varieties (napellus, ferox), 568 alkaloids, aconitine or aconitia, 569 pseudaconitia, 569 aconine and pseudaconine, 570 extraction and tests— taste, 572 physiological, 572 chemical, 573 extraction and texts— taste, 572 physiological, 572 chemical, 573 history and preparations, 574 doses, fatal, 575 fatal period, 576 cause of death, 577 post-mortem appearances, 577, 581 treatment and antidotes, 577 remarks. Phosphoric acid test, 579 Use in dysentery, 579 Colour of aconitia, 580 Case referred to by Dr. Stevenson, 580 ALKALOIDS, chemically and physiologically considered, 4 general process for extracting, 5-8 morphia, curarine, solanine, 8 Guy’s subliming cell, 9 general reagents, 10-12 ptomaines or cadaveric, 13, 14 ALLOYS OF ANTIMONY, 491 ANALYSIS, quantitative, indispensable in cases of poisoning by antimony, mercury, and lead, 3 ANGINA PECTORIS, Dr. Richardson (Palmer’s trial), 175, 289 ANILINE DYES, arsenic in, 379 ANIMAL CHARCOAL, reagent for alkaloids, 11 symptom of poisoning by, 2 properties. Chap. IX., 490 alloy of, in different metals, 491 compounds of, chlorides, sulphides, 491 oxides, hydride, 492 tartar emetic, solubility, 493 composition, uses and occurrences, 494 doses and preparations, 495 fatal dose and fatal period, 496 physiological effects, 497 antidotes, 497 separation and tests. Reinsch’s, 498 Marsh, 500 preparation used, 502 quantity, 503 remarks (Pritchard’s case), 505 (Smethurst’s), 507 Addenda—bismuth, 510 grey powder, 513 ANTISEPTIC, arsenic as an, 376 APPLE PIPS, amount of prussic acid in, 59, 60 element. Chap. VII., 373 taste of (Christison), 321-3 trioxide of, 374 uses and occurrences of, 376-381 steeping wheat—soap—antiseptic, 376 glass—for fur in boilers—candles, 376 wood preserving—sheep washing—paints, 377 wall papers—medicines, 378 horses—teeth stopping—aniline dyes, 379 rat and fly poisons—metal cleaning, 380 arsenic eaters—cosmetic—bronzing, 380 glucose beer—paper collars, 381 speculum metal—inhaling, 381 sulphides of, 381 orpiment (Burdock’s case), 382, and note acid, 382 arsenates, 383 trichloride, Arseniuretted hydrogen, 383 extraction and tests, distribution, occurrence in soils, 384 modification of old process, 385-7 Marsh’s, 388 Reinsch’s, 390 doses, medicinal, poisonous, 391 physiological effects of, 392 treatment and antidotes, 393 presence in common articles, 394 attempted poisoning by forged prescription, 394 remarks on evidence of Dr. Letheby (Merritt’s case), 395 on Madeline Smith’s case, 395, note 396 supposed presence in sulphuretted hydrogen, 396 See trials of Madeline Smith, Pritchard, and Ann Merritt, Chap. VI. ASHLEY, Mrs., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 19 AYRTON, Dr., evidence of (Winslow’s trial), 487 BABBINGTON, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 460 BALL, GEORGE, trial of, at Lewes, 49-52 BAMFORD, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 99-100 BANKES, ISABELLA, case of, 448 BARLOW, SILAS, trial of, 268-75 history of the case, 268 symptoms of poisoning, 269 medical evidence, 271 analytical evidence, Dr. Lees, 272 Dr. Bernays, 274 defence and verdict, 275 BARNES, LAVINIA, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 98-9 BARRETT, Mrs., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 20 BARWELL, Surgeon, evidence of, post-mortem (Smethurst’s trial), 456 BATEMAN, Mrs., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 41 BEDBROOK, evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 541 BELLADONNA, insensibility, symptom of poisoning by, 2 dilates the pupil of the eye, 2 BERNAYS, Dr. A. J., evidence of (Barlow’s trial), 274 BERRY, Dr., evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 520 BIRD, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 455 BISMUTH, potassio-iodide of, reagent for alkaloids, 