
The Walnut family, with its 6 genera and 35 species, is represented in North America by 2 genera (Juglans and Carya) and 19 species. This family is a very important one, contributing much of the costliest and most durable timber as well as large quantities of edible nuts. The wood of Black Walnut is especially adapted to fine cabinet work and that of the Hickories to the manufacture of vehicles, handles, etc., where strength and flexibility are desired.

Juglans.—The 15 species comprising this genus are found principally in the north temperate zone. Five species are native to North America and two are found in West Virginia. The English Walnut (Juglans regia, (L.)) which has been introduced and widely planted in the United States yields the valuable Circassian Walnut woods used in the manufacture of fine furniture as well as the walnuts sold in our markets.


  • Leaflets 11-17, often viscid-hairy; pith chocolate-brown; fruit elongated, sticky-hairy
  • J. cinerea, p. 59.
  • Leaflets 13-23, not viscid-hairy; pith cream-colored; fruit globose, not sticky-hairy
  • J. nigra, p. 61.

Carya.—The Hickory species number about 10, all of which are native to that part of North America lying east of the Rock mountains. At least 5 of these are found in West Virginia. Carya microcarpa, Nutt., not described herein is reported from Fayette County.

The Pecan Hickory (Carya illinoencis (Wang.) K. K.), a southern species prized for its nuts, is occasionally planted.


  • a. Bark of trunk not deeply furrowed or shaggy; husk of fruit less than ? inch thick.
  • Leaflets usually 5-7, glabrous beneath; the upper 2-2½ inches broad; kernel of nut sweet
  • C. glabra, p. 69.
  • Leaflets usually 7-11, somewhat downy beneath, the upper 1-1½ inches broad; kernel of nut bitter
  • C. cordiformis, p. 71.
  • a. Bark of trunk deeply furrowed or shaggy; husk of fruit more than ? inch thick.
  • Leaflets 5-7, scurfy or pubescent; bark rough but not shaggy; buds densely hairy
  • C. alba, p. 67.
  • Leaflets usually 7; nuts 1¼-2 inches long, pointed at both ends, dull white; bark shaggy
  • C. laciniosa, p. 65.
  • Leaflets usually 5; nuts smaller, rounded or notched at the base, white, thin-shelled; bark shaggy
  • C. ovata, p. 63.


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