  1. The Chapter VII numbering is repeated in the original.
  2. P. 64, changed “Suetonius or J. CÆsar” to “Suetonius on J. CÆsar”.
  3. P. 65, changed “Culius pati rotundos” to “Culices pati rotundos”.
  4. P. 102, changed “??????” to “??????”.
  5. P. 103 Footnote 2, changed “???” to “????”.
  6. P. 139, added missing anchor for Footnote 3.
  7. P. 164, changed “L. Otacilius Pititus” to “L. Otacilius Pilitus”.
  8. P. 202, changed “were too parties” to “were two parties”.
  9. P. 235, changed “Varro Aticinus” to “Varro Atacinus”.
  10. P. 238, changed “as the rage of Cicero” to “as the age of Cicero”.
  11. P. 286, changed ????? ????? ??? ????????· to ????? ????? ??? ????????· and changed “???????? ?? ??? ??? ??’ ???? ?????” to “???????? ?? ??? ??? ??’ ????’ ?????”.
  12. P. 287, changed “Vides, ut ulta stet nive candidum” to “Vides, ut alta stet nive candidum”.
  13. P. 299, added missing anchor for Footnote 1.
  14. P. 334, changed “redundatem et in repetitionibus” to “redundantem et in repetitionibus”.
  15. P. 431, changed “Connutus philosophy” to “Cornutus philosophy”.
  16. P. 469, changed “served at tribunus angusticlavus” to “served as tribunus angusticlavus”.
  17. Silently corrected errors in punctuation.
  18. Retained anachronistic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings as printed.
  19. Footnotes have been re-indexed using numbers and collected together at the end of the last chapter.
  20. Some heading formats were altered to be consistent.


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