent, To bear our suffering sore. IIIAh! darkest night that ever falls On soul of human race, When God in anger turns away The brightness of His face; IVThen, sun and moon, and stars are lost, Amid’ our hopeless night; And all the radiant bliss of life Is curtained from our sight. VO Christ, Thou art our Light, and Sun, Our Hope ’mid guilty fears; No night surrounds Thy presence now, Nor threatening cloud appears; VIAnd sin and death no longer reign, Nor day to dark declines, For, from the Father’s face, a light Of reconcilement shines. INailed to the cross the Saviour dies, While earth is moved with sore dismay, And e’en the sun, though high at noon, In anguish veils the light of day. IIThen hell and darkness riot held, And sin and death combined their power To crush the Christ Whom sinful men Had hastened to that awful hour. IIIBut O, ’twas darkness deeper still Than o’er the earth in blackness lay, When God beheld the suffering Son, And turned from Him His face away. IVAh! whence that suffering? Whence that woe? The horror felt by earth and sky? The victory of the powers of night, That doomed the God-man there to die? VMy soul distressed, look up! behold! With light from heaven the earth is filled;— The Christ that awful conflict met, Because a God of wisdom willed. VINow sin its latest shaft has hurled, And death put forth its utmost might, But, lo, the Christ the conflict stood, And sin and death are vanquished, quite. VIIGlory to Thee our souls proclaim, Great Son of God, Thou Victor strong; Thy love inspires our hearts to sing, The victory fills our endless song. IO Son of God, afflicted, And slain for sinful men, My soul hath oft’ depicted What Thou didst suffer then,— The pain, the grief, the sighing, The burden of Thy woe, The cross, the shame, the dying That filled Thy life below. IIAh, why from heavenly blessing Didst Thou to earth descend, And share the woes distressing, To be the sinner’s Friend? The angels looked amazÉd, While men untouched beheld The Christ to souls debasÉd, By love divine impelled. III’Twas love, ’twas love unbounded, As high as heaven ascends, As deep as depths unsounded, And broad as earth extends; Yea, ’twas a love undying, That suffered for my sake;— Lord, may a love replying, Within my soul awake. IThis be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls, When night is dark, and muttering thunder rolls, For none but Thee the power of hell controls,— Have mercy, Lord. IIThere is no help, if Thou no help wilt bring; No heavenly messenger on speedy wing; Hope gilds the morn, if to Thy cross we cling,— Have mercy, Lord. IIIWoeful the threats that flash from Sinai’s hill; Dark are the fears, our guilty souls that fill; Help we have none,—O then, of Thy sweet will, Have mercy, Lord. IVStrong is the arm that in our cause was raised,— Christ, be Thy name to endless ages praised, Who, at the hands of sinners was abased;— Have mercy, Lord. VDoomed to our death, the God-man bowed the head; Pierced for our sins, upon the cross He bled; Life is His gift, Who liveth, and was dead;— Have mercy, Lord; VILife, and to live, amid the bliss beyond, Where souls beloved, to loving souls respond, Free from all bondage in Thy gentle bond,— Have mercy, Lord. EASTERILo, in its brightness the morning arising, Gold on the hilltops in richness is spread; Heaven decks the earth with a beauty surprising, Light is the victor, and darkness hath fled. IILord of the morning, our souls are awaking, Flood them with beauty, and free them from gloom; Morn speaks of joy, for when morning was breaking, Free from death’s bands Thou did’st rise from the tomb. IIISouls that in slumber behold not the beauty, See not the Master arise in His might; Hear not the call to the doing of duty, Know not the rapture that thrills in the light. IVMorn speaks of life,—let us rise to new living, Rise with the Lord to the freedom He gives, Give to the world what the morning is giving, Hope that was born in the darkness, and lives. VLo, in its brightness the morning arising,— Lord of the morning, our darkness dispel; Shine in our souls, till, the sordid despising, Rise we from earth in Thy presence to dwell. IIn the dark of early morn, Ere the light dispelled the gloom, Came the hearts with sorrow torn, Weeping to the lonely tomb. IIBrought they aromatics rare Culled from every choicest stem, And from gardens blooming fair Round thy slopes, Jerusalem. IIIAh, the thoughts that filled the mind, As they journeyed all alone, For the Blessed Lord was kind, And they loved Him as their own. IVGlistening in the morning grey, Whence those garments fairer far Than the light that hails the day In the glorious morning star? VList! their voices, heavenly, sweet, As the light clad angels say, Come, behold in reverence meet, Where the risen Master lay. VIHail the gladness, hail the day, Bring no spices, bring no tears; Death has lost its power to slay, And the grave is reft of fears. IGlory to God! The morn appointed breaks, And earth awakes from all the woeful past, For, with the morn, the Lord of Life awakes, And sin and death into the grave are cast. IIGlory to God! The cross with all its shame, Now sheds its glory o’er a ransomed world; For He Who bore the burden of our blame, With pierced hands the foe to hell hath hurled. IIIGlory to God! Sing ransomed souls again,— And let your songs our glorious Victor laud, Who by His might hath snapped the tyrant’s chain, And set us free to rise with Him to God. IVDarkness and night farewell! the morn is here; Welcome! the light that ushers in the day; Visions of joy before our sight appear, And like the clouds, our sorrows melt away. VGreat Son of God, Immortal, and renowned! Brighter than morn the glory on Thy brow; Crowns must be won, and Thou art nobly crowned, For death is dead, and sin is vanquished now. IGlory to God! the Christ hath left the tomb, And ere the dawn upon the earth had broke, The Light of lights had burst upon its gloom, When He, our Light, from death’s dark sleep awoke. IIWere there no eyes to gaze upon the sight? No hearts to sing, when sundered was the prison? Watchers there were, who lingered through the night, Angels who said, “The Master hath arisen.” IIIWhere now its sting, since death itself is dead? Where now the power that held the captive bound? Weave laurels gay to crown the Victor’s head, Sing carols loud till earth and heaven resound. IVBreak, happy morn! and