Transcriber's Notes:


Marginal notes are used for multiple purposes in this edition, and somewhat differently in each of Browne’s works in Volume III.

Pseudodoxia Epidemica: Footnotes and section headers were both printed in the margins. For this version, numbered marginal footnotes have been moved to the end of their chapters. Redundant sidenotes merely indicating Part and Section numbers have been removed.

Hydriotaphia: Both lettered and numbered sidenotes are presented, at the end of each chapter as traditional footnotes.

Garden of Cyrus: Nearly all marginal notes are numbered, and are moved to the end of each chapter as footnotes. Any remaining notes are rendered, as nearly as possible as printed.

Certain Miscellany Tracts: There are both numbered and unnumbered marginal notes. Numbered notes have been moved only to the end of each tract.

Christian Morals: The marginal entries are either section numbers or footnotes. The latter have been moved to the end of each part.

Spelling varies considerably, and the text as printed is nearly always retained. The table below summarizes any changes that were made, as well as any variants which have not been changed, but are particularly problematic.

The yogh-like character following a final q in many Latin words is a scribal abbreviation for ‘ue’, "quinq;"; and was frequently printed as a semicolon (;) In the script that appears as a caption to the "quincunce" preceding p. 147, the character appears as as yogh (?).

Trivial inconsistencies in punctuation, particularly in abbreviations appearing in footnotes or sidenotes, as well as the Index, have been silently resolved.

In the text of Found in Norwalk, punctuation and capitalization seems haphazard, and has been left as printed.

An error in the Index for Eugibinius refers the reader to see "Stenchus". The entry is correctly made to Steuchus A. Augustinius Steuchus was a 16th century humanist.

The following entries indicate where minor printer’s errors were made. With few exceptions, Latin passages are allowed to stand as printed, except where noted below.

p. 99 not in CÆs. Comme[n]tar., added ‘n’ in footnote
p. 101 The Ægy[p]tians were afraid of fire added ‘p’
p. 139 we compute o[u]r felicities added ‘u’.
p. 153 poss[ess]ions of his father added ‘ess’
p. 164 Greec[e] added ‘e’
p. 258 [227]: Psal. 120. 4. marginal note number was added to match anchor
p. 279 De Horti[-]cultura. hyphen missing, joined.
p. 291 Note 1: [S]ee Vulg. Err. B. 3. c. 10. added ‘S’
p. 333 st?a[t]e??ta? added ‘t’
p. 351 [1.] A poem of Ovidius Naso Added the subsection number for consistency
p. 411 [h/H]e is said to have begun changed to uppercase ‘H’
p. 423 holden June 4. 1633[/,] it was agreed changed to comma
p. 538 ...a cod[/,] a very good dish... ‘.’ corrected to ‘,’
p. 573 Ear-wig, [296/ii. 96.] 'ii. 96' rather than '296'.
p. 573 Egypt, i. 137, 159, 350;
ii. 6, 7, 81, 89, 92, 158, 286, 332, 350-62, 376, 395-6;
[ii/iii.] 80 et passim.
corrected from ‘ii.‘
p. 573 Electrical bodies, [i.] 254. added missing volume.
p. 574 Eve, ... iii. [v/5-6, 10] corrected Roman v and added actual Vol. III references.
p. 576 Gnat-net, [iii.] 158. added volume references.
p. 590 Pigeon, i. 34, 317-8, 320-[11/1]; remove extraneous ‘1’
p. 590 ---- tree, [iii.] 168] added missing volume reference
p. 592 Purchas, [iii/ii.] 70, 86. Wrong volume reference
p. 593 Saligniaco (B. de), [379/iii. 79] corrected volume reference
p. 600 Vespasian ii. 88, 149[;ii/,] 222; combined redundant‘ii.’ entries


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