
Acts of Parliament (see Statutes)
Administration, central (see Chancery, Commissions, Councils, Crown, Exchequer, House of Commons, Parliament, Statutes);
local (see Boroughs, County Courts, Hundreds, Justices, Parishes, Sheriffs)
Agrarian changes, in Middle Ages, 53, 54, 83, 85-87;
in Tudor and Stuart periods, 227, 228, 234-277;
in 18th and 19th centuries, 523, 524, 525-542, 552
Agriculture, advantages of large scale, 530, 531;
capitalist, 228;
depression of, in 16th century, 407-412;
effect of Corn Laws on, 692-698 (see also Corn Laws);
encouragement of, by Tudor and Stuart monarchy, 229, 260-277, 428-430;
improvements in, effected in 18th century, 523, 526, 530, 531, 532-536;
manorial, 3-9, 16, 17, 53-110, 227-277;
do., developments in, 53, 54, 83, 85-87;
provision for harvest labour, 78, 173, 328, 329, 347, 648;
reaction of commerce and industry on, 582, 697;
state of, in 18th and 19th centuries, 523-542
(see also Arable, Commons, Common Fields, Depopulation, Enclosures, Land, Manor, Pasture, Smallholders)
Agriculture, Board of, surveys of, 524, 532-536
Agricultural houses and buildings, decay and restoration of, 267, 268, 272, 275, 276, 324, 392, 536, 567
Agricultural labourers, 7, 8, 62-64, 78, 164, 165, 170, 171-174,176-178, 324, 353, 355, 408;
apprenticeship of, 324, 325, 330, 388;
combinations of, 55, 105-110, 552, 553, 638-640;
condition of, in 19th century, 695, 696;
hiring of, 164-168, 170-174, 176-178;
housing of, 567;
regulation of conditions of service of, 171-178, 325-333, 352, 360, 361;
regulation of hours of, 327;
regulation of wages of, 173, 177, 328, 329, 342, 343, 346, 347, 351, 353, 360, 361, 405, 546, 547, 552-554;
restrictions of, as to apprenticeship to crafts, 174, 361
Alehouses, taverns, 378, 473, 536;
increase of, in 18th century, 489;
meeting of journeymen associations in, 624;
patent for licensing of, 442;
payment of wages in, prohibited, 599
Aliens, burgesses of English towns, 27, 28n;
jealousy of, 153, 186, 199, 200
Alien craftsmen, imported into Ireland, 471;
in London, 195-197, 199
Alien merchants, 127, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 189, 192-195, 197-199, 420;
admitted to a London company, 309;
arrest of goods of, 189, 190;
customs granted by, 208-216;
freedom of trade granted to, 127, 152, 209, 212;
of Almain, 194;
of Flanders, 193, 194;
of France, 192, 193;
of Italy, 43, 127, 199, 420-424
Almshouses, 483

Anti-Corn-Law League, foundation of, 701.
Anti-Slavery Society, 593
Apprentices, 113, 136, 138, 141, 142, 143, 147, 231, 282, 283, 295, 296, 300, 305, 307, 324-326, 330-334, 341, 344, 345, 348, 353, 356, 361, 437, 444, 455, 499, 500;
disciplinary rules touching, 113, 147, 345;
in factories, 571, 572;
fees exacted from, 284-286;
limitation of numbers of, in textile industry, 322;
oaths exacted from by masters, 285, 286;
pauper, 381, 505;
proportion of, to journeymen, regulations as to, 332, 550, 551, 573, 574;
runaway, 148;
unindentured, 353
Apprenticeship, 138, 174, 314, 479, 499, 500, 588, 589;
custom of London as to, 330;
debates in House of Commons on, 577-588;
effect of compulsory, on marriage, 322, 323n, 344;
enactment as to age of ending, 323, 344;
enforcement of statute as to, 386;
evasion of, by a company, 310;
fees on entering and leaving, 280;
half-pay, 590;
indentures of, 113, 147, 295;
municipal regulation of, 295, 305-307;
of agricultural labourers, 325, 330, 388;
to crafts, restricted, 174, 361;
of pauper children, 381, 388, 504, 652;
to woollen industry, 499, 500
Approvers, criminal, 39
Arable land, conversion of, to pasture, 55, 260-277, 392, 407, 408, 409;
enclosure of (see Enclosure);
on a 14th century manor, 56
Artificers, Statute of (see Statutes)
Assarts, 89
Assizes, 88, 89, 93, 97;
grand, 95;
of bread and ale, 37, 80, 117, 118, 133, 152, 155, 156, 388;
of cloth, 152, 154, 155, 319;
suspension of, 319, 320;
of mort d'ancestor, 94;
of novel disseisin, 88, 89, 93, 94, 96, 97n;
of weights and measures, 152, 154, 377, 388;
of wine, 152
Ball, John, and the Peasants' Revolt, 109
Bankers and Banking, 398, 420
Bankrupts, 474
Banks, 506;
country, 681
Bank of England, 667;
foundation of, 668, 676;
suspension of cash pa , Pesage, Pontage, Stallage)
Bracton, quotations from, 75n., 97n., 126
Bracton's Note Book, 88-90, 92, 93, 95-97
Brewers, Stuart patent for licensing, 473
Bridewells, 370, 371
(see also Houses of Correction, Workhouses)
Brokerage, 422, 423
Bullion, export of, 203, 216-223, 398, 416, 419, 420, 668, 671, 672;
free coinage of, at the Mint, 674
(see also Currency, Mint).
