The Genesis and Nature of Space
Geometry is concerned primarily with a study of the measurement of magnitudes in space. Three coÖrdinates are necessary and sufficient for all of its determinations. Metageometry comprehends the study of the measurement of magnitudes in conceptual space. For its purposes four or n-coÖrdinates are necessary and sufficient. Perceptual space is that form of extension in which the physical universe is recognized to have been created and in which it now exists. Conceptual space is an idealized conception belonging to the domain of mathesis and has no actual, physical existence outside of the mind. Mathematical space represents the idealism of perceptual space. Geometrical magnitudes may be defined as symbols of physical objects and geometry as a treatise on the symbology of forms in space. In fact, all cognitive processes are simply efforts at interpreting the sym There is ever a marked difference between a symbol and the thing which it symbolizes. Words are the symbols of ideas; ideas, as they exist in the mind, are the symbols of eternal verities as they exist in the consciousness of the Logos of the universe. There may be a wide diversity of symbolic forms which represent one single idea; as, for instance, the variety of word forms which represent the idea of deity in the various languages. Likewise there may be a multiplicity of ideas which represent a single verity. But neither is the idea nor the word the real thing in itself. That quality of a life-aspect which we call its thingness has an essential nature which cannot become the object Great is the gulf which is interposed between manifestation and non-manifestation; and yet the two, in essence, are one. They are linked together as the stem of a flower is joined to its roots. Likewise one There is but one barrier to ultimate knowledge and that is the human consciousness however paradoxical this may seem. The unutterable darkness which shuts out the so-called "unknowable" from our cognition is the limitation of man's upreaching consciousness. These limitations constitute the difference between the human intellect and the mind of the Logos. Nevertheless the outlying frontiers of man's consciousness gradually are being pushed farther and farther without. Every new idea gained, each new emotion indulged, each new conception conquered, and every mental foray which the Thinker makes into the realm of the conceptual, every exploration into the abysmal labyrinth of man's inner nature are the self's expeditionary forces which are gradually annihilating the frontier barriers of consciousness and thus approaching more closely upon the Ultima Thule of man's spiritual possibilities. Space is in manifestation. It exists and has being It will be seen from figure 17 that the period of involution embraces seven separate stages, the monopyknon, duopyknon, tripyknon, etc., being the unit principle or engendering elements of the respective stages. Involution comprises all creative activity from the first faint stirrings of the void and formless chaos until the universe has actually become manifest and dense physical matter has appeared. It is divided into two cardinal periods, namely, the chaogenic period during which primordial chaos is given its character and directive tendencies for the world age. It is a phase of duration wherein the fiat of kosmic order is promulgated, and consist of three stages, monopyknosis, duopyknosis, tripyknosis The close of the involutionary phase of the world age is marked by the final deposition of dense physical matter and this is closely followed by the beginnings The figure 18 is another view of these two major movements, involution and evolution. The genesis of space is here shown symbolized by the Kosmic Egg. The seven stages of involution are referred to as, the monopyknotic, duopyknotic, tripyknotic, quartopyknotic, quintopyknotic, sextopyknotic and the septopyknotic; while the corresponding stages of evolution are referred to as, the physical, the sentient, mental, causative or spiritual, the triadic, duadic and monadic, indicating that the principle of physicality is succeeded by the principles of sentience, mentality, spirituality, and the three forms of kathekotic being. This sym To follow the ramifications of the symbolism above would involve a survey of all branches of knowledge, and indeed, would be out of place in this book. Only the widest general outlines can be suggested here and it is believed that this is sufficient to enable the reader to grasp the magnitude of the symbol and to understand its purpose and intent. It would appear, therefore, that if it is possible for the intellect to traverse by means of a study of kosmic symbolism, used as a standard of reference, the entire In the diagram, figure 17, is shown a table which represents the stages of space-genesis. It will be noted that the whole scheme is divided into seven stages. It is not an arbitrary division simply but a symbolic one and represents fullness, completeness, entirety. The names given, namely, "monopyknotic, duopyknotic," etc., represent the symbolic characteristics of each stage in its relation to the universe in the process of becoming. The terms "monadic," "duadic," "triadic," etc., are representative of the seven planes of matter in the universe. A pyknon is a kosmic principle and