- Abbreviatio Avicennae, 53-59, 66, 152, 177, 178.
- Abd-el-Mumen, 112.
- Aboasar, 101, 143.
- Abraxas gems, 132.
- Abrincensis, Henry, 164, 176.
- Achinas, 31.
- Alain de l’Isle, 195.
- Alamout, Castle of, 147.
- Albategni, 100.
- Albertus Magnus, 78, 127, 143, 185.
- Albigenses, 109, 111.
- Albigensian Crusade, 111, 112, 193.
- Alchemy, 65-95.
- ? Disputes concerning, 73, 259.
- Alexander the Great, 32, 33.
- ? Legend of, 187-189.
- Alexandria, 32, 69.
- Alfarabi, 129.
- Al Faquir, 49, 118.
- Alfargan, 101.
- Algebra and Magic, 100, 190-192.
- Al Khowaresmi, 100.
- Al Kindi, 71, 73, 74, 79.
- Almagest, 98.
- Al Mamun, 100.
- Al Mansour, 112.
- Almuchabola, 190, 192, 270.
- Alpetrongi, 99-105, 124.
- Alphagirus or Al Faquir, 49, 118.
- Alphonso of Castile, 112, 143.
- Ambassador, Scot as an, 169-175, 218.
- Andrew, Scot’s interpreter, 119.
- Anonymous Florentine, The, 8, 210, 211.
- Apologie des Grands Hommes, 222.
- Aquinas, S. Thomas, 204.
- Arabic known to Scot, 24.
- Arabs, their influence, 60, 134.
- De Presagiis of Scot, 142.
- De Secretis, of Bacon, 209.
- Despondency of Scot, 163-170.
- De Substantia Orbis, 126, 237.
- De Tribus Impostoribus, 130, 131, 186, 203.
- De Urinis, 20, 153.
- Dioscorides, 155.
- Dittamondo, The, 207, 208.
- Doxopatros, 163.
- Dress of Scot, 138-140.
- Dryburgh School, 11.
- Dunkeld, See of, 161, 162.
- Durham, 8, 11, 12.
- Education of Scot, 11-16.
- Eildon Hills, The, 10, 199, 200, 217.
- Elias, Fra, 90-92.
- El Mohdy, 198, 199.
- Emanuel, Alchemy of, 83-85.
- ? Comnenus, 163.
- ErythrÆan Sibyl, the, 163.
- Es-SeÉmiya, 208-209.
- Essenes, 32.
- Étienne de Rheims, 124.
- Etna haunted, 194, 195.
- Eugenio, Admiral, 145, 164.
- Falsehope, Witch of, 219-221.
- Familiar Spirit, Scot’s, 217, 218.
- Fata Morgana, The, 195, 202, 203.
- Fazio degli Uberti, 207.
- Florentine tales of Scot, 222-227.
- Florian and Florete, 195.
- Folengo, Teofilo, 215, 218.
- Frederick I., 30, 196.
- ? II., 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, 56, 57, 110-112, 116, 235.
- Meteora, The, 36, FINIS.