
Acton, Robert, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 148.

Act of attainder of 1st Edward IV., against persons who had been engaged at the second battle of St. Alban’s, the battle of Wakefield, and the battle of Towton, 107, 301.

Act of attainder of 38th Henry VI., against persons who had been engaged at the battle of Blore Heath, and other alleged offences, 28.

Act of attainder of 14th Edward IV., against persons who had been engaged at the battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury, 308.

Act of attainder of 1st Henry VII., against persons who had been engaged at the battle of Bosworth, 309.

Act of attainder of 3rd Henry VII., against John Earl of Lincoln, and others, who had been engaged at the battle of Stoke, 315.

Act of attainder of 11th Henry VII., against Francis Lord Lovel, for having been engaged at the battle of Stoke, 317.

Adbright, Hussee, 18, 19.

Alban’s, St., first battle of, 2 (note), 23 (note), 43 (note), 54 (note).

Alban’s, St., second battle of, 82.

Alderley, Cheshire, 245.

Amyon (or Ambien) Hill and Wood, near Market Bosworth, 160, 162.

Anjou, Margaret of.—See “Queen Margaret.”

Anjou, RenÉ Duke of, 42 (note), 147.

Anne, Queen, wife of Richard III.—See “Queen Anne.”

Arquebuse, harquebus, hacquebut, hackbut, or hagbut, 214 to 244.

Artillery, occasional use of, by the English, in sieges of the fourteenth century, 213 to 216.

Artillery, general use of, by the English, in war, in the fifteenth century, 217 to 244.Arundel, Sir John, 133.

Audley, James Touchet, Lord, 25; slain at Blore Heath, 26.

Audley, Sir Humphrey, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.


Banbury, battle of, 193, 199.

Barnet, battle of, 205.

Barrow, Henry, slain at Tewkesbury, 148.

Basilisk, 220.

Battlefield, and Battlefield Church, 7 to 19.

Battlewell House and Battlewell Gate, near Evesham, 203.

Bear, formerly wild in England, 287.

Beauchamp, of Powick, William Lord, 185.

Beauchamp, Sir Richard, governor of the city and castle of Gloucester, 135.

Beaufort, Lord John, slain at Tewkesbury, 133, 142.

Beaumont, John Viscount, slain at Northampton, 46.

Beaumont, William Viscount, 103.

Beaver, formerly wild in England, 288.

Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Duke of, previously Earl of Pembroke, 69, 133, 166, 180, 186; extraordinary and abrupt changes of fortune of, 69 (note).

Berners, John Bourchier, Lord, 118.

Blore Heath, battle of, 21.

Blount, Sir Walter, slain at Shrewsbury, 7, 8, 111 (note).

Boar, wild, formerly in England, 287, 295, 297.

Bombard, 219 to 244.

Bonvile, William Lord, put to death after the second battle of St. Alban’s, 82, 83.

Booth, Sir Robert, said to have been slain at Blore Heath, 264, 265.

Bosworth, battle of, 157.

Bourchier, Thomas, Cardinal, and Archbishop of Canterbury, 40, 83.

Bourchier, Henry Viscount (originally Earl of Ewe, and afterwards Earl of Essex), 41, 44.

Bourchier, Humphrey Lord Cromwell, slain at Barnet, 194.

Bourchier, Sir Edward, slain at Wakefield, 29 (note), 58.

Bourchier, Sir John (afterwards Lord Berners), 29 (note), 118.

Bourchier, Sir Thomas, 161 (note).Bourchier, Sir Humphrey, slain at Barnet, 118, 209.

Bourchier, William, Earl of Ewe, 40 (note 1), 118 (note 4), 209 (note 3).

Bourgeoise, 220.

Bouverie, Edward, Esq., battle of Northampton fought upon the estate of, 50 (note).

Brackenbury, Sir Robert, slain at Bosworth, 166.

Brandon, Sir William, slain at Bosworth, 167, 168.

Brandon, Thomas, 167 (note), 186.

Brecher, two gentlemen of that name put to death by Henry VII., after the battle of Bosworth, 171.

Brereton, Cheshire family of, 269.

