Acer spicatum, Lam. Form.—A small tree or shrub sometimes reaching a height of 20-25 feet and a diameter of 6-10 inches. Leaves.—Opposite, simple, 4-5 inches long, 3-lobed, coarsely serrate, the lobes taper-pointed, glabrous and dark green above, somewhat downy beneath, petioles long and slender. Flowers.—May-June; polygamo-monoecious; small, yellow-green, arranged in upright, dense, somewhat compound racemes. Fruit.—Early autumn; small, paired samaras, red, turning brown and drooping when mature, in racemose clusters. Bark.—Nearly smooth, light brown, thin; twigs reddish, slightly hairy. Wood.—Light, soft, close-grained, light brown, with thick sapwood. Range.—Newfoundland and Labrador, south to Georgia and west to Minnesota. Distribution in West Virginia.—Common in mountainous sections and sometimes occurring at low elevations adjacent to the mountains. Found growing from elevation 850 feet, in Monongalia County, to elevation 4,800 feet, in Pendleton County. Habitat.—Damp mountain forests, along streams and on rocky slopes; thrives in the shade of other trees. Notes.—The Mountain Maple is often seen fruiting when only 4 or 5 feet high, but it frequently reaches tree size in favorable locations. The wood is not found on the market. This species is one of the most ornamental of the maples and should be planted more generally. The erect flower spikes, small red fruits, reddish twigs, and coarse-toothed leaves are characters that distinguish it from other maples. SUGAR MAPLE |