Hymns from the East / Being Centos and Suggestions from the Office Books of the Holy Eastern Church |
HYMNS FROM THE GREEK OFFICE BOOKS. Crown 8vo, 3/6 net. HYMNS OF THE HOLY EASTERN CHURCH. Translated from the Service Books; with Introductory Chapters on the History, Doctrine, and Worship of the Church. Crown 8vo, 3/6 net. Alexander Gardner, Paisley. HYMNS OF THE GREEK CHURCH. Being Translations from the Service Books; with Introduction and Notes. Crown 8vo, 2/6. Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, Edinburgh. HYMNS AND HYMN-WRITERS OF THE CHURCH HYMNARY. Crown 8vo, 3/6. Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press. HYMNS FROM EAST AND WEST. Crown 8vo, 2/6. HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH. Crown 8vo, 2/6. HYMNS OF OUR PILGRIMAGE. Crown 8vo, 2/-. ZIONWARD: HYMNS OF THE PILGRIM LIFE. Crown 8vo, 1/-. THE REST OF GOD. Crown 8vo, 1/6 net. PILGRIM SONGS. Crown 8vo, 1/-. James Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London. HYMNS FROM THE EAST BEING CENTOS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM THE SERVICE BOOKS OF THE HOLY EASTERN CHURCH WITH INTRODUCTION BY THE REV. JOHN BROWNLIE Author of “Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church Hymnary,” “Hymns of the Greek Church,” “Hymns from the Greek Office Books,” “Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church,” &c., &c. PAISLEY: ALEXANDER GARDNER Publisher by Appointment to the late Queen Victoria MCMVII LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT & CO., LMD. PRINTED BY ALEXANDER GARDNER, PAISLEY ΤΟΙΣ · ΑΓΙΟΙΣ · ΕΝ · ΔΕΞΙᾼ, · ΘΕΟΥ · ΚΑΙ · ΠΙΣΤΟΙΣ · ΕΝ · ΧΡΙΣΤῼ, · ΑΝΑΤΙΘΗΜΙ · INDEX OF FIRST LINES - PAGE
- Now, God of Light, the morn appears, 25
- Up, up my soul! with gladness rise, 27
- The saffron tints appear, 29
- Now glows the morn in beauty rare, 31
- When night her sable curtain spreads, 35
- A crown of gold surpassing rare, 37
- The Lord of Life to earth came down, 41
- Jerusalem rejoice! 44
- The best that heaven could bring, 46
- Out from the rising of the sun, 47
- O woeful hour, when from the night, 51
- Crown the Lord of glory, 53
- O Christ, when on the shameful tree, 55
- O God of Love, Whose mercy came, 57
- When hades held the Lord of Life, 59
- When Thou, O Christ, upon the tree, 61
- To Thy Cross and Resurrection, 63
- Light is dawning ’mong the hills, 65
- Hail! rising morn, for He hath risen, 67
- We worship, Lord, before Thee now, 69
- Heavy laden with thy grief, 70
- To Thee, O Christ, our God, 72
- Glory shone within the gloom, 74
- When Adam heard the voice of sin, 76
- Within the garden’s sombre shade, 78
- Even as Thou saidst, the Spirit came, 83
- O may the Spirit of all grace, 85
- Let Thy blood in mercy poured, 89
- O Lord of bounty, let this bread, 91
- When in the clouds the Lord appears, 95
- The Bridegroom comes, my soul awake! 98
- O Judge of all, when sinful men, 100
- I brought my merits to the throne, 102
- The time is drawing nigh, 104
- I sought the Lord at early morn, 109
- O touch my heart and bring to mind, 111
- The wealth of high estate, 113
- I lift my hands, and with my heart, 115
- Arise, my soul, and gaily sing, 117
- The King shall come when morning dawns, 119
- Think on me, Lord, for Thou art kind, 121
- Because Thy mercy is so great, 123
- I cannot lift mine eyes, 125
- When at Thy feet oppressed, 127
- Because I was brought low, 129
- O God of Life, in Whom we live, 131
- By Thine own hand the gift was given, 133
- Lord, Thou art good and kind, 134
- O Lord of Life, when mortals call, 136
- I wandered sore distressed, 138
- God sent me to the desert wild, 140