represents the typal aspect of kosmogenesis. It is a generic term and may be identified in its relation to the various stages by the prefix. The monopyknon belongs to the ulterior pole of the antipodes on the side of non-manifestation. So do the duopyknon and the tripyknon. Pyknosis is a process of kosmic condensation, or limitation for purposes of manifestation. It is a stage in the descent of the kosmic Spirit-Life, a degradation of non-manifestation into manifestation, and is, therefore, the cardinal causative principle of creation. The term pyknon being generic is applicable alike to a particle of matter, a state of being, a condition of existence, a process or a principle. The monopyknon is, accordingly, the primary aspect of the process of kosmic pyknosis. It is the archetype and therefore all inclusive and omnipotential. But whether regarded Monopyknons are the quiescent, unawakened, though potential and archetypal principles peculiar to the monopyknotic period of space-genesis which are ultimately to become, on the physical plane, singularities of life of whatsoever kind. Thus the lineage of every single life-form or principle in the universe runs unbroken back from the present of the Now to the present of monopyknosis. So great is the design of the kosmos that the entity which is now man or the atom was started on its journey to this culmination at the break of the Great Kosmic Day when the omni-pregnant wheels of monopyknosis first began to turn. Duopyknons and tripyknons constitute the two remaining stages on the plane of non-manifestation. And their correspondences in every stage of involution or the descent of spirit into matter are eternal and kosmic. Likewise the lineage of the dual and triple The metamorphosis by which the monopyknon becomes a duopyknon contrives the differentiation of the pristine plasm of kosmic being so that the first becomes the ensouling or vitalizing principle of the second; and, in turn, the second becomes the vitalizing or inner principle of the third; the third of the fourth and the fourth of the fifth and so on throughout the series until the last is reached which is the septopyknon. The septopyknon is, therefore, a seven-principled form. It is both unitary and septenary—unitary in the sense that the seven are really one and septenary for the reason that each of the seven principles, in the course of evolution, becomes a separate process specially adapted to functioning upon its peculiar plane of matter. Thus it is seen that the utmost significance attaches to this septenary pyknosis of the kosmic plasm of life. The implications of this conception are, of course, too vast and multifarious to be set down here. We shall have to dismiss it with one observation only, and that is: every single appearance of life and form in the totality of such appearances is rooted in kosmic pyknosis where it has received its inner vitalizing force, its form and the law of its mode and manner of appearance together with the metes and bounds of its existence. These processes, monopyknosis and duopyknosis, are to be regarded as taking place, each in its own period, everywhere throughout the Body of Being of the Logos but on the plane of non-manifestation. They are states of preparation for manifestation The unmanifest trinity, now complete as a result of the triple pyknotic process, is the imperishable and ever sustaining radix, the all-mother of the manifested universe. It is the Golden Egg laid by the god Seb at the beginning of a great life-cycle. It is also Chaos-Theos-Kosmos, i.e., kosmic disorder, divine will or generating element, and kosmic order or space. In it, as in an egg, resides in kosmic potency all that the universe is to become in any "Great Day of Brahma" or any Great Kosmic Life Cycle. Its eldest born is SPACE, physiological and perceptual, and the latter is the eternal father-mother of the universe. Space is, therefore, the male-female principle of manifestation; in its kosmic womb all forms are created, developed, evolved and sustained. Into it again, at the close of the Great Day, all existences, forms and all principles matured and ripened by the vicissitudes of kosmic evolution will be inhaled with the return of the Great Breath of Life. The un The terms "unmanifest," "unconditioned" and "unlimited" have a special meaning here and are used in the same sense as the mathematical term "transfinite," and therefore, imply a transcending of any finite or assignable degree or quality of manifestation. Hence they should be distinguished from the term "absolute" which has a different implication. So that although the triple process outlined above may not be viewed except as a characterization of the plane of non-manifestation, and hence of the primordial activity of the Creative Logos, there is nothing in the symbolism to warrant the identification of this process in any way with the Logos in absolution. For on this view Absolute Being is, in a large measure, sacrificed when the monopyknotic process is begun and the monopyknon (kosmic principle) begins to appear. Absolute Being, while it may not be defined, delineated or described may be symbolized by the ideograph: "action in inaction"; "being in non-being"; "manifestation in non-manifestation"; for these are symbols merely and do not describe or delineate. We have observed the