Punctuation is the art of dividing literary composition, by points, or stops, for the purpose of showing more clearly the sense and relation of the words; and of noting the different pauses and inflections required in reading. The following are the principal points, or marks; namely, the Comma [,], The Comma denotes the shortest pause; the Semicolon, a pause double that of the comma; the Colon, a pause double that of the semicolon; and the Period, or Full Stop, a pause double that of the colon. The pauses required by the other four, vary according to the structure of the sentence, and their place in it. They may be equal to any of the foregoing. OBSERVATIONS.OBS. 1.—The pauses that are made in the natural flow of speech, have, in reality, no definite and invariable proportions. Children are often told to pause at a comma while they might count one; at a semicolon, one, two; at a colon, one, two, three; at a period, one, two, three, four. This may be of some use, as teaching them to observe the necessary stops, that they may catch the sense; but the standard itself is variable, and so are the times which good sense gives to the points. As a final stop, the period is immeasurable; and so may be the pause after a question or an exclamation. OBS. 2.—The first four points take their names from the parts of discourse, or of a sentence, which are distinguished by them. The Period, or circuit, is a complete round of words, often consisting of several clauses or members, and always bringing out full sense at the close. The Colon, or member, is the greatest division or limb of a period, and is the chief constructive part of a compound sentence. The Semicolon, half member, or half limb, is the greatest division of a colon, and is properly a smaller constructive part of a compound sentence. The Comma, or segment, is a small part of a clause cut off, and is properly the least constructive part of a compound sentence. A simple sentence is sometimes a whole period, sometimes a chief member, sometimes a half member, sometimes a segment, and sometimes perhaps even less. Hence it may require the period, the colon, the semicolon, the comma, or even no point, according to the manner in which it is used. A sentence whose relatives and adjuncts are all taken in a restrictive sense, may be considerably complex, and yet require no division by points; as, "Thank him who puts me loath to this revenge OBS. 3.—The system of punctuation now used in English, is, in its main features, common to very many languages. It is used in Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, and perhaps most of the tongues in which books are now written or printed. The Germans, however, make less frequent use of the comma than we; and the Spaniards usually mark a question or an exclamation doubly, inverting the point at the beginning of the sentence. In Greek, the difference is greater: the colon, expressed by the upper dot alone, is the only point between the comma and the period; the ecphoneme, or note of exclamation, is hardly recognized, though some printers of the classics have occasionally introduced it; and the eroteme, or note of interrogation, retains in that language its pristine form, which is that of our semicolon. In Hebrew, a full stop is denoted by a heavy colon, or something like it; and this is the only pointing adopted, when the vowel points and the accents are not used. OBS. 4.—Though the points in use, and the principles on which they ought to be applied, are in general well fixed, and common to almost all sorts of books; yet, through the negligence of editors, the imperfections of copy, the carelessness of printers, or some other means, it happens, that different editions and different versions of the same work are often found pointed very variously. This circumstance, provided the sense is still preserved, is commonly thought to be of little moment. But all writers will do well to remember, that they owe it to their readers, to show them at once how they mean to be read; and since the punctuation of the early printers was unquestionably very defective, the republishers of ancient books should not be over scrupulous about an exact imitation of it; they may, with proper caution, correct obvious faults. OBS. 5.—The precise origin of the points, it is not easy to trace in the depth of antiquity. It appears probable, from ancient manuscripts and inscriptions, that the period is the oldest of them; and it is said by some, that the first system of punctuation consisted in the different positions of this dot alone. But after the adoption of the small letters, which improvement is referred to the ninth century, both the comma and the colon came into use, and also the Greek note of interrogation. In old books, however, the comma is often found, not in its present form, but in that of a straight stroke, drawn up and down obliquely between the words. Though the colon is of Greek origin, the practice of writing it with two dots we owe to the Latin authors, or perhaps to the early printers of Latin books. The semicolon was first used in Italy, and was not adopted in England till about the year 1600. Our marks for questions and exclamations were also derived from the same source, probably at a date somewhat earlier. The curves of the parenthesis have likewise been in use for several centuries. But the clash is a more recent invention: Lowth, Ash, and Ward,—Buchanan, Bicknell, and Burn,—though they name all the rest, make no mention of this mark; but it appears by their books, that they all occasionally used it. OBS. 6—Of the colon it may be observed, that it is now much less frequently used than it was formerly; its place being usurped, sometimes by the semicolon, and sometimes by the period. For this ill reason, some late grammarians have discarded it altogether. Thus Felton: "The COLON is now so seldom used by good writers, that rules for its use are unnecessary."—Concise Manual of English Gram., p. 140. So Nutting: "It will be noticed, that the colon is omitted in this system; because it is omitted by the majority of the writers of the present age; three points, with the dash, being considered sufficient to mark the different lengths of the pauses."