In crown 8vo, 5s., cloth. IDOLATRIES, OLD AND NEW: Opinions of the Press. "The present volume we should think is by far the best which the author has sent forth. This, indeed, is the most fundamental and comprehensive argument on the principles involved in the ritualistic controversy which we have yet seen."—London Quarterly Review. "We heartily recommend to our readers this eloquent, vigorous, and well-reasoned book. It puts things familiar to only a few strong thinkers in fresh and forcible lights; it is a noble vindication of the spirituality and freedom of the Christian life; it is written in a manly chastened style, and is inspired by a high-toned and earnest spiritual feeling,"—English Independent. "His style is as forcible and eloquent as his thinking is clear and vigorous. Of the genuine power of the book—a power derived from its high-toned principle, its manly freedom, its intense earnestness—there can be no question."—Nonconformist. "A thoughtful, earnest, and intelligent protest against the idolatry of the priest, of the sacrament, and of the word, written with manly vigour and much beauty."—Freeman. LONDON: Transcriber's Note: Punctuation has been standardised. Paragraph enumeration and hyphenation have been retained as they appear in the original publication. A table of contents has been added above the beginning of the book. Changes have been made as follows: Page 40 Page 77 |