P. 2, 1.8.—“do not to another”] The Golden Rule occurs both here and in the Apostolic Constitutions (vii. 2), in a negative form, as in the teachings of Confucius. P. 2, 1.11.—“fast for them that persecute you”] The emphasis put upon fasting, here and elsewhere in this document, is not sign of Montanism, since fasting was much emphasized in the early Church, and Montanism itself was, in this respect, only an exaggeration of common usage. P. 4, 1.15—“ye shall have no enemy”] Suggested, apparently, by 1 Pet. iii.13, “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be zealous of that which is good?” P. 4, 1.22—“for indeed thou canst not”] Because Christians were forbidden to go to law before the unrighteous,” 1 Cor. vi. 1. –31– P. 4, 1.32—“Let thine alms sweat in thy hands, until thou knowest to whom thou shouldst give”] A very graphic injunction of carefulness in giving. |