Burgage tenure, 117
Cabots, the, 400-402
Calico-printers, journeymen, grievances of, 573-576
Capital, discussion on employment of, in factories, 606, 607
Capitalism, Disraeli's protest against domination of, 710, 711;
growth of, 668;
in textile industries, 314, 315, 317, 320-322;
in agriculture, 228
Capitalists, 561;
mercantile, 280
Cartbote, 242
Cecil, Lord, industrial programme of, 323-324
Chancery, court of, 106, 146, 150, 236;
appeals to, by an alleged villein, 100;
by copyholders, 85, 234, 241;
by a craftsman, 148, 199;
by a woolmerchant, 186;
touching usury, 201;
certifications into, 328;
equitable jurisdiction of, 87, 148n., 228;
original writs of, 48;
patents to make writs and file bills

to boroughs, 116, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127;
to craft-gilds and companies, 144, 303, 308, 399, 427, 454, 461.
Chartists, 618;
manifestoes of, 618, 641, 642.
Chevage, 72, 73, 74, 75
Child-labour, 436;
half-timers, 613;
Oastler's campaign against, 544, 592-594;
in coalmines, 516-9, 598, 599;
in factories, 480, 495, 496, 502-505, 510-516, 544, 571-573, 591-595,
600, 609, 610, 612-614;
in woollen industry, 483
Children's Employment Commission, 600, 603.
Churches, free fees of, exempted from taxation, 33
Churchwardens, administrative duties of, touching labour and poor relief, 324, 648
Civil War, the, 310, 399, 475
Cloth, assize of, 152, 154, 155, 319;
suspension of, 319, 320;
aulnage of, 163, 164;
customs on (see Customs);
industry (see Woollen Cloth);
retailing of, 131
(see also Woollen Cloth)
Coal Industry, commission on employment in, 480, 516-519;
condition of, in 18th century, 479, 491-492;
act regulating, 598;
dispute between employers and workmen in, 625;
hours of labour in, 517-519;
inspectors of, 598;
production, transport and distribution in, 491, 492;
regulation of prices and limitation of output in, 497-499;
woman and child labour in, 516-519, 598, 599
Coin, clipping of, 678
Colonial preference, 708
Colonies, advantages of, 434-438;
effect of Navigation Act on, 672-674;
wages in, 315, 360
Combinations, of masters, 590, 634;
of journeymen, 138-141, 196, 549, 560, 583, 590, 617-643;
of agricultural labourers, 105-110, 552, 553, 618, 638-641;
of bricklayers, 624;
of carpenters, 624;
of coach-makers, curriers, farriers, smiths and sailmakers, 623;
of coalminers, 625;
of feltmakers, 617, 619-622;
of joiners, 624;
of tailors, 617, 618, 622-624;
of woolcombers, 617, 626
Combination Acts, 575, 618, 626, 627-631, 633, 636-638;
repeal of, 633
Commissions, Royal, on depopulation, 276, 277n;
on enclosure, 229, 262, 262n.;
on child labour, 600, 603;
on health in towns, 614-616;
on industrial conditions, in textile industry, 316;
in coal mines, 480, 516-519;
on Poor Law, 661;
petitions for, 260
Common fields, 54;
disadvantages of, 527;
distribution of strips in, 22, 55, 73, 76;
enclosure of, 73, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 540, 541;
regulation of, 76-79;
system, 54
Common Law, and copyholders, 86, 87, 88, 228, 241, 255;
and enclosure, 88, 89, 271;
and villeinage, 89-97;
and restraint of trade, 305-307, 315, 361, 362;
and engrossing of corn, 393;
and monopolies, 466;
and combinations, 618, 634-636
Common pasture, 57, 58, 77, 88, 89, 259, 531;
enclosure of, 88, 89, 257;
in boroughs, 119;
rights of, stinted by agreement, 256
Commons or Wastes, 54, 249;
enclosure of, 54, 55, 63, 64, 87, 88, 244, 256, 257, 526-529, 532, 534, 540, 541;
encroachments on, 54, 63, 64, 542;
objection to lords commoning on, 248;
rights on, 54, 529, 531, 534, 535, 538, 541
Companies, Industrial, 280 (see also Craft-gilds, Mining);
Stuart patents of incorporation of, revoked, 474
Companies, Mercantile, monopoly of, discussed, 443-453;
Staplers, 153, 178-186, 484, 485;
Merchant Adventurers, 302, 398, 399, 402-404, 446, 447, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454;
new company of, incorporation of, 454-460;
East India Company, interlopers and, 675;
Eastland Company, 399;
Muscovy Company, 399, 449, 450, 452, 453;
Turkey Company, 431, 450

Co-operative Societies, 618, 643
Copyhold, 228, 234-240, 248-250, 254-259, 326, 527, 528, 538;
