
The Olive family comprises about 20 genera with 500 species distributed principally in the northern hemisphere. In North America there are 5 genera with 20 species and in West Virginia 2 genera with 4 species. The Olive Tree (Olea Europaea, L.), which produces the olives used for food, belongs to this family. This tree has been introduced into the southwestern part of the United States. The Syringas, (Lilacs), Forsythias, and Ligustrums (Privets) are extensively planted in this State for ornamental purposes and for hedges. The two genera described below have representatives in West Virginia.

Fraxinus, (pp. 219, 221, 223).—The Ashes, numbering about 40 species, are distributed chiefly in the north temperate zone. Of this number 16 occur in North America and 3 in West Virginia. The European Ash, (F. excelsior, L.) is occasionally planted.

Chionanthus, (page 225).—This genus embraces only 2 species one of which is found in West Virginia. The other is native to northern and central China.



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