subtle connection which exists between manifestation and non-manifestation and have seen how that, as the roots of a plant sustain the outer growth of stem and flowers, the former being the matrix out of which proceeds the latter, and that in like manner does the unmanifest sustain the A stage has now been reached in the description of our symbolism when it may be assumed, upon the basis of the foregoing, that the meta-self has become manifest, i.e., in potential and dynamic appearance, as a result of the triple process of pyknosis hereinbefore outlined. The meta-self may then be identified with the Supreme Manifest Deity; for there is ever a subtle identification of the manifest with the unmanifest. Out of their action and interaction the universe is made manifest and phenomenal and is thereby sustained. The reciprocity of action between these two kosmic polars, is the metamorphotic key to creation; it is the symbol of the procedure of Creative Will in the act of creating. It is the transitional process whereby the passage is made from non-being to being; from the unconditioned to the conditioned; from undifferentiation to differentiation and is reflected and symbolized in every natural process wherein matter is transformed from one state to another, or life and Another important notion to be gained in this connection is the fact that it appears as a logical sequence to the foregoing that the being of the manifested Logos must necessarily fill all space, yea more, is that space in every conceivable essentiality. His limitations are the limitations of space. His qualities, properties and attributes are the qualities, properties and attributes of space and are only different from the original spatial character when manifested through a diversity of forms by whose very inner constitution and exterior form the modifications are accomplished. All matter in the universe, all energy, and indeed, all manifestations or emanations of whatsoever character, hue, tone or quality are, in reality, His being and nothing but His being. There is, therefore, no form nor ensouling principle whether of life, mind or sheer dynamism which can exist outside of His being and be, even in the slightest degree, absolved from an eternal identity therewith. Once this idea is grasped and its varied implications noted it then is no longer conceivable that any other order or schematism can be possible in our universe, and that, too, despite the multiform conceptions peculiar to the varied systems of philosophy. The matutinal dawn of creation came at the close of the tripyknotic movement which resulted in the elaboration of materials, the initiation of principles, processes and types, and the final preparation of the field of evolution. The three processes or aspects of non-manifestation projected in preparation for manifestation, namely, monopyknosis, duopyknosis and The quartopyknotic process is similar in all details to the three preceding processes, these latter being prototypes of all succeeding stages of involution. The quintopyknon, accordingly, symbolizes the quintuplicative action of life in its descending movement toward the creation of matter in its densest form. That is, it is a five-fold principle acting in unison and kosmic consistency, infolding in the universal wherewithal that which is to become mental matter on the side of evolution. Just, as may be seen in the diagram, Figure 17, the quartopyknotic process symbolizes, on the involutionary side of the life current that which is to become on the evolutionary side, The reader should bear in mind that the processes here described are thought of as taking place at the beginning and as having their roots planted in eternal duration; that they refer to a period long before the universe even resembled anything like its present aspect; at a time even before there were individual minds to perceive it, before even the gods—solar, planetary, super-solar and super-planetary were in existence to take part in the matutinal ceremonials of creation's vast hour of stillness. The mind must accustom itself to go back of appearances, back of time, back of space itself and discern the foundations of time, space and appearances being laid and to perceive that which is no less than the action of the Supreme Deity Himself in brooding over the primordial formlessness which is Himself, and from which will gradually evolve the universe of qualities, conditions and appearances. The quintopyknon is, therefore, the base of the mind-principle in the kosmos. All the qualities of mind whether in man or in the planetary gods, whether in the moneron or the tyrannosaur, in the mountain Nicholas Malebranche, But a marvelous vision comes with the dawn of this truth upon the lower mind. It establishes clearly the truth of Kant's notion when he said: "Since everything we conceive is conceived as being in space, there is nothing which comes before our mind from This should settle, once for all, the question of apriority. The a priori inheres in quintopyknosis or kosmic psychogenesis. It is the essential nature of mind; it is the mind's lines of organization; it is the law of the mind's being and action. All mental perception originates from things in space. No thought of any detail, of any state or condition, whether limited or unlimited, related or isolated can be conceived