10 subnitrate, arsenic in, 510 BLANC MANGE, arsenic used for colouring, 377 BOILERS, FUR IN, arsenic used for removing, 376 BOWERBANK, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 460 BRAMWELL, Baron, charge of (Dove’s trial), 260-2 BRAND, Surgeon, evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 524 BRODIE, Sir B., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 117 opinion of (Smethurst’s case), 478 BROOKS, Mrs., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 92 BRUCIA, convulsions, symptoms of poisoning by, 3 whence obtained, 284 tests for, 285 BURDOCK, M.A., trial for poisoning by orpiment, 382, note. properties, 12-14 resembling strychnia, 291 in Lamson’s case, 550, 580, 537-8 CALVERT, F. C., Chemist, indestructibility of strychnia, 149, note CAMERON, Dr., evidence of (Winslow’s trial), 482 CAMPBELL, Lord Chief Justice (Palmer’s trial), omission of Keeling’s evidence, 104, note charge of, 220-31 CANDLES, arsenic used in, 376 CANTHARIDES, vomiting symptom of poisoning by, 2 CARBONIC ACID AND OXIDE, sudden death in poisoning by, 1, 2 CASSAVA, amount of prussic acid in, 59 CAUDLE, Chemist, evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 456 CHAMPNEYS, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 23-7 CHERRY KERNELS, amount of prussic acid in, 59 CHESHIRE, Postmaster, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 188-9 CHLORAL AND CROTON CHLORAL, insensibility, symptom of poisoning by, 2 CHLORINE, process for obtaining pure, xvi. CHLOROFORM, antidote to strychnia, 290 CHRISTISON, Professor, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 147-8 (Dove’s trial), 248 ( CHRONIC POISONING, symptoms of by antimony, mercury, lead, 3, 497 CLARK, RUTHERFORD, defence of Pritchard, 435 CLUTTERBUCK, Mr., details of case of (Palmer’s trial), 123 COCCULUS INDICUS, symptom of poisoning by, 2 COCKBURN, Attorney-General, statement and reply (Palmer’s trial), 84-94, 209-19 COOK, murder of. See Palmer. COOPER, Analytical Chemist, evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 28-33 cross-examination, 33-9 discovery of prussic acid in apple pips, 32, 60, 64 COPLAND, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 460 COPPER, preparation of pure, 498 CORBETT, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 323 COSMETIC, use of arsenic as a, 380 bismuth, 510 COWARD, Inspector, conduct of (Merritt’s trial), 369 CURARINE, process for extracting, 8 CURLING, J. B., Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 111 CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM, symptoms and post-mortem appearances, &c., 80 DANIELL, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 119 DEATH, SUDDEN, evidence of poisoning by sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids, poisonous gases, carbonic oxide, arseniuretted and antimoniuretted hydrogen, kakodyl, strychnia, oxalic and prussic acid, 1, 2 chloroform, sometimes, 2 DE MEAU, French Consul, evidence of (M. Smith’s trial), 338 DEVONSHIRE, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 109, note—134, note DIGITALIS, insensibility evidence of poisoning by, 2 dilates the pupils of the eyes, 2 DODD, Chemist, evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 544 DOVE, Mrs., evidence as to her case (Palmer’s trial), 124 DOVE, WILLIAM, trial for murder of wife—early life, 233-5 history of the case, 235-9 symptoms—Ann Fisher, 239 Mrs. Witham, 240 Mrs. Wood, 241 Mr. Scarth, 242 medical and analytical evidence (Mr. Morley), 242-8 (Mr. Nunneley), 248 (Professor Christison), 248 (Mr. Hobson and Mr. Teale), 249 (Mr. Richard and Mr. William Hey), 250 prisoner’s actions and statements (Ann Fisher), 250 (Gray, Hicks), 251 (Harrison, Jenkins, Scarth), 252 defence—letter to the Devil, 253 evidence of insanity (Dr. Williams), 