—Practical Grammar, p. 120. These critics, whenever they have occasion to copy such authors as Milton and Pope, do not scruple to mutilate their punctuation by putting semicolons or periods for all the colons they find. But who cannot perceive, that without the colon, the semicolon becomes an absurdity? It can no longer be a semicolon, unless the half can remain when the whole is taken away! The colon, being the older point of the two, and once very fashionable, is doubtless on record in more instances than the semicolon; and, if now, after both have been in common use for some hundreds of years, it be found out that only one is needed, perhaps it would be more reasonable to prefer the former. Should public opinion ever be found to coincide with the suggestions of the two authors last quoted, there will be reason to regret that Caxton, the old English typographer of the fifteenth century, who for a while successfully withstood, in his own country, the introduction of the semicolon, had not the power to prevent it forever. In short, to leave no literary extravagance unbroached, the latter point also has not lacked a modern impugner. "One of the greatest improvements in punctuation," says Justin Brenan, "is the rejection of the eternal semicolons of our ancestors. In latter times, the semicolon has been gradually disappearing, not only from the newspapers, but from books."—Brenan's "Composition and Punctuation familiarly Explained", p. 100; London, 1830. The colon and the semicolon are both useful, and, not unfrequently, necessary; and all correct writers will, I doubt not, continue to use both. OBS. 7—Since Dr. Blair published his emphatic caution against too frequent a use of parentheses, there has been, if not an abatement of the kind of error which he intended to censure, at least a diminution in the use of the curves, the sign of a parenthesis. These, too, some inconsiderate grammarians now pronounce to be out of vogue. "The parenthesis is now generally exploded as a deformity."—Churchill's Gram., p. 362. "The Parenthesis, () has become nearly obsolete, except in mere references, and the like; its place, by modern writers, being usually supplied by the use of the comma, and the dash."—Nutting's Practical Gram., p. 126; Frazee's Improved Grammar, p. 187. More use may have been made of the curves than was necessary, and more of the parenthesis itself than was agreeable to good taste; but, the sign being well adapted to the construction, and the construction being sometimes sprightly and elegant, there are no good reasons for wishing to discard either of them; nor is it true, that the former "has become nearly obsolete." OBS. 8—The name parenthesis is, which literally means a putting-in-between, is usually applied both to the curves, and to the incidental clause which they enclose. This twofold application of the term involves some inconvenience, if not impropriety. According to Dr. Johnson, the enclosed "sentence" alone is the parenthesis; but Worcester, agreeably to common usage, defines the word as meaning also "the mark thus ()." But, as this sign consists of two distinct parts, two corresponding curves, it seems more natural to use a plural name: hence L. Murray, when he would designate the sign only, adopted a plural expression; as, "the parenthetical characters,"—"the parenthetical marks." So, in another case, which is similar: "the hooks in which words are included," are commonly called crotchets or brackets; though Bucke, in his Classical Grammar, I know not why, calls the two "[ ] a Crotchet;" (p. 23;) and Webster, in his octavo Dictionary, defines a "Bracket, in printing," as Johnson does a "Crotchet" by a plural noun: "hooks; thus, [ ]." Again, in his grammars, Dr. Webster rather confusedly says: "The parenthesis () and hooks [] include a remark or clause, not essential to the sentence in construction."—Philosophical Gram., p. 219; Improved Gram., p. 154. But, in his Dictionary, he forgets both the hooks and the parenthesis that are here spoken of; and, with still worse confusion or inaccuracy, says: "The parenthesis is usually included in hooks or curved lines, thus, ()." Here he either improperly calls these regular little curves "hooks," or erroneously suggests that both the hooks and the curves are usual and appropriate signs of "the parenthesis." In Garner's quarto Dictionary, the French word Crochet, as used by printers, is translated, "A brace, a crotchet, a parenthesis;" and the English word Crotchet is defined, "The mark of a parenthesis, in printing, thus [ ]." But Webster defines Crotchet, "In printing, a hook including words, a sentence or a passage distinguished from the rest, thus []." This again is both ambiguous and otherwise inaccurate. It conveys no clear idea of what a crotchet is. One hook includes nothing. Therefore Johnson said: "Hooks in which words are included [thus]." But if each of the hooks is a crotchet, as Webster suggests, and almost every body supposes, then both lexicographers are wrong in not making the whole expression plural: thus, "Crotchets, in printing, are angular hooks usually including some explanatory words." But is this all that Webster meant? I cannot tell. He may be understood as saying also, that a Crotchet is "a sentence or a passage distinguished from the rest, thus [];" and doubtless it would be much better to call a hint thus marked, a crotchet, than to call it a parenthesis, as some have done. In Parker and Fox's Grammar, and also in Parker's Aids to English Composition, the term Brackets only is applied to these angular hooks; and, contrary to all usage of other authors, so far as I know, the name of Crotchets is there given to the Curves. And then, as if this application of the word were general, and its propriety indisputable, the pupil is simply told: "The curved lines between which a parenthesis is enclosed are called Crotchets."—Gram., Part III, p. 30; Aids, p. 40. "Called Crotchets" by whom? That not even Mr. Parker himself knows them by that name, the following most inaccurate passage is a proof: "The note of admiration and interrogation, as also the parenthesis, the bracket, and the reference marks, [are noted in the margin] in the same manner as the apostrophe."—Aids, p. 314. In some late grammars, (for example, Hazen's and Day's,) the parenthetic curves are called "the Parentheses" From this the student must understand that it always takes two parentheses to make one parenthesis! If then it is objectionable, to call the two marks "a parenthesis," it is much more so, to call each of them by that name, or both "the parentheses." And since Murray's phrases are both entirely too long for common use, what better name can be given them than this very simple one, the Curves? OBS. 9.—The words eroteme and ecphoneme, which, like aposteme and philosopheme, are orderly derivatives from Greek roots[460], I have ventured to suggest as fitter names for the two marks to which they are applied as above, than are any of the long catalogue which other grammarians, each choosing for himself have presented. These marks have not unfrequently been called "the interrogation and the exclamation;" which names are not very suitable, because they have other uses in grammar. According to Dr. Blair, as well as L. Murray and others, interrogation and exclamation are "passionate figures" of rhetoric, and oftentimes also plain "unfigured" expressions. The former however are frequently and more fitly called by their Greek names erotesis and ecphonesis, terms to which those above have a happy correspondence. By Dr. Webster and some others, all interjections are called "exclamations;" and, as each of these is usually followed by the mark of emotion, it cannot but be inconvenient to call both by the same name. OBS. 10.