let the world be glad, Night is no more, and all our fears are gone; Joy fills the souls that erstwhile had been sad, Hope fills the tomb, where hope had never shone. VSleepers, awake! The Christ from death awoke, Break into song, and let the silence sing, Speak to the world what language never spoke, Bring from a tomb what mourners cannot bring. VIGlory to God! The Christ hath left the tomb, Hope in our souls is shining as the sun; Clouds bring no fear, for in the deepest gloom, Rest we in faith,—the Victory is won. IRise, O glorious orb of day,— Christ no longer fills the grave, He hath risen with power to save,— Rise, and clear our night away. IIDay, by seer and psalmist sung, Gladdest day for earth and heaven, For the Christ, Whom God had given, Hath the power from hades wrung. IIIClouds of darkness, bow the head, Weep in raindrops in the night! Sorrow now is chased from sight, For the living Christ was dead. IVHeaven above, and earth below,— Men and angels raise the strain, Death could not the Christ retain,— Let your praises endless flow. VAh, the spear, the thorns, the nails, Ah, the dying and the death, And the slow expiring breath,— But the suffering Christ prevails. VIWhere can death bestow his prey? Can he hold the Lord of life? Better he had shirked the strife, Than have lost his power for aye. VIIRise, O glorious orb of day! Christ no longer fills the grave, He hath risen with power to save,— Rise, and clear our night away. ASCENSION??a?? e?? ????. Ascension. IBorne on the clouds the Christ arose To where the light celestial glows, Till, farther than the eye could view, He passed the heavenly portals through. IIEnded the weary life below, The painful toil, the grief, the woe; The conflict of the cross is past, And sin and death are slain at last. IIINow, list the heavenly song begun By hosts in garments like the sun; Lift up, lift up your heads, ye gates! The glorious King an entrance waits. IVAscended Christ! in mercy yet, Think of the hearts on Olivet, And in Thy wondrous grace restore Thy living Presence gone before. VAnd let the Spirit’s aid revive Our waiting souls that faithful strive, Till from our Olivet we soar, To dwell with Thee for evermore. ??ate p??a?. ILift up the gates, The Lord of heaven appears; Thrust wide the doors, The King of glory nears; The throne is His Whose arm of might O’erthrew the tyrant in the fight. IILift up the gates,— The gates of hades fell; Thrust wide the doors, He burst the doors of hell, And prisoners in the dark abode, Exulting, hailed the Son of God. IIILift up the gates,— No power His might can meet; Thrust wide the doors, The foe is at His feet; The path is cleared, the prize is won, Enter, Thou all-victorious Son. IVLift up the gates,— They come who welcome win; Thrust wide the doors, And let His followers in; They come from toil and conflict long, Ten thousand times ten thousand strong. VLift up the gates,— Still valiant deeds are done; Thrust wide the doors, For laurels yet are won; And when the victor sheathes his sword, Receive the follower of his Lord. IBorne on the wings of light, Behold the Lord ascend, Up to the portals bright Where heavenly powers attend, And fling the gates of glory wide, While praises rise like flowing tide. IIBack to the Father’s bliss From war and strife below, From toil and loneliness ’Mid scenes of sin and woe;— Loud plaudits hail the Victor now, Who comes with triumph on His brow. IIILord, in the peace of heaven, Far from our toil and pain, Think of the promise given, And come to us again;— Remember, Thou, the toilsome road, That brought Thee to Thy blest abode. IVAnd see the toils we bear, And hear the prayers we send; In answer to our prayers, Our needy souls befriend;— We need not languish in the night, Though heaven receive Thee from our sight. VO Promised Spirit, come, And fill the empty place, Till in our heavenly home We look upon His face, Who fought with us in earthly strife, And won for us immortal life. PENTECOSTILike the beams that from the sun, Pierce the blackness of the night, Come to us, O Promised One, Spirit, Light. IIPure as saints who have attained, Clad in brightness for attire, Cleanse our souls by vileness stained, Spirit, Fire. IIIStronger than uplifted arm In the tumult of the fight, Save our timid souls from harm, Spirit, Might. IVSoothing as the calm that falls When the winds and billows cease, Comfort us when fear appals, Spirit, Peace. VCome, O Gracious Spirit, come, We would have Thee for our Guest, Make our souls Thy chosen home, Spirit, Blest. ICome, Holy Ghost, in might, And make our weakness strong; Renew our valour in the fight Against the power of wrong. IICome, Holy Ghost, restore The zeal our lives have lost, And on our fainting spirits pour The grace of Pentecost. IIICome, Holy Ghost, in light Our minds and hearts to cheer, And pierce the darkness of our night Of ignorance and fear. IVCome, Holy Ghost, in love, Reveal the love divine, That stooped to earth from heaven above, In sympathy benign. VAnd while the ages run, Our praise shall rise to Thee; And to the Father and the Son, One God, eternally. ISpirit of God, in love descend, And make our hearts Thy place of rest, In all our need a steadfast Friend To fill our store with gifts the best; IITo cleanse our souls with holy fire From sordid stains that guilt imparts, And with Thy heavenly power inspire Our languid zeal, and fainting hearts; IIITo lift our minds to nobler things Than earth from all its best can show,— The wealth that flies on speedy wings, The fleeting joys, like sparks that glow. IVCome in the hour of sore distress, When, deep the heart for comfort sighs, And with Thy soothing kindliness The tear-drops wipe from weeping eyes. V“Lo, I am with you to the end,” Thus speaks the promise of our Lord; O Spirit of the Christ, descend, Fulfil to us the gracious word. ILord, may Thy Holy Spirit calm Our troubled souls, and give them rest; And with His touch, like healing balm, Allay the pain of the distressed. IIWe hear the promise Thou did’st make To lone disciples long ago, And peace and hope our souls o’ertake, And joy dispels our brooding woe. IIINow let us feel the Spirit’s power, And let us hear His gracious word; Fulfil to us this holy hour The promise of our dying Lord. IVCome, Holy Ghost, with warmth of love, With light of hope, and calm of peace, And raise our sense bound souls above The mocking joys of earth that cease. IO God, the Holy Ghost, Thou Lord of light appear, And, as of old, at Pentecost, Come to us, waiting here; And let the darkness that enshrouds, Pass from our souls like passing clouds. IIO God, the Holy Ghost— The choicest gifts are Thine; Grant us the grace we covet most, And virtues most divine; And with Thy purifying fire, Consume, we pray, our vain desire. IIIO God, the Holy Ghost, With strength our weakness brace, That e’en the threatenings of a host We may with courage face; And put satanic power to flight, That bears upon our souls with might. IVO God, the Holy Ghost, Our soul’s enduring Friend, For all the gifts of Pentecost Our grateful songs ascend;— Thee, with the Father, and the Son We worship, glorious Three in One. ?? ???d???, apt??????? s?? ????e, ? t?? ????d?? ?fa?e???? p??s????s??