conversion of, to leasehold, 538;
eviction from, 85-87
(see also Customary holdings, Villeinage)
Copyholders, 228, 244;
of inheritance, 258
(see also Customary tenants, Villeins)
Corn-badgers, 365, 375-377, 385, 386;
carriers, 326, 375, 376, 385, 487, 488;
factors, 487-491;
engrossing and engrossers of, 376, 386, 389, 391-396;
export and import of, 398, 407-411, 424, 428-430, 487;
do., discussed, 274, 407-412;
Laws, of 1815, 697;
do., debates on, 692, 705;
do., repeal of, 523;
price of, fluctuations in, 368;
do., means of enhancing, 407-412;
production of, fluctuations in, 273-275;
regulation of price and distribution of, 367, 368, 374-378, 385, 386, 389, 391-396;
trade, condition of, in 18th century, 479, 487-491
(see also Customs)
Coroners, 27, 38, 39
Cost of living, in 19th century, 521
Costermongers, excluded from operation of Statute of Artificers, 356
Cotters, cotmen, 5, 9, 61, 63, 65, 242
Cotton industry, in the 18th and 19th centuries, 545, 546, 571, 572, 576, 577;
arbitration on disputes in, 544, 568-571;
depression of wages in, 500, 501;
fluctuations in, 480;
introduction of power loom weaving in, 505-510;
petition of journeymen in, to House of Commons, 480, 500
(see also 235, 238, in manors, 6, 9, 16, 17, 32, 33, 54, 56, 57, 64, 228, 237, 238, 240, 245, 246, 254, 258, 259;
farmers of, 228;
lease of, 259;
lying in scattered strips, 76
Demesnes, the king's, 21, 36, 161;
tallage assessed on, 35, 65
Depopulation, caused by the Black Death, 65-68, 102, 164;
in rural districts, 267, 269, 395, 531, 536;
acts against, 229, 260, 270n., 315
Dialogus de Scaccario, 4n.
Diminishing Returns, Law of, 272
Discovery, voyages of, 400-402
Disraeli, Benjamin, protest of, against capitalist domination, 710, 711
Domesday Book, 3, 4, 20, 40n, 54;
extracts from, 9-17
Domestic System, 355, 483, 508
Dorchester Agricultural Labourers Union, 618, 638-641;
rules of, 640, 641
Dyeing, English and foreign, 155, 432, 433
Dyers of Bristol, ordinances of, 141-144

Eastland Merchants, 399
Economic theory and opinion, in eighteenth century, 488, 559, 590, 668;
of state regulation, 365
(see also Mercantile Theory)
Education, of working classes, 611, 711
(see also Schools,industrial)
Edward I, charters of, 158, 164;
enquiry of, touching royal rights and feudal liberties, 36-40
Enclosures of land, in Middle Ages, 54, 229;
in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 229, 247, 248n., 389;
in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 482, 483, 523-542;
advocated, 526, 527;
effect of, on cottagers, 532;
expense of fencing, 535, 539;
petition against, 531;
speeches in House of Commons on, 270-275;
statutes against, 247;
by Act of Parliament, 523, 528, 532-542;
do., expense of, 532, 535n.;
by agreement ratified in Chancery, 523, 525, 526, 530;
of arable, 260-277, 408;
of common fields, 73, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 540, 541;
of common pasture, 88, 89, 257;
of waste, 54, 55, 87, 88, 244, 526-529, 532, 534, 540, 541;
Consolidating Act, 537;
General Act, 541
Encroachments (see Purprestures)
Escheat (see Feudal Incidents)
Escheators, 20, 23-26, 30, 31, 40, 107-110, 249, 250;
offences of, 40;
office of, 20, 21
Exchange, letters of, 421-424
Exchanges, foreign, fluctuations and manipulation of, 398, 416-424;
tax on, 398, 420-424;
certifications into, 35, 47;
fines paid in, 34
Excise, 399, 475-6, 667;
imposition of, in lieu of feudal dues, 670;
Walpole's proposal for, on salt, 678-9
Factories, growth of, checked in Tudor Period, 320, 321, 344;
cotton, 495, 496, 591 (see also Cotton Industry);
child labour in, 480, 495, 496, 502-505, 510-516, 544, 571-573,
591-595, 600, 609, 610, 612-614;
effect of, on health of operatives 495, 496, 503-505, 511, 514-516, 609, 610;
hours of labour in, 503, 510-516, 591-593, 594, 595, 599-614;
inspection of, by magistrates and parsons, 572, 573;
do., by state inspectors, 595, 609, 610, 612;
wages in, 512, 513;
woman labour in, 614
Factory Acts, 480, 503, 504, 544, 545, 571-573, 591, 594-596, 612-614;
alleged failure of, 608;
debate on, in House of Commons, 599-612
Factory system, 320n.
