Transcriber’s notes: In the text version, italics are represented by _underscores_, and bold and black letter text by =equals= symbols. Superscripts are represented by ^{} and subscripts by _{}. Missing or incorrect punctuation has been repaired. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation have been left. This book uses both high level and standard "." in decimal numbers. In the html version, dittos have been replaced by the repeated text so that text alignes for easier reading. The following mistakes have been noted: - p. 12. Egyptain changed to Egyptian.
- p. 18. Symbol [C] represents a C rotated by +90deg.
- p. 25. Symbol [V] represents a large V symbol.
- p. 56. Labels, 31, 133 and 156 - 162 are missing.
- p. 85. Symbol [T] represents a large T.
- p. 86. similiar has been changed to similar.
- p. 93. tranferred has been changed to transferred.
- p. 109. thus— changed to :— to match next paragraph.
- p. 153. For the calculation on actual size at the bottom of this page to make sense, 2600 should be 26000. This has been left unchanged
- Adverts.
p. 13. Telegraphic Address:--"ADTOLCO, BLACKBURN. Telephone No. 184. has no closing quote, this has been left. |