1. How a Bibliomaniac Binds his Books 26
2. The Bibliomaniac’s Assignment of Binders 28
3. The Failing Books 33
4. Suiting Paper to Subject 34
5. The Sentimental Chambermaid 37
6. A Woman’s Idea of a Library 42
7. The Shy Portraits 54
8. The Snatchers 71
9. The Stolid Auctioneer 75
10. The Prophetic Book 80
11. The Book-Seller 82
12. The Public Librarian 85
13. The Book-Worm does not care for Nature 97
14. How I go A-Fishing 99
15. The Book-Thief 111
16. The Smoke Traveler 112
17. The Fire in the Library 116
18. Cleaning the Library 117
19. Ode to Omar 119
20. My Dog 121
21. My Clocks 123
22. A Portrait 125
23. My Schoolmate 126
24. My Shingle 129
25. Solitaire 130
26. My Friends the Books 133

To book-worms all, of high or low degree,
Whate’er of madness be their stages,
And just as well unknown as known to me,
I dedicate these trifling pages,
In hope that when they turn them o’er
They will not find the Track a bore.

The Track of the Book-Worm.


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