· Epiphany, January 6 IWhen Jesus to the Jordan came To honour there the rite divine, Then, to the world, His awful claim Was witnessed by the Godhead Trine. IIFrom heaven the Father’s voice declared His pleasure and paternal love; And lo! the Holy Ghost appeared, And wore the likeness of a Dove. IIIThrice holy, Jesus Christ, art Thou, By Father and by Spirit blessed; We see Thee at the Jordan now, And hear Thy Godhead there expressed. IVNow to the Father glory be, And to the Son beloved by God, And to the Spirit, endlessly, In heaven and all the earth abroad. ete??f???? ?? t? ??e? ???st? ? Te??, de??a? t??? a??ta?? s?? t?? d??a? s??, ?a??? ?d??a?t?. Transfiguration, August 6 IWhen on the mount the Lord appeared Transfigured to the sight, His countenance was like the sun, His raiment glistened white. IIBut dull the minds, and dark the eyes, On whom such glory shone; They saw not God upon the mount, They saw but man alone. IIIAnd when the dark and cloudy days Of death and sorrow came, What were their thoughts of Him who hung Upon the cross of shame? IVThey knew not that the God of Life An offering yielded there, And of His will endured for all The load of sin He bare. VLord, to the mount where Thou art seen In all Thy glory bright, Thy servants now would wend their way To gaze upon the Light, VIAnd there behold, in glory clad, The Light to mortals given, That in the night that hid the cross, Shone with the light of heaven. ?d??, ? as??e?? s?? ???eta?. Palm Sunday IBehold, the King of Zion rides, But not in vain array; The people wave their goodly palms, With garments strew the way; And loud hosannas fill the air From crowds that, surging, throng; ’Tis meet to honour Him Who rides With cheer, and shout, and song. IIO Zion, of your God beloved, The day of strife is nigh, Yet comes He not with armour clad, And sword upon His thigh; The weapons of your mighty King No other hand could wield, The might of God is in His arm, The will of God His shield. IIISee, on the cross, without the wall, The King Immortal dies; Not now hosannas fill the air,— The shouts of hell arise; But in that hour of triumph, deemed, Satanic might is slain, For He Who bows the head in death, Shall rise to life again. IVO Zion, hail your mighty King, Your palms around Him wave, And strew your garments in the way Of Him Who rides to save; And when He mounts His regal throne, By bloody conflict won, Give homage to the King of heaven, God’s One Eternal Son. ??a???s?? t? d????. Elevation of the Cross Menaeon, Sept. 14 IWaving in the autumn breeze, Clap your hands, ye forest trees, For the arms that now entwine Needy souls, were stretched on thine. IIAnd the cross that bore the weight Of the Christ, Creator great, By the power that still remains, All the universe sustains. IIIEmblem, by the Church adored; Might, that wields the kingly sword; Glory, of the ransomed host; Agony, of spirits lost. IVCross of Christ! we lift our eyes And behold the sacrifice; For the arms that now entwine Needy souls, were stretched on thine. Judgment IWhen in the clouds of heaven The Lord, the Judge, appears, When memory brings my sin to light, And conscience fills with fears,— In mercy, Lord, have mercy then, Nor rank my soul with wicked men. III have no plea to give, The sin is all my own, I cannot bear the searching glance Nor for that sin atone; I can alone that mercy crave,— O Lord, Thine erring servant save. IIIDidst Thou not come to earth? Didst Thou not die for me? And all my sin in mercy bear Upon the awful tree? I claim that sacrifice, and pray, Turn not my erring soul away. IVThe record of my sin, In mercy, Lord, remove, And to a place at Thy right hand Call Thou my soul, in love; That love divine I make my plea, O may that love encircle me. t?? p?st?? ????t?? s??, ???pa?s?? ?? e?sp?a?????. Burial of a priest IRest in the Lord, O servant by His grace, Dwell in His courts, and gaze upon His face, Know nought of toil, of weariness, or woe, They rest who serve, not weary, as below. IIRest in the Lord, the strife of war is past, Wear now the wreath of victory at last; E’en death is slain,—the cross of Christ sufficed, Death is not death, to those who live in Christ. IIIRest in the Lord, the goal of life is won, To thee ’tis given to hear the glad “Well done”; Great their reward, who, till their Lord appear, Serve in the vineyard of the Master, here. IVRest in the Lord; none can His honour claim, They honour have, who honour most His name; Thine this reward who counted gain but loss, Nor felt it shame to glory in the cross. VRest in the Lord; swift comes the happy time, When we who strive shall reach Thy fairer clime; Christ, give us welcome when the toil is past, And bring us to the bliss of heaven, at last. a?a??a ? ?d??, ? p??e?? s?e???, ?t? ?t???s?? s?? t?p?? ??apa?se??. Burial of a layman IThou dost not pass a lonesome way, O soul released from mortal coil,— Thou leav’st behind the weight and toil, And thou art blessed of God to-day. IIThe path thou treadest He hath trod Whom heaven received from death’s abode,— He knows each turning of the road That brings the unburdened soul to God. IIIIt is not dark, it is not sad, It is not haunted now with fear,— The saints have found it full of cheer, For with His comfort they were glad. IVYea, with His presence thou art blest, And light upon the path is shed, For lo, He liveth Who was dead, And thou art journeying to thy rest. V’Tis we, not thou, who are distressed, For, blessed, blessed, is the way, O soul, thou journeyest to-day, That leads to everlasting rest. Psalm IIThe man who erring counsel shuns, Nor strays