Fairs, 121, 152, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 188, 193, 209, 210, 213, 340, 421, 484;
courts of, proceedings in, 159, 162, 163, 188, 193;
granted to the lord of a manor, 157, 158;
tolls at, 119
Fealty, 70
Felony, concealment of, 38
Feltmakers, journeymen, strike of, 617, 619-622
Feodary, 21, 249
Feudal, army, 4;
commendation, 11, 16;
commutation of services for rent, 21;
courts or sokes, 12, 15, 16;
customs and services, 5, 37;
do., castleguard, 29;
do., foreign, 29;
do., commutations of, 27;
franchises and liberties, 4, 39, 152 (see also Gallows, Frankpledge, Infangenethef, Sac and soc);
do., enquiry touching, 36-40;
incidents, escheat, 33, 36, 81, 82, 83;
do., relief, 25, 65, 70, 116, 242;
do., wardship and marriage, 26, 27, 29-31, 34, 40, 65, 68, 69, 237,
250, 670;
knight's fees, 21, 33, 34, 36, 38;
do., the king's, alienation of, 36;
subinfeudation, 21, 28, 29;
tenants, thegns, 14, 15;
tenures, frankalmoin, 12, 22, 32, 90;
do., knight service, 13, 15, 21, 23, 27, 32, 34, 69, 123, 670;
do., payment of fines in lieu of, 34;
do., serjeanty, 21, 27, 33, 34;
do., grand, 24;
do., petty, 25;
socage, free, 26, 32;
farms of, 36-37;
do., enhancement of, 38
Hurdle, punishment of the, 157
Income Tax, 667;
objections to, 688;
Pitt's speech on, 683
Industrial Revolution, 480, 509, 617, 618, 668
Industrial riots, 495
Industries (see Calico printers, Coal, Cotton, Craft-gilds, Feltmakers, Iron, Linen, Woollen Cloth)
Industry, changes in organisation of, in 18th century, 479, 480, 617;
encouragement of, by patents, 467;
migration of, to suburbs and country districts, 304, 314, 321;
municipal regulation of, 195-197, 280, 282-284, 294-299 (see also Craft-gilds, Markets, Prices, Wages);
protection of small masters by Stuarts, 280;
state encouragement of, 399;
state regulation of, 313-362;
do., delegated to private speculators, 336n.;
in country districts, 14;
in manors, 70, 111
(see also Combinations, Craft-gilds, Craftsmen, Labour, Prices, Wages)
Infangenethef, 125, 156, 156n.
Inquisitions, royal, 38
Interlopers, and the East India Company, 675
Irish Potato Famine, 705, 706
Iron industry, in 18th century, 545
Iron-works, 55;
accounts of, 103-105;
Elizabethan patent as to, 442
Jews, the, charter of liberties to, 44;
conversion of, 46;
chirographs and chests of, 341, 344, 345, 349, 350, 499n., 547-551, 588, 589;
associations of, 138-141, 280, 297-299, 307-312;
do., common fund of, 298, 299, 301;
combinations of (see Combinations);
disciplinary rules as to, 113, 137, 140, 141, 345;
disputes between masters and, 137, 138-141, 196
(see also Labour disputes);
petitions of, to House of Commons, 500;
proportion of, to apprentices, fixed, 332, 550, 551, 573, 574;
wages of, effect of fall in value of money on, 405;
do., regulation of (see Wages);
(see also Agricultural Labourers, Calico Printers, Feltmakers, Tailors, Weavers, Woolcombers)
Justice, administration of royal and feudal, 19, 20, 36n., 39
(see also King's Bench)
Justices, 105, 106, 109, 110, 128, 155, 170, 183, 229
Justices of assize, 26, 55, 90, 93-96, 285, 297, 340, 343, 391, 429, 430, 622
Justices of the Bench, 75, 176, 285
Justices of the Jews, 46, 47, 48, 50
Justices of the Peace, administration of Statutes of Labourers and Artificers by, 172, 173, 176, 178, 231, 326, 329, 333, 352, 353, 356, 577;
attacked in the Peasants' Revolt, 106, 107;
inspection of factories by, 572, 573;
intervention in industrial disputes by, 569, 570, 576, 623, 631;
regulation of apprenticeship by, 332, 333, 344, 352;
regulation of cloth industry by, 318, 340, 343, 358, 359;
regulation of export of corn by, 429, 430;
regulation of markets and prices by, 368, 373-380, 385, 386, 388, 389, 391-396;
regulation of poor relief by, 364, 372, 380, 564, 646;
regulation and assessment of wages by, 314, 315, 316, 324, 328, 329, 341-343, 345, 351, 352, 353, 356, 359, 361, 546-551, 554, 558, 565, 566, 577, 624n., 631, 632;
returns to Privy Council made by, on enclosure, 275;
do., on the cloth industry, 318;
do., on scarcity of corn, 373-374
