PART I: 1000-1485 SECTION I THE EARLY ENGLISH MANOR AND BOROUGH 1. | Rights and Duties of All Persons (Rectitudines singularum personarum), c. 1000 | 5 | 2. | The form of the Domesday Inquest, 1086 | 9 | 3. | The borough of Dover, 1086 | 10 | 4. | The borough of Norwich, 1086 | 11 | 5. | The borough of Wallingford, 1086 | 13 | 6. | The customs of Berkshire, 1086 | 15 | 7. | Land of the Church of Worcester, 1086 | 15 | 8. | The manor of Rockland, 1086 | 16 | 9. | The manor of Halesowen, 1086 | 16 | 10. | The manor of Havering, 1086 | 17 | SECTION II THE FEUDAL STRUCTURE 1. | Frankalmoin, temp. Henry II | 22 | 2. | Knight Service, 1308 | 23 | 3. | Grand Serjeanty, 1319 | 24 | 4. | Petty Serjeanty, 1329 | 25 | 5. | An action on the feudal incidents due from lands held by petty serjeanty, 1239-40 | 25 | 6. | Free socage, 1342 | 26 | 7. | Commutation of a serjeanty for knight service, 1254 | 27 | 8. | Commutation of service for rent, 1269 | 27 | 9. | Subinfeudation, 1278 | 28 | 10. | Licence for the widow of a tenant in chief to marry, 1316 | 29 | 11. | Marriage of a widow without licence, 1338 | 30 | 12. | Alienation of land by a tenant in chief without licence, 1273 | 30 | 13. | Wardship and marriage, 1179-80 | 30 | 14. | Grant of an heir's marriage, 1320 | 31 | 15. | Wardship, 1337 | 31 | 16. | Collection of a carucage, 1198 | 32 | 17. | An acquittance of the collectors of scutage of a sum of £10 levied by them and repaid, 1319 | 33 | 18. | Payment of fines in lieu of knight service, 1303 | 34 | 19. | The assessment of a tallage, 1314 | 35 | 20. | A writ Precipe, c. 1200 | 36 | 21. | Articles of enquiry touching rights and liberties and the state of the realm, 1274 | 36 | 22. | Wreck of sea, 1337 | 40 | SECTION III THE JEWS SECTION IV THE MANOR 1. | Extent of the manor of Havering, 1306-7 | 56 | 2. | Extracts from the Court Rolls of the manor of Bradford,1349-58 | 65 | 3. | Deed illustrating the distribution of strips, 1397 | 76 | 4. | Regulation of the common fields of Wimeswould, c. 1425 | 76 | 5. | Lease of a manor to the tenants, 1279 | 79 | 6. | Grant of a manor to the customary tenants at fee farm, ante 1272 | 81 | 7. | Lease of manorial holdings, 1332 | 82 | 8. | An agreement between lord and tenants, 1386 | 84 | 9. | Complaints against a reeve, 1278 | 84 | 10. | An eviction from copyhold land, temp. Henry IV.-Henry VI | 85 | 11. | Statute of Merton, 1235-6 | 87 | 12. | An enclosure allowed, 1236-7 | 88 | 13. | An enclosure disallowed, 1236-7 | 89 | 14. | A villein on ancient demesne dismissed to his lord's court, 1224 | 89 | 15. | Claim to be on ancient demesne defeated, 1237-8 | 90 | 16. | The little writ of right, 1390 | 91 | 17. | Villeinage established, 1225 | 92 | 18. | Freedom and freehold established, 1236-7 | 93 | 19. | A villein pleads villeinage on one occasion and denies it on another, 1220 | 93 | 20. | An assize allowed to a villein, 1225 | 95 | 21. | A freeman holding in villeinage, 1228 | 96 | 22. | Land held by charter recovered from the lord, 1227 | 97 | 23. | The manumission of a villein, 1334 | 97 | 24. | Grant of a bondman, 1358 | 98 | 25. | Imprisonment of a gentleman claimed as a bondman, 1447 | 98 | 26. | Claim to a villein, temp. Henry IV-Henry VI | 100 | 27. | The effect of the Black Death, 1350 | 102 | 28. | Accounts of the Iron Works of South Frith before and after the Black Death, 1345-50 | 103 | 29. | The Peasants' Revolt, 1381 | 105 | SECTION V TOWNS AND GILDS 1. | Payments made to the Crown by gilds in the twelfth century, 1179-80 | 114 | 2. | Charter of liberties to