where sinners meet, But in the law of God delights In meditation sweet, Shall reap the happiness of those To whom the Lord His favour shews. IIAs tree beside the water brooks Whose leaf unfading lives, And when the time appointed comes, A bounteous fruitage gives;— So shall he prosper all his days, Whose hope is in God’s law always. IIINot so the wicked,—they are chaff Before the wind that flies, Nor could they stand His searching glance, Should God in judgment rise; For known to God are all the right, But wicked men shall perish quite. Psalm IIMorning ILord, a band of foes increasing Terror to my heart would bring; For they tell my soul unceasing, That no help from God can spring. IIYet Thou art my shield about me, Till the time of strife is past; And though cruel foes may flout me, Thou wilt hear my prayer at last. IIIOn my couch when night was falling, Lay I down devoid of fear; And when morning light was calling, I awoke, for thou wert near. IVTens of thousands round my dwelling Stand arrayed to do me harm; But my trust when foes are swelling, Rests in Thine almighty arm. VRise, O Lord, for Thou, victorious, Hast the might of sin o’erthrown, And amid Thy triumph glorious, Bless the people Thou dost own. Psalm XXVIIVerses 1-6 ILight of my life, O Lord, Thou art, No fear afflicts my trusting heart When, all secure in Thee As in a fortress I repose, And evil men, my direst foes, Are baulked that trouble me, IIHosts may encamp on every side, And pallid fear the trust deride That saves me from affright; But in the Lord my hope shall last, Till noise of war and strife are past, And flee the powers of night. IIITo God I make this chief request, That I in His abode may rest Through all my earthly days, To mark its comeliness and grace, And see the beauty of His face, Whose love inspires my praise. IVThere shall I dwell unseen by all, Secure when days of trouble call, And evil doers mock; And He shall hide me in His tent, Till all the wrath of man is spent As tempests on a rock. VTherefore to Thee my praise I’ll give, And joyful offerings while I live My grateful soul shall bring; For Thou my foes hast beaten down, With victory Thou my head dost crown, And tun’st my heart to sing. Morning IFrom the hills the light is streaming, Hail, the gladsome morn! Earth with busy life is teeming, For the day is born. IIDawn, Thou Light of lights, undying On a fairer day, All creation beautifying With Thy glorious ray. IIIWeary eyes the hills are scanning For the early gleam; Souls, Thy long delay unmanning, Sleep, and idly dream. IVAh, my soul, be up and doing, Life will soon be done, Night, the day is close pursuing To the setting sun. VAnd the day of God shall waken To the soul with fear, If, the call of life forsaken, We are slumbering here. VIFrom the hills the light is streaming, Hail the gladsome morn! And the light of God is beaming,— This, His day, is born. Evening IThe day declines to night, The shadows lengthening fall, And see, the deepening purple light Throws on the hills its pall;— Lord, be our Light when suns decline, And in our souls unclouded shine. IIStill is the eventide,— Calm is the soft repose, When earthly toil is laid aside, And eyelids drooping, close; Lord, let Thy peace my soul possess, In everlasting restfulness. IIINight of my life draws near; Lord, when the light departs, Be all to me that Thou hast been To other trusting hearts, And in the calm that night bestows, Let me in peace with Thee repose. IVThe night gives place to morn, The gloom shall pass away, And an eternal day be born, Whose sun shall shine for aye; Lord, wake me when the morn is come, And let me find with Thee my home. The New YearAll-embracing as the Greek Service Books are, curiously enough, strictly speaking, they contain no Thanksgiving services. It has been left for the Russian Church to make them for the Greeks to imitate. The models of the Ectene and Litanies are found in the Euchologion, at vespers, but adaptations of their petitions to every eventuality in human life, are the work of Russians, whose names, however, have not been preserved. Here is an example from the Thanksgiving service for the New Year. ILord, let us feel that Thou art near, And while we pray, in mercy hear; Crown with Thy love the opening year;— Have mercy, Lord. IIOf Thy benignity, we pray, Thy gracious Spirit grant alway, Our strife and discord to allay;— Have mercy, Lord. IIIMay peace our inmost soul possess, And in our lives our converse bless, With unaffected kindliness;— Have mercy, Lord. IVOur sinful past, we here repent, With tears our wayward course lament, Now, let Thy pardoning grace be sent;— Have mercy, Lord. VAs seasons come, Good Lord ordain That we the fruits of earth obtain, Send us the sunshine and the rain;— Have mercy, Lord. VIWith strength Thy Holy Church endue, The anger of her foes subdue, The offerings of Thy grace renew;— Have mercy, Lord. Harvest HymnICome, praise with gladness the Lord of all creation, Heaven tells His glory, earth His bounty shews; Lowly He sought us, and won for us salvation, Grace fills our lives with goodness He bestows. Refrain. Bountiful Giver, Thine be the praise, Blessing, and honour, and glory, always. IISpring time and harvest, and cloud and summer gladness, Come to our earth because His promise lives; Morn smiles with beauty, and evening soothes our sadness;— Such are the treasures that His bounty gives. Refrain. IIISpring time is now, and summer with its beauty; Brightness and sadness here alternate come; Lord, may the flowers, and fruits of love and duty, Blossom and ripen for Thy harvest home. Refrain. IVThen when the angels, the reapers at the ending, Gather the fruitage which our lives have grown, May we with gladness, angel toil attending, Sing of the harvest at the heavenly home. Refrain. Bountiful Giver, Thine be the praise, Blessing, and honour, and glory, always. PENITENCE AND LOVEINow with my weeping would I cleanse my soul, And with my grief would shame my sin away; But tears no virtue have to make me whole, Nor sorrow power to end sin’s hateful sway. IIBut yet the heart in sore distress that sighs, Looks to the Christ His succour to impart; And God receives the pleasing sacrifice, A broken spirit, and a contrite heart. IIINailed to the cross I see my Saviour bleed,— This is the sacrifice my soul requires; Here is the cleansing, and the power I need, To quell the rising of my vain