254-7 (Dr. Pyeman Smith), 258 (Mr. J. Kitchen), 259 judge’s charge, and verdict, 260-3 confessions of, 263-8 DRAGENDORFF, process for alkaloids, 4 DROPS AND MINIMS (Ball’s trial), 50-1 table of relative proportions of, 81 DUPRÉ, Dr., evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 538 EDWARDS, Dr., evidence of (Winslow’s case), 484 EGGLESHAM POISONING CASE (Agnes Montgomery), 52-3 ESSENTIAL OILS, vomiting symptom of, 2 containing HCN, 60 EYE, action of poisons on the—opium, morphia, calabar bean, aconite?, and strychnia, contract the pupil; belladonna, henbane, tobacco, stramonium, digitalis, and hemlock, dilate the pupil, 2 FIREWORKS, arsenic in, 379 antimony, 492 FISHER, ANN, evidence of (Dove’s trial), 239, 251 FISHER, ISHMAEL, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 191-3 FLY POISONS, arsenic in, 379 FORMIC ACID, to be tested for in supposed cases of poisoning by hydrocyanic acid, 82-3 difference from sulphocyanide, 70 FORSTER, supposed case of tetanus, 177-8 FOULNER, evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 431 FOWLER’S SOLUTION, arsenite of potash, 378 dose of, 391 FRANKLIN, trial of (arsenic in blanc mange), 377, note FRESENIUS, process for arsenic, 385 GAGE, MARIA, trial of (arsenic in rat poison), 379 GAIRDNER, Dr., evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 399-403 GAY, Dr. JOHN, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 179 GILLETT, Mrs., evidence of (Merritt’s trial), 368 GIRDWOOD, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 472 GLASS MAKING, arsenic used in, 376 GLUCOSE BEER, arsenic used in, 381 GRANULES, GRITTY, on spine (Palmer’s trial), 171, 292 GRAY, MARGARET, evidence of (Dove’s trial), 251 GRAY, R, E., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 177-8 GUY, Dr., process for subliming alkaloids, 9 HADLER, Mrs., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 41 HAGGART, C., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 340 HANDYSIDE, Lord, judgment in Madeline Smith’s trial, 361 HARLAND, Dr., evidence, post-mortem (Palmer’s trial), 105-9 HARRISON (the witchman), evidence of (Dove’s trial), 252 HART, Mrs., history of (Tawell’s trial), 41 HAWKINS, Sir H., remarks on Poisons Acts (Lamson’s trial), 544, note charge of (Lamson’s trial), 555 HEHNER, tin in canned provisions, 504 HEMLOCK, symptoms of poisoning by, 2 antidote to tetanus, 293 HERAPATH, Chemist, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 163-6 letter to the Times, 165, note and Dr. Taylor (Smethurst’s trial), 507 HEY, R. and W. Medical men, evidence of (Dove’s trial), 250 HICKS, MARY, evidence of (Dove’s trial), 251 HOBSON, Dr., evidence of (Dove’s trial), 249 HOPE, Lord Justice Clerk, judgment on L’Angelier’s diary (Madeline Smith’s trial), 359 charge (Madeline Smith’s trial), 352-5 HORSES, use of arsenic for, 379 HOSPITAL, LONDON case of tetanus at, 178 HOSPITAL, ROYAL FREE, case of tetanus at, 179 HOWARD, Mrs., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 28 HYDRIDE OF ANTIMONY, 492 HYDRARGYRUM CUM CRETA (grey powder), composition of, 513 HYDROCHLORIC ACID, purification of, xvi. synonyms and properties, 55 variations of strength of, 55-6 British Pharmacopoeia (HCN), 57 sources of, 58-61 the quickest poison, 2 quantity in apple pips (Cooper), 32 (Thomas), 40 (C. G. Stewart), 59-60 tests for detection of, preliminary, 61-3 odour test (Tawell’s trial), 24, 34 smell-blindness (Stewart), 63-7 silver test, 67-8 Prussian-blue test, 69 sulphur test, 70 guaiacum, uranium, picric acid, cupric sulphate, cobalt chloride, potash and mercuric oxide tests, 71 peroxide of hydrogen test, 72 mercurous nitrate test, 72 apparatus for the silver, Prussian-blue, and sulphur tests, 72-3 salts of, 73-8 potassium cyanide, 73-4 mercuric cyanide, 74-5 cyanides of the