(see also Quarter Sessions)
Justiciar, 36
Ket's Rebellion, 247
King's Bench, 623
Knight service (see Feudal)
Knighthood, respite from, 39
Knights, 87
Knight's Fees (see Feudal)
Labour, cheap, deprecated, 589;
Child and Woman (see Child labour, Women);
disputes, arbitration in, 544, 568-571, 617, 630 (see also Combinations, Craft-gilds, Journeymen);
hours of, 630, 637;
do., in agriculture 327;
do., in factories, 503, 510-516, 591-593, 594, 595, 599-614;
do., in mines, 516-519
Labour, movement of, 164-166, 172-177, 314;
effect of Poor Laws on, 561;
effect of enclosure on, 532
Labourers, Ordinance of (1349), 164;
Statutes of (see Statutes)
Land, alienation of, without licence, 30;
do., fines for, 670;
disseisins of, 38, 88, 89, 93, 96, 97;
extents of, 40;
limitation of purchase of, by merchants, husbandmen and artificers, 324;
low rents of, in eighteenth century, 509;
measures of:—
acres, passim;
bovates, 66, 67, 68, 69, 92;
carucates, 16, 32, 33;
fardels, 24;
hides, 9, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 32, 54;
league, 16, 17;
ploughlands, 32;
roods, passim;
selions, 61;
virgates, 13, 23, 27, 28, 29, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 84, 95, 246, 247;
ownership of, as qualification for apprenticeship, 330;
pledged to Jews, 48, 49;
speculation in, 229, 251, 259;
waste committed in, by escheators, 40;
(see also Agriculture, Enclosures, Feudal, Manor)
Landowners, competition of manufacturing interest with, 600, 668, 694, 710
Lastage, 24, 119, 122, 124, 127
Laud, agrarian policy of, 276, 277
Law Merchant, 130, 210, 213, 214
Leasehold, 55, 87, 228, 530, 539;
(see also Copyhold, Customary holdings, Manor)
Leyrwite, 71, 84
Linen manufacture, in Ireland, establishment of, 471
Local Government Board, 646
London, craft-gilds and companies of (see Craft-gilds);
mercantile interest concentrated in, 443;
merchant gild of, 127;
regulation of entry into companies in, 309;
regulation of usury in, 200
Lords, mesne, 36
Machinery, accidents to children, in cleaning, 512, 609;
Arkwright's and Watt's inventions, 582;
discouraged by Tudors, 321, 442, 544;
effect of, on industry, 480;
introduction and development of, 505-510;
regulations for cleaning, 612
Magna Carta, 20, 22, 31n., 36n., 152
Manor, the Saxon, 3, 4, 5-9;
in Domesday Book, 9, 16, 17;
documents illustrating, 3-9, 16, 17, 53-102, 155, 158, 232-255, 258;
the king's, alienation of, 36;
common fields in (see Common Fields);
courts, 20, 22, 36n., 54, 89;
do., proceedings before, 65-75, 95, 232;
do., pleas and perquisites of, Bordiers, Copyholders, (see also Coal Industry)
Mining Company, incorporation of, 427
Mint, 220, 417;
coinage of money at, before 1696, 677, 678;
free coinage of bullion at, 674;
profits of, 221, 222, 406
(see also Moneyers)
Monasteries, effect of dissolution of, 229, 251
Money, fall in value of, 314, 398, 405, 406;
regulation of export and import of, 216-223
Moneyers, 12, 13, 119
Monopoly and monopolies, 480, 497, 584, 587, 611 (see also Patents);
of craft and merchant gilds, 112;
of mercantile companies, 443-453
Murage, 126, 127, 212, 282
Muscovy or Russia Merchants, 399, 449, 450, 452, 453
Navigation Act (1660), 670;
attack on, 672-674
Newcastle Coal Vend, 497
Norman Conquest, the, 3, 4, 53, 54, 55, 90;
effects of, on boroughs, 10-14;
do., on rural population, 54, 55
North-West Passage, 436
Oastler, Richard, campaign of, against child labour, 544, 592-594
Orders in Council, effect of, on British industry and trade, 480, 501, 691
Outdoor relief, condemned by Poor Law Commission (1834), 662;
prohibitory order as to, 665
Pannage, 58, 61, 243, 259
Parish, as a unit for poor relief, 372, 379, 380, 647;
overseers (see Poor)
Parliament, 20, 103, 180, 206, 217, 229, 261, 537;
and minimum wages, 316;
petitions to, 553;
regulation of trade and industry by, 153, 160-163, 171-178
(see also House of Commons)
Passage, 122, 124
Pasture, reconversion of, to arable, 271-273, 275, 276

(see also Arable, Common, Enclosures)
Patents and Monopolies, 399, 443-453, 461, 465-468, 472-474;
list of, 440-443;
