1. Rights and Duties of All Persons [Rectitudines singularum personarum], c. 1000—2. The form of the Domesday Inquest, 1086—3. The borough of Dover, 1086—4. The borough of Norwich, 1086—5. The borough of Wallingford, 1086—6. The customs of Berkshire, 1086—7. Land of the Church of Worcester, 1086—8. The manor of Rockland, 1086—9. The manor of Halesowen, 1086—10. The manor of Havering, 1086. The task of reconstructing the economic life of Saxon England is not easy, and while the document translated below (No. 1) vividly analyses the obligations and rights of the various classes of tenants and officers on Saxon estates of the eleventh century, it raises many difficulties and is probably only true for the more settled parts of the country. It affords, however, clear proof of a high agricultural and social development; and though the exact significance of specific terms, and the status of different classes, may remain obscure, a comparison of the Rectitudines and the Gerefa The further study of Domesday Book will undoubtedly yield valuable results supplementing the information derived from Saxon documents. While it is primarily a supreme example of the defining spirit and centralising energy of the conquering race, it is also a permanent record of England before and at the time of the Norman invasion. Especially, AUTHORITIES The more accessible writers dealing with the subject of this section are:—Kemble, The Saxons in England; Maine, Village Communities in the East and West; Seebohm, The English Village Community; Vinogradoff, Villeinage in England, The Growth of the Manor, and, English Society in the Eleventh Century; Andrews, The Old English Manor; Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond; Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law; Ballard, The Domesday Boroughs, and, The Domesday Inquest; Round, Domesday Studies, and, The Domesday Manor (Eng. Hist. Rev. xv.); Stubbs, Constitutional History, and, Lectures on MediÆval History; Ellis, Introduction to Domesday Book; Gomme, The Village Community; de Coulanges, Origin of Property in Land; Freeman, The History of the Norman Conquest of England; Petit Dutaillis, Studies Supplementary to Stubbs' Constitutional History. Almost the whole of Domesday Book has now been translated and is printed county by county in the Victoria County History series. For a general survey of the Saxon period the student should refer to Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, MediÆval Times, pp. 28-133. 1. The Thegn's Law.—The thegn's law is that he be worthy of his book-right, The Geneat's Service.—Geneat-service is diverse according to the custom of the estate. On some he must pay land-gafol The Cotter's Service.—The cotter's service is according to the custom of the estate. On some he must work for his lord each Monday throughout the year and for three days each week in harvest. On some he works through the whole harvest every day and reaps an acre of oats for a day's work, and he shall have his sheaf which the reeve or lord's servant will give him. The Gebur's Services.—The gebur's services are diverse, in come places heavy, in others moderate; on some estates he must work two days at week-work at such work as is bidden him every week throughout the year, and in harvest three days at week-work, and from Candlemas This land-law holds good on some lands, but, as I have said before, in some places it is heavier, in others lighter, for all land-customs are not alike. On some lands the gebur must pay honey-gafol, on some meat-gafol, on some ale-gafol. Let him who keeps the shire take heed that he knows what are the ancient uses of the land and what the custom of the people. Of those who keep the Bees.—It belongs to the bee-churl, if he keep the gafol-hives, that he give as is customary on the estate. Among us it is customary that he give 5 sesters of honey for gafol; on some estates more gafol is wont to be rendered. Also he must be oft ready for many works at the lord's will, besides boon-ploughing and bedrips Of the Swineherd.—It belongs to the gafol-paying swineherd that he give of his slaughter according to the custom of the estate. On many estates the custom is that he give every year 15 swine for sticking, 10 old and 5 young, and have himself what he breeds beyond that. To many estates a heavier swine-service belongs. Let the swineherd take heed also that after sticking he prepare and singe well his slaughtered swine; then is he right worthy of the entrails, and, as I said before of the bee-keeper, he must be oft ready for any work, and have a horse for his lord's need. The unfree swineherd and the unfree bee-keeper, after death, shall be worthy of one same law. Of the Serf-Swineherd.