heavy metals, 75 double cyanides, 75-6 sulphocyanides (Pharaoh’s serpent), 77 in the saliva, 78 oil of bitter almonds, amount in, 78 antidotes to, medicinal uses of, fatal dose, 79 symptoms of poisoning by, and post-mortem appearances, 78-80 how long after death discoverable, 81-3 HYDROGEN, SULPHURETTED, death by, 1 supposed presence of arsenic in, 396 reagent for antimony, 501 IGASURIA and IGASURIC ACID, 285 INGLIS, Dean of Faculty, defence of Madeline Smith, 342-52 INGLIS, Lord Justice Clerk, charge at Pritchard’s trial, 445 INHALING ARSENIC, in asthma and bronchitis, 381 INSANITY, plea of, evidence in support of (Dove’s trial), 254-60 affidavits in support of (Lamson’s case), 561 INSENSIBILITY, symptom of poisoning by morphia and opium, henbane, stramonium, nicotine, darnel, hemlock, fools’ parsley (doubtful), water hemlock, Indian hemp, woody nightshade, berries of potato, lobelia inflata, foxglove, cocculus indicus, some fungi, chloroform, chloral, croton chloral, amylene, methylene dichloride, sulphuretted hydrogen, carbonic oxide, belladonna, 2 not in strychnia, 288 IVORY, LORD, judgment on extracts from L’Angelier’s diary, 363 JONES, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 101-4, 190 JULIUS, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 453 KEELING, MARY, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 104 omitted by Lord Chief Justice, 104, note KERR, evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 431 KILLERS, VERMIN, KITCHEN, evidence of insanity (Dove’s trial), 259 LAMSON, G. H., Dr., trial for murder of brother-in-law. Chap. X., 514 history of the case, 516-20 evidence of medical attendants (Berry, Little), 520 post-mortem (Little), 521-3 (Bond), 524-6 analytical evidence (Dr. Stevenson), 526 (cross-examination), 532 (Dr. DuprÉ), 538 previous acts of (J. L. and W. Tulloch), 539 (Bedbrook), 541 purchase of poison by (C. A. Smith), 543 (Dodd, Shilling), 544 remarks on Poisons Act by judge, 544, note surrender of prisoner, 546 defence (Montagu Williams), 547-53 reply (Solicitor-General, Herschel), 553-5 judge’s charge (Sir H. Hawkins), 555-60 verdict and sentence, 560 affidavits in support of application for inquiry into his sanity, 561 L’ANGELIER, poisoning of. See Madeline Smith. extracts from diary, judgment on, 342-59 did he commit suicide? 395-6 LAWRIE, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 325 LEAD LEE, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 117 LEES, Dr., evidence of (Barlow’s trial), 272 LETHEBY, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 166-9 LEWIS, Sir C., decision in Smethurst’s case, 479 LIQUOR, strychniÆ, 283 arsenicalis, 379 LITTLEJOHN, Dr., evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 424-5 MACDONALD, W., Dr., evidence and cross-examination (Palmer’s trial), 180-2 MACHATTIE, evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 431 MACLAGAN, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 326 (Pritchard’s trial), 412, 422-3 MARSH’S PROCESS (arsenic), 388 (antimony), 500 MAYER’S REAGENT FOR ALKALOIDS, 10 MERCURY, symptoms of, 3 grey powder, 513 stain on copper, 499 MERRITT, ANN, trial for poisoning her husband, 364-72 medical and analytical evidence (Toulmin), 365 (Letheby), 366 purchase of poison by, 368 acts and statements (Gillett), 368 (Coward), 369 prisoner’s defence, 371 charge and verdict, and reprieve, 372 case referred to at Palmer’s trial, 168 METALLIC STAINS ON COPPER, distinctions between, 499 METALS, cleansing and bronzing of, by arsenic, 380 MILLER, Dr., evidence of (Winslow’s trial), 486 MILLS, ELIZABETH, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 94-8 MINIMS AND DROPS, table of relative proportions of, 81 MONCKTON, Dr., evidence of (post-mortem, Palmer’s trial), 109 evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 124-7 (Dove’s trial), 242-7 MORPHIA, symptom of poisoning by, 2 distinction from strychnia, xv. was it used by Palmer? 