- The Chapter VII numbering is repeated in the original.
- P. 64, changed “Suetonius or J. CÆsar” to “Suetonius on J. CÆsar”.
- P. 65, changed “Culius pati rotundos” to “Culices pati rotundos”.
- P. 102, changed “??????” to “??????”.
- P. 103 Footnote 2, changed “???” to “????”.
- P. 139, added missing anchor for Footnote 3.
- P. 164, changed “L. Otacilius Pititus” to “L. Otacilius Pilitus”.
- P. 202, changed “were too parties” to “were two parties”.
- P. 235, changed “Varro Aticinus” to “Varro Atacinus”.
- P. 238, changed “as the rage of Cicero” to “as the age of Cicero”.
- P. 286, changed ????? ????? ??? ????????· to ????? ????? ??? ????????· and changed “???????? ?? ??? ??? ??’ ???? ?????” to “???????? ?? ??? ??? ??’ ????’ ?????”.
- P. 287, changed “Vides, ut ulta stet nive candidum” to “Vides, ut alta stet nive candidum”.
- P. 299, added missing anchor for Footnote 1.
- P. 334, changed “redundatem et in repetitionibus” to “redundantem et in repetitionibus”.
- P. 431, changed “Connutus philosophy” to “Cornutus philosophy”.
- P. 469, changed “served at tribunus angusticlavus” to “served as tribunus angusticlavus”.
- Silently corrected errors in punctuation.
- Retained anachronistic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed.
- Footnotes have been re-indexed using numbers and collected together at the end of the last chapter.
- Some heading formats were altered to be consistent.