Little Sprite Seaford sat in the first car of the long train, her eyes bright with excitement, a tear on her cheek, and her red lips quivering. One little hand nervously clutched her handkerchief, while the other grasped the handles of her very new suitcase. She had wound her pretty arms tightly around her mother's neck, kissed her, oh, so many times, and then, lest her courage fail her, had turned and fled from the house, where on the beach, she clung to her father's hand, and silently walked toward the station. She felt that if she tried to talk she would surely cry, but why was the sturdy captain so silent? Did he feel, as his little daughter did, that safety lay in silence? Did he fear to speak lest the tears might come? It had been decided that Sprite should accept Mr. Sherwood's invitation, and spend the Winter at Avondale, enjoying the early Winter months at Sherwood Hall, and the latter part of the season as the guest of Uncle John Atherton and his little niece, Rose. She had enjoyed the planning of her modest little wardrobe, she had talked of the delight of having Rose and Princess Polly for her playmates all Winter. She had promised to be a faithful little pupil at school, and she had dreamed all night, and talked all day of the delightful Winter that she was to enjoy. Now, seated in the car, ready to take her first journey from home, she looked about her with frightened eyes. Captain Seaford stood beside her. He had bought a box of candy, and a book, trusting that they might help to cheer her. He looked down at the little daughter who was so dear to him. "I'd make the trip with ye, Sprite, but yer ma, I'm thinking, will need me, 'bout the time she knows yer train has started," he said. "Oh, she will. You must go back to her," cried Sprite. The conductor entered and stated that all who were intending to leave the car must leave at once, or remain on board. Captain Seaford stooped to kiss the little upturned face. "Oh, father, dear! If you and mother hadn't worked so hard to get me ready for the long visit, I'd give it up now. I'd rather go back with you." "Tut, tut, Sprite! Be a brave lassie, and try to make the trip bravely. Ye need the good schooling and the merry playmates. The Winter at the shore is always dull. Cheer up, now. We're to have a letter, remember, as soon as ye reach Avondale." "Ay, ay, sir!" he said, as the conductor beckoned, impatiently, and with another kiss, and a hasty "Good-bye," he left the car. Sprite knew that he would stand on the platform, and she turned toward the window. Through blinding tears, she saw his stalwart form, and she tried to smile, for his sake. Before she could chase away the tears, the train had started, she saw through her tear-dimmed lashes a blurred landscape, and then,—why she was actually riding away from her seashore home! For a time she sat, as if in a dream, and then the conductor came along. Little Sprite looked up into his pleasant face, and wondered why he paused. "Let me see your ticket, my dear," he said, and she blushed at her forgetfulness, and drew it from her pocket. He punched it, and then, in a gentle, fatherly way, he said: "Your father, Captain Seaford, is a firm friend of mine. He asked me to look out for you, and see that you got off the train at Avondale. He said this was your first bit of travelling alone, but that your friends would be waiting for you when you arrived." "They will, oh, they will!" she eagerly cried, "and thinking of that makes me feel happier. I've never been away alone before." "I've a little girl at home who is much braver to talk about going away from home, than she is when the time comes to start. But don't worry, little Miss Seaford," he said, with a laugh, "for I'll be your friend all the way to Avondale." "Oh, thank you," she said, and he thought that he had never seen a lovelier face. She opened the new book, hoping that the story and the pictures might make her forget her homesickness. It was evident that she considered a good book a good friend. The story held her attention, the picture charmed her, and the box of candy was an added comfort. She nestled close to the window, her long golden hair fell over her shoulders, and framed her face, and the old conductor smiled when he passed down the aisle, and looked at the dear little figure. "The book has made her forget to worry," he said, softly. A little later, when he paused beside her seat, she looked up to smile at him. "I keep right on reading," she said, "because if I stop to think, I remember that all the time I'm going farther away from home." "Then whenever you look up from the page, just remember that you are getting nearer, and nearer to Avondale, where you can write your first letter home," he said in an effort to cheer her. "Oh, yes," said Sprite, "and I'll do that before I go to sleep to-night, and post