I. The Beginning of Things 1
II. How Odin Lost His Eye 11
III. Kvasir's Blood 21
IV. The Giant Builder 35
V. The Magic Apples 50
VI. Skadi's Choice 70
VII. The Dwarf's Gifts 80
VIII. Loki's Children 98
IX. The Quest of the Hammer 110
X. The Giantess Who Would Not 132
XI. Thor's Visit to the Giants 146
XII. Thor's Fishing 172
XIII. Thor's Duel 192
XIV. In the Giant's House 208
XV. Balder and the Mistletoe 226
XVI. The Punishment of Loki 243

Six of these Tales, namely, The Magic Apples, The Dwarf's Gifts, The Quest of the Hammer, In the Giant's House, Balder and the Mistletoe, and The Punishment of Loki are, by the courteous permission of the publishers of The Churchman, reprinted from that magazine.


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