Title: The Flower Princess The Flower Princess; The Little Friend; The Mermaid's Child; The Ten Blowers Author: Abbie Farwell Brown Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Endpapers By Abbie Farwell Brown—————
HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Boston and New York THE FLOWER PRINCESSTitle page COPYRIGHT 1904 BY ABBIE FARWELL BROWN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published September, 1904 Oh, give me for a little space To see with childlike eyes This curious world, our dwelling-place Of wonder and surprise. . . . The long, long road from Day to Night Winds on through constant change, Whereon one hazards with delight Adventures new and strange; The wonders of the earth and sky! The magic of the sea! The mysteries of beast and fly, Of bird and flower and tree! One feels the breath of holy things Unseen along the road, The whispering of angel wings, The neighboring of Good. And Beauty must be good and true, One battles for her sake; But Wickedness is foul to view, So one cannot mistake. . . . Ah, give me with the childlike sight The simple tongue and clear Wherewith to read the vision right Unto a childish ear. Acknowledgments are due the publishers of The Churchman for permission to reprint "The Flower Princess" and "The Little Friend;" also to the Brown Book of Boston for permission to use "The Ten Blowers," which first appeared in that magazine. |