except it be of things in space. And this is so, because The mind now recognizes space as something apart and separate from itself only because of its unconsciousness of the identity existing between it and space. Just so, it is not by mind alone that the at-one state of consciousness shall be attained; for although in one form or another it is able to gain some knowledge of the apparent oneness of all life it cannot directly realize this oneness. In order to do this fully it must be able consciously to identify itself with the life, feel what it feels and experience what it experiences and otherwise come into a conscious relationship with the root and source of life. Space-consciousness is a simple, direct cognitive process; while time-consciousness is a complex, and therefore, indirect process. The former cannot be analyzed. That is, no analysis is necessary to its sufficient comprehension; the latter must always be analyzed and categorized for its sufficient apprehension. Every moment of time whether past, present or future, when presented to the consciousness, is determined by its relationship to some other moment of time. Space is indivisible; time is Space-consciousness, in its relation to the present status of mind-development, is itself an illusion; for despite the fact that the Thinker's apperception of it as a state is simple, direct and fundamental, it is only so because of the inability to realize to itself the unity of the seeming two. The attainment of space-consciousness or the space mind, which contrives the understanding of the identity of mind and space also annihilates the consciousness of space as a separate notion from the mind. Once the Thinker's consciousness has arisen to that state where it perceives its unity with space all sense of separateness is lost. Just as when two molecules of hydrogen uniting with one molecule of oxygen to form a new compound lose their identity in the new realization of unity, so does the consciousness when by the alchemy of psychogenesis it becomes identified with space, not only lose its identity as such, but also any consciousness whatever that space exists as something separate and distinct from itself. Imagine the whole of the duration aspect of kosmogenesis crowded into an infinitesimal instant and the bulk of all matter, suns, stars, worlds and planets, condensed into a space less than the magnitude of an hydrogen ion and in this way a symbol of what it may mean to attain unto absolute knowledge or unto the space-mind, may be obtained. Recurring to the process of quintopyknosis, it may be noted that the quintopyknon or five-fold kosmic principle of life which we have seen to be identical The next stage in the process of kosmic involution which is also concerned with the preparation of the evolutionary field is that of sextopyknosis and implies the senary condensation of the original world-stuff with the view to the formation of emotional or "astral" matter. Identically the same process of ensoulment or involution obtains upon the plane of sextopyknosis as have been observed to obtain upon the preceding planes of involution. Involution must necessarily precede evolution. That which has not been involved, enfolded or ensouled cannot be evolved or unfolded. Whatever potencies, powers and capabilities or qualities and characteristics that may appear at any time in the universe of life and form must have first been involved or enfolded or else they could not have been evolved. Space itself is an evolution. It is a process of becoming, of unfolding, of flowering forth. As it evolves more and more there will appear new and added characteristics and qualities of life and form. New possibilities will arise and in the end a supernal vision of a glorified universe will burst into view. The scheme of space-genesis is completed during the septopyknotic process wherein the basal elements of dense physical matter and its various gradations are produced and given character, form and direction. To summarize: The genesis of space embraces seven stages, namely, the monopyknotic, the duopyknotic and the tripyknotic which belong to the plane of non-manifestation and are the primordial world- The measure of the Great Kosmic Space-form was sealed at the close of the involutionary movement of the Great Life Wave. Then its metes and bounds were fixed by the fringe of kathekosity which circumscribed it. If it be true that the reader found it extremely difficult to grant the connotations of the symbolism when the mental or quintopyknotic stage was reached when illative cognizance was given to the fact that space is also composed of mental matter, it may be still more difficult to grant the claim that physical matter is also essentially a part of space. But this is the implication. And, therefore, it follows that all matter, all energy, all life and all mind wherever it may be found in the Great Space-Form is space itself and nothing but space. Hence, it appears that space is indeed the dynamism of the universe. In its kosmic womb the great world egg was formed of its own substance solely and in it still the universe of form persists and evolves withal. If it be suitable for the physicist to talk of gravitation, electricity, magnetism and force let him do so, for these terms serve the present category of human knowledge; but the human