—To the serf swineherd who keeps the inherd Of Men's Board.—To a bondservant (esne) belong for board 12 pounds of good corn and 2 sheep-carcases and a good meat-cow, and wood, according to the custom of the estate. Of Women's Board.—To unfree women belong 8 pounds of corn for food, one sheep or 3d. for winter fare, one sester of beans for Lent fare, in summer whey or 1d. To all serfs belong a mid-Winter feast and an Easter feast, a ploughacre Of Followers. Of the Sower.—It belongs to the sower that he have a basketful of every kind of seed when he have well sown each sowing throughout the year. Of the Ox-herd.—The ox-herd may pasture 2 oxen or more with the lord's herd in the common pastures by witness of his ealdorman Of the Cow-herd.—It belongs to the cow-herd that he have an old cow's milk for seven days after she has newly calved, and the beestings Of Sheep-herds.—The sheep-herd's right is that he have 12 nights' manure at mid-Winter and 1 lamb of the year's increase, and the fleece of 1 bellwether and the milk of his flock for seven nights after the equinox and a bowlful of whey or buttermilk all the summer. Of the Goat-herd.—To the goat-herd belongs his herd's milk after Martinmas Day and before that his share of whey and one kid of the year's increase, if he have well cared for his herd. Of the Cheese-maker.—To the cheese-maker belong 100 cheeses, and that she make butter of the wring-whey Of the Barn-keeper.—To the barn-keeper belong the corn-droppings in harvest at the barn-door, if his ealdorman give it him and he faithfully earn it. Of the Beadle.—It belongs to the beadle that for his office he be freeer from work than another man, for that he must be oft ready; also to him belongs a strip of land for his toil. Of the Woodward.—To the woodward belongs every windfall-tree. Of the Hayward.—To the hayward it belongs that his toil Land-laws are diverse, as I said before, nor do we fix for all places these customs that we have before spoken of, but we shew forth what is accustomed there where it is known to us; if we learn aught better, that will we gladly cherish and keep, according to the customs of the place where we shall then dwell; for gladly should he learn the law among the people, who wishes not himself to lose honour in the country. Folk-customs are many; in some places there belong to the people winter-feast, Easter-feast, boon-feast for harvest, a drinking feast for ploughing, rick-meat, 2. Here below is written the inquest of the lands, in what manner the King's barons enquire, to wit, by the oath of the sheriff of the shire, and of all the barons and their Frenchmen and of the whole hundred, of the priest, the reeve, six villeins of each town. Then how the manor is named; who held it in the time of King Edward; who holds it now; how many hides; how many ploughs on the demesne, and how many of the men; how many villeins; how many cotters; how many serfs; how many freemen; how many socmen; how much wood; how much meadow; how many pastures; how many mills; how many fishponds; how much has been added or taken away; how much it was worth altogether; and how much now; how much each freeman or socman there had or has. All this for three periods; to wit, in the time of King 3. Dover in the time of King Edward rendered 18l., of which money King Edward had two parts and Earl Godwin the third. On the contrary the canons of St. Martin had another moiety. From the feast of St. Michael Whosoever, dwelling in the town continually, rendered custom to the King, was quit of toll throughout all England. All these customs were there when King William came to England. Upon his very first coming to England the town was burned, and therefore the value thereof could not be computed, how much it was worth when the Bishop of Bayeux received it. Now it is valued at 40l., and yet the reeve renders therefrom 54l., that is, to the King 24l. of pence which are twenty in the ounce (ora) In Dover there are 29 messuages, from which the King has lost the custom. Of these Robert of Romney has two, Ralph de Curbespine three, William son of Tedald one, William son of Oger one, William son of Tedold and Robert Niger six, William son of Goisfrid three, in which was the gildhall of the burgesses, Hugh de Montfort one house, Durand one, Ranulf de Columbels one, Wadard six, the son of Modbert one. And all these of these houses avow the Bishop