Brereton, Sir William, Bart., the distinguished Parliamentary commander, 270.

Bromley, Sir Robert, Bart., battle of Stoke fought upon the estate of, 185, 190.

Broughton, Sir Thomas, slain at Stoke, 178, 187.

Bows and arrows used in war in this country as late as in the Civil War of Charles I. and the Parliament, 214.

Bows and arrows, option given by an act of Parliament of Philip and Mary, to provide a bow and arrows, or a haquebut, 215.

Buckingham, Lord Henry Stafford, of, 106.

Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, first Duke of, 43; slain at Northampton, 46.

Buckingham, Henry Stafford, second Duke of, beheaded in first year of Richard III., 48 (note), 49, 50 (note).

Buckingham, Edward Stafford, third Duke of, beheaded in 13th year of Henry VIII., 50.

Bull, Black, a standard of Edward IV. at the battle of Towton, 117.

Burgundy, Charles Duke of, slain at the battle of Nancy, 23 (note), 177, 194, 199.

Burgundy, Margaret Duchess of, 23 (note), 177, 199.

Burton, Sir John, slain at Towton, 106.

Byron, Sir John, 167.


Calverley, Sir John, 8.

Cannons, occasional use of, by the English, in sieges, in the fourteenth century, 213 to 216.

Cannons, and other firearms, general use of, by the English, in war, in the fifteenth century, 213 to 244.Canterbury, Thomas Bourchier, Cardinal, and Archbishop of, 40, 83.

Canterbury, John Morton, Cardinal, and Archbishop of, 107.

Cary (quÆre Car), Sir William, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146, 148.

Catesby, William, put to death by Henry VII., after the battle of Bosworth, 171.

Cecily Duchess of York, extraordinary afflictions and calamities in her family, 192 to 197.

Chapel commenced at Towton Field, by Richard III., 100.

Chapel Garth, or Chapel Hill, at Towton Field, 101.

Cheadle Church, Cheshire, 267 to 281.

Cheney, Sir John, 168, 186.

Clarence, George Duke of, 110, 139, 143; put to death in the Tower, 194, 199.

Clarence, Lionel Duke of, 22, 68, 198.

Clarence, Thomas Duke of, slain at BeaugÉ, in France, 171.

Clifford, John Lord, slain at Dintingdale, 56, 86, 115.

Clifford, Thomas Lord, slain at the first battle of St. Alban’s, 56 (note), 86 (note).

Clifton, Sir Gervase, 106 (note).

Clifton, Sir Gervase, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 106, 146.

Clifton, Sir Gervase, slain at Bosworth, 166.

Clifton, Sir John, 8.

Clinton, John Lord, 41, 111.

Cobham, Sir Edward Brooke, of, called Lord Cobham, 40, 42.

Cock River, near Towton, 88, 113.

Cockaine, Sir John, 8.

College and Hospital at Battlefield, 17.

Corbet, Peter, commission to destroy wolves, 293.

Courtenay, Sir Hugh, 133; executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 148.

Courtenay, Henry, beheaded at Salisbury, 55 (note).

Courtenay, Walter, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 148.

Coventry, Parliament of, in 38th of Henry VI., 28, 41 (note), 111.

Coventry, proceedings of the Parliament of, annulled in 39th of Henry VI., 41 (note), 111.

Crackenthorpe, Sir Thomas, 106.

Crackenthorpe, Sir John, 106.

Crofts, Sir Richard, captured Edward Prince of Wales, 143.

Cromwell, Humphrey Bourchier, Lord, slain at Barnet, 194, 209.

Culverin, and hand culverin, 214 to 244.


Dacre, Ralph Lord, slain at Towton, 96, 105; tomb of, at Saxton, 123, 125.

DelaprÉ Abbey, near Northampton, 43, 50, 51.

Delves, Sir John, slain at Tewkesbury, 142, 147 (note).

Delves, John, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146, 147.

Denham, or Dinham, John Lord, 100, 103, 110.

Derby, Thomas Earl of, previously Thomas Lord Stanley, 28, 167.

Devonshire, Thomas Courtenay, Earl of, 55, 103; executed at York, after the battle of Towton, 106.