—For things so common as the marks of asking and exclaiming, it is desirable to have simple and appropriate names, or at least some settled mode of denomination; but, it is remarkable, that Lindley Murray, in mentioning these characters six times, uses six different modes of expression, and all of them complex: (1.) "Notes of Interrogation and Exclamation." (2.) "The point of Interrogation,?"—"The point of Exclamation,!" (3.) "The Interrogatory Point."—"The Exclamatory Point." (4.) "A note of interrogation,"—"The note of exclamation." (5.) "The interrogation and exclamation points." (6.) "The points of Interrogation and Exclamation."—Murray, Flint, Ingersoll, Alden, Pond. With much better taste, some writers denote them uniformly thus: (7.) "The Note of Interrogation,"—"The Note of Exclamation."—Churchill, Hiley. In addition to these names, all of which are too long, there may be cited many others, though none that are unobjectionable: (8.) "The Interrogative sign,"—"The Exclamatory sign."—Peirce, Hazen. (9.) "The Mark of Interrogation,"—"The Mark of Exclamation."—Ward, Felton, Hendrick. (10.) "The Interrogative point,"—"The Exclamation point."—T. Smith, Alger. (11.) "The interrogation point,"—"The exclamation point."—Webster, St. Quentin, S. Putnam. (12.) "A Note of Interrogation,"—"A Note of Admiration."—Coar, Nutting. (13.) "The Interrogative point,"—"The Note of Admiration, or of vocation."—Bucke. (14.) "Interrogation (?),"—"Admiration (!) or Exclamation."—Lennie, Bullions. (15.) "A Point of Interrogation,"—"A Point of Admiration or Exclamation."—Buchanan. (16.) "The Interrogation Point (?),"—"The Admiration Point (!)."—Perley. (17.) "An interrogation (?),"—"An exclamation (!)."—Cutler. (18.) "The interrogator?"—"The exclaimor!"—Day's Gram., p. 112. [The putting of "exclaimor" for exclaimer, like this author's changing of quoters to "quotors," as a name for the guillemets, is probably a mere sample of ignorance.] (19.) "Question point,"—"Exclamation point."—Sanborn, p. 272. SECTION I.—THE COMMA.The Comma is used to separate those parts of a sentence, which are so nearly connected in sense, as to be only one degree removed from that close connexion which admits no point. RULE I.—SIMPLE SENTENCES.A simple sentence does not, in general, admit the comma; as, "The weakest reasoners are the most positive."—W. Allen's Gram., p. 202. "Theology has not hesitated to make or support a doctrine by the position of a comma."—Tract on Tone, p. 4. "Then pain compels the impatient soul to seize EXCEPTION.—LONG SIMPLE SENTENCES.When the nominative in a long simple sentence is accompanied by inseparable adjuncts, or when several words together are used in stead of a nominative, a comma should be placed immediately before the verb; as, "Confession of sin without amendment, obtains no pardon."—Dillwyn's Reflections, p. 6. "To be totally indifferent to praise or censure, is a real defect in character."—Murray's Gram., p. 268. "O that the tenor of my just complaint,[461] RULE II.—SIMPLE MEMBERS.The simple members of a compound sentence, whether successive or involved, elliptical or complete, are generally divided by the comma; as, 1. "Here stand we both, and aim we at the best."—Shak. 2. "I, that did never weep, now melt in woe."—Id. 3. "Tide life, tide death, I come without delay."—Id. 4. "I am their mother, who shall bar me from them?"—Id. 5. "How wretched, were I mortal, were my state!"—Pope. 6. "Go; while thou mayst, avoid the dreadful fate."—Id. 7. "Grief aids disease, remember'd folly stings, And his last sighs reproach the faith of kings."—Johnson. EXCEPTION I.—RESTRICTIVE RELATIVES.When a relative immediately follows its antecedent, and is taken in a restrictive sense, the comma should not be introduced before it; as, "For the things which are seen, are temporal; but the things which are not seen, are eternal."—2 Cor., iv, 18. "A letter is a character that expresses a sound without any meaning."—St. Quentin's General Gram., p. 3. EXCEPTION II.—SHORT TERMS CLOSELY CONNECTED.When the simple members are short, and closely connected by a conjunction or a conjunctive adverb, the comma is generally omitted; as, "Honest poverty is better than wealthy fraud."—Dillwyn's Ref., p. 11. "Let him tell me whether the number of the stars be even or odd."—TAYLOR: Joh. Dict., w. Even. "It is impossible that our knowledge of words should outstrip our knowledge of things."—CAMPBELL: Murray's Gram., p 359. EXCEPTION III.—ELLIPTICAL MEMBERS UNITED.When two simple members are immediately united, through ellipsis of the relative, the antecedent, or the conjunction that, the comma is not inserted; as, "Make an experiment on the first man you meet."—Berkley's Alciphron, p. 125. "Our philosophers do infinitely despise and pity whoever shall propose or accept any other motive to virtue."—Ib., p. 126. "It is certain we imagine before we reflect."—Ib., p. 359. "The same good sense that makes a man excel, RULE III.—MORE THAN TWO WORDS.When more than two words or terms are connected in the same construction, or in a joint dependence on some other term, by conjunctions expressed or understood, the comma should be inserted after every one of them but the last; and, if they are nominatives before a verb, the comma should follow the last also:[462] as, 1. "Who, to the enraptur'd heart, and ear, and eye, 2. "Ah! what avails * * * * * * * * * 3. "Women are soft, mild, pitiful, and flexible; 4. "She plans, provides, expatiates, triumphs there."—Young. 5. ——"So eagerly the Fiend RULE IV.—ONLY TWO WORDS.When only two words or terms are connected by a conjunction, they should not be separated by the comma; as, "It is a stupid and barbarous way to extend dominion by arms; for true power is to be got by arts and industry"—Spectator, No. 2. "Despair and anguish fled the struggling soul."—Goldsmith. EXCEPTION I.—TWO WORDS WITH ADJUNCTS.When the two words connected have several adjuncts, or when one of them has an adjunct that relates not to both, the comma is inserted; as, "I shall spare no pains to make their instruction agreeable, and their diversion useful."—Spectator, No. 10. "Who is applied to persons, or things personified."—Bullions. "With listless eyes the dotard views the store, EXCEPTION II.—TWO TERMS CONTRASTED.When two connected words or phrases are contrasted, or emphatically distinguished, the comma is inserted; as, "The vain are easily obliged, and easily disobliged."—Kames. "Liberal, not lavish, is kind Nature's hand."—Beattie. "'Tis certain he could write, and cipher too."—Goldsmith. EXCEPTION III.—ALTERNATIVE OF WORDS.When there is merely an alternative of names, or an explanatory change of terms, the comma is usually inserted; as, "We saw a large opening, or inlet."