the borough of Tewkesbury, 1314 | 116 | 3. | Charter of liberties to the borough of Gloucester, 1227 | 119 | 4. | Dispute between towns touching the payment of toll, 1222 | 121 | 5. | Dispute with a lord touching a gild merchant, 1223-4 | 123 | 6. | The affiliation of boroughs, 1227 | 124 | 7. | Bondman received in a borough, 1237-8 | 125 | 8. | An inter-municipal agreement in respect of toll, 1239 | 126 | 9. | Enforcement of charter granting freedom from toll, 1416 | 126 | 10. | Licence for an alien to be of the Gild Merchant of London,1252 | 127 | 11. | Dispute between a gild merchant and an abbot, 1304 | 128 | 12. | Complaints of the men of Leicester against the lord, 1322 | 131 | 13. | Grant of pavage to the lord of a town, 1328 | 133 | 14. | Misappropriation of the tolls levied for pavage, 1336 | 135 | 15. | Ordinances of the White Tawyers of London, 1346 | 136 | 16. | Dispute between Masters and Journeymen, 1396 | 138 | 17. | Ordinances of the Dyers of Bristol, 1407 | 141 | 18. | Incorporation of the Haberdashers of London, 1448 | 144 | 19. | Indenture of Apprenticeship, 1459 | 147 | 20. | A runaway apprentice, c. 1425 | 148 | 21. | Incorporation of a gild for religious and charitable uses, 1447 | 148 | SECTION VI THE REGULATION OF TRADE, INDUSTRY, AND COMMERCE 1. | Assize of Measures, 1197 | 154 | 2. | Grant to the lord of a manor of the assize of bread and ale and other liberties, 1307 | 155 | 3. | An offence against the assize of bread, 1316 | 156 | 4. | Inquisition touching a proposed market and fair, 1252 | 157 | 5. | Grant of a fair at St. Ives to the abbot of Ramsey, 1202 | 158 | 6. | Grant of a market at St. Ives to the abbot of Ramsey, 1293 | 158 | 7. | Proceedings in the court at the fair of St. Ives, 1288 | 159 | 8. | The Statute of Winchester, 1285 | 160 | 9. | The recovery of debt on a recognisance, 1293 | 161 | 10. | Procedure at a fair pursuant to the Statute for Merchants, 1287 | 162 | 11. | The aulnage of cloth, 1291 | 163 | 12. | The Ordinance of Labourers, 1349 | 164 | 13. | Presentments made before the Justices of Labourers, 1351 | 167 | 14. | Excessive prices charged by craftsmen, 1354 | 169 | 15. | Fines levied for excessive wages, 1351 | 169 | 16. | Writ to enforce payment of excess of wages to the collectors of a subsidy, 1350 | 170 | 17. | Application of fines for excessive wages to a subsidy, 1351-2 | 171 | 18. | Labour Legislation: the Statute of 12 Richard II, 1388 | 171 | 19. | Labour Legislation: a Bill in Parliament, 23 Henry VI, 1444-5 | 176 | 20. | Organisation of the Staple, 1313 | 178 | 21. | Arguments for the establishment of home staple towns, 1319 | 180 | 22. | Ordinances of the Staple, 1326 | 181 | 23. | The election of the mayor and constables of a Staple town, 1358 | 184 | 24. | Royal letters patent over-ruled by the custom of the Staple, c. 1436 | 185 | 25. | Prohibition of export of materials for making cloth, 1326 | 186 | 26. | Commercial policy, temp. Edward IV | 187 | 27. | The perils of foreign travel, 1315 | 188 | 28. | Grant of letters of marque and reprisals, 1447 | 190 | 29. | Grant of liberties to the merchants of Douai, 1260 | 192 | 30. | Aliens at a fair, 1270 | 193 | 31. | Confirmation of liberties to the merchants of Almain, 1280 | 194 | 32. | Alien weavers in London, 1362 | 195 | 33. | The hosting of aliens, 1442 | 197 | 34. | An offence against Stat. 18 Henry VI for the hosting of aliens, 1440 | 198 | 35. | Imprisonment of an alien craftsman, c. 1440 | 199 | 36. | Petition against usury, 1376 | 200 | 37. | Action upon usury, c. 1480 | 201 | SECTION VII TAXATION, CUSTOMS AND CURRENCY PART II: 1485-1660 SECTION I RURAL CONDITIONS 1. | Villeinage in the Reign of Elizabeth, 1561 | 231 | 2. | Customs of the Manor of High Furness, 1576 | 232 | 3. | Petition in Chancery for Restoration to a Copyhold, c.1550 | 234 | 4. | Petition in Chancery for Protection against Breach of Manorial Customs, 1568 | 241 | 5. | Lease of the manor of Ablode to a Farmer, 1516 | 245 | 6. | Lease of the Manor of South Newton to a Farmer, 1568 | 246 | 7. | The Agrarian Programme of the Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536 | 247 | 8. | The Demands of the Rebels led by Ket, 1549 | 247 | 9. | Petition to Court of Requests from Tenants Ruined by Transference of a Monastic Estate to lay hands, 1553 | 251 | 10. | Petition to Court of Requests to stay Proceedings against Tenants Pending the Hearing of their Case by the Council of the North, 1576 | 254 | 11. | Petition from Freeholders of Wootton Bassett for Restoration of Rights of Common, temp. Charles I | 255 | 12. | Petition to Crown of Copyholders of North Wheatley, 1629 | 258 | 13. | An Act Avoiding Pulling Down of Towns, 1515 | 260 | 14. | The Commission of Enquiry Touching Enclosures, 1517 | 262 | 15. | An Act Concerning Farms and Sheep, 1533 | 264 | 16. | Intervention of Privy Council under Somerset to Protect Tenants, 1549 | 266 | 17. | An Act for the Maintenance of Husbandry and Tillage, 1597 | 268 | 18. | Speech in House of Commons on Enclosures, 1597 | 270 | 19. | Speeches in House of Commons on Enclosures, 1601 | 274 | 20. | Return to Privy Council of Enclosers furnished by Justices of Lincolnshire, 1637 | 275 | 21. | Complaint of Laud's Action on the Commission for Depopulation, 1641 | 276 | SECTION II TOWNS AND GILDS 1. | A Protest at Coventry against a Gild's Exclusiveness, 1495 | 282 | 2. | A Complaint from Coventry as to Inter-Municipal Tariffs, 1498 | 282 | 3. | The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Norwich, 1518 | 282 | 4. | The Municipal Regulation of Markets at Coventry, 1520 | 283 | 5. | The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Coventry, 1524 | 284 | 6. | An Act for Avoiding of Exactions taken upon Apprentices in Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, 1536 | 284 | 7. | An Act whereby certain Chantries, Colleges, Free Chapels and the Possessions of the same be given to the King's Majesty, 1547 | 286 | 8. | Regrant to Coventry and Lynn of Gild Lands Confiscated under 1 Edward VI, c. xiv (the preceding Act), 1548 | 291 | 9. | A Petition of the Bakers of Rye to the Mayor, Jurats, and Council to prevent the Brewers taking their trade, 1575 | 294 | 10. | Letter to Lord Cobham from the Mayor and Jurats of Rye concerning the Preceding Petition, 1575 | 295 | 11. | The Municipal Regulation of the Entry into Trade at Nottingham, 1578-9 | 295 | 12. | The Municipal Regulation of Markets at Southampton, 1587 | 296 | 13. | The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Chester, 1591 | 296 | 14. | The Company of Journeymen Weavers of Gloucester, 1602 | 297 | 15. | Petition of Weavers who are not Burgesses, 1604-5