Devonshire, Thomas or John Courtenay, Earl of, slain at Tewkesbury, 55 (note), 133, 142, 322.

Dintingdale, engagement at, 86, 89, 90, 115.

Done, Sir John, slain at Blore Heath, 27.

Done, Richard, slain at Blore Heath, 27.

Dorset, Thomas Grey, Marquis of, 139.

Douglas, Archibald Earl, 3, 8.

Drayton, 23.

Dudley, John de Sutton, Lord, 27.

Dunbar, Earl of, 4.

Dutton, John, 27.

Dutton, Sir Thomas, 26.


Edward Prince of Wales, son of Henry VI., 47, 85, 132; murdered after the battle of Tewkesbury, 144.

Edward Prince of Wales, son of Richard III., 195, 199.

Edward IV., 67, 68, 83, 84, 119, 142, 199.

Edward V., believed to have been murdered in the Tower, 195, 199.

Egerton, Sir John, 27.

Egremont, Thomas Percy, Lord, slain at Northampton, 46.

Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV.—See “Queen Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII.—See “Queen Elizabeth.”

Elston Fields, 181.

Engines used by the English in war, 218, 221.

Essex, Henry Bourchier, Earl of, 193, 194.Evesham, battle of, 203.

Ewe, Henry Earl of, afterwards Viscount Bourchier, and subsequently Earl of Essex.—See “Essex, Henry Bourchier, Earl of.”

Ewe, William Bourchier, Earl of, 118 (note), 209 (note).

Exeter, George Neville, Bishop of, 41, 83.

Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of, 54, 195, 207, 208.

Falconberg, William Neville, Lord, afterwards Earl of Kent, 41, 44, 48, 84, 100, 110.

Falstaff, Sir John, an imaginary character, 229 (note).

Fastolf, Sir John, a distinguished commander in the wars with the French, 228.

Ferrers of Chartley, Walter Devereux, Lord, slain at Bosworth, 166.

Ferrybridge, engagement at, 86, 114.

Fielding, Sir William, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Firearms, general use of, by the English, in the fifteenth century, 213 to 244.

Firearms used by cavalry in the French army in 1495, 218 (note).

Fitzgerald, or Geraldine, or Kildare, Lord, slain at Stoke, 187.

Fitzhenry, Sir Thomas, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Fitzhugh, Henry Lord, 105.

Fitzwalter, Lord, slain at Ferrybridge, 86, 114.

Fiskerton, near Stoke, 179, 188.

Flore, John, standard-bearer of the Duke of Somerset, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 148.

Fortescue, Sir John, Chief Justice, 107.

Foster, Chief Justice, 148.

Fowler, 219, 220.


Gastons, near Tewkesbury, 149, 154.

Gausel, Sir Nicholas, 8.

Gausel, Sir Robert, 8.

Gerardine, or Fitzgerald, or Kildare, Lord, slain at Stoke, 187.

Glendowr, Owen, 3, 5, 7.Gloucester, Richard Duke of, afterwards King Richard III., 110, 139, 141, 158, 324, 325; slain at Bosworth, 169.

Gower, John, sword-bearer of Prince Edward, slain at Tewkesbury, 148.

Grey, Lord Richard, beheaded at Pontefract, 41 (note), 105 (note).

Grey of Ruthin, Edmund Lord, afterwards Earl of Kent, 45.

Grey of Rugemont, Thomas Lord, 105.

Grey, Richard Lord Powis, 29 (note).

Grey Friars, Monastery at Northampton, 47.

Grimsby, Sir William, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.

Gunpowder, early use of in war, 215 (note).

Guns, occasional use of by the English in sieges, in the 14th century, 213 to 216.

Guns, general use of by the English, in war, in the 15th century, 213 to 244.

Gupshill, near Tewkesbury, 149, 150, 152.


Hall, Sir David, slain at Wakefield, 58.

Hallidown Hill, battle of, 3.

Hamden, Sir Edmund, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Hammes, Sir Edmund, 106.

Hand culverin, or hand cannon, or hand gun, 214 to 244.

Handeley, Humphrey, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 147.