revoked, 472-475
Paupers (see Poor)
Pavage, 126, 127, 133-135, 212;
collectors of, 135
Peasants' revolt, the, 55, 105-110;
burning of muniments in, 108
Perceval, Dr., report of, on child labour, in factories, 480, 495
Pesage, 122
Picketing, 549, 627, 637
Pilgrimage of Grace, agrarian programme of, 247
Pillory, punishment of the, 156, 157, 393, 394
Piracy, 188-192

Place, Francis, 618
Pleas, of quo warranto, 40n.;
of replevin, 37
Ploughbote, 242
Pontage, 119, 122, 124, 126, 127, 212
Poor, analysis of classes of, in 19th century, 663;
children, apprenticing of, 381, 388, 504, 652;
do., boarding out of, 653, 654;
do., education of, 663;
farmed to contractors, 646, 657;
fines for enhancing price of corn, reserved to, 392, 393;
guardians of, 652, 653, 654, 655, 663, 664;
impotent, 174, 175, 364, 378, 388;
impotent and idle, distinguished, 174, 175, 364;
licensed to beg, 174, 175;
overseers of, 372, 380, 381, 384, 648, 660, 661;
do., misconduct of, 652;
proportionate taxation of, 35;
provision made by gilds for, 136, 150;
provision made by enclosure acts for, 534, 535;
provision of food for, 377;
provision of work for, 364, 367, 369-371, 373, 378, 380, 383, 384, 389, 391, 648 (see also Houses of Correction, Workhouses);
rates, 468, 533, 536, 537, 552, 555, 561, 562, 651,662;
do., made compulsory, 364, 372, 380;
do., increase of, in 18th century, 557;
relief of, in Middle Ages, 113, 150, 174, 175;
do., in 16th and 17th centuries, 272, 287n., 363-391, 647;
do., in 18th and 19th centuries, 544, 649-665;
do., by craft and other gilds, 113, 150, 311, 345;
do., by parishes, 270;
do., by towns, 363, 366, 369, 649;
do., by journeymen associations, 299;
do., by private charity, 364, 366;
do., Pitt's suggested changes in, 563-565, 647;
do., unions of parishes for, 651, 664, 665;
settlement of, 364, 372, 381, 382, 386, 387, 561, 647, 651, 655
Poor Laws, 275, 366, 372, 373, 380, 567, 646, 648, 652;
administration of, by justices of the peace (see Justices of the Peace);
18th century abuses in, 560-562;
inspectors advocated for, 564;
Amendment Act (1834), 545, 646, 663;
Settlement Act (1662), 645, 647;
Workhouse Test Act (1722), 650;
Gilbert's Act (1782), 645, 652;
Speenhamland "Act of Parliament" (1795), 646, 655;
Board, 646;
Commission (1834), 646;
do., recommendations of, 661-663
Poverty, alleged causes of, in 18th century, 649
Precipe, writs of, 21, 36, 36n.
Prerogative, the royal, 153
Prerogative Courts, 229, 230
(see also Requests and Star Chamber, Courts of)
Prices, enhancement of, 265, 368, 391-396, 404, 405, 407-411;
regulation of, by Privy Council and Justices of the Peace, 341, 364;
rise in, after the Black Death, 166, 168, 169;
do., in Tudor period, 314;
do., in 18th and 19th centuries, 555-559, 565-567, 576, 692-696, 707;
of coal, regulation of, 497-499;
of grain, 283;
and wages, lack of correspondence between, 553, 555-559, 565-567, 576, 695, 696
Price of wines, 45, 206, 209, 214
Privy Council (see Council, Privy)
Profit, a just, views on, 294, 295, 296, 367, 368
Protection, for native manufactures, 425
Protective tariffs, arguments for and against, 696, 698-701, 706-711;
for revenue, 700
Purprestures or Encroachments, 38, 54, 63, 64, 542
Quarter Sessions, 173, 176, 316, 324, 343, 345, 351, 352, 356, 392, 429, 543, 546, 548, 549, 551, 576, 577, 623, 648, 656
(see also Justices of the Peace)
Rackrenting, 251n., 252, 253, 265
Regrators, 156, 336, 386, 388
Reliefs, 25, 65, 70, 116, 242
Revenue, the national, 153, 667;
effect of debasement of coin on, 405, 406
(see also Customs, Excise, Taxation)
Report of Committee on Ribbon weavers, 590, 591
Richard I., charter of, 125
Riots, agrarian (see Ket, Peasants' Revolt, Pilgrimage of Grace);
industrial, 495
Rochdale Pioneers, 618
Roundsmen, 646, 660, 661
Sac and Soc, 10, 11, 125
Saltpans mentioned in Domesday Book, 17
Schools, 249, 287;
fine for attending, 84;
industrial, in 18th century, 563;
provision for, in 16th century, 287, 290
Scotch weavers, strike of, 618, 631-633
Scutage, 21, 29, 33, 34n., 80
Seisin, 122;
feudal conception of, 63n.