it early to-morrow morning." Then, for a long time, she read the fascinating story. Just as she closed the book she realized that the train was slowing down. The conductor was coming toward her. What was the brakeman saying? "The next station will be Avondale!" he shouted, and little Sprite's heart beat faster. The conductor stood at her seat now. "I'll take your suit case," he said. "Come with me." How her little heart beat! Would they be at the station? They had promised to be there when the train arrived. She could not see from where she stood in the aisle. Ah, now the train had actually stopped! She was out on the platform! She was going down the steps. The kindly conductor was saying something about wishing her a pleasant visit. The train was starting off. Oh, was she utterly alone? "Sprite! Oh, you've come!" cried a sweet, familiar voice, and Princess "I was so afraid that something would happen, and you wouldn't come," she cried. "And I was wondering what I'd do if I didn't see you when I left the car. Oh, wouldn't I have been frightened?" said Sprite, with a nervous little laugh. "Oh, how could you think I'd miss coming to meet you? Mamma said the last moment, as I ran down the steps: "'I do hope you will find Sprite at the station,' and I did," Polly said. "Now, come over to the carriage, and we'll fly to Sherwood Hall." "This is my suit case, and, oh, there's my trunk," Sprite said. "Oh, the coachman will take care of those. We'll get seated so as to reach home in just no time. I can't wait to take you to mamma." The color brightened in Sprite's dimpled cheeks. She was determined not to be homesick, and the ride along the fine streets, and then up the long avenue, showed such grand residences, such spacious piazzas, such velvet lawns and gorgeous masses of flowers, that the sea captain's little daughter began to wonder if she were in some new country, or at Avondale, where her new friends actually lived. "Here we are!" cried Polly, as the horse slackened his pace at the broad gateway, "and this is Sherwood Hall, your new home for the Winter." "For part of the Winter!" called a merry voice, and Uncle John Atherton with Rose beside him in his big motor, laughed gaily as Sprite turned to learn who greeted her. For a moment the carriage and the motor stood side by side, while the three small girls chatted gaily, then, believing that Mrs. Sherwood and Polly should greet their guest, uninterrupted by neighbor or friend, Uncle John bowled away down the avenue, they responded to Rose's waving handkerchief, and then rode up the driveway. "Oh, what a lovely, lovely house!" cried Sprite, "and what a dear place to live in. I know I'm to be happy here!" "Indeed you are!" cried Polly, "and here's mamma." "Dear little girl," Mrs. Sherwood said, as Sprite stepped from the carriage, and ran up the steps. "I'm glad to see you, and I shall be glad indeed to keep you as long as Captain Atherton will permit. He was over here last evening, and he said that he would let us keep you up to the first half of the Winter, as we agreed, but after that he would have you at his home with Rose, if he had to steal you. He laughed, but he meant it, so see how very welcome you are at Avondale." "Oh, it is sweet to have so many people love me," Sprite said, gratefully, and her eyes were as bright as stars. She was tired with the long car ride, and with Princess Polly, she sped to her room, there to make her little self fresh, and fair for dinner. "We're to share this room, and these two pretty beds are yours and mine," said Polly. "We could have had separate rooms, but I wanted you with me, and beside, mamma said if you were with me, you couldn't be lonesome." "Oh, I'd rather be with you," said little Sprite, "and what a lovely room it is!" She saw every dainty bit of color, every charming detail of the furnishings, she saw the river as she looked from the windows, and the vines peeping in at the windows, and she wondered how it had happened that she now possessed such dear friends, who vied with each other in making her their little guest. She opened her suit case, and took from it a pale blue frock, with a ribbon of the same tint for her hair. The frock was of soft mull, and its coloring was like that of a pale aqua marine. She combed out her long, waving hair, and quickly tied it with the blue ribbon, then, her hand tightly clasped in Polly's, descended the stairs. Arthur Sherwood entered the hall just in time to see the two pretty figures on the stairway. "Well, well, and so the little sea nymph has come to live at Sherwood He took the slender hand that she offered him, and the three chatted gaily until dinner was served. The fine dinner, exquisitely served, was a rare treat for Sprite, and the pleasant evening that followed made her at once feel that she was, already, a part of the family. In