Handford Hall, Cheshire, 267.

Hanson, Captain, put to death after the battle of Wakefield, 65 (note).

Hardingstone, near Northampton, 44, 50.

Harrill, Sir William, 106.

Harrington, William Bonvile, Lord, slain at Wakefield, 58, 83 (note), 194 (note), 200.

Harrington, Sir Thomas, 27, 29 (note), 33.

Harrow, John, put to death after the battle of Wakefield, 65 (note).

Hartry, Sir Nicholas, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Harquebus, arquebuse, hacquebut, hackbut, or hagbut, 214, 215.

Hastings, Edward Lord, 186.

Hastings, William Lord, 110, 139; put to death in the Tower of London, 110.

Hastings, Sir Hugh, slain at Wakefield, 58.

Havarde, Sir Edmund, 147.

Hawkstone, Roman station near, 37 (note).Hawthorn Hall, near Wilmslow, 257, 258.

Hemp Mill Brook, at Blore Heath, 26, 34.

Henry IV., 4, 7, 8.

Henry V., 171.

Henry VI., 21, 82, 198.

Henry Prince of Wales, son of Henry IV., 7.

Hereford, imprisonment of the Bishop of, 43 (note).

Heron, Sir John, of the Ford, 60, 103; slain at Towton, 106.

Hotspur (Henry Percy), 1, 2, 7; slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, 7.

Hungerford, Robert Lord, also called Lord Molyns, 105 (note), 118.

Hungerford, Sir Walter, 161 (note).


Inscription at Barnet, 211.

— Blore Heath, 35.

— Bosworth, 174.

— Evesham, 204.

— Mortimer’s Cross, 80.

— Tewkesbury, 144.

— Wybonbury, 147.

Isabel, wife of George Duke of Clarence, 139, 143, 199, 200.

Isabel, wife of Henry Earl of Ewe, afterwards Earl of Essex, 193, 198.

Ive, Roger, principal or master of the College at Battlefield, 17.


Jaquette of Luxembourg, daughter of Peter of Luxembourg, Earl of St. Paul, 41 (note), 105 (note).

Joan, daughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, second wife of Ralph Neville, first Earl of Westmoreland, 24, 199.

Joan Neville, daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury, and wife of William Earl of Arundel, 24 (note), 200.

Joan, wife of Edward the Black Prince, 198.


Kent, Edmund Grey, Earl of, previously Lord Grey of Ruthin, 45.

Kent, William Neville, Earl of, previously Lord Falconberg, 41, 44, 84, 100, 110.

Kettleman’s Bridge, near Towton, 89 (note).

Kildare, or Gerardine, or Fitzgerald, Lord, slain at Stoke, 187.

King Edward IV., descent of, 67, 68, 199.

King Edward V., descent of, 199.

King Henry VI., descent of, 22, 82, 198.

King Henry VII., descent of, 158, 201.

King Richard III., descent of, 139, 158, 199.

Kiriel, Sir Thomas, put to death after the second battle of St. Alban’s, 83.


Lancaster, House of, heraldic devices and badges of, 22.

Lancaster, House of, 22.

Latimer, Richard Neville, Lord, 186.

Legh, Sir John, 26.

Leicester, Simon de Montford, Earl of, slain at Evesham, 203, 204.

Lermouth, Sir William, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Lewkener, Sir John, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of, 177, 178, 191, 199; slain at Stoke, 187.

Lions, lionesses, and leopards, kept in the Tower of London in the reign of Edward IV., 283.

Little Warford, Cheshire, 247.

Longstrother, John, Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, 132; executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.

Lovel, Francis Viscount, 166, 178; slain at or not heard of after the battle of Stoke, 187, 317, 318.

Lucy, Sir William, slain at Northampton, 46.


Mackerel, Doctor, 107, 148.

March, Earl of, afterwards King Edward IV., 67, 83, 84, 119, 199.March, Edmund Earl of, 3 (note), 198.

Marchers, the Lords, 78.

Marches of Wales, Court of, 78, 79.

Margaret, Queen of Henry VI.—See “Queen Margaret.”

Margaret Duchess of Burgundy, widow of Charles Duke of Burgundy, 23, 177, 199.