—W. Allen. "Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles?"—Cor., ix, 5. EXCEPTION IV.—CONJUNCTION UNDERSTOOD.When the conjunction is understood, the comma is inserted; and, if two separated words or terms refer alike to a third term, the second requires a second comma: as, "Reason, virtue, answer one great aim."—L. Murray, Gram., p. 269. "To him the church, the realm, their pow'rs consign."—Johnson. "She thought the isle that gave her birth. RULE V.—WORDS IN PAIRS.When successive words are joined in pairs by conjunctions, they should be separated in pairs by the comma; as, "Interest and ambition, honour and shame, friendship and enmity, gratitude and revenge, are the prime movers in public transactions."—W. Allen. "But, whether ingenious or dull, learned or ignorant, clownish or polite, every innocent man, without exception, has as good a right to liberty as to life."—Beattie's Moral Science, p. 313. "Then say how hope and fear, desire and hate, RULE VI.—WORDS PUT ABSOLUTE.Nouns or pronouns put absolute, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma; as, "The prince, his father being dead, succeeded."—"This done, we parted."—"Zaccheus, make haste and come down."—"His proctorship in Sicily, what did it produce?"—Cicero. "Wing'd with his fears, on foot he strove to fly, RULE VII.—WORDS IN APPOSITION.Words in apposition, (especially if they have adjuncts,) are generally set off by the comma; as, "He that now calls upon thee, is Theodore, the hermit of Teneriffe."—Johnson. "LOWTH, Dr. Robert, bishop of London, born in 1710, died in 1787."—Biog. Dict. "HOME, Henry, lord Kames."—Ib. "What next I bring shall please thee, be assur'd, "And he, their prince, shall rank among my peers."—Byron. EXCEPTION I.—COMPLEX NAMES.When several words, in their common order, are used as one compound name, the comma is not inserted; as, "Dr. Samuel Johnson,"—"Publius Gavius Cosanus." EXCEPTION II.—CLOSE APPOSITION.When a common and a proper name are closely united, the comma is not inserted; as, "The brook Kidron,"—"The river Don,"—"The empress Catharine,"—"Paul the Apostle." EXCEPTION III.—PRONOUN WITHOUT PAUSE.When a pronoun is added to an other word merely for emphasis and distinction, the comma is not inserted; as, "Ye men of Athens,"—"I myself,"—"Thou flaming minister,"—"You princes." EXCEPTION IV.—NAMES ACQUIRED.When a name acquired by some action or relation, is put in apposition with a preceding noun or pronoun, the comma is not inserted; as, "I made the ground my bed;"—"To make him king;"—"Whom they revered as God;"—"With modesty thy guide."—Pope. RULE VIII.—ADJECTIVES.Adjectives, when something depends on them, or when they have the import of a dependent clause, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma; as, 1. ——————————————"Among the roots 2. ————————————-"Up springs the lark, Shrill-voic'd and loud, the messenger of morn."—Id. EXCEPTION.—ADJECTIVES RESTRICTIVE.When an adjective immediately follows its noun, and is taken in a restrictive sense, the comma should not be used before it; as, ——"And on the coast averse RULE IX.—FINITE VERBS.Where a finite verb is understood, a comma is generally required; as, "From law arises security; from security, curiosity; from curiosity, knowledge."—Murray. "Else all my prose and verse were much the same; EXCEPTION.—VERY SLIGHT PAUSE.As the semicolon must separate the clauses when the comma is inserted by this rule, if the pause for the omitted verb be very slight, it may be left unmarked, and the comma be used for the clauses; as, "When the profligate speaks of piety, the miser of generosity, the coward of valour, and the corrupt of integrity, they are only the more despised by those who know them."—Comstock's Elocution, p. 132. RULE X.—INFINITIVES.The infinitive mood, when it follows a verb from which it must be separated, or when it depends on something remote or understood, is generally, with its adjuncts, set off by the comma; as, "One of the greatest secrets in composition is, to know when to be simple."—Jamieson's Rhet., p. 151. "To confess the truth, I was much in fault."—Murray's Gram., p. 271. "The Governor of all—has interposed, RULE XI.—PARTICIPLES.Participles, when something depends on them, when they have the import of a dependent clause, or when they relate to something understood, should, with their adjuncts, he set off by the comma; as, 1. "Law is a rule of civil conduct, prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong."—BLACKSTONE: Beattie's Moral Science, p. 346. 2. "Young Edwin, lighted by the evening star, Lingering and list'ning wander'd down the vale."—Beattie. 3. "United, we stand; divided, we fall."—Motto. 4. "Properly speaking, there is no such thing as chance." EXCEPTION.—PARTICIPLES RESTRICTIVE.When a participle immediately follows its noun, and is taken in a restrictive sense, the comma should not be used before it; as, "A man renown'd for repartee, RULE XII.—ADVERBS. Adverbs, when they break the connexion of a simple sentence, or when they have not a close dependence on some particular word in the context, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma; as, "We must not, however, confound this gentleness with the artificial courtesy of the world."—"Besides, the mind must be employed."—Gilpin. "Most unquestionably, no fraud was equal to all this."—Lyttelton. "But, unfortunately for us, the tide was ebbing already." "When buttress and buttress, alternately, RULE XIII.—CONJUNCTIONS.Conjunctions, when they are separated from the principal clauses that depend on them, or when they introduce examples, are generally set off by the comma; as, "But, by a timely call upon Religion, the force of Habit was eluded."—Johnson. "They know the neck that joins the shore and sea, Or, ah! how chang'd that fearless laugh would be."—Crabbe. RULE XIV.—PREPOSITIONS.Prepositions and their objects, when they break the connexion of a simple sentence, or when they do not closely follow the words on which they depend, are generally set off by the comma; as, "Fashion is, for the most part, nothing but the ostentation of riches."—"By reading, we add the experience of others to our own." "In vain the sage, with retrospective eye, RULE XV.—INTERJECTIONS.Interjections that require a pause, though more commonly emphatic and followed by the ecphoneme, are sometimes set off by the comma; as, "For, lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north."—Jeremiah, i, 15. "O, 'twas about something you would not understand."—Columbian Orator, p. 221. "Ha, ha! you were finely taken in, then!"—Aikin. "Ha, ha, ha! A facetious gentleman, truly!"—Id. "Oh, when shall Britain, conscious of her claim, Stand emulous of Greek and Roman fame?"—Pope. RULE XVI.—WORDS REPEATED.A word emphatically repeated, is generally set off by the comma; as, "Happy, happy, happy pair!"—Dryden. "Ay, ay, there is some comfort in that."