291 MORSON’S ACONITINE, 577-9 MOTIVE, remarks on (Inglis, defence of M. Smith), 347 (Inglis, charge, Pritchard’s trial), 445 (Hope, Lord Justice Clerk, M. Smith’s trial), 439 (Shee, Serjeant, defence of Palmer), 201 MYATT, GEORGE, Saddler, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 92, note MYATT, JAMES, Postboy, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 193-4 NEWTON, chemist, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 184, and note NEPALINE AND NAPELLINE, NEURALINE, preparation of aconite, 579 NITRIC ACID, test for brucia, 285 NORBLAD, Surgeon, evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 36-7 NUNNELEY, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 152-63 (Dove’s trial), 184, and note ODLING, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 464 ORPIMENT, composition and properties, 381 Mary Ann Burdock, 382, and note OXIDATION TEST FOR STRYCHNIA, 280 OXIDES OF ANTIMONY, 495 PAINTS, arsenic in, 377 trial of, for murder of J. P. Cook. Chap. II., 84 his connection with Cook, 84-94 health of Cook, 90-1, note sickness of Cook at Shrewsbury, 91-3 Cook’s symptoms at Rugeley (Elizabeth Mills), 94-6 (Lavinia Barnes), 98 (Mary Keeling), 104 medical evidence (Bamford), 99-100 (Jones), 101-4 post-mortem (Harland), 105-9 (Monckton), 109 (Devonshire), 109, note, 134, note medical experts (J. B. Curling), 111 (Dr. Todd), 114 (Daniell, Solly, Lee), 119 (Sir Benjamin Brodie), 117 (Dr. Jackson), 119-20 late cases of strychnia (Agnes Sennett), 121 (Mrs. S. Smyth, Romsey), 122 (Mr. Clutterbuck), 123 (Mrs. Dove, see Morley), 124-7 analytical evidence (Dr. Taylor), 128-45, 291 (Rees and Brande), 145 (Professor Christison), 146-8 medico-scientific evidence for defence, points of, 149-50, 288 (Mr. Nunneley), 152-63 (Mr. Herapath), 163-6 (Dr. Letheby), 166-9 (Professor Rogers), 170 (Dr. F. Wrightson), 170 (Mr. Partridge), 171-3 (Pemberton and Robinson), 174 (Dr. Richardson), 175, 468, 289. cases of tetanus on part of defence, 177-82 purchase of poison by, 183-5 acts of, during illness and after death of Cook, 186-96 J. Myatt, evidence of, 193 letter to the coroner, &c., 194-5 committal of, for murder, and conduct in gaol, 196 evidence of, in forged bill case, 196, note defence of, by Mr. Serjeant Shee, 196-208 reply of Attorney-General, 208 charge of Lord Campbell, 220 verdict and sentence, 231 remarks of Sir James Stephen, 231 suggested use of morphia by, 291 PARKE, Baron, charge of (Tawell’s trial), 42-7 PARTRIDGE, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 171 PATERSON, Dr., evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 404-26 PATTERSON, Servant, evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 398 PEMBERTON, Surgeon, evidence of (Winslow’s trial), 486 PENNY, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 357 (Pritchard’s trial), 413, 418, 420, 426 PERKINS, Constable, evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 23 PHOSPHO-ANTIMONIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 12 PHOSPHO-MOLYBDIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 10 PHOSPHO-TUNGSTIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 11 PHOSPHORIC TEST FOR ACONITIA. See Aconite. PICKERING, Surgeon, evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 38 PICRIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 11 PIPERINE AND PYROXANTHINE, distinctions from strychnia, 156, 281 PLATINIC CHLORIDE, reagent for alkaloids, 12 POLLOCK, Lord Chief Baron, censure of Inspector Coward, 369-70 charge (Smethurst’s trial), 473-7 report to Home Secretary, 478 PORTER, does it disguise HCN? 37, 65 POTASSIUM TRI-IODIDE AND