| | | |
| | | |
| | First Era. | |
| | | |
753–510 | 1–244 | Chant of the Arvalian Brotherhood; Saturnian measure; Salian hymn; Pontifical annals; Libri Lintei. | Regal period. |
449 | 305 | Laws of the Twelve Tables; the so-called Leges RegiÆ. | The Decemvirs deposed. |
390 | 364 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Rome taken by Gauls. |
364 | 390 | Stage-players sent for from Etruria. | The year following the death of Camillus. |
326–304 | 428–450 | The Tiburtine inscription - | Second Samnite War. |
280 | 474 | Appius Claudius CÆcus; Ti. Coruncanius. | The year following the arrival of Pyrrhus. |
264 | 490 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Commencement of first Punic war. |
260 | 494 | The Columna Rostrata; epitaphs on the Scipios. | Fifth year of the first Punic war. |
241 | 513 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Conclusion of the first Punic war. |
240 | 514 | Livius Andronicus. | |
239 | 515 | Birth of Ennius. | |
235 | 519 | CnÆus NÆvius flourished. | The Temple of Janus closed for the second time. |
227 | 527 | Birth of Plautus; funeral oration of Q. Metellus. | |
219 | 535 | Q. Fabius Pictor; L. Cincius Alimentus; birth of Pacuvius | |
204 | 550 | Ennius brought to Rome; Corn. Cethegus; P. Licinius Crassus. | |
201 | 553 | Speech of Fabius Cunctator; Sextus Ælius Catus. | Conclusion of second Punic war. |
195 | 559 | M. Porcius Cato consul; Licinius Tegula. | |
186 | 568 | Senatus-consultum respecting the Bacchanals. | The year following the condemnation of L. Scipio. |
184 | 570 | CÆcilius Statius flourished; he died A.U.C. 586; death of Plautus. | Censorship of M. Porcius Cato. |
183 | 571 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Deaths of Hannibal and Scipio Africanus. |
181 | 573 | The (so-called) books of Numa found. | |
179 | 575 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Accession of Perseus. |
170 | 584 | Attius born. | |
168 | 586 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Defeat of Perseus at Pydna. |
166 | 588 | Terence exhibits the Andrian; Sp. Carvilius; C. Sulpicius Gallus; Lavinius Luscius; T. Manlius Torquatus. | |
155 | 599 | The three Attic philosophers visit Rome; C. Acilius Glabrio; Crates Mallotes. | |
154 | 600 | M. Pacuvius; Scipio Æmilianus; LÆlius. | |
150 | 604 | L. Afranius; S. Sulpicius Galba. | |
148 | 606 | Birth of C. Lucilius; Cassius Hemina; A. Postumius Albinus | Second year of the third Punic war. |
146 | 608 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | End of third Punic war; Carthage and Corinth taken. |
138 | 616 | L. Attius flourished; Q. F. M. Servilianus; C. Fannius; Vennonius; C. Sempronius | Dec. Jun. Brutus consul. |
133 | 621 | M. Junius Brutus; P. Mucius ScÆvola; L. CÆlius Antipater; Cn. S. and A. Gellii; L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi; Papirius Carbo; Lepidus Porcina; Ælius Tubero. | Murder of Tib. Gracchus; Numantia taken. |
129 | 625 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | Death of Scipio Æmilianus; Æt. 56. |
123 | 631 | C. Sempronius Gracchus; Sextus Turpilius; C. Lucilius flourished; LÆvius; (?) C. Junius Gracchanus; M. Julius Pennus. | |
119 | 635 | L. Licinius Crassus accuses Carbo; M. Antonius (born B.C. 144.) | |
113 | 641 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | War begun with the Cimbri. |
111 | 643 | -? ? ? -? ? ? - | First year of Jugurthine war. |
109 | 645 | Publius Sempronius Asellio; M. Æmilius Scaurus; P. Rutilius Rufus; Q. Lutatius Catulus. | |
106 | 648 | Birth of Cicero | Birth of Cn. Pompeius. |
100 | 654 | L. Ælius Stilo | Birth of Julius CÆsar. |
95 | 659 | Cotta; the Sulpicii; Hortensius; Q. Mucius ScÆvola; Lucretius born. | |
91 | 663 | Death of the orator Crassus. | |
90 | 664 | C. Licinius Macer; Q. Claudius Quadrigarius; Q. Valerius Antias; L. Lucullus; Sulla; Plotius 1. B.C. 210; A.U.C. 514. 100. Virg. Georg. II. 385; Tibull. II. i. 55; Catull. 61, 27. 301. Lect. R. H. iii. xxvi. 511. Cat. liv. 720. Clinton. 929. Lect. R. H. xcv. 1132. Ibid. 4. 1345. Cap. vi. |