Round and round it goes, As fast as water flows,— The dripping, dropping, rolling wheel That turns the noisy, dusty mill. Round and round it goes, As fast as water flows. Turning all the day, It never stops to play,— The dripping, dropping, rolling wheel That keeps on grinding golden meal. Turning all the day, It never stops to play. Sparkling in the sun, The merry waters run Upon the foaming, flashing wheel That laugheth loud, but worketh still. Sparkling in the sun, The merry waters run. —Selected. Boats sail on the rivers, Ships sail on the seas, But the clouds that sail across the sky Are prettier far than these. There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please, But the bow that bridges heaven, And overtops the trees, And builds a bridge from earth to sky Is prettier far than these. Christina G. Rossetti. |