Wanting is—what? Summer redundant, Blueness abundant, —Where is the spot? Beamy the world, yet a blank all the same, {5} —Framework which waits for a picture to frame: What of the leafage, what of the flower? Roses embowering with nought they embower! Come then, complete incompletion, O Comer, Pant through the blueness, perfect the summer! {10} Breathe but one breath Rose-beauty above, And all that was death Grows life, grows love, Grows love! {15} — 4. spot: defect, imperfection. 9. O Comer: o’ e’rxo/menos, Matt. 3:11; 11:3; 21:9; 23:39; Luke 19:38; John 1:15; 3:31; 12:13. Without love, the Christ-spirit, the spirit of the Comer, man sees, at best, only dynamic action, blind force, in nature; but “love greatens and glorifies Till God’s a-glow, to the loving eyes, In what was mere earth before.” James Lee’s Wife (Along the Beach). — |