Margaret’s Camp, near Tewkesbury, 149.

Massey, Sir John, 8.

Menagerie, Royal, in the Tower of London, 283.

Milwater, John, slain at Barnet, 208.

Molyneux, Sir Richard, slain at Blore Heath, 26.

Molyns, or Molins, Lord, also called Robert Lord Hungerford, 106 (note).

Molyn, Sir Roger, 106.

Montague, John Neville, Marquis of, previously Lord Montague, then for a short time Earl of Northumberland, 27, 110, 118 (note); slain at Barnet, 208.

Montjoy, Walter Blount, Lord, 111.

Mortar, 219.

Mortimer, Sir Hugh, slain at Shrewsbury, 8.

Mortimer, Sir Hugh, slain at Wakefield, 58.

Mortimer, Sir John, slain at Wakefield, 58.

Mortimer’s Cross, battle of, 67.

Morton, John, Cardinal, and Archbishop of Canterbury, 107.


Narbohew, Sir Henry, 106.

Nen, or Nene, river, near Northampton, 43, 46, 50.

Neville, George Bishop of Exeter, afterwards Archbishop of York, 41, 83.

Neville, John Lord, slain at Towton, 104, 193.

Neville, William Lord Falconberg, afterwards Earl of Kent, 41, 44, 84, 100, 110.

Neville, Sir Henry, put to death after the battle of Banbury, 193, 199.

Neville, Sir John, afterwards Lord Montague, afterwards Earl of Northumberland, afterwards Marquis Montague, 27, 110, 118 (note); slain at Barnet, 208.

Neville, Sir Thomas, slain at Wakefield, 27, 58, 200.

Newborough, Sir William, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.

Nor Acres, at Towton, 96, 97.Norfolk, John Howard, Duke of, 164, 165; slain at Bosworth, 165.

Norfolk, John Mowbray, Duke of, 82 (note), 84, 102.

Northampton, battle of, 39.

Northumberland, Henry Percy, first Earl of, 1, 3; beheaded at York, 2 (note).

Northumberland, Henry Percy, second Earl of, slain at the first battle of St. Alban’s, 2 (note).

Northumberland, Henry Percy, third Earl of, 99; slain at Towton, 103.

Northumberland, Henry Percy, fourth Earl of, 164, 165.

Northumberland, John Neville Earl of (for a short period), afterwards Marquis Montague, 27, 110, 118 (note); slain at Barnet, 208.


Offenham Ferry, near Evesham, 203.

Ordnance, Clerk of the, 223, 225.

Ordnance, Master of the, in the reign of Henry V., Edward IV., and Richard III., 219, 223, 241.

Ordnance, occasional use of, by the English, in sieges, in the fourteenth century, 218 to 216.

Ordnance commonly used by the English in war in the 15th century, 217 to 244.

Ormonde, Sir John, 106.

Owen Glendowr, 3, 5, 7.

Oxford, John de Vere, Earl of, 165, 166 (note), 180, 186, 194.


Pedigrees, 198, 199, 200, 201, 282.

Parhelion, or mock sun, seen at the battle of Mortimer’s Cross, 72.

Parr, Sir Thomas, 29 (note).

Parr, Thomas, slain at the battle of Barnet, 208.

Pembroke, Jasper Tudor, Earl of, afterwards Duke of Bedford, 69, 133, 166, 180, 186; extraordinary and abrupt changes of fortune of, 69 (note).

Percy, Henry, called Hotspur, 1, 2, 7, 198.

Percy, Sir Richard, slain at Towton, 106.

Pickering, Sir James, 29 (note).

Pigot, Sir Ralph, 106.

Pole, John de la, Earl of Lincoln, 177, 178, 191, 199; slain at Stoke, 187.Pole, John de la, Duke of Suffolk, married a sister of Edward IV., 177 (note), 191, 199.

Powis, Richard Grey, Lord, 29 (note).


Queen Anne, wife of Richard III., 139 (note), 158, 196, 199, 200.

Queen Elizabeth, wife of Edward IV., 41 (note), 105 (note), 199.