of Bayeux as their protector, donor and grantor. Of the messuage which Ranulf de Columbels holds, which belonged to an exile (that is, an outlaw), they agree that half the land is the King's, and Ranulf himself has both. Humphrey the Bandylegged (Loripes) holds one messuage wherefrom half the forfeiture was the King's. Roger de Ostreham made a house over the King's water and has held hitherto the King's custom. And the house was not there in the time of King Edward. At the entry of the port of Dover there is a mill which by great disturbance of the sea shatters almost all ships, and does the greatest damage to the King and the men; and it was not there in the time of King Edward. Touching this the nephew of Herbert says that the Bishop of Bayeux granted to his uncle Herbert son of Ivo that it should be made. 4. In Norwich there were in the time of King Edward 1320 burgesses. Of whom one was so much the King's own (dominicus) that he could not withdraw nor do homage without his licence; whose name was Edstan. He had 18 acres of land and 12 of meadow and 2 churches in the borough and a sixth part of a third; and to one church pertained a messuage in the borough and 6 acres of meadow. This borough Roger Bigot holds of the King's gift. And of 1238 burgesses the King and the Earl had soc and sac In this borough if the bishop wishes he can have one moneyer.... Land of the Burgesses.—In the hundred of Humbleyard The French of Norwich.—In the new borough are 36 burgesses and 6 Englishmen and of yearly custom each one rendered 1d. besides forfeitures; of all this the King had two parts and the Earl the third. Now there are 41 French burgesses on the demesne of the King and the Earl, and Roger Bigot has 50, and Ralph de Bella Fago 14, and Hermer 8, and Robert the crossbowman 5, and Fulcher, the abbot's man, 1, and Isac 1, and Ralph Visus Lupi 1, and in the Earl's bakehouse Robert Blund has 3, and Wimer has 1 ruined messuage. All this land of the burgesses was on the demesne of Earl Ralph and he granted it to the King in common to make the borough between himself and the King, as the sheriff testifies. And all those lands as well of the knights as of the burgesses render to the King his custom. There is also in the new borough a church which Earl Ralph made, and he gave it to his chaplains. Now a priest of the sheriff, by name Wala, holds it of the King's gift, and it is worth 60s. And so long as Robert Blund held the county, he had therefrom each year 1 ounce of gold. 5. In the borough of Wallingford King Edward had 8 virgates of land, and in these there were 276 haws Now there are in the borough all customs as there were before. But of the haws there are thirteen less; for the castle eight have been destroyed, and the moneyer has one quit so long as he makes money. Saulf of Oxford has one, the son of Alsi of Farringdon one, which the King gave him, as he says. Humphrey Visdelew has one, for which he claims the King to warranty. Nigel holds one of Henry by inheritance from Soarding, but the burgesses testify that the King Edward had 15 acres in which housecarles dwelt. Miles Crispin holds them, they know not how. One of these belongs to Bishop Walchelin has 27 haws rendering 25s. and they are valued in Brightwell, his manor. The abbot of Abingdon has 2 acres on which are 7 messuages rendering 4s., and they pertain to Oxford. Miles has 20 messuages rendering 12s. 10d., and they belong to (jacent in) Newnham, and also one acre on which there are 6 haws rendering 18d. In Hazeley he has 6 messuages rendering 44d. In Stoke one messuage rendering 12d. In Chalgrove one messuage rendering 4d. In Sutton one acre on which there are 6 messuages rendering 12d., and in Bray one acre and 11 messuages rendering 3s. there. All this land pertains to Oxfordshire; nevertheless it is in Wallingford.... Alwold and Godric have the rent (gablum) of their houses and bloodwite if blood is shed there, if the man should be received within them before he be claimed by the King's reeve, except on Saturday owing to the market, because then the King has the forfeiture; and they have the fine for adultery and theft in their houses; but other forfeitures are the King's. In the time of King Edward the borough was worth 30l. and afterwards 40l.; now 60l. And yet it renders of farm 80l. by tale. What pertains to Adbrei is worth 7s. and the land of Miles Moli 24s. What the abbot of Abingdon has is worth 8s. What Roger de Laci has, 7s. What Rainald has, 4s. The underwritten thegns of Oxfordshire had land in Wallingford. Archbishop