—Shak. "Ah! no, no, no."—Dryden. "The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, RULE XVII.—DEPENDENT QUOTATIONS.A quotation, observation, or description, when it is introduced in close dependence on a verb, (as, say, reply, cry, or the like,) is generally separated from the rest of the sentence by the comma; as, "'The book of nature,' said he, 'is before thee.'"—Hawkesworth. "I say unto all, Watch."—Mark. "'The boy has become a man,' means, 'he has grown to be a man.' 'Such conduct becomes a man,' means, 'such conduct befits him.'"—Hart's Gram., p. 116. "While man exclaims, 'See all things for my use!' IMPROPRIETIES FOR CORRECTION.FALSE PUNCTUATION.—ERRORS CONCERNING THE COMMA.UNDER RULE I.—OF SIMPLE SENTENCES."Short, simple sentences should not be separated by a comma."—Felton's [FORMULE.—Not proper, because a needless comma is put after short, the sentence being simple. But, according to Rule 1st for the Comma, "A simple sentence does not, in general, admit the comma." Therefore, this comma should be omitted; thus, "Short simple sentences should not be separated by a comma." Or, much better: "A short simple sentence should rarely be divided by the comma." For such sentences, combined to form a period, should generally be separated; and even a single one may have some phrase that must be set off.] "A regular and virtuous education, is an inestimable blessing."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 174. "Such equivocal expressions, mark an intention to deceive."—Ib., p. 256. "They are, This and that, with their plurals these and those."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 26; Practical Lessons, p. 3. "A nominative case and a verb, sometimes make a complete sentence; as, He sleeps."—Felton's Gram., p. 78. "Tense, expresses the action connected with certain relations of time; mood, represents it as farther modified by circumstances of contingency, conditionally, &c."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 37. "The word Noun, means name."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 14. "The present, or active participle, I explained then."—Ib., p. 97. "Are some verbs used, both transitively and intransitively?"—Cooper's Pt. and Pract. Gram., p. 54. "Blank verse, is verse without rhyme."—Hallock's Gram., p. 242. "A distributive adjective, denotes each one of a number considered separately."—Ib., p. 51. "And may at last my weary age, UNDER THE EXCEPTION CONCERNING SIMPLE SENTENCES."A noun without an Article to limit it is taken in its widest sense."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 8; Practical Lessons, p. 10. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma is here set before the verb is taken. But, according to the Exception to Rule 1st for the Comma, "When the nominative in a long simple sentence is accompanied by inseparable adjuncts, or when several words together are used in stead of a nominative, a comma should be placed immediately before the verb." Therefore, a comma should be here inserted; thus, "A noun without an article to limit it, is taken in its widest sense."—Lennie's Gram., p. 6.] "To maintain a steady course amid all the adversities of life marks a great mind."—Day's District School Gram., p. 84. "To love our Maker supremely and our neighbor as ourselves comprehends the whole moral law."—Ibid. "To be afraid to do wrong is true courage."—Ib., p. 85. "A great fortune in the hands of a fool is a great misfortune."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 89. "That he should make such a remark is indeed strange."—Farnum, Practical Gram., p. 30. "To walk in the fields and groves is delightful."—Id., ib. "That he committed the fault is most certain."—Id., ib. "Names common to all things of the same sort or class are called Common nouns; as, man, woman, day."—Bullions, Pract. Les., p. 12. "That it is our duty to be pious admits not of any doubt."—Id., E. Gram., p. 118. "To endure misfortune with resignation is the characteristic of a great mind,"—Id., ib., p. 81. "The assisting of a friend in such circumstances was certainly a duty."—Id., ib., 81. "That a life of virtue is the safest is certain."—Hallock's Gram., p. 169. "A collective noun denoting the idea of unity should be represented by a pronoun of the singular number."—Ib., p. 167. UNDER RULE II.—OF SIMPLE MEMBERS."When the sun had arisen the enemy retreated."—Day's District School [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma here separates the two simple members which compose the sentence. But, according to Rule 2d, "The simple members of a compound sentence, whether successive or involved, elliptical or complete, are generally divided by the comma." Therefore, a comma should be inserted after arisen; thus, "When the sun had arisen, the enemy retreated."] "If he become rich he may be less industrious."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 118. "The more I study grammar the better I like it."—Id., ib., p. 127. "There is much truth in the old adage that fire is a better servant than master."—Id., ib., p. 128. "The verb do, when used as an auxiliary gives force or emphasis to the expression."—Day's Gram., p. 39. "Whatsoever it is incumbent upon a man to do it is surely expedient to do well."—J. Q. Adams's Rhetoric, Vol. i, p. 46. "The soul which our philosophy divides into various capacities, is still one essence."—Channing, on Self-Culture, p. 15. "Put the following words in the plural and give the rule for forming it."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 19. "We will do it if you wish."—Id., ib., p. 29. "He who does well will be rewarded."—Id., ib., 29. "That which is always true is expressed in the present tense."—Id., ib., p. 119. "An observation which is always true must be expressed in the present tense."—Id., Prin. of E. Gram., p. 123. "That part of orthography which treats of combining letters to form syllables and words is called SPELLING."—Day's Gram., p. 8. "A noun can never be of the first person except it is in apposition with a pronoun of that person."—Ib., p. 14. "When two or more singular nouns or pronouns refer to the same object they require a singular verb and pronoun."—Ib., p. 80. "James has gone but he will return in a few days."—Ib., 89. "A pronoun should have the same person, number, and gender as the noun for which it stands."—Ib., 89 and 80. "Though he is out of danger he is still afraid."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 80. "She is his inferior in sense but his equal in prudence."—Ib., p. 81. "The man who has no sense of religion is little to be trusted."—Ib., 81. "He who does the most good has the most pleasure."—Ib., 81. "They were not in the most prosperous circumstances when we last saw them."—Ib., 81. "If the day continue pleasant I shall return."—Felton's Gram., 1st Ed., p. 22; Ster. Ed., 24. "The days that are past are gone for ever."