mind will not lament the day when it comes to recognize that these things, these forces, these aspects are nothing more than space-activities and space-phenomena. If a planet's place be preserved in space it is because space, vital, dynamic, creative space, sustains it and from its gentle, yet eternally firm grasp there is no escape. All that the planets, suns and worlds are and all that they may ever become in this manvantara or world age have been derived from space, yea, are of the very essence of spatiality. If the Dense physical matter, such as constitutes the physicality of celestial bodies in its ultimate dissociation would, accordingly, be resolved into the original chaogenetic formlessness which marked the chaogeny of non-manifestation although it would naturally be orderly and progressive passing through the seven stages, septopyknosis, sextopyknosis, quintopyknosis, etc., until the end had been reached, meanwhile exhibiting in each plane the phenomena peculiar to the dissociative processes thereof. On this view space is a plenum of matter of varying degrees of intensity, ranging from the densest physical to the most tenuous and formless matter of the highest levels of the manifested universe. But as neither the dense material forms nor the other grades of matter have an eternally enduring quality, being alike subject to mutation, space likewise falls under the law of becoming whereby it, too, must yield to the edict of kosmic disorder. Some may be inclined to argue that since space and mind are one and the same thing it must necessarily follow that whatever possibilities of measurement may be found to exist in the mind would logically be found to exist in space; and that since all the necessary conditions of hyperspatial operations are proved to be existent in the mind the case of the hyperspatiality of perceptual space is proved thereby. In other words, The attainment of the space-mind or kosmic consciousness would then imply a mastery of all fundamental possibilities pertaining to all degrees of matter. Thus by becoming conscious in the matter of all the planes one makes a certain definite approach to this ultimate state of consciousness until all the barriers between ordinary self-consciousness and the consciousness of the space-mind have been entirely obliterated. Pyknosis, in all of its septenary aspects, is concerned primarily with involution or the preparation of the chaogenetic elements for the work of kosmic evolution. It may be thought of as being divided into two great divisions, namely: chaogeny and chaomorphogeny. It is concerned with the organization of chaos, the establishment of kosmic geometrism in the formless, void, arupic substance and preparation for evolution. Chaogeny, of course, is that kosmic process by virtue of which space itself becomes manifest and in which there is no established order. Chaomorphogeny (from Chaos + Morphe + Geny) signifies the activities of the creative Logos in laying the The kosmic field having been prepared as a result of the chaomorphogenic activities, lowly and scarcely organized forms begin to appear and the ascent upon the upward arc of the Great Cycle commences. Evo Thus it will be seen that the first three stages of space-genesis, called chaogeny, encompass the first three pyknotic processes or are analogous thereto while the latter called chaomorphogeny, the organization and ensoulment of space-forms, embraces the latter four, quartopyknosis, quintopyknosis, sextopyknosis and septopyknosis. This division obtains on the involutionary side of the great life-cycle. The upward arc of the The above, thus briefly set down, is the symbolism of space-genesis. It is commended to the reader as a basis for the conception that the real, essential, perceptual space is something far more wonderful, more fundamental than either the geometrician or the metageometrician has ever dreamed of, and yet the latter's consciousness is undoubtedly being appulsed by the fingers of a new species of conceptualizations which, one day in the not too distant future, will arouse in it the faint hungerings after the realization of the real space-nature. These mathetic appetites thus brought into being will finally lead the human mind into the Elysian fields of kosmic consciousness where for another million years, perhaps, it may feed upon the mysteries and hypermysteries to be found in the granaries of the Space-Mind. The study of space in its wider and deeper meanings is necessary in order that a clearer understanding of its true significance, as the subject of geometric researches, may be gained. It is confessed, however, that there is neither direct evidence nor implicative authority for any assumption that the view herein outlined affords any justification for the notion of the n-dimensionality of space. For, although the line of reasoning indulged in must lead inevitably to the conclusion that the worlds of spatiality, materiality, intellectuality and spirituality, essentially and fundamentally one so far as origins and qualities are concerned, were alike engendered by the same generating element, life; and that spatiality being the primal basis of the others is, nevertheless, under the exigencies of this aspect of the kosmos, highly susceptible to the mensurative requirements of the grossest, there ap The alphabet of space-genesis