Serfs, 7, 9, 16, 17, 75n., 323
Sheep, restriction of numbers of, to be owned by individuals, 264-266
Sheep-graziers and sheep-grazing, br/> 22 Henry VIII., touching gilds, 280, 285, 310;

25 Henry VIII., touching depopulation, 229, 264;
27 Henry VIII., ditto, 229, 269;
28 Henry VIII., touching gilds, 280, 284;
31 Henry VIII., touching cornmarkets, 368;
33 Henry VIII., touching gaming houses, 442;
35 Henry VIII., touching depopulation, 269;
37 Henry VIII., touching gilds and chantries, 280, 287n.;
1 Edward VI., ditto, 280, 286, 291;
do., touching vagrants, 323;
5 Edward VI., touching depopulation, 324;
5 and 6 Edward VI., ditto, 229;
do., touching gig-mills, 442;
3 Philip and Mary, touching depopulation, 229;
5 Elizabeth, touching depopulation, 229;
do., touching weavers, 344;
5 Elizabeth, Statute of Artificers, 306, 307, 315, 325-336, 361, 424, 442, 544, 557, 576, 591, 624, 656;
apprenticeship clauses of, 544, 579-589, 590;
do., administration of, 353, 361;
do., repeal of, 588;
wages clauses of, 544, 576, 577;
do., administration of, 341, 352;
do., repeal of, petition against, 576;
breaches of, 334, 342, 352, 353, 361;
proceedings before Privy Council on, 361, 362;
19th century opinion on, 576-589;
8 Elizabeth, touching export of cloth, 426;
establishing Muscovy Company, 453;
13 Elizabeth, touching export of corn, 428;
14 Elizabeth, touching compulsory poor rate, 12 Charles II., Navigation Act, 670;
14 Charles II., Settlement Act, 647;
7 George I., touching combinations, 624;
9 George I., touching workhouses, 650;
12 George I., touching truck, 546;
7 George III., touching poor relief, 663;
13 George III., Spitalfields Act, 547;
39 George III., touching combinations, 626;
26 George III., touching Sinking Fund, 679;
39 and 40 George III., touching industrial arbitration, 568, 570, 576;
39 and 40 George III., touching combinations, 618, 627, 633;
41 George III., touching enclosures, 537;
42 George III., touching factories, 504;
44 George III., touching industrial arbitration, 570, 576;
54 George I I., touching apprenticeship, 588;
55 George III., Corn Law, 697;
59 George III., Factory Act, 591;
3 and 4 William IV., ditto, 594;
4 and 5 William IV., Poor Law Amendment Act, 663;
7 and 8 Victoria, Factory Act, 612;
do., Bank Charter Act, 702;
8 and 9 Victoria, General Enclosure Act, 541
Statute Law Revision Act (1863), 229
Steam power, use of, 544
Steelyard, the, 416, 417, 418, 440
Stock and land leases, 79, 81n., 245, 246
Stocks, punishment of, 172, 329, 366
Stafford, policy of, in Ireland, 399, 470-472
Strikers, prosecuted under law of conspiracy, 635
Strikes, 196, 617, 618, 619-622, 631-633, 635
(see also Combinations, Labour disputes)
Stuarts, the, fiscal methods of, 399
(see also Patents)
Tailors, journeymen, combination of, 617, 622-624
Tariff war, with Netherlands, 399
Taxation, 203-216, 667; aids, 29;
carucage, 21, 32;
do., fines for evasion of, 32, 33;
geld, 12, 15, 16;
Parliamentary subsidies, 406, 468;
tonnage and poundage, 206;
Parliamentary tenths and fifteenths, 170, 171;
do., assessment of, 204, 205;
scutage (see Scutage);
tallage, 27, 65, 80, 82, 93, 117, 127;
do., assessment of, in London, 35;
do., assessed on Jews, 46;
Pitt on incidence of, 686 (see also Income Tax);
Walpole on incidence of, 679
Taxes, the Assessed, 684
Tenures of land (see Burgage, Copyhold, Customary tenure, Feudal, Freehold, Leasehold, Villeinage)
Testimonials or certificates of service, 172, 174, 175, 324, 327, 334-336, 353
Theam, 125
Tin, internal trade in, patent for, 442
Tithes, 249, 288, 289, 380, 528
Tolls (see Boroughs, Fairs, Lastage, Markets, Murage, Passage, Pavage, Pesage, Stallage)
Towns (see Boroughs)
Trade, Internal, combinations in restraint of, 108, 128-130 (see also Craft-gilds, Gilds Merchant, Trade Unions);
intermunicipal, 112, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 133, 134, 152, 280, 282;
municipal regulation of, 280, 282, 283, 294-299;
state regulation of, 152, 153, 160-178;
restrictions on, by a lord, 133;
of aliens in England, 127
Trade, Colonial, effect of Navigation Act on, 672-674
Trade, Foreign, 152, 698-701;
condition of, in 1587, 438-440;
do., in 19th century, 689-692;
depression of, 364, 383;
encouragement of export and checking of import, 398, 399, 407-416, 424, 425, 426, 431-434, 439, 440, 454-461;
export of dressed cloth, 398, 399, 402-404, 426, 454-461, 469;
export of undressed cloth, 398, 399, 402-404, 424, 426, 454, 459;
fluctuations of, 610;
fostering of, 397, 398;
instructions to a factor in Turkey, 431-434;
perils of, 181, 188-192;
protection of, 153, 187;
relative merits of exports and imports discussed, 413, 421-425;
with Africa, 691;
with the Baltic, 691;
with Canada, 690;
with Continent, 502, 690;
with East Indies, 452;
with Flanders, 413;
with France, 413;
with Italy, 413;
with Levant, 452, 691;
with Low Countries, 179;
with Portugal, 690, 691;
with Russia, 449, 450, 452;
with South America, 690, 691;
with Spain, 413, 690;
with United States, 502, 689, 690, 691;
with West Indies, 690
Trade, Board of, 597
Trade boards, local, advocated, 596, 597

Trade Unions, 281, 617, 618;
benefit clubs of, 618, 626;
funds of, 629, 637
(see also Combinations, Journeymen, Labour disputes)
Trial by battle, 119, 123
Trial by jury, 123
Truck, 284, 318, 513;
acts against, 318, 544, 545
Tumbrel, 156
Turkey Company, 431, 450
Unemployment, 364, 366, 369-373, 383, 390, 398, 573, 611
Unions of parishes for relief of poor, 651, 664, 665
Universities, 287, 287n.