POTASSIO-MERCURIC-IODIDE, reagents for alkaloids, 10 PRINCIPLES, to be observed in testing for poisons, 14, 15 PRITCHARD, Dr., trial of, for murder of wife and mother-in-law, 397-448 history of the case (Patterson, McLeod), 398 symptoms (Gairdner, Paterson), 399 medical attendants, evidence of (Gairdner), 403 (Paterson), 404-26 purchase of poisons by, 412 post-mortem examinations (Maclagan), 413-18 chemical analysis of medicines in Pritchard’s room, 413 of bodies (Penny), 418 of bottle of Battley’s solution, 419 experiments with Battley’s solution on animals, 420-1 causes of death (Dr. Maclagan), 422-3 (Dr. Littlejohn), 424-5 (Dr. Paterson), 426 declarations (official) of, 427 witnesses for defence (Dr. M. Taylor), 430 (Simpson, Foulner, Kerr, and McHattie), 431 speech of Solicitor-General, 431 Rutherford Clark for prisoner, 435 judge’s charge, 445 verdict, confession, 447 PRUSSIC ACID. See Hydrocyanic Acid. PSEUDACONITIA. See Aconite. PTOMAINES. See Cadaveric Alkaloids. RAT POISONS, arsenic in, 379 RICHARDSON, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 175 (Smethurst’s trial), 466 ROBERTS, Chemist, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 183 ROBERTSON, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 174 ROGERS, Professor, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 170 (Smethurst’s), 469 ROSS, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 180 SALTS OF HYDROCYANIC ACID, symptoms, 79 post-mortem appearances, 80 SARGEANT, J., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 91 SAVAGE, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 90, note SCARTH, Chemist, 242 evidence of, (Dove’s trial), 242 SCHEIBLER’S REAGENT FOR ALKALOIDS, 11 SENNETT, AGNES, case of tetanus (Palmer’s trial), 121 SHEE, Serjeant, speech for defence (Palmer’s trial), 196-208 SHEEPWASH, arsenic in, 377 SHILLING, evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 544 SILICO-TUNGSTIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 12 SMETHURST, trial of, for murder of Isabella Bankes, 448-79 history of the case (Ballantine), 449-53 evidence of medical attendants (Julius), 453-5 (Bird and Caudle), 455-6 post-mortem examination (Barwell), 456-8 (Wilks), 458-9 medical experts for prosecution (Todd), 459 (Buzzard, Copland, Bowerbank, and Babbington), 460 analytical evidence (Taylor), 461-4 (Herapath’s letter on, Odling), 460 medical and analytical evidence for defence, 465-73 (Dr. Richardson), 466 (Drs. Rogers and Thudichum), 469 (Dr. Cornelius Webb), 470 (Dr. Girdwood), 472 (Dr. Tyler Smith), 473 judge’s charge (Pollock), 473-7 reference to Brodie, 478 pardon, 479 conviction for bigamy, 452 proof of Miss Bankes’ will, 452 SMITH, C. A., Chemist, evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 543 SMITH, JEREMIAH, examination and cross-examination (Palmer’s trial), 185, note SMITH, MADELINE, trial of, for murder, 295, 359 history of the parties, 295-8 declaration of the accused, 298-300 L’Angelier’s symptoms (Mrs. Jenkins), 300-3 medical attendants, evidence of (Dr. Thomson), 304 (Dr. Steven), 305 post-mortem examination (Appendix A), 355 analytical evidence (Dr. Penny), 307 (Prof. Christison), 315-58 medical experts for defence (Dr. Lawrie), 325 (Dr. McLagan), 326 opportunities of administering poison—1st charge, 329 2nd charge, 330 3rd charge, 332 conduct and statements of (M. de Meau), 337-42 (C. Haggart), 340, note proposed evidence from L’Angelier’s diary (Appendix C), 342, 359 the defence, 342 judge’s charge and verdict, 352-5 quantity of arsenic found in body of a murdered person (Appendix B), 353 SMITH, PYEMAN, Dr., evidence of (Dove’s trial), 258 SMITH, TYLER, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 473 SMYTH, Mrs., case of tetanus (Palmer’s trial), 122 SOLANINE, extraction of, 8 