Alice Cary. The Clovernook cottage was the home of the Cary family, and the Poet Sisters were Alice Cary and Phoebe Cary. While the sisters were still little girls, they began to write verses. Phoebe was but fourteen years old when she sent her first poem to a newspaper. She told no one, not even her sister Alice, what she had done. At last her father brought the paper from the postoffice. When Phoebe saw her poem in print she was so happy that she laughed Phoebe Cary. The Clovernook home was near Cincinnati, Ohio. When Alice and Phoebe grew older they left the home of their childhood and went to live in New York city. They were now able to earn money by writing stories and poems for books and papers. At last they could make their home beautiful with the books and pictures which they had so long wished for. Alice and Phoebe loved children, and they wrote many beautiful verses for their little friends. In their charming stories they tell us about their life in Clovernook, and of their plays in hayfield and barn. |