desires. IVSpeak to my heart, O Jesus Christ, Who came Fired by Thy love, an offering for sin; And by a love enkindled at that flame, Win me forever from the self within. IO God of love, on bended knee, We, guilty sinners, call on Thee; Now, by the cross that Jesus bore, Extend Thy mercy, we implore. IIWe have no plea to urge but this, Our own exceeding sinfulness, And all the love to sinners shown Who claim His merits as their own. IIIAh, weary with the toil of sin, We seek Thy matchless grace to win; Lord, break the fetters that enslave, And let us know Thy power to save. IVRise on the darkness of the way That leads from night to perfect day, And let the joy that light awakes Possess the soul that sin forsakes. VO Christ, to Thee our praise ascends, Whose love the needy soul befriends; For, by Thy cross our souls are free To love and praise, eternally. IO God, in mercy hear, I lift my cry to Thee, And let Thy gracious help be sent In my perplexity; But Thou art far away, And I am filled with shame, I cannot see Thy blessed face, And fear to name Thy name. IIAnd now a sense of guilt Inspires me with dismay,— I know that none on earth can take That awful load away; ’Tis mine, the sin, ’tis mine, And mine the guilt to bear, The awful burden of the blame, The cloud of dark despair. IIIIs there no balm to heal? No pity that can bless?— O God, Who art so far away, Be near in my distress; And heed the tears I shed, And hear my woeful cry; And since there is no hand to help, Come Thou in mercy nigh. IV’Twas then a voice I heard,— It came in winning tone, Across my night, from far away, To where I prayed alone; It told me of a love, That sought me long ago, And on the cross my burden bore, Of sin, and guilt, and woe. VO blessed cross of Christ! Thou hast my need supplied, For there, upon thy outstretched arms I see the Crucified; And He has sin to bear, That none can call His own,— O Christ, the sin and guilt Thou bor’st, Are mine, are mine, alone. ICome to the Christ in tears, And in His hearing tell Thy sins, and griefs, and fears, The wants He knoweth well; Fear not to bring a large request, He gives, and giveth of His best. IICome to the Christ in tears: The contrite heart He wills; And every prayer He hears, And every vessel fills;— We never ask, and sigh unblest, He gives, and giveth of His best. IIICome to the Christ in tears;— As when the clouds depart A glorious light appears— So joy shall flood the heart; They cannot weep who share His grace, And see the smiling of His face. IForgive my heart its vain regrets, And, as I cast my eyes behind, Subdue the spirit, Lord, that frets, Because the light with dark is twined. III cannot understand the way By which unerring wisdom leads; Nor do I know for what to pray, Unconscious of my deepest needs. IIIThou, Whose almighty power upholds The stars that in their courses move,— Whose eye creation’s need beholds To prompt the outflow of Thy love;— IVTeach me in calm content to live ’Mid all the changes life contains, Assured that, love and wisdom give The blessing that for aye remains. VAnd in the darkness and the light, And in the gladness and the pain, Make me to know that all is right, And every loss my truest gain. p???? ??fe???e?a ??s??, ?pa? t? ???t?a. IFar let me flee from worldly sin, Nor look behind, but onward press; Lest the deceit that lurks within, Should link the soul to worldliness. IIAh! whither shall I flee, my God? There is no refuge but in Thee, And Thy command exceeding broad, Condemns my soul’s perversity. IIIBut in Thy grace my troubled soul Would find forgiveness freely given; And in Thy Spirit’s firm control, A power to lift me nearer heaven. IVThus shall I flee from worldly sin, Nor look behind, but onward press, And daily fight, and daily win The rich reward of righteousness. ILord of mercy, at Thy gate, Needy souls imploring pray; Have we come, Good Lord, too late? Must we turn in grief away? IIYoung and old Thy mercy claim,— Some are early at the gate, Some are late to own Thy name, Surely none, though late, too late! IIIBlessed, who with morning sun, Hopeful at Thy portals wait; Yea, and when the day is done, Blessed they who find the gate. IVAh, Good Lord, when Thou wert here, Homeless, in our world of sin, Few, to give Thee warmth and cheer, Called their weary Lord within. VSad, repenting, full of fear, Hoping, doubting, still we wait; As we call, in mercy hear;— Open, Lord, to us the gate. IBurdened with a heavy load, Lord, we come, for Thou art calling; Rough and toilsome is the road, And the night around is falling. IISin, the burden that we bear, Fills us with a dread to meet Thee; Yet, we yield not to despair, But for mercy would entreat Thee. IIIFrom the cross a glorious light Falls upon our path to cheer us; And a hope on pinions bright Hovers, in the darkness, near us. IVFor the sake of Him Who bore All the sin, we come lamenting, Let Thy pardon now restore Sinners, at Thy feet, repenting. ILord of a countless throng, Fair as the stars of night, Won from the thrall of cruel wrong Back to the good and right; Thine is the praise they sing, Lord of their souls, and King. IIThine was the love that sought Far as their wanderings led; Thine was the wondrous grace that brought Life to the faint and dead; Pardon for all the past, Peace that shall endless last. IIILord of a countless throng Sworn to be faithful aye, When, in the power that makes them strong, They stand in evil day; Make us by grace, we pray, Loyal and brave as they. ILet all the world abroad In cheerful praise unite To bless the name of God, Creator, Lord of might. IIHe made the sea and land, The pastures rolling wide, The mountains towering, grand, The streams that ceaseless glide; IIIThe cattle on the hills, The flocks afield that rove, The birds, whose music fills The silence of the grove; IVThe heavens that, day and night, His matchless power declare, The sun and moon, whose light Illumines everywhere. VLet man, creation’s lord, His rightful homage give To Him Whose mighty word First called his soul to live. VIAnd with the heavenly host, Our Sovereign Lord adore, And Son, and Holy Ghost, Both now, and evermore. IThou Saviour of our sinful race, We sing the fulness of Thy grace; Lord, as our songs in rapture soar, On us Thy loving-kindness pour. IIThere is no merit of our own, No plea to offer, save alone That Thou hast died upon the tree, To set our sin-bound spirits