| Page | CHAPTER ONE A Garden with House Attached | 5 | CHAPTER TWO The Man with the Hoe | 10 | CHAPTER THREE The "Lady's" Conservatory | 14 | CHAPTER FOUR The House Garden, The Selection, Arrangement, and Culture of House Plants | 20 | CHAPTER FIVE At Easter-time | 35 | CHAPTER SIX Burglar-proof | 37 | CHAPTER SEVEN Perennials | 40 | CHAPTER EIGHT Hollyhocks and Violets | 68 | CHAPTER NINE The Rose | 74 | CHAPTER TEN Border Bulbs | 84 | CHAPTER ELEVEN Annuals | 88 | CHAPTER TWELVE Climbers | 94 | CHAPTER THIRTEEN Gardens "in Spain" | 99 | CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Cerebral Processes of Plants | 108 | CHAPTER FIFTEEN "Auf Wiedersehen" | 115 | A GARDEN WITH HOUSE ATTACHED