Usury, 44, 45, 49, 51, 154;
London ordinance touching, 200;
petition in Chancery touching, 201;
petition in Parliament touching, 200
Utopia, Sir Thomas More's, 275
Vagrants, 323, 335, 366, 369, 378, 379, 384, 388, 647, 648, 654
(see also Beggars, Bridewells, Houses of Correction, Labourers, Ordinance of, Poor, Workhouses)
Village greens, excluded from enclosure act, 541
Villeins, bondmen, 9, 16, 17, 32, 36, 54, 55, 69, 71-75, 90-102, 165, 231, 249;
actions brought by, 55;
flight of, 55;
grant of, 55, 98;
imprisonment of, 99, 100, 101;
licensed to leave a manor, 72, 75;
manumission of, grant of, by charter, 97
Wages, allowances in aid of, 646, 656;
assessment of, under Statutes of Artificers, 314, 316, 325, 328, 329, 341-343, 345-353, 356-7, 359, 543, 546-7, 554, 576, 577, 631-2;
do., abandoned, 576-7, 656;
do., draft bill in House of Commons for, 336-341;
do., petitions and requests for, 356-7, 361;
do., under Spitalfields Act, 544, 547-551, 558;
conspiracies to raise, 139, 140, 196;
demand of excessive, 139, 140, 164-174, 176, 314, 324, 360, 361;
depression of, 188, 314, 357, 358, 359, 507, 521, 590, 605;
do., in cotton industry, 500, 501;
in colonies, 315, 360;
maximum, 315, 554;
maximum, fixed by Statute, 153, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 624n.;
minimum, 315, 316, 342, 544;
do., bill in House of Commons for, 554-568;
proclamation of, by justices, under Stat. 13 Richard II, 323n., 324;
proposals for a sliding scale of, for agricultural labourers, 552-53;
rates of, fixed by journeymen combinations, 620-622, 623, 624, 630, 637, 638;
regulation of, by towns, 280, 282, 284, 296, 316;
do., by wages boards, 544
Wages boards, advocated, 596, 597;
in Scotland, 597
Wales, Council of, 429, 430
Wardpenny, 80
Wardship and marriage (see Feudal)
Wards and Liveries, Court of, 21, 670
Waste (see Commons)
Watchmakers, resolutions of, on apprenticeship, 588
Water power, 592;
in woollen industry, 482
Weavers Act (1555), 320
Weavers, Cotton, journeymen, petition of, to House of Commons, 500;
hand-loom, proposals for wages boards by, 596, 597
Weights and measures, 132, 154, 155, 214, 248, 388;
assize of (see Assizes)
Women, employment of, in agriculture, 7, 8, 173, 177, 178, 329, 346, 347, 547;
in coal mines, 598, 599;
in woollen industry, 350, 483;
suggestions for employment of, in colonies, 436
Wool, 55, 265, 282, 284, 303;
export of, 179-185, 187, 193, 407;
growers, 355, 483;
merchants, 132, 355, 484, 487 (see also Staple and Staplers);
price of, 407;
Spanish, 431;
do., import of, 494;
do., patent to import, 441;
do., worked in England, 492
Woolcombers, benefit clubs of, 626
Woollen Cloth Industry, 154, 183, 184, 187, 188, 265, 282, 284, 357-360, 383, 399, 432, 503;
apprenticeship in, 499, 500;
do., abolished, 587, 587n;
condition of, in eighteenth century, 479, 482-487, 492-495, 545, 546;
credit trading in, 493-95;
dyeing in, 141-144;
fraudulent workmanship in, 432;
geographical distribution of, 484;
hiring of looms in, 320, 321;
limitation of number of looms, to clothiers, 318, 321, 344;
organisation of, in seventeenth century, 354;
state regulation of, 317-322, 330, 331, 336-341, 343, 344, 345, 350, 351, 352, 357-360, 382, 383, 398, 399, 402-404, 426, 454-461;
in Ireland, discouraged by Strafford, 471
Woollen Cloth Trade, internal trade in, 399, 404, 468-470;
export trade in, 198, 301, 398, 399, 402-404, 421, 426, 427, 431-434, 438, 440, 441, 446, 447, 450, 453-461, 469;
do., patent for, 443;
foreign criticism of English cloth, 319, 587
Workhouses, 369-372, 380, 586, 646, 648, 649;
character of work provided in, 369, 370, 657-659;
mortality in, 659, 660
Workhouse Test Act (1722), 650
Working Men's Association, address of, to Queen Victoria, 641
Wreck of sea, 37, 40, 122
Writs, 39, 101;
return of, 37;
service of carrying, 28, 63;
of Chancery, 48;
of Jewry, 44, 48;
of certiorari, 202;
of corpus cum causa, 200;
of precipe, 36;
of quo warranto, 474;
of recordari facias, 236;
of replevin, 236;
of right, the little, 55, 91;
of scire facias, 474;
of subpoena, 186, 244, 277
Yarn, imported from Ireland, 485, 486
Yeomanry organisations, 280, 300, 302
(see also Craft-gilds, Journeymen)
Young, Arthur, his account of farming in Norfolk, 523, 530, 534;
his advocacy of enclosures, 524;
his criticism of commissioners' methods, 536, 537


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