| 299 | 16. | Extracts from the London Clothworkers' Court Book, 1537-1627 | 300 | 17. | The Feltmakers Joint-Stock Project, 1611 | 302 | 18. | The Case of the Tailors of Ipswich, 1615 | 305 | 19. | The Grievances of the Journeymen Weavers of London, c. 1649 | 307 | SECTION III THE REGULATION OF INDUSTRY BY THE STATE 1. | Proposals for the Regulation of the Cloth Manufacture (temp. Henry VIII) | 317 | 2. | Administrative Difficulties in the Regulation of the Manufacture of Cloth, 1537 | 319 | 3. | An Act Touching Weavers, 1555 | 320 | 4. | Enactment of Common Council of London as to Age of Ending Apprenticeship, 1556 | 323 | 5. | William Cecil's Industrial Programme, 1559 | 323 | 6. | The Statute of Artificers, 1563 | 325 | 7. | Proposals for the Better Administration of the Statute of Artificers, 1572 | 333 | 8. | Draft of a Bill Fixing Minimum Rates for Spinners and Weavers, 1593 | 336 | 9. | Draft Piece-list Submitted for Ratification to the Wiltshire Justices by Clothiers and Weavers, 1602 | 341 | 10. | An Act empowering Justices to fix Minimum Rates of Payment, 1603-04 | 342 | 11. | Administration of Acts Regulating the Manufacture of Cloth, 1603 | 344 | 12. | Assessment made by the Justices of Wiltshire, dealing mainly with other than Textile Workers, 1604 | 345 | 13. | Assessment made by the Justices of Wiltshire, dealing mainly with Textile Workers, 1605 | 351 | 14. | Administration of Wage Clauses of Statute of Artificers, 1605-08 | 352 | 15. | Administration of Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1607-08 | 353 | 16. | The Organisation of the Woollen Industry, 1615 | 354 | 17. | Proceedings on the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1615 | 356 | 18. | A Petition to Fix Wages Addressed to the Justices by the Textile Workers of Wiltshire, 1623 | 356 | 19. | Appointment by Privy Council of Commissioners to Investigate Grievances of Textile Workers in East Anglia, 1630 | 357 | 20. | Report to Privy Council of Commissioners appointed above, 1630 | 358 | 21. | High Wages in the New World, 1645 | 360 | 22. | Young Men and Maids ordered to enter Service, 1655 | 360 | 23. | Request to Justices of Grand Jury of Worcestershire to assess Wages, 1661 | 361 | 24. | Proceedings on the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1669 | 361 | SECTION IV THE RELIEF OF THE POOR AND THE REGULATION OF PRICES 1. | Regulations made at Chester as to Beggars, 1539 | 366 | 2. | A Proclamation concerning Corn and Grain to be brought into open Markets to be sold, 1545 | 367 | 3. | Administration of Poor Relief at Norwich, 1571 | 369 | 4. | The first Act Directing the Levy of a Compulsory Poor Rate, 1572 | 372 | 5. | The first Act requiring the Unemployed to be set to Work, 1575-6 | 373 | 6. | Report of Justices to Council Concerning Scarcity in Norfolk, 1586 | 373 | 7. | Orders devised by the Special Commandment of the Queen's Majesty for the Relief and Ease of the Present Dearth of Grain within the Realm, 1586 | 374 | 8. | The Poor Law Act, 1601 | 380 | 9. | A note of the Grievances of the Parish of Eldersfield, 1618 | 381 | 10. | Petition to Justices of Wiltshire for Permission to Settle in a Parish, 1618 | 382 | 11. | Letter from Privy Council to Justices of Cloth-making Counties, 1621-2 | 382 | 12. | Letter from Privy Council to the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace in the Counties of Suffolk and Essex concerning the Employment of the Poor, 1629 | 383 | 13. | The Licensing of Badgers in Somersetshire, 1630 | 385 | 14. | Badgers Licensed at Somersetshire Quarter Sessions, 1630 | 385 | 15. | The Supplying of Bristol with Grain, 1630-1 | 385 | 16. | Proceedings against Engrossers and other Offenders, 1631 | 386 | 17. | Order of Somersetshire Justices Granting a Settlement to a Labourer, 1630-1 | 386 | 18. | Report of Derbyshire Justices on their Proceedings, 1631 | 387 | 19. | Letter from Privy Council to Justices of Rutlandshire, 1631 | 390 | 20. | Judgment in the Star Chamber against an