free. IIIO, when the world, in awful fear, Beholds the Judge of all appear, Be this our joy on that dread day, That Christ hath borne our sins away. IVWhen in the land of bliss divine, Our souls in robes of beauty shine, This be our song before the throne, Not ours the beauty, Thine alone. VTo Thee, O God, be glory given, And to the Christ, the King of heaven; And to the Holy Spirit, blest, Be praise for evermore exprest. IWhere the Lord reveals His presence, Glory lights the sacred place, And the soul in adoration Falls before the throne of grace. IISeraphim, and saints in wonder, Lift their songs where Christ is set, And employ, in sacred homage, Harp, and palm, and coronet. IIILight of lights, no light approacheth,— Sun, nor moon, nor stars of night, Flood the noon-tide and the darkness With such radiance of delight. IVBeauty of the King Immortal! Ere we rise to where Thou art, Let the glory of Thy presence Chase the darkness from our heart. IO Love of God, surpassing far The loves that human hearts unite, Far from our ken as yonder star That sheds its radiance on the night; IIHigh as the heavens, and deep as hell, Broad as the world’s infinite need,— None but the Christ that love can tell, And none its winning power impede. IIIGlory to God! that love exprest Came in the gift our need required, And in the Christ our lives are blest, And by His love are souls inspired. IVAnd from the manger to the cross, And at the noon-day and the night, He bore the burden of our loss, Nor shunned the anguish and despite. VAnd ’twas the love of God He showed, When, crowned with shame, He meekly died;— No gifts by bleeding love bestowed, So great as Jesus crucified. IO God of our salvation, Who in Thy glorious might, Didst speak, and all creation Arose from brooding night; And chaos, and confusion, To form and order sped, While lo! in rich profusion The earth its beauty spread. IIO God of our salvation, Thy word hath still its power, And souls in desolation Are lying at this hour; Speak as of old, and banish The chaos and the night, And bid their sorrows vanish Before Thy glorious light. IIIO God of our salvation, Thy Word our Flesh became; To free from condemnation He bore our human name, And spoke to us confiding Of all the Father willed; And we, with Him abiding, Are with His fulness filled. IVO God of our salvation, Thou, Christ, in mercy come, And make Thy new creation Thine everlasting home; And in our hearts abiding, And in Thy Church adored, Still speak the word confiding, O Jesus Christ, our Lord. IO Jesus, when my guilty fears My wakened soul distress, And Judgment for the past appears In all its awfulness,— Bid gathering clouds asunder roll, And shed Thy sunshine in my soul. IIWhen from their long-forgotten grave My guilty deeds arise, And terror proves me yet the slave My soul would fain despise,— From stings of memory heal my soul, And free me from sin’s dire control. IIIO Lord, in Whom my hope is set, I look in faith to Thee; From sin, and guilt, and sad regret, My soul in mercy free;— For, in that mercy, Lord, I trust, And lie, repenting, in the dust. ILord, I am Thine, for Thou hast died for me; Thy claim I own, and give myself to Thee; Not with the price of gold, of gold most fine Hast Thou redeemed my soul, and made me Thine. IIThy blood was shed upon the awful tree; I marvel at the love there shown for me All loveless, and to sin and self a slave;— Thy gifts enriched me, yet I nothing gave. IIINow in its wonder would my soul arise, Shorn of all pride, but precious in Thine eyes, Who for its life Thy glory laidst aside, And wore its shame, and for its purchase died; IVAnd fired with love, that wondrous love proclaim In life, in death, in fealty to Thy name; In loving service, for such service given, Here upon earth, and yonder in Thy heaven. VLord, I am Thine, Thy love hath won my soul; Now shall my life obey such sweet control;— No, not mine own, the purchase is complete, I bring my all to lay it at Thy feet. ASPIRATIONSILord, let our eyes the things unseen behold, And, ’mid the glory that like sunset dies, Fair to the sight the wondrous bliss unfold That lives in beauty under cloudless skies. IIAnd let our ears the things unuttered hear, That silent voices to the soul can tell; That heart can whisper when a heart is near Of love that scorns in uttered tones to dwell. IIITeach us to know that things unseen are real, That earth no bloom of fadeless beauty gives, That far beyond the things that sense can feel, The joy of being, and of having, lives. IVLord Who hast risen, nor left the world behind, Daily incline our sense-bound souls to soar, Till ’mong the things all hidden we may find Possessions that abide for evermore. IWake to the songs that lips unsullied sing, And let their tones responsive echoes call,— There’s more to cheer us than our senses bring, And sweeter anthems than from mortals fall. IISaints in the land where sin is all unknown, Where care nor sorrow can the light subdue, Dwell in the glory of the heavenly throne, And voice new praise, for wonders ever new. IIIWake to their praise, and let us blend with theirs Songs that shall travel to a fairer clime; Glad as the morn, and hallowed by our prayers, Offerings of duty from the realm of time. VIOne, we are one with victors gone before; Songs that are ours, were theirs when in the strife; Theirs shall be ours when, all our striving o’er, Christ gives us entrance to immortal life. IBring to the Christ your fears, And tell your sorrows there, The faintest cry he hears, And every faltering prayer; He knows your weight of woe, Who dwelt with us below. IIWith thought of sin opprest, Does conscience smite thee sore? There is a place of rest, Where sin afflicts no more; See, where the blood was spilt, The cross hath borne thy guilt. IIIThink you of former bliss, Of happier, sunnier hours, When fragrant joys you miss, Bestrewed your path like flowers? With Christ more joys abound, Than can on earth be found. IVMourn you a heart estranged, Once kind, but now grown cold? A happy friendship changed, Now that the years are old? There is a Friend above, And His, a lasting love. VIs there an empty room Where silence broods alone, All curtained round with gloom, Where once the sunlight shone? Hearts that are linked below, In Christ no parting know. VIBring then to Christ your fears, And tell your sorrows there, The faintest cry He hears, And every faltering prayer; He