Handle a book to be bound with more care than when the binding is sound.
Collate every book to make sure that no pages are missing, unless it is ascertained that the binder includes this process in his work.
Many librarians have ceased to make bindery slips, except in the case of important books requiring complicated titles or for magazines. When slip is not made, an excellent way to indicate the lettering for the back of book is to underscore lightly in lead pencil on title page, the specific words in title desired; for author underscore twice.
The material to be used for binding is generally decided upon in advance by conference or correspondence with binder.
Magazines should be carefully examined to make sure that each volume is complete, including title page and index. The librarian should write to the publisher for these, if they are not received within a reasonable time after the volume is completed. If missing, instruct binder to bind in stubs so that they may be inserted when obtained.
In giving directions for magazines to be bound with stubs, state whether stubs are to be at the beginning or end of the volume. Look over previous volumes of set that your volumes may be uniform in the placing of the index, and follow the printer's arrangement.
Send an alphabetical list of the books to the bindery for checking purposes. Keep a duplicate copy.
File alphabetically in charging tray the book cards that have been removed from the books; charge these to the bindery.
Magazines should have a bindery slip made and a sample volume already bound sent that each set may be uniform as to color of cover, lettering, etc. A rubbing of a bound volume can easily be made and sent in place of the volume. If the binder has previously bound magazines for you he has doubtless made sample backs for his own convenience. The slip should show definitely the placing and abbreviations of volume numbers, dates, etc.