Introductory xi
I My Itinerary and Working Plan 3
II The Welcome in the City Beautiful to its Builders 8
III Chicago—A Landlord for Its Homeless Workers 28
IV The Merciful Awakening of New York 42
V Homeless—In the National Capital 48
VI Little Pittsburg of the West and Its Great Wrong 57
VII “Latter-Day Saints” Who Sin Against Society 62
VIII Kansas City and Its Heavy Laden 71
IX The New England “Conscience” 82
X Philadelphia’s “Brotherly Love” 95
XI Pittsburg and the Wolf 104
XII Omaha and Her Homeless 117
XIII San Francisco—The Mission, the Prison, and the Homeless 123
XIV Experiences in Los Angeles 136
XV In Portland 144
XVI Tacoma 160
XVII In Seattle 164
XVIII Spokane 172
XIX Minneapolis 178
XX In the Great City of New York 183
XXI New York State—The Open Fields 197
XXII The Laborer the Farmer’s Greatest Asset 207
XXIII Albany—In the Midst of the Fight 218
XXIV Cleveland—The Crime of Neglect 223
XXV Cincinnati—Necessity’s Brutal Chains 244
XXVI Louisville and the South 256
XXVII Memphis—A City’s Fault and a Nation’s Wrong 279
XXVIII Houston—The Church and the City’s Sin Against Society 288
XXIX San Antonio—Whose Very Name is Music 296
XXX Milwaukee—Will the Philosophy of Socialism End Poverty? 305
XXXI Toledo—The “Golden Rule” City 310
XXXII Spotless Detroit 314
XXXIII Conclusion 318
XXXIV Visions 328

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