Lanfranc, 4 houses pertaining to Newington rendering 6s. Bishop Remigius, one house pertaining to Dorchester rendering 12d. The abbot of St. Alban one house rendering 4s. Abbot R. one house in Ewelme rendering 3s. Earl Hugh, one house in Pyrton rendering 3s. Walter Giffard, 3 houses in Caversham rendering 2s. Roger de Olgi, 2 houses in Watlington rendering 2s. and one house in Perie rendering 2s. Ilbert de Lacy and Roger son of Seifrid and Orgar, 3 houses rendering 4s. Hugh de Bolebec 3 houses in Crem rendering 3s. Hugh Grando de Scoca, one house rendering 12d. Drogo, in Shirburne and in Weston, 3 houses rendering 4s. Robert Armenteres, in Ewelme, one house rendering 12d. Wazo, one house in Ewelme rendering 3s. 6. When geld was given in the time of King Edward in common throughout the whole of Berkshire, a hide gave 3½d. before Christmas and as much at Whitsuntide. If the King sent an army anywhere, from 5 hides went one knight only, and for his food or wages 4s. were given to him from each hide for two months. This money, however, was not sent to the King, but was given to the knights. If anyone summoned for military service went not, he forfeited to the King the whole of his land. And if anyone stayed behind and promised to send another in his place, and yet he who was to be sent stayed behind, his lord was quit for 50s. A thegn or knight of the King's own (dominicus) left to the King at death for relief all his arms and one horse with a saddle and one without a saddle. And if he had hounds or hawks, they were presented to the King, that he might receive them if he would. If anyone killed a man having the King's peace, he forfeited to the King both his body and all his substance. He who broke into a city by night made amends in 100s. to the King, not to the sheriff. He who was warned to beat the woods for hunting and went not, made amends to the King in 50s. 7. The church of St. Mary of Worcester has a hundred which is called Oswaldslaw, in which lie 300 hides, wherefrom the bishop of that church, by a constitution of ancient times, has all the profits of the sokes and all the customs belonging thereto for his own board and for the king's service and his own, so that no sheriff can have any plaint there, neither in any plea nor in any cause whatsoever. This the whole county testifies. These aforesaid 300 hides were of the 8. In Rockland Simon holds 3 carucates of land which one freeman, Brode, held in the time of King Edward. Then as now 2 villeins and 12 bordiers. After this there were added to this land 9 freemen and a half, 1 carucate of land, 54 acres, this is in demesne; then as now 9 bordiers and 8 acres of meadow; then as now 6 ploughs, and 2 half mills. The whole of this is [reckoned] for one manor of Lewes and is worth 3l. 11s. Of four and a half of the 9 freemen the soke and commendation was in the King's [manor of] Buckenham in the time of King Edward, and afterwards, until William de Warenne had it, and the whole was delivered in the time of Earl Ralph. The whole is 1 league in length and a half in breadth, and [pays] 15d. of geld. 9. Earl Roger holds of the King one manor, Halesowen. There are 10 hides there. On the demesne there are 4 ploughs The same Earl holds Salwarpe, and Urso of him. Elwin Cilt held it. There are 5 hides there. On the demesne there is one plough and 6 villeins, and 5 bordiers with 7 ploughs. There are there 3 serfs and 3 bondwomen and a mill worth 10s. and 5 saltpans worth 60s. Half a league of wood and a park there. In the time of King Edward it was worth 100s. Now 6l. There can be two ploughs more there. 10. Hundred of Bintree.—Harold held Havering in the time of King Edward for one manor and for 10 hides. Then 41 villeins, now 40. Then as now 41 bordiers and 6 serfs and 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 41 ploughs among the men, now 40. Wood for 500 swine, 100 acres of meadow; now one mill, two rounceys and 10 beasts and 160 swine and 269 sheep. To this manor belonged 4 freemen with 4 hides in the time of King Edward, rendering custom. Now Robert son of Corbutio holds 3 hides, and Hugh de Monte Forti the fourth hide, and they have not rendered custom since they have had them. And further the same Robert holds 4 hides and a half which one freeman held at this manor in the time of King Edward; the freeman held also a soke of 30 acres, rendering custom; and now John son of Galeram holds it. And this manor in the time of King Edward was worth 36l., now 40l. And Peter the sheriff received therefrom 80l. of rent and 10l. of gersom. |