knows your weight of woe, Who dwelt with us below. ILord, soothe my anxious, troubled soul, And bid its doubting cease, Speak to the crested waves that roll, To sink in quiet peace; And bring me to a place of rest, A haven calm and still, Where every soul by sin distressed, May dwell secure from ill. IIAh! Thou wert once, my Blessed Lord, By surging waters pressed, But Thou didst speak th’ almighty word And laidst them still at rest; And ’gainst Thy soul the wrath of sin Its tempest fury cast, But Thou didst stand, serene within, Till all the storm had passed. IIIO Christ, the hiding-place of those Who face the blinding blast, And battle with a myriad woes That sweep in fury past; Be Thou my comfort and defence, While storm fiends wildly cry,— My star of hope when night is dense, And dangers round me lie. ISurpassing great the gift of God To erring mortals given, A way that, from their dark abode, Leads to the light of heaven. IIO Christ Who art the living way, Plant Thou my feet therein, And lead me lest I go astray In luring paths of sin. IIIToo long I’ve found a sad delight In wandering from Thy care, Nor feared the sudden fall of night, The darkness, and the snare. IVO Jesus Christ, to Thee my soul In conscious weakness clings; Teach me to seek the kind control That peace and safety brings. VAnd lead me upwards day by day, Till, night and danger past, I reach by Thee the living way, The Father’s house at last. IMy hope is firmly set On Him Whose truth abides; The lights of earth may fade and die, The hopes of earth despairing fly,— No fear my heart betides. IIMy love its ardour finds In Him Whose love is strong, Who bought me with a price untold, More than of silver or of gold, And fills my heart with song. IIIMy peace its calm attains In Him Whose power defends; My foes may sound a loud alarm, I trust securely in the arm He for my succour lends. IVMy joy its gladness sings In notes His voice awakes,— A joy no effort can attain, That thrills alike in loss and gain, And when the world forsakes. VThou Christ art all I need, Of all my bliss the spring; More fulness in Thy grace is found, Than when the corn and wine abound, And all the world can bring. IThe time is drawing near, It cannot tarry long, When they who face the conflict here, Shall join the glorious throng, Where gladness fills each heart, And honour crowns each brow;— For tireless service fit me, Lord, By willing service now. IILet no depressing thought My brooding mind depress; But let me hear, in winning tones, What they who serve possess, Where gladness fills each heart, etc. IIILet sunshine flood the soul, When threatening night descends, That I may see the light serene No sunset ever ends. Where gladness fills each heart, etc. IVLet strength my spirit nerve, That, with each labour done, I may, like those who serve above, See some new task begun; Where gladness fills each heart, etc. VThe time is drawing near,— Till that bright morning break, May I, with those who see Thy face, Thy will, my pleasure make: Where gladness fills each heart, etc. II will not yield my sword, I will not bow the knee, But I would hear the blessed word That calls my soul to Thee; And through the din of war, And in the midst of strife, That word shall be the guiding star To lead me on to life. IIAnd in the midst of snares Which subtle fingers lay, I shall not stumble unawares Upon the upward way; But keep before my eyes The goal before me set, Lest I should miss the glorious prize Which loyal victors get. IIIO Christ, Who art my King, Thy cause I make mine own, Till proud rebellious foes shall bring Their homage to Thy throne; Till then my heart revive With courage brave and strong, And steel my feeble arm to strive Against the power of wrong. IVWhen from the fateful field I hail my rightful King, To Him my trusty sword I’ll yield, And all my trophies bring; And He shall crown my head With honours richer far Than trophies from the conquered dead, And all the spoils of war. IIf in the cause of right I must, Do battle with the sword, Then, let me follow Him I trust, My chosen King and Lord. IIAs Captain in the mortal fight, He knows the foe I fear; His presence fires my soul with might, And fills my heart with cheer. IIIIf I should see Him ever near, When blows unceasing fall, I shall no flaunting banner fear, Nor loudest battle call. IVAnd in the thickest of the strife, No polished shaft I’ll dread, For He preserves my soul in life, In battle shields my head. VNo power shall in the fight prevail, No subtle gin ensnare, Though all the hosts of hell assail, And guile the fraud prepare. VILord, gird me with Thy armour bright, And lead me forth to win, For I would battle for the right Against the might of sin. IThe Christ on Olive’s mount in prayer His heart to God exprest; And as they held sweet converse there, His soul with peace was blest. IIFar from the din of troubled life, The tumult, and the swell, A silence, stilling earthly strife, Upon His spirit fell. IIIAnd there a voice whose soothing tone The trusting spirit filled, Came with that grace by which alone Our great unrest is stilled. IVO may the blessed thought, divine, That moved the Christ to prayer, Our weary, anxious souls incline Like peace and joy to share; VAnd on the mount where God is met, May we the solace know, That found His soul on Olivet, Who shared our life below. ILike music at the stilly hour, When twilight veils the light of day, A gentle voice, with winning power, Allured me from the world away. IIIt made me sad, because I thought That love undying I could spurn; It made me glad, because it brought A loving message in return. IIIAh, then the Christ my sin revealed, And bade me cast the barrier down, And rise to things from eyes concealed, More lasting than the world’s renown. IVI found the pathway to the cross, And lo, my blindness passed away, For radiant sunlight swept across The darkness that had led astray. V’Twas then that Christ, in all His love, In all His beauty won my soul;— Now, for the treasures stored above, I thrust aside the world’s control. IO Lord, Thou in the hour of need, Didst succour those who sought Thine aid,— The faint revive, the hungry feed,— And on the sick thine hand was laid. IIOur needy souls Thy help would crave, For faint they droop, and hungry pine,— Lord, from their mortal sickness save, And heal them by Thy power divine. IIIWhere memories weave a sombre