—Ib., pp. 89 and 92. "As many as are friendly to the cause will sustain it."—Ib., 89 and 92. "Such as desire aid will receive it."—Ib., 89 and 92. "Who gave you that book which you prize so much?"—Bullions, Pract. Lessons, p. 32. "He who made it now preserves and governs it."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 83. "Shall he alone, whom rational we call, UNDER THE EXCEPTIONS CONCERNING SIMPLE MEMBERS."Newcastle is the town, in which Akenside was born."—Bucke's Classical [FORMULE.—Not proper, because a needless comma here separates the restrictive relative which from its antecedent town. But, according to Exception 1st to Rule 2d, "When a relative immediately follows its antecedent, and is taken in a restrictive sense, the comma should not be introduced before it." Therefore, this comma Should be omitted; thus, "Newcastle is the town in which Akenside was born."] "The remorse, which issues in reformation, is true repentance."—Campbell's Philos. of Rhet., p. 255. "Men, who are intemperate, are destructive members of community."—Alexander's Gram., p. 93. "An active-transitive verb expresses an action, which extends to an object."—Felton's Gram., pp. 16 and 22. "They, to whom much is given, will have much to answer for."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 188. "The prospect, which we have, is charming."—Cooper's Pl. and Pr. Gram., p. 143. "He is the person, who informed me of the matter."—Ib., p. 134; Cooper's Murray, 120. "These are the trees, that produce no fruit."—Ib., 134; and 120. "This is the book, which treats of the subject."—Ib., 134; and 120. "The proposal was such, as pleased me."—Cooper, Pl. and Pr. Gram., p. 134. "Those, that sow in tears, shall reap in joy."—Id., ib., pp. 118 and 124; and Cooper's Murray, p. 141. "The pen, with which I write, makes too large a mark."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 71. "Modesty makes large amends for the pain, it gives the persons, who labour under it, by the prejudice, it affords every worthy person in their favour."—Ib., p. 80. "Irony is a figure, whereby we plainly intend something very different from what our words express."—Bucke's Gram., p. 108. "Catachresis is a figure, whereby an improper word is used instead of a proper one."—Ib., p. 109. "The man, whom you met at the party, is a Frenchman."—Frost's Practical Gram., p. 155. UNDER RULE III.—OF MORE THAN TWO WORDS."John, James and Thomas are here: that is, John and James, &c."—Cooper's Plain and Practical Grammar, p. 153. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma is here used after James, or after Thomas, or again after John, in the latter clause; the three nouns being supposed to be in the same construction, and all of them nominatives to the verb are. But, according to Rule 3d for the Comma, "When more than two words or terms are connected in the same construction, or in a joint dependence on some other term, by conjunctions expressed or understood, the comma should be inserted after every one of them but the last; and, if they are nominatives before a verb, the comma should follow the last also." Therefore, the comma should be inserted after each; thus, "John, James, and Thomas, are here: that is, John, and James, and Thomas, are here."][463] "Adverbs modify verbs adjectives and other adverbs."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 97. "To Nouns belong Person, Gender, Number and Case."—Id., Practical Lessons, p. 12. "Wheat, corn, rye, and oats are extensively cultivated."—Id., ib., p. 13. "In many, the definitions, rules and leading facts are prolix, inaccurate and confused."—Finch's Report on Gram., p. 3. "Most people consider it mysterious, difficult and useless."—Ib., p. 3. "His father and mother, and uncle reside at Rome."—Farnum's Gram., p. 11. "The relative pronouns are who, which and that."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 29. "That is sometimes a demonstrative, sometimes a relative and sometimes a conjunction."—Id., ib., p. 33. "Our reputation, virtue, and happiness greatly depend on the choice of our companions."—Day's Gram., p. 92. "The spirit of true religion is social, kind and cheerful."—Felton's Gram., p. 81. "Do, be, have and will are sometimes principal verbs."—Ib., p. 26. "John and Thomas and Peter reside at Oxford."—Webster, Philos. Gram., p. 142; Improved Gram., p. 96. "The most innocent pleasures are the most rational, the most delightful and the most durable."—Id., ib., pp. 215 and 151. "Love, joy, peace and blessedness are reserved for the good."—Id., ib., 215 and 151. "The husband, wife and children, suffered extremely."—Murray's Gram., 4th Am. Ed., 8vo, p. 269. "The husband, wife, and children suffer extremely."—Sanborn's Analytical Gram., p. 268. "He, you, and I have our parts assigned us."—Ibid. "He moaned, lamented, tugged and tried, UNDER RULE IV.—OF ONLY TWO WORDS."Disappointments derange, and overcome, vulgar minds."—Murray's [FORMULE.—Not proper, because the two verbs here connected by and, are needlessly separated from each other, and from their object following. But, according to Rule 4th, "When only two words or terms are connected by a conjunction, they should not be separated by the comma." Therefore, these two commas should be omitted; thus, "Disappointments derange and overcome vulgar minds."] "The hive of a city, or kingdom, is in the best condition, when there is the least noise or buzz in it."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 171. "When a direct address is made, the noun, or pronoun, is in the nominative case independent."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 88. "The verbs love and teach, make loved, and taught, in the imperfect and participle."—Ib., p. 97. "Neither poverty, nor riches were injurious to him."—Cooper's Pl. and Pr. Gram., p. 133. "Thou, or I am in fault."—Wright's Gram., p. 136. "A verb is a word that expresses action, or being."—Day's District School Gram., pp. 11 and 61. "The Objective Case denotes the object of a verb, or a preposition."—Ib., pp. 17 and 19. "Verbs of the second conjugation may be either transitive, or intransitive."—Ib., p. 41. "Verbs of the fourth conjugation may be either transitive, or intransitive."—Ib., 41. "If a verb does not form its past indicative by adding d, or ed to the indicative present, it is said to be irregular."—Ib., 41. "The young lady is studying rhetoric, and logic."—Cooper's Pl. and Pr. Gram., p. 143. "He writes, and speaks the language very correctly."—Ib., p. 148. "Man's happiness, or misery, is, in a great measure, put into his own hands."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 183. "This accident, or characteristic of nouns, is called their Gender."—Bullions, E. Gram., 1843, p. 195. "Grant that the powerful still the weak controul; UNDER EXCEPTION I.—TWO WORDS WITH ADJUNCTS."Franklin is justly considered the ornament of the new world and the pride of modern philosophy."