Transcriber's Notes


This text follows the printed book; all inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, lay-out, etc. have been retained, except as mentioned below.
Page 67, form: probably the second group of data should have started with Expenditure.
Page 198, Fig. 64: the rules mentioned on the label do not coincide with those listed in Section 360, and have therefore not been linked.
Page 435, The ruling continues for 52 lines: possibly an error for 12 lines or intended for Fig. 172.
Page 448, ... physical side of books is only less important ...: possibly a word is missing (“slightly” or similar).
Page 495: Section 566 is not present in the original work.
Page 508: there seems to be a heading (nr. 586) missing; references to Section 586 are assumed to point to “General Bibliographies.”
Index: some entries are not in alphabetical order; this has not been changed.

Changes made to the text

Footnotes, tables and illustrations have been moved.
Obvious minor typographical and other errors have been corrected silently.
Various pages: German nouns have been capitalised; French accents have been added or corrected.
Various pages: section header Bibliography has been added where it was lacking.
In several places, titles of books and periodicals in languages other than English are incomplete or erroneous; these have not been completed or corrected, except as mentioned below.
Page 33: Lechbetrieb changed to Leihbetrieb
Page 92, Fig. 7: New Orders moved to separate line
Page 180-181: footnote [3] copied to footnotes [4], [5] and [6]
Page 188: Spofforth changed to Spofford as elsewhere
Page 214: Oceana changed to Oceania; BY changed to BV (2×)
Page 215: HY changed to HV; JY changed to JV
Page 216: PS changed to PJ
Page 217: RY changed to RV
Page 249: Instructionem changed to Instructionen; Wein changed to Wien; einen changed to einem; Katalog changed to Kataloge
Page 252, footnote: moved from bottom of page 253; footnote anchor inserted. This note refers to all C, R, S, T codes.
Page 253, Gerhardi: Cr changed to CR
Page 267: methods of securing changed to method of securing
Page 279: de Maintien changed to le Maintien
Page 398: J. C. Mudge changed to I. G. Mudge as elsewhere
Page 410: Fig. 123 changed to Fig. 118
Page 455: PrÉcÌs changed to PrÉcis
Page 478: Worsop changed to Worksop
Page 499: BÜcheri changed to BÜcherei
Page 501: Bibliotheckwezen changed to Bibliotheekwezen; Boek-Bibliothekwezen changed to Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen; For Folke-og changed to For Folke- og; Leabharbann changed to Leabharlann; Leschallen changed to Lesehallen
Page 502: Cotgreve changed to Cotgreave; De Lisle changed to Delisle as elsewhere; les Livres changed to des Livres
Page 503: long dash before Mann, Margaret deleted
Page 506: Bibliotheckgids changed to Bibliotheekgids; Vitgave changed to Uitgave; Walter changed to Welter
Page 508: Attilis changed to Attilo; dell’ anno changed to dell’anno
Page 513: Intro., VI. (3), changed to Intro., VI.
Page 515: 72 (5) changed to 73 (5)
Page 517: section number 257 added to Patent Office
Page 519: 72 (4) changed to 73 (4).


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