Engrosser of Corn, 1631 | 391 | SECTION V THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE 1. | Letters Patent granted to the Cabots by Henry VII, 1496 | 400 | 2. | The Merchant Adventurers' Case for Allowing the Export of Undressed Cloth, 1514-36 | 402 | 3. | The Rise in Prices, the Encouragement of Corn growing, and the Protection of Manufactures, c. 1549 | 404 | 4. | Sir Thomas Gresham on the Fall of the Exchanges, 1558 | 416 | 5. | The reasons why Bullion is Exported (temp. Eliz.) | 419 | 6. | The Italian Merchants Explain the Foreign Exchanges, 1576 | 420 | 7. | An Act Avoiding divers Foreign Wares made by Handicraftsmen Beyond the Seas, 1562 | 424 | 8. | An Act Touching Cloth Workers and Cloth Ready Wrought to be Shipped over the Sea, 1566 | 426 | 9. | Incorporation of a Joint Stock Mining Company, 1568 | 427 | 10. | An Act for the Increase of Tillage, 1571 | 428 | 11. | Instructions for an English Factor in Turkey, 1582 | 431 | 12. | The Advantages of Colonies, 1583 | 434 | 13. | Lord Burghley to Sir Christopher Hatton on the State of Trade, 1587 | 438 | 14. | A List of Patents and Monopolies, 1603 | 440 | 15. | Instructions Touching the Bill for Free Trade, 1604 | 443 | 16. | The Establishment of a Company to export Dyed and Dressed Cloth in place of the Merchant Adventurers, 1616-17 | 454 | 17. | Sir Julius CÆsar's proposals for Reviving the Trade in Cloths, 1616 | 460 | 18. | The Grant of a Monopoly for the Manufacture of Soap, 1623 | 461 | 19. | The Statute of Monopolies, 1623-4 | 465 | 20. | An Act for the Free Trade of Welsh Cloths, 1623-4 | 468 | 21. | The Economic Policy of Strafford in Ireland, 1636 | 470 | 22. | Revocation of Commissions, Patents and Monopolies Granted by the Crown, 1639 | 472 | 23. | Ordinance establishing an Excise, 1643 | 475 | PART III: 1660-1846 SECTION I INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS 1. | Defoe's account of the West Riding Cloth Industry, 1724 | 482 | 2. | Defoe's account of the Woollen Trade (temp. George II) | 483 | 3. | Defoe's account of the Corn Trade (temp. George II) | 487 | 4. | Defoe's account of the Coal Trade (temp. George II) | 491 | 5. | A description of Middlemen in the Woollen Industry, 1739 | 492 | 6. | Report on the Condition of Children in Lancashire Cotton Factories, 1796 | 495 | 7. | Newcastle Coal Vend, 1771-1830 | 497 | 8. | The Old Apprenticeship System in the Woollen Industry, 1806 | 499 | 9. | A Petition of Cotton Weavers, 1807 | 500 | 10. | Depression of Wages and its Causes in the Cotton Industry, 1812 | 501 | 11. | Evidence of the Condition of Children in Factories, 1816 | 502 | 12. | Change in the Cotton Industry and the Introduction of Power Loom Weaving, 1785-1807 | 505 | 13. | Evidence by Factory Workers of the Condition of Children, 1832 | 510 | 14. | Women's and Children's Labour in Mines, 1842 | 516 | 15. | Description of the Condition of Manchester by John Robertson, Surgeon, 1840 | 519 | SECTION II AGRICULTURE AND ENCLOSURE SECTION III GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF WAGES, CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT, AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1. | An Act against Truck, 1701 | 545 | 2. | A Wages Assessment at a Warwickshire Quarter Sessions, 1738 | 546 | 3. | Spitalfields Weavers Act, 1773 | 547 | 4. | A Middlesex Wages Assessment under the Spitalfields Act, 1773 | 551 | 5. | Agricultural Labourers' Proposals for a Sliding Scale of Wages, 1795 | 552 | 6. | Debates on Whitbread's Minimum Wage Bill, 1795-6 | 554 | 7. | Arbitration Act