| PAGE |
Prefatory Note by the Editor | v |
The Seventh Book:(continued): |
1. Of the Forbidden Fruit, | 1 |
2. That a Man hath one Rib less then a Woman, | 5 |
3. Of Methuselah, | 8 |
4. That there was no Rain-bow before the Flood, | 11 |
5. Of Sem, Ham, and Japhet, | 15 |
6. That the Tower of Babel was erected against a Second Deluge, | 17 |
7. Of the Mandrakes of Leah, | 19 |
8. Of the three Kings of Collein, | 25 |
9. Of the food of John Baptist, Locust and Wild Honey, | 27 |
10. That John Evangelist should not die, | 29 |
11. More compendiously of some others, | 36 |
12. Of the Cessation of Oracles, | 39 |
13. Of the death of Aristotle, | 42 |
14. Of the Wish of Philoxenus, | 49 |
15. Of the Lake Asphaltites, | 52 |
16. Of divers other Relations, | 56 |
17. Of some others, | 65 |
18. More briefly of some others, | 74 |
19. Of some Relations whose truth we fear, | 81 |
Epistle to Thomas Le Gros, | 89 |
Epistle to Nicholas Bacon, | 93 |
Hydriotaphia, | 97 |
The garden of Cyrus, | 145 |
The Stationer to the Reader, | 211 |
The Publisher to the Reader, | 215 |
1. Observations upon several Plants mentioned in Scripture, | 218 |
2. Of Garlands and Coronary or Garden-plants, | 281 |
3. Of the Fishes eaten by Our Saviour, | 286 |
4. An Answer to certain Queries relating to Fishes, Birds, Insects, | 289 |
5. Of Hawks and Falconry, | 286 |
6. Of Cymbals, etc., | 301 |
7. Of Ropalic or Gradual Verses, etc., | 304 |
8. Of Languages, and particularly of the Saxon Tongue, | 307 |
9. Of Artificial Hills, Mounts or Burrows, | 322 |
PLATES | | PAGE | En sum quod digitis Quinque, | to face page | 97 | Quid Quincunce speciosius, | " | 147 |