DAN DUFF'S WISH, AND WHAT CAME OF IT. CHAPTER I. O'BRYAN'S LUCK. A TALE OF NEW YORK. CHAPTER I. TERRY MAGRA AND THE LEPRECHAUNS. Irish Echoes IRISH ECHOES THE BUNSBY PAPERS.(SECOND SERIES.) IRISH ECHOES. With Designs by McLenan. decoration NEW YORK: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. W. H. Tinson, Stereotyper.—Geo. Russell, Printer.—G. W. Alexander, Binder. TO SAMUEL LOVER, The Irish Crichton, THESE FAINT ECHOES OF A THEME WHICH HE HAS CAUGHT IN ITS ORIGINAL PURITY AND STRENGTH ARE Affectionately Inscribed. Transcriber's Note: Minor spelling and typographical errors have been corrected without note. Dialect spellings, contractions and inconsistencies have been retained as printed. The Table of Contents was not present in the original text and has been produced by the Transcriber for the convenience of the reader. |