consists of five characters, namely, the point, the line, the triangle, the square and the circle. These are the pentagrammaton of space, of intellectuality, materiality and of spirituality. They constitute the basis of kosmic geometrism. With these all geometrical figures may be constructed; with them all magnitudes may be delineated and projected. They describe every conceivable activity of the Creative Logos and designate the bounds of the entire scope of motility of kosmogenesis. In figure 19, are shown the dot, the line, triangle, square and the circle which together form the kosmic pentoglyph. The point symbolizes kosmic inertia, inactivity or the beginning of motion; the line is the first aspect of motion, the beginning of creation; the triple aspect of kosmogenesis is symbolized by the triangle, Chaos-Theos-Kosmos, the Unmanifest Trinity; the square emblematizes kosmic being in evolution; while the circle is the syncretism of all these and stands for the perfected kosmos, or the kosmos in process of perfection. Very truly did Plato remark: "God geometrizes"; for the pentagrammaton—the point-line-triangle-square-circle—is the deity's way of manifesting Himself. But there is here no need for space-curvature nor for triangles whose value is greater or less than 180 degrees; there is no need even for the mathematical fourth dimension. It cannot be believed, however, that metageometricians are really in earnest in what they suggest of hyperspace and n-dimensionality; it cannot be believed that they are entirely satisfied with what they have found of the so-called hyperspatial, and yet, some of them are fanatically patriotic over the new-found domain; some are even intolerant. But there are others who look upon the fabric of metageometry as a stepping stone to space-realities, a mile-post on the path to the realization of a higher consciousness, the consciousness of the space-mind or kosmic consciousness. And may this not, after all, be the goal of the human intellect, now slightly distraught by the exuberances of youth and the joys of a new mental freedom? The work of the future mathematicians will be the destruction of the tumorous inconsistences to The domain of hyperspace is but the fairy-land of mathesis, peopled with goblins, gnomes, kobolds, elves and fays which are the spaces, dimensions, propositions, ensembles and theorems of the metageometrician. But like the fairies and nature spirits of the unseen about us, they have their bases in the real, objective world of facts however difficult it may be to establish their direct connection with it. As the gay, invisible sprites of phantom-land represent intelligent natural forces at work in the furtherance of the evolution of forms, so the impalpable things of mathesis are emblems of kosmic forces at work in the upbuilding of structures of higher consciousness which shall be towers of vision for the human soul whence it may view the hill-crests of infinite knowledge and the low-lying plains of kosmic mysteries. Finally, it has been noted that space is the very consistence of the kosmos; it is the life, the form and both the outer and the inner manifestation of the combined life and form; it is reality, also illusion; it is concrete, also ideal. We have noted also that mind is consubstantial with space and that space gives it its inner life and nature as well as nourishes its outer growth and development. In fact, we have seen that Both the outlook of the mind upon the objective world as well as its inlook upon its own states of consciousness or the subjective world are tridimensional. Its growth is tridimensional, its nature is likewise tridimensional, and there is not even the slightest tendence either to perceive, conceive or perform in a four-dimensional manner, mathematically speaking. Trace out the biologic development of each mental faculty, from the mind of the moneron to the mind of the most highly developed man and it will be found that everywhere and always, without variation or exception, the nature of each of these has been to express itself tridimensionally and naturally. There is not even the slightest sign of so much as a germinal appetence for the four-space; it would, therefore, seem almost a prostitution of mental faculty to divert mental energy into the seemingly useless channel of present-day metageometrical researches; yet, it must be admitted that even though the end sought cannot be attained, the final results of the intellectual delvings into the dread homogeneity of kosmic origins and the consequent realization of the awesome coevalism of mind and space whence shall arise the recognition of We may conclude, then, that hyperspatiality and all its appurtenances are but the toys of the childhood of humanity. But, as the years pass and the days of maturity come on apace, it, toy-like, will also be discarded. And the mind will seize then upon the seriousness of reality just as the matured youth responds to the stern realities of life and manhood responsibilities. But no one can say that the toys of childhood are wholly useless; no one can say that the joys which they bring are entirely fatuous and unreal nor shall we attempt to intimate that mathetic contrivances are without utility, without purpose and significance in the life of the growing mind of humanity. But they, too, will pass away. |