—Day's District School Gram., p. 88. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because the words ornament and pride, each of which has adjuncts, are here connected by and without a comma before it. But, according to Exception 1st to Rule 4th, "When the two words connected have several adjuncts, or when one of them has an adjunct that relates not to both, the comma is inserted." Therefore, a comma should be set before and; thus, "Franklin is justly considered the ornament of the New World, and the pride of modern philosophy."] "Levity and attachment to worldly pleasures, destroy the sense of gratitude to him."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 183. "In the following Exercise, point out the adjectives and the substantives which they qualify."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 100. "When a noun or pronoun is used to explain or give emphasis to a preceding noun or pronoun."—Day's Gram., p. 87. "Superior talents and briliancy of intellect do not always constitute a great man."—Ib., p. 92. "A word that makes sense after an article or the phrase speak of, is a noun."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 12. "All feet used in poetry, are reducible to eight kinds; four of two syllables and four of three."—Hiley's Gram., p. 123. "He would not do it himself nor let me do it."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 113.[464] "The old writers give examples of the subjunctive mode and give other modes to explain what is meant by the words in the subjunctive."—O. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 352. UNDER EXCEPTION II.—TWO TERMS CONTRASTED."We often commend as well as censure imprudently."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 214. "It is as truly a violation of the right of property, to take little as to take much; to purloin a book, or a penknife, as to steal money; to steal fruit as to steal a horse; to defraud the revenue as to rob my neighbour; to overcharge the public as to overcharge my brother; to cheat the postoffice as to cheat my friend."—Wayland's Moral Science, 1st Edition, p. 254. "The classification of verbs has been and still is a vexed question."—Bullions, E. Grammar, Revised Edition, p. 200. "Names applied only to individuals of a sort or class and not common to all, are called Proper Nouns."—Id., Practical Lessons, p. 12. "A hero would desire to be loved as well as to be reverenced."—Day's Gram., p. 108. "Death or some worse misfortune now divides them."—Cooper's Pl. and Pr. Gram., p. 133. "Alexander replied, 'The world will not permit two suns nor two sovereigns.'"—Goldsmith's Greece, Vol. ii, p. 113. "From nature's chain, whatever link you strike, UNDER EXCEPTION III.—ALTERNATIVE OF WORDS."Metre or Measure is the number of poetical feet which a verse contains."—Hiley's Gram., p. 123. "The CÆsura or division, is the pause which takes place in a verse, and which divides it into two parts."—Ib., 123. "It is six feet or one fathom deep."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 113. "A BRACE is used in poetry at the end of a triplet or three lines which rhyme together."—Felton's Gram., p. 142. "There are four principal kinds of English verse or poetical feet."—Ib., p. 143. "The period or full stop denotes the end of a complete sentence."—Sanborn's Analytical Gram., p. 271. "The scholar is to receive as many jetons or counters as there are words in the sentence."—St. Quentin's Gram., p. 16. "That [thing] or the thing which purifies, fortifies also the heart."—Peirce's Gram., p. 74. "That thing or the thing which would induce a laxity in public or private morals, or indifference to guilt and wretchedness, should be regarded as the deadly Sirocco."—Ib., 74. "What is elliptically what thing or that thing which."—Sanborn's Gram., p. 99. "Demonstrate means show or point out precisely."—Ib., p. 139. "The man or that man, who endures to the end, shall be saved."—Hiley's Gram., p. 73. UNDER EXCEPTION IV.—A SECOND COMMA. "Reason, passion answer one great end."—Bullions's E. Gram., p. 152; Hiley's, p. 112. "Reason, virtue answer one great aim."—Cooper's Pl. and Pract. Gram., p. 194; Butler's, 204. "Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above."—Felton's Gram., p. 90. "Every plant, and every tree produces others after its kind."—Day's Gram., p. 91. "James, and not John was paid for his services."—Ib., 91. "The single dagger, or obelisk [Dagger] is the second."—Ib., p. 113. "It was I, not he that did it."—St. Quentin's Gram., p. 152. "Each aunt, (and) each cousin hath her speculation."—Sanborn's Gram., p. 139. "'I shall see you when you come,' is equivalent to 'I shall see you then, or at that time when you come.'"—Butler's Pract. Gram., p. 121. "Let wealth, let honour wait the wedded dame, UNDER RULE V.—OF WORDS IN PAIRS."My hopes and fears, joys and sorrows centre in you."—B. GREENLEAF: Sanborn's Gram., p. 268. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma here separates the second pair of nominatives from the verb. But, according to Rule 5th, "When successive words are joined in pairs by conjunctions, they should be separated in pairs by the comma." Therefore, an other comma should be inserted after sorrows; thus, "My hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, centre in you."] "This mood implies possibility, or liberty, will, or obligation."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 113. "Substance is divided into Body, and Spirit into Extended and Thinking."—Brightland's Gram., p. 253. "These consonants, [d and t,] like p, and b, f, and v, k, and hard g, and s, and z, are letters of the same organ."—Walkers Dict., p. 41: Principles, No. 358. "Neither fig nor twist pigtail nor cavendish have passed my lips since, nor ever shall they again."—Boston Cultivator, Vol. vii, p. 36. "The words WHOEVER, or WHOSOEVER, WHICHEVER, or WHICHSOEVER, and WHATEVER, or WHATSOEVER are called COMPOUND RELATIVE PRONOUNS."—Day's Gram., p. 23. "Adjectives signifying profit or disprofit, likeness or unlikeness govern the dative."—Bullions, Lat. Gram., 12th Ed., 215. UNDER RULE VI.—OF WORDS ABSOLUTE."Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 135. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma is here set after staff, which, with the noun rod, is put absolute by pleonasm. But, according to Rule 6th, "Nouns or pronouns put absolute, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma." Therefore, a comma should be here inserted; thus, "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."—Psalm xxiii, 4.] "Depart ye wicked."—Wright's Gram., p. 70. "He saith to his mother, Woman behold thy son."—Gurney's Portable Evidences, p. 44. "Thou God seest me."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 9; Practical Lessons, p. 13. "Thou, God seest me."—Id., E. Gram., Revised Ed., p. 195. "John write me a letter. Henry go home."