Air—Troubadour. Feebly the bondman toiled, Sadly he wept— Then to his wretched cot Mournfully crept; How doth his free-born soul Pine ’neath his chain! Slavery! Slavery! Dark is thy reign. Long ere the break of day, Roused from repose, Wearily toiling Till after its close— Praying for freedom, He spends his last breath: Liberty! Liberty! Give me or death. When, when, O Lord! will right Triumph o’er wrong? Tyrants oppress the weak, O Lord! how long? Hark! hark! a peal resounds From shore to shore— Tyranny! Tyranny! Thy reign is o’er. E’en now the morning Gleams from the East— Despots are feeling Their triumph is past— Strong hearts are answering To freedom’s loud call— Liberty! Liberty! Full and for all. |