
On reaching my rooms at Ferdinand Bolstraat 66a, the landlady greeted me with respectful effusion and told me that Jan was as good as cured, though the wounded arm would remain stiff for a good while, she feared. She was loud in the praises of the Engelsche juffrouw and her profisciency in Dutch; and (sinking her voice confidentially) Mijnheer van Leeuwen had left a letter for me upstairs.

“Boyton”, I thought, as I climbed those forty nine precipitous steps that led to my room, “I hope you have done your duty.”

And he had.

Van Leeuwen wrote that he would prepare me for a great surprise! It was yet a profound secret; but,—well, in fact—that is to say—he was engaged to my cousin Kathleen. They had discovered mutual sympathies and affinities over the study of Dutch—to which language now my cousin was devoting her serious attention. By the by they had been delighted with that monograph of mine. And the queer Grammar was useful. (I should think so!)

He said that he could well imagine my astonished looks when I got this news about his attachment! Now confess, he concluded, that you hadn’t the ghost of a suspicion as to what was coming?

“Oh hadn’t I just?” I soliloquized, “Well; there’s only one thing, my dear fellow, to say to all that; And I really must say it in Dutch: Of ik?”

Opmerkingen van de bewerker

De kopteksten van het oorspronkelijke boek zijn gebruikt als zijnoten.

Voor het gemak van de lezer is de inhoudsopgave verplaatst van het eind van het boek naar het begin.

In de tabel met uitspraakregels op pag. 16 werd in het origineel EU twee keer genoemd. De tweede is veranderd in EI.

Duidelijke drukfouten zijn stilzwijgend verbeterd. Alle andere eigenaardigheden en inconsequenties in spelling en grammatica zijn niet gewijzigd, in het bijzonder die in de zogenaamde citaten uit “Boyton and Brandnetel”. Ook de stijl van de auteur in het gebruik van aanhalingstekens is niet gewijzigd.



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