Queen Elizabeth, wife of Henry VII., 158, 199, 201.

Queen Margaret, wife of Henry VI., 25, 42, 53, 82, 132, 146, 198, 201.

Queen Eleanor’s Cross, 48, 51.


Ratcliffe, Sir Richard, slain at Bosworth, 166.

RenÉ, Duke of Anjou, 42 (note), 147.

Richard III., 139, 158, 199; slain at Bosworth, 169, 196.

Richmond, Henry Tudor, Earl of, afterwards Henry VII., 71 (note), 158.

Richmond, Margaret Countess of, 324.

Rivers, Anthony Wodevile, Earl, previously Lord Scales, 40 (note), 105; beheaded at Pontefract, 41 (note), 105 (note).

Rivers, Richard Wodevile, Earl, 40 (note), 105 (note).

Roe deer, formerly wild in England, 288, 297.

Roos, Thomas Lord, 56, 104.

Rose (quÆre Roos), Sir Henry, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146, 148.

Rostherne, parish of, in Cheshire, 247.

Rouse (quÆre Rowys), Sir William, slain at Tewkesbury, 142, 148.

Rugemont, Thomas Lord Grey of, 105.

Ruthin, Edmund Lord Grey of, afterwards Earl of Kent, 45 (note).

Rutland, Edmund Earl of, murdered after the battle of Wakefield, 59, 193, 199.


Sabbath days, three battles fought on, 127 (note).

Salisbury, Richard Neville, Earl of, 24; put to death after the battle of Wakefield, 58, 59.

Salisbury, Thomas de Montacute, Earl of, 24 (note), 39 (note), 228.Salisbury, Bishop of, pacific exertions of, before the battle of Northampton, 44.

Sandal Castle, 54, 58, 63.

Savage, Sir John, 167.

Saxton, 86, 87; church and parish, 122.

Saye, James Fienes, Lord, put to death by Jack Cade, 209 (note).

Saye, William Fienes, Lord, fought at Northampton, and slain at Barnet, 42 (note), 209.

Scales, Anthony Wodevile, Lord, afterwards Earl Rivers, 40 (note), 105; beheaded at Pontefract, 41 (note), 105 (note).

Scales, Thomas Lord, 40, 42 (note); murdered in 1460, 40 (note).

Serpentine, 219.

Seymour, Sir Thomas, slain at the battle of Tewkesbury, 142, 148.

Shirley, Sir Hugh, 8.

Shrewsbury, battle of, 1.

Shrewsbury, John Talbot, first Earl of, slain at Castillon, 46 (note), 103 (note 6).

Shrewsbury, John Talbot, second Earl of, slain at Northampton, 46, 103 (note).

Shrewsbury, George Talbot, fourth Earl of, 180.

Simnel, Lambert, the impostor, 178, 187.

Simnel, Thomas, a joiner at Oxford, 178.

Simons, Richard, 178, 187.

Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of, slain at the battle of St. Alban’s, 43 (note), 54 (note).

Somerset, Henry Beaufort, Duke of, 43, 54, 103; taken prisoner and beheaded after the battle of Hexham, 43 (note), 54 (note).

Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of, 133, 141; executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.

Soss Moss Hall, Cheshire, 245 to 251.

St. Alban’s, first battle of, 2 (note), 23, 43 (note), 54 (note).

St. Alban’s, second battle of, 82.

St. John, Hospital of, at Northampton, 48.

St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of, 132.

St. John, John Longstrother, Prior of, 132, 140; executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146.

St. Ledger, Sir Thomas, executed and attainted, 191, 195, 199.

Stafford, Edmund Earl of, slain at Shrewsbury, 8.

Stafford, Humphrey Earl of, slain at the first battle of St. Alban’s, 48 (note), 49, 199.Stafford, Lord Henry, of Buckingham, 106 (note).

Standard of Edward IV., 117.

„ Henry VII., 117 (note).

„ Richard III., 117 (note).

Stanley, Sir William, 28, 31, 168.

Stanley, Thomas Lord, afterwards Earl of Derby, 28 (note), 167, 180.

Stoke, battle of, 177.

Stoke, village of, 180, 190.

