ANALYZED AND CONTRASTED FROM THE MARXIAN AND DARWINIAN POINTS COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANISM ANALYZED AND CONTRASTED FROM THE COMMUNISM: THE NATURALISTIC THIS-WORLDLY GOSPEL FOR THE COMING COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANISM ANALYZED AND CONTRASTED FROM THE (2) CHRISTIANISM: A SUPERNATURALISTIC OTHER-WORLDLY GOSPEL FOR THE COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANISM ANALYZED AND CONTRASTED FROM THE (3) Title: Communism and Christianism Analyzed and Contrasted from the Marxian and Darwinian Points of View Author: William Montgomery Brown Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 To the Purchaser:Lying Supernaturalism is going; robbing Capitalism is falling; saving Laborism is rising, and leveling Unionism is coming. This booklet, Communism and Christianism, is a contribution by Bishop and Mrs. Wm. M. Brown, of Galion, Ohio, towards the furtherance of these downward, upward and forward movements, the most fortunate events in the whole history of mankind. We hope that you will read, mark, learn and inwardly digest its extremely revolutionary, comprehensive and salutary teachings concerning both religion and politics with the happy result of becoming an apostle of its illuminating and inspiring interpretation of the scientific gospel of Marx and Engels to wage slaves, the only gospel which points the way to redemption from their body and soul destroying slavery. You may become a missionary of this gospel in your neighborhood, and as such do more good than all its orthodox preachers, teachers, editors and politicians together at no financial cost to yourself by ordering booklets at our special rates: six copies, $1.00; twenty-five copies, $3.00, prepaid, and selling them to workers at our retail price, 25 cents for one copy. As we make no profit and do no bookkeeping, cash should accompany all orders. To organizations working for bail, defense, liberation or unemployment funds, Bishop and Mrs. Brown donate twenty-five copies for each twenty-five ordered with remittance. The Bradford-Brown Educational Company, Inc. Publishers—Galion, Ohio Editions and Their Dates.First Edition, 10,000 copies, October 11th, 1920. Second Edition, 10,000 copies, revised and enlarged from 184 to 204 pages, February 15th, 1921. Third Edition, 10,000 copies, March 2nd, 1921. Fourth Edition, 10,000 copies (2,000 in cloth binding), revised and enlarged from 204 to 224 pages, April 9, 1921. Rt. Rev. William Montgomery Brown, D. D. Fifth Bishop of Arkansas, Resigned; Member House of Bishops Protestant Episcopal Church; Sometime Archdeacon of Ohio and Special Lecturer at Bexley Hall, the Theological Seminary of Kenyon College. Now Episcopos in partibus Bolshevikium et Infidelium. COMMUNISM AND CHRISTIANISM |