web, And sighs reveal the heart distressed, Where joys that flowed, in murmurs ebb, And buoyant souls are sore oppressed; IVCome as of yore, all helpful, come, And let Thy loving kindness bless, That, where the voice of praise is dumb, Songs may arise of thankfulness. IMy harp upon the willows, grave, In weeping days is sadly hung, For, Lord, the joy Thy presence gave, Is from my soul in anguish wrung. III think upon the peaceful hours, With Thy companionship to please; But now the world is shorn of flowers, And birds are mute among the trees. IIIWilt Thou not come as morning light? As spring that wakes the sleeping earth? As zephyrs on the tuneless night, To stir my soul to holy mirth? IVO matchless Love! for me expressed, O gift of Love surpassing great! Wake love responsive in my breast, And make my drooping soul elate. VMy heart is strung; up heart, proclaim In joyful strains the Love divine, That stooped from highest heaven, and came To earth to save this soul of mine; VITo free my heart from carking cares, From trusting aught to fleshly aid; To shew me sin’s seductive snares, That for unwary feet are laid. VIIBlest Spirit of my God, return, And o’er my life resume Thy sway, That love within my soul may burn, And quicken joy from day to day. ITo Thee my soul enraptured sings, O Thou, Immortal King of kings Enthroned where glory shines; The garland of the praises sweet, That I would offer at Thy feet, My grateful heart entwines. IIMore rare Thy beauty than the best By highest heaven or earth possessed; More radiant than the sun, The glory shining from Thy face That fills with light the holy place, O Thou Immortal One! IIIGreater Thy might than lord of war,— Thy vast dominions stretch afar Beyond a kingly sway; Thy hand upholds the earth and sea, And heaven, and all that therein be, Thy wise decrees obey. IVBut not by rule of power alone Are subjects loyal to Thy throne, Thy love their fealty wins,— A love that, by its winning grace Allured our fallen, guilty race From their rebellious sins. VLord, by Thy cross that won my soul, From bondage to benign control, My every power possess; That, daily, I my cross may bear, And find, to serve Thee everywhere, Is praising Thee the best. VITo Thee my soul enraptured sings, O Thou Immortal King of kings, But I would join the song, Of myriad souls in realms of light, Who praise their King by day and night, Through all the ages long. ???st?? ? ????? e ?e?? sa????e???. The following is a close rendering of a hymn to Christ The Word, taken from a collection of hymns to The Three One God, by Bishop Nektarios, Metropolitan of Pentapolis (vide Introduction, page xxi). The hymn, which is in anapaests, is at page 10 of the author’s collection, where it bears the title, ?d? e?? t?? ?????? ??? ??s??? ???st??. The volume was published at Athens, 1909, and is one of many similar collections written by hymn-writers in the communion of the Greek Church. IChrist The Word! Thine Incarnation Links my nature to Thine own; By Thy sore Humiliation, I am lifted to Thy throne; By Thy suffering Thou hast fired me With a zeal to sacrifice, And to noble life inspired me,— Hence my grateful songs arise. IIWord of God! Thy Crucifixion Hath upraised me from the earth; By Thy death and dereliction, Thou hast given me nobler birth; By Thy Resurrection glorious, Life immortal now I own,— Hence ascend my songs victorious To Thy praise, O Christ the Son. IIIBy Thy hand at the creation, Thou didst form me from the ground, And, to mark my kingly station, With Thine image I was crowned; And that hand, when pierced and bleeding, Raised me from corruption’s mire, And, though all this love unheeding, Decked me with divine attire. IVThou who gav’st my soul its being, Breathing in me life divine, Didst, by Thine all-wise decreeing, Unto death Thy life resign; And from death my soul defending, Thou didst sojourn with the dead, That Thou mightst, my fetters rending, Raise me up, Thou Glorious Head! VShame be on your heads abiding, Disobedient people now, Who to death, and vile deriding, Caused the Word of God to bow! Shame! for death, nor powers infernal, Nor the dark of hades’ gloom, Could retain the King Eternal In the bondage of the tomb. ?e?te ?a? ??s?e?a ?? t? pa???s? ???t?. Another rendering from the Greek of Bishop Nektarios. The original is on page 68 of his collection, where it is entitled, ???? e?? t?? ?pt?s?? t?? ?????? ??? ??s?? ???st??. The hymn is obviously based on the troparian and contakion for the Feast of the Theophany, or Epiphany (January 6), and the contakion for the Feast of St. John Baptist (January 7). The latter contakion reads thus:— “At Thy bodily presence Jordan was driven back in fear; John shook with trembling as he fulfilled his prophetic ministry; the host of angels were amazed at seeing the Baptized in the flesh, and all that were in the dark shades [of hades] received light, and praised Thee Who hast appeared, and hast lightened everything.” (Menaeon, Venice edition, page 81.) ICome, keep this Feast, who holy things revere, And with pure minds, your Lord adore with fear. IILo, to the Jordan on this sacred day, The Bridegroom from His chamber took His way. IIIJordan affrighted, on its course was stayed; The Baptist heard His voice and was dismayed. IV“How can I hold that sacred Head of Thine, O Word of God, Immortal, and Divine?” VThen, from the Father, in the heaven above, The Holy Ghost descended as a Dove. VIWhile on the Christ the dove-like form abode, And Jordan’s parted waters o’er Him flowed. VII“This is my Son,” the Father spake from heaven, “Who, for the lost of Adam’s race was given.” VIIIIllumine us, we sing, O Christ the Lord, Glory to Thee, O Thou Incarnate Word! HYMNS OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, being Centos and Suggestions from the Service Books of the Holy Eastern Church. With Introduction, and Historical and Biographical Notes. HYMNS FROM THE EAST, being Centos and Suggestions from the Service Books of the Holy Eastern Church. With Introduction. HYMNS FROM THE GREEK OFFICE BOOKS, together with Centos and Suggestions. HYMNS OF THE HOLY EASTERN CHURCH, translated from the Service Books. With Introductory Chapters on the History, Doctrine, and Worship of the Church. Alexander Gardner, Paisley. HYMNS OF THE GREEK CHURCH, translated, with Introduction and Notes. Cheap edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 1s. 6d. nett. |