"How often it has happened that one man, standing at the right point of view, has descried the truth, and, after having been denounced and persecuted by all others, they have eventually been constrained to adopt his declarations!"—(Draper.)
For the old Gods came to an end long ago. And verily it was a good and joyful end of Gods!
They did not die lingering in the twilight—although that lie is told! On the contrary, they once upon a time laughed themselves to death!
That came to pass when, by a God himself, the most ungodly word was uttered, the word: "There is but one God! Thou shalt have no other Gods before me."
An old grim beard of a God, a jealous one, forgot himself thus.
And then all Gods laughed and shook on their chairs and cried: "Is Godliness not just that there are Gods, but no God?"
Whoever hath ears let him hear.
"Thus Spake Zarathrustra"—Friedrich Nietzsche