
The Heath family with its 90 genera and 1,400 species is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. Of the 40 genera found in the United States 7 have tree representatives. The flora of West Virginia comprises about 22 genera and 40 species belonging to this family. Many of these are shrubs, the names of which are given in the list of native shrubs beginning on page 232.

Three small trees belonging to the following genera are described herein.

Rhododendron, (page 209).—This genus embraces about 100 species of shrubs and small trees in the Northern hemisphere besides a large number in the southern. Of the 17 or more species native to North America only 1 reaches tree size. In addition to the species described herein the flora of the State embraces the Mountain Rose Bay (R. catawbiense, Michx.) and several species of Azaleas.

Kalmia, (page 211).—The genus Kalmia includes about 5 species in North America, 2 of which are found in West Virginia. Kalmia angustifolia, L. is a rare shrub reported from several counties in the State.

Oxydendrum, (page 213).—This genus contains a single species, the Sour-wood, described in this bulletin.


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