May 7, 1812. Robert Browning born in Camberwell, London.
1824. Incondita ready for publication.
1825. Shelley and Keats read.
1826. Left Mr. Ready's school.
1833. Pauline published anonymously.
1833-4. Travels in Russia and Italy.
1835. Paracelsus.
1837. Strafford. Acted May 1, 1837, Covent Garden.
1840. Sordello.
1841-6. Bells and Pomegranates.
1841. No. I. Pippa Passes.
1842. No. II. King Victor and King Charles.
1842. No. III. Dramatic Lyrics.
1843. No. IV. The Return of the Druses.
1843. No. V. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Acted Feb. 11, 1843, Drury Lane.
1844. No. VI. Colombe's Birthday. Acted April 25, 1853, Haymarket.
1845. No. VII. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics.
1846. No. VIII. Luria and A Soul's Tragedy.
Jan. 10, 1845. Correspondence between Mr. Browning and Miss Barrett begun.
May 20, 1845. Their first meeting.
Sept.12, 1846. Their marriage at Marylebone Church, London.
Oct. 1846. to April, 1847. In Pisa.
April 20, 1847. Arrival at Florence.
May 1848. Settled in permanent home at Casa Guidi.
1849. Poems by Robert Browning. Two volumes.
March9, 1849. Birth of Wiedemann (or "Penini") Browning.
March 1849. Death of Browning's mother.
1850. Christmas Eve and Easter Day.
June 1851. Mrs. Browning's Casa Guidi Windows.
1852. Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With an introductory essay by Robert Browning.
1855. Men and Women. In two volumes.
Oct. 1856. Mrs. Browning's Aurora Leigh.
June 1860. Browning found the "Yellow Book."
June29, 1861. Mrs. Browning died. She was buried in Florence.
July 1861. Browning left Florence.
1862. Established himself at 19 Warwick Crescent, London, where he lived twenty-five years.
1863. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. In three volumes. Chapman and Hall.
1863. Selections from the Poetical Works of Robert Browning. [Editors, B.W. Proctor and John Forster.]
1864. Dramatis PersonÆ.
1866. Browning's father died and Sarianna came to live with her brother.
1868. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. In six volumes. Smith, Elder and Company.
1868-9. The Ring and the Book. In four volumes.
1871. Balaustion's Adventure.
1871. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society.
1872. Fifine at the Fair.
1873. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country.
1875. Aristophanes' Apology.
1875. The Inn Album.
July 1876. Pacchiarotto and How He Worked in Distemper.
1877. The Agamemnon of Æschylus translated.
1878. La Saisiaz; The Two Poets of Croisic.
Aug. 1878. Browning first revisited Italy.
1879. Dramatic Idyls.
1880. Dramatic Idyls. Second Series.
1881. The London Browning Society established.
1883. Jocoseria.
1884. Ferishtah's Fancies.
1887. Browning moved to De Vere Gardens.
1887. Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning. Riverside edition: Houghton, Mifflin and Company.
1888-9. The Poetical Works Works of Robert Browning. In sixteen volumes. Smith, Elder and Company. [All the works collected by the author except Asolando.]
Dec. 12, 1889. Asolando.
Dec. 12, 1889. Robert Browning died in the Palazzo Rezzonica, his son's home in Venice.
Dec. 31, 1889. Buried in Westminster Abbey.

Robert Browning


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