—O. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 356. "John; write a letter. Henry; go home."—Ib., p. 317. "Now, G. Brown; let us reason together."—Ib., p. 326. "Smith: You say on page 11, the objective case denotes the object."—Ib., p. 344. "Gentlemen: will you always speak as you mean?"—Ib., p. 352. "John: I sold my books to William for his brothers."—Ib., p. 47. "Walter and Seth: I will take my things, and leave yours."—Ib., p. 69. "Henry: Julia and Jane left their umbrella, and took yours."—Ib., p. 73. "John; harness the horses and go to the mine for some coal. William; run to the store for a few pounds of tea."—Ib., p. 160. "The king being dead the parliament was dissolved."—Chandler's Gram., p. 119. "Cease fond nature, cease thy strife, "Forbear great man, in arms renown'd, forbear."—Ib., p. 174. "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, UNDER RULE VII.—WORDS IN APPOSITION."We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice," &c.—Hallock's Gram., p. 200. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma is here set after the pronoun We, with which the word people, which has adjuncts, is in apposition. But, according to Rule 7th, "Words in apposition, (especially if they have adjuncts,) are generally set off by the comma." Therefore, an other comma should be here inserted; thus, "We, the people of the United States," &c.] "The Lord, the covenant God of his people requires it."—Anti-Slavery Magazine, Vol. i, p. 73. "He as a patriot deserves praise."—Hallock's Gram., p. 124. "Thomson the watchmaker and jeweller from London, was of the party."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 128. "Every body knows that the person here spoken of by the name of the conqueror, is William duke of Normandy."—Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 33. "The words myself, thyself, himself, herself, and their plurals ourselves, yourselves, and themselves are called Compound Personal Pronouns."—Day's Gram., p. 22. "For who to dumb forgetfulness a prey, UNDER EXCEPTIONS CONCERNING APPOSITION."Smith and Williams' store; Nicholas, the emperor's army."—Day's Gram., p. 17. "He was named William, the conqueror."—Ib., p. 80. "John, the Baptist, was beheaded."—Ib., p. 87. "Alexander, the coppersmith, did me great harm."—Hart's Gram., p. 126. "A nominative in immediate apposition; as, 'The boy, Henry, speaks.'"—Smart's Accidence, p. 29. "A noun objective can be in apposition with some other; as, 'I teach the boy, Henry.'"—Ib., p. 30. UNDER RULE VIII.—OF ADJECTIVES."But he found me, not singing at my work ruddy with health vivid with cheerfulness; but pale and dejected, sitting on the ground, and chewing opium." [FORMULE.—Not proper, because the phrases, "ruddy with health," and "vivid with cheerfulness," which begin with adjectives, are not here commaed. But, according to Rule 8th, "Adjectives, when something depends on them, or when they have the import of a dependent clause, should, with their adjuncts, be set off by the comma." Therefore, two other commas should be here inserted; thus, "But he found me, not singing at my work, ruddy with health, vivid with cheerfulness; but pale," &c.—Dr. Johnson.] "I looked up, and beheld an inclosure beautiful as the gardens of paradise, but of a small extent."—See Key. "A is an article, indefinite and belongs to 'book.'"—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 10. "The first expresses the rapid movement of a troop of horse over the plain eager for the combat."—Id., Lat. Gram., p. 296. "He [, the Indian chieftain, King Philip,] was a patriot, attached to his native soil; a prince true to his subjects and indignant of their wrongs; a soldier daring in battle firm in adversity patient of fatigue, of hunger, of every variety of bodily suffering and ready to perish in the cause he had espoused."—See Key. "For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd dead "Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest: "Idle after dinner in his chair UNDER THE EXCEPTION CONCERNING ADJECTIVES."When an attribute becomes a title, or is emphatically applied to a name, it follows it; as Charles, the Great; Henry, the First; Lewis, the Gross."—Webster's Philos. Gram., p. 153; Improved Gram., p. 107. "Feed me with food, convenient for me."—Cooper's Practical Gram., p. 118. "The words and phrases, necessary to exemplify every principle progressively laid down, will be found strictly and exclusively adapted to the illustration of the principles to which they are referred."—Ingersoll's Gram., Pref., p. x. "The Infinitive Mode is that form of the verb which expresses action or being, unlimited by person, or number."—Day's Gram., p. 35. "A man, diligent in his business, prospers."—Frost's Practical Gram., p. 113. "O wretched state! oh bosom, black as death!" "O, wretched state! O, bosom, black as death!" UNDER RULE IX.—OF FINITE VERBS."The Singular denotes one; the Plural more than one."—Bullions, E. [FORMULE.—Not proper, because no comma is here set after Plural, where the verb denotes is understood. But, according to Rule 9th, "Where a finite verb is understood, a comma is generally required." Therefore, a comma should be inserted at the place mentioned; thus, "The Singular denotes one; the Plural, more than one."] "The comma represents the shortest pause; the semicolon a pause longer than the comma; the colon longer than the semicolon; and the period longer than the colon."—Hiley's Gram., p. 111. "The comma represents the shortest pause; the semicolon a pause double that of the comma; the colon, double that of the semicolon; and the period, double that of the colon."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 151; Pract. Lessons, p. 127. "Who is applied only to persons; which to animals and things; what to things only; and that to persons, animals, and things."—Day's Gram., p. 23. "A or an is used before the singular number only; the before either singular or plural."—Bullions, Practical Lessons, p. 10. "Homer was the greater genius; Virgil the better artist."—Day's Gram., p. 96. "Homer was the greater genius, Virgil the better artist."—POPE'S PREFACE: British Poets, Vol. vi, p. viii. "Words are formed of syllables; syllables of letters."—St. Quentin's General Gram., p. 2. "The Conjugation of an active verb is styled the ACTIVE VOICE; and that of a passive verb the PASSIVE VOICE."—Frost's El. of E. Gram., p. 19. "The CONJUGATION of an active verb is styled the ACTIVE VOICE, and that of a passive verb the PASSIVE VOICE."—Smith's New. Gram., p. 171. "The possessive is sometimes called the genitive case; and the objective the accusative."—L. Murray's Gram., 12mo, p. 44. "Benevolence is allied to few vices; selfishness to fewer virtues."—Kames, Art of Thinking, p. 40. "Orthography treats of Letters, Etymology of Words, Syntax of Sentences, and Prosody of Versification."—Hart's English Gram., p. 21. |