her room, after the happy evening, Sprite wrote a loving letter to the dear father and mother at the home by the sea. She addressed it, and placed the stamp upon it, and then gave it a place on the dresser where she would surely see it in the morning, and thus remember to post it. Princess Polly would liked to have kept awake to talk, but Sprite was very tired, and soon her answers became so drowsy that Polly knew that she needed sleep and rest. Little Sprite had been the first to drop to sleep, but, accustomed to early rising, she was the first to wake. She slipped from her bed, glanced at Polly, saw that she had not yet awakened, and quietly began to dress. She had learned, the evening before, that there was a mail box just across the street, and she now picked up the letter, and made her way down to the lower hall. The door stood wide open, only the screen door was fastened. The maid, a few moments before, had opened the door that the fresh air might pass through the hall. Sprite slipped out into the garden, her letter in her hand. She ran a short distance, then as the sunlight touched the glowing blossoms, she paused and looked about her. Oh, what a fairy world it was! Her home at the shore had been placed on a broad stretch of sand, and only a few of the residences at Cliffmore boasted a flower, or tree on its grounds. Now, with the garden gay with geraniums, tall gladioli, dahlias, and scarlet salvia, she looked in amazement and delight at the riot of color. "Oh, how beautiful it is here!" she said. Suddenly she remembered her precious letter. She ran across the street, and slipped it in the box. "There you go, and you'll tell the two dearest people in the world that I got here safely, and that everyone was dear to me. You'll tell them that I love them too." Her heart was lighter, because now she knew that the letter that the dear ones at home were looking for, would soon be on its way. She hurried back to the garden, where she sat for a long time watching the bees as they hovered over the flowers. She would not go back to her room for fear of waking Polly, and she knew that she should not wander about the vacant lower rooms, so she decided to wait in the garden, until Princess Polly should come down. She clasped her hands about her knee, and sat lost in a day dream. Her long rippling hair fell over her shoulders, and she made a lovely picture as she sat thinking of her home at the shore. "The cliffs are white in the bright sunlight by this time," she said, softly, lest someone might hear her, "and the big gulls are flying over the water, or dropping to float on the crest of the waves. "It is beautiful at home, and grand here at Avondale. "I wonder if anyone knows if one is really finer than the other. They're so different." Then again she sat dreaming. Sir Mortimer came around the corner of the house, and went straight to Sprite for the caress everyone offered him. He listened to her sweet voice as she told him what a fine cat he was, he arched his back, and purred his loudest. After a time he lay down on the grass beside her, taking his morning sunbath. Princess Polly, in the meantime, had awakened and missed Sprite. She dressed hastily. As she passed the window a soft voice talking to Sir Mortimer made her pause and look out. She leaned from the window. "Oh, there you are!" she cried. "I missed you, and I couldn't guess where you were. I'll come right down to the garden." She flew down the stairs, and out into the sunlight. Sprite ran to meet her, and with their arms about each other, they paced up and down the broad piazza. Sir Mortimer blinked at them as he sat in the sunlight, as if he approved of their merry chatter. Possibly he thought it fine that there were to be two little girls at Sherwood Hall to pet him. "The garden is so lovely," Sprite said, as they paused to look out across the lawn. "Come!" cried Polly. "I'll show you all the prettiest places." The big cat followed them, trotting along the gravel walk, pausing whenever they did, as if all that Polly was showing was new to him. And when they had admired the rippling brook that ran through the garden, the tall white lilies standing in queenly grace beside the stone wall, the terraces crowned with rose bushes, and the gorgeous beds of geraniums, they ran back to the piazza, and seated themselves in the hammock that swung in the breeze. "Do you remember any of the pretty songs you used to sing last Summer when we were out on the beach, or sitting on the ledge?" Polly asked. "There's one I always like to sing when I'm in a dory," Sprite said. "Then let's rock this hammock, and play it's a dory, and while we're swinging, you sing," Polly said. With a voice in which a thrill of happiness made wondrous music, little "Bright is the sky above us, Faith is the sky above us, Sunshine above, around us, |