SOLLY, Surgeon, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 117 SONNENSCHEIN’S REAGENT FOR ALKALOIDS, 10 SPECULUM METAL, arsenic in, 381 SPINAL GRANULES (Palmer’s trial), 171-4 specimens at St. Thomas’ Hospital, 292-3 STEPHEN, Mr. Justice, notes on Palmer’s trial, 169, 231-2 Dove’s trial, 268 Smethurst’s trial, 478-511 STEVEN, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 305 STEVENS, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 91, note STEVENSON, Dr., evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 526-32 STRYCHNIA (Chapter V.), 276 sources and properties of, 277 separation of, 278-80 STRYCHNIA TESTS, microscope, taste, colour, 279, 280 galvanic (Letheby), 282 Marshall Hall’s, bichromate of potash, 282 picric acid, sodium nitrite, mercuric chloride, 283 preparations of (table), 283 vermin killers, 283-4 doses, medicinal, 285 fatal period for, 286 symptoms of, in man, 287 post-mortem appearances, 289 treatment and antidotes, 290 value of colour tests, 291 discovery of, in the tissues, 291 did Palmer poison Cook with morphia? 292 supposed preparation of spinal gritty granules, 292-3 differences between morphia and, xv. SULPHIDES, TANNIN OR TANNIC ACID, reagent for alkaloids, 12 antidote to antimony, 497 TARTAR EMETIC. See Antimony, 494 TAWELL, JOHN, trial of, for murder of Mrs. Hart, 16-49 previous life of, 17 symptoms of poison (Ashley, Barrett), 19, 20 conduct at Slough, 21 arrest of (Williams, Wiggins), 22 statement by (Perkins), 23 medical evidence (Champneys), 23-7 previous attempt to poison (Howard), 28 analytical evidence (Cooper), 28-36 (Norblad, Pickering), 36-8 purchase of poison by (Thomas), 39, 40 history of Mrs. Hart (Bateman, Hadler), 41 defence (Kelly), 41-2 judge’s charge (Parke), and verdict, 42-7 confession, question about publication of, 48 legal dispute about his Australian property, 48-9 TAYLOR, A. S., Dr., Analyst, evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 128-45 (Smethurst’s trial), 461-4 and Herapath, 507 TAYLOR, MICHAEL, Dr., evidence of (Pritchard’s trial), 430 TEAL, Dr., evidence of (Dove’s trial), 249 TEETH STOPPING, arsenic used in, 378 THOMPSON, Dr., evidence of (Madeline Smith’s trial), 304 THUDICHUM, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 469 TODD, Dr., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 114 (Smethurst’s trial), 459 TOYS, coloured with arsenic, 378 TRI-IODIDE AND TRIOXIDE OF ARSENIC. See Arsenic. TULLOCH, J. L. and W., evidence of (Lamson’s trial), 539 petition to Home Secretary, 560 VOMITING, a symptom of poisoning by all irritant poisons, acids, alkalies, alkaline salts, &c., 2 WALKER, PETER, trial of (Egglesham poisoning), 51-2 WALL PAPERS, arsenic used in colouring, 378 WEBB, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 470 WIGGINS, Constable, evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 22 WILKS, Dr., evidence of (Smethurst’s trial), 458 WILLIAMS, Inspector G. W. R., evidence of (Tawell’s trial), 22 WILLIAMS, CALEB, Dr., evidence of (Dove’s trial), 254 WILSON, CATHERINE, case of tetanus (Palmer’s trial), 180 WINSLOW, THOMAS, trial of, for murder of Mrs. James, 479-89 history of case, 479-82 medical and analytical evidence (Cameron), 482 (J. B. Edwards), 484 (Ayrton), 487 (Miller, Pemberton), 486 prisoner’s statements, 487 purchase of poison, 488 charge and verdict, 489 WITHAM, Mrs., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 124 (Dove’s trial), 240 WOOD, MARY, evidence of, objection to, 233, note (Dove’s trial), 241 WOOD PRESERVING, arsenic used for, 377 WRIGHTSON, Dr. F., evidence of (Palmer’s trial), 170, 177 YOUNG, Solicitor-General, speech of (Pritchard’s trial), 431 THE END. BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO., PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. |