for the Cotton Industry, 1800 | 568 | 8. | Amendment of the Arbitration Act, 1804 | 570 | 9. | The First Factory Act, 1802 | 571 | 9A. | Minutes of Committee on Children in Factories | 573 | 10. | Calico Printers' Petition for Regulation, 1804 | 573 | 11. | Report on Calico Printers' Petition, 1806 | 574 | 12. | Cotton Weavers' Petition against the Repeal of 5 Elizabeth, c. 4, 1813 | 576 | 13. | Debates on the Regulation of Apprentices, 1813-14 | 577 | 14. | Resolutions of the Watchmakers on Apprenticeship, 1817 | 588 | 15. | Report of the Committee on the Ribbon Weavers, 1818 | 590 | 16. | The Cotton Factory Act of 1819 | 591 | 17. | Oastler's First Letter on Yorkshire Slavery, 1830 | 592 | 18. | Factory Act, 1833 | 594 | 19. | Proposals for a Wages Board for Hand-Loom Weavers, 1834 | 596 | 20. | Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1842 | 598 | 21. | Debate on Factory Legislation, 1844 | 599 | 22. | Factory Act, 1844 | 612 | 23. | Recommendations of the Commission on the Health of Towns, 1845 | 614 | SECTION IV COMBINATIONS OF WORKMEN 1. | A Strike of the Journeymen Feltmakers, 1696-99 | 619 | 2. | A Petition of Master Tailors against Combination among the Journeymen, 1721 | 622 | 3. | A Dispute in the Northumberland and Durham Coal Industry, 1765 | 625 | 4. | Sickness and Unemployment Benefit Clubs among the Woolcombers, 1794 | 626 | 5. | Combination Act, 1799 | 626 | 6. | Combination Act, 1800 | 627 | 7. | The Scottish Weavers' Strike, 1812 | 631 | 8. | The Repeal of the Combination Acts, 1824 | 633 | 9. | A Prosecution of Strikers under the Common Law of Conspiracy, 1810 | 635 | 10. | An Act Revising the Law affecting Combinations, 1825 | 636 | 11. | The Conviction of the Dorchester Labourers, 1834 | 638 | 12. | An Address of the Working Men's Association to Queen Victoria, 1837 | 641 | 13. | A Chartist Manifesto on the Sacred Month, 1839 | 642 | 14. | The Rochdale Pioneers, 1844 | 643 | SECTION V THE RELIEF OF THE POOR 1. | Settlement Law, 1662 | 647 | 2. | Defoe's Pamphlet "Giving Alms no Charity", 1704 | 649 | 3. | The Workhouse Test Act, 1722 | 650 | 4. | Gilbert's Act, 1782 | 652 | 5. | Speenhamland "Act of Parliament", 1795 | 655 | 6. | The Workhouse System, 1797 | 657 | 7. | Two Varieties of the Roundsman System of Relief, 1797 | 660 | 8. | Another Example of the Roundsman System, 1808 | 660 | 9. | A Report of the Poor Law Commission, 1834 | 661 | 10. | The Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834 | 663 | 11. | Outdoor Relief Prohibitory Order, 1844 | 664 | SECTION VI FINANCE AND FOREIGN TRADE 1. | Act abolishing Tenure by Knight Service, etc., 1660 | 670 | 2. | Navigation Act, 1660 | 670 | 3. | Proposals for Free Exportation of Gold and Silver, 1660 | 671 | 4. | An Attack on the Navigation Act, c. 1663 | 672 | 5. | Free Coinage at the Mint Proclaimed, 1666 | 674 | 6. | The East India Company and the Interlopers, 1684 | 675 | 7. | Foundation of the Bank of England, 1694 | 676 | 8. | The Need for the Recoinage of 1696 | 677 | 9. | Speech by Sir Robert Walpole on the Salt Duties, 1732 | 678 | 10. | Pitt's Sinking Fund Act, 1786 | 679 | 11. | The Suspension of Cash Payments, 1797 | 681 | 12. | Pitt's Speech on the Income Tax, 1798 | 683 | 13. | Foreign Trade in the early Nineteenth Century, 1812 | 689 | 14. | Debate on the Corn Laws, 1815 | 692 | 15. | The Corn Law of 1815 | 697 | 16. | Free Trade Petition, 1820 | 698 | 17. | The Foundation of the Anti-Corn-Law League, 1839 | 701 | 18. | The Bank Charter Act, 1844 | 702 | 19. | Debate on the Corn Laws, 1846 | 705 |