Strange, George Lord, 162, 180.

Stutton, bridge of, 89.

Suffolk, John de la Pole, Duke of, married Elizabeth, sister of Edward IV., 177 note, 191, 192, 199.

Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 165.

Swartz, Martin, 178; slain at Stoke, 187.

Swartz Moor, in Lancashire, 178.


Talbot, Sir Christopher, slain at Northampton, 46.

Talbot, Sir Gilbert, 165, 167.

Tewkesbury, battle of, 131.

Throgmorton, John, 148.

Towton, battle of, 81.

Towton Hall, 101.

Towton village, 87, 89, 100 note.

Tresham, Henry, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146, 148.

Tresham, Sir Thomas, executed after the battle of Tewkesbury, 146, 148.

Trollop, Sir Andrew, 99, 103; slain at Towton, 106.

Trollop, Sir David, slain at Towton, 106.

Troutbeck, Sir William, slain at Blore Heath, 26.

Tudor, Sir Owen, slain at Mortimer’s Cross, 73, 201.

U, V.

Urnan (quÆre Urman), Sir John, slain at Tewkesbury, 142, 148.

Vaughan, Sir Thomas, beheaded at Pontefract, 41 (note), 105 (note).

Vaux, Sir William slain at Tewkesbury, 142, 147.Venables, Sir Hugh, 26.

Venables, Sir Richard, 8.

Vernon, Sir Richard, 8.

Vestynden, Ralph, bearer of Edward’s the Fourth’s standard of the Black Bull at the battle of Towton, 117.

Veuglaire, 219 to 244.


Wakefield, battle of, 53.

Wakefield Green, 58, 62, 63.

Wales, Edward Prince of, son of Richard III., 195, 199.

Wales, Edward Prince of, son of Henry VI., 47, 54 (note), 198; murdered after the battle of Tewkesbury, 144.

Warford, Little, Cheshire, 247.

Warwick, Anne Countess of, 133, 200.

Warwick, Edward, Earl of, imprisoned and afterwards put to death by Henry VII., 172, 175, 196, 199.

Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of (the King-Maker), 24, 39, 100, 205, 207; slain at Barnet, 208.

Wateley, Henry, slain at Tewkesbury, 148.

Well, King Richard’s, 159, 160, 164, 173.

Welles, Leo Lord, slain at Towton, 104.

Welles and Willoughby, Richard Lord, 104.

Wenlock, John Lord, 42, 100, 133, 140; death of, at the battle of Tewkesbury, 142.

Wensleydale, Fore Abbey, in, remarkable grant to the monks of, 292.

Westmoreland, Ralph Neville, first Earl of, 24 (note), 199.

Wharfe, River, 88, 113.

Wichingham, Sir William, 147.

Widevile, or Wodevile, family of, 40 (note), 105 (note).

Wigmore Castle, 76, 77, 78.

Willoughby, Robert Lord, 104.

Wilmslow Church, Cheshire, 253 to 266.

Wiltshire, James Boteler, Earl of, 56, 69; taken prisoner and beheaded, 56 (note).

Wittingham, Sir William, slain at Tewkesbury, 142.

Wolves, probable period of the extinction of, in England, 287 to 299.Worcester, John Tibtoft, Earl of, executed in 1470, 193 (note).

Worcester, Thomas Percy, Earl of, 2; taken prisoner and executed, 8.

Wroughton, 148.

Wyche, or De la Wyche, ancient Cheshire family of, 245.


York, heraldic devices and badges of the House of, 22, 117.

York, Cecily Duchess of, strange and mournful afflictions and calamities in her family, 192 to 197.

York city, surrendered to Edward IV., 118.

York, House of, descent of the, 22.

York, Richard Duke of, 22; slain at Wakefield, 58, 64.

York, Richard Duke of, son of Edward IV., believed to have been murdered in the Tower, 195, 199.


Zouch, John Lord, 166.


F. Pickton, Printer, Perry’s Place, 29, Oxford Street.


Page 24, note 1.

Instead of “Richard the oldest son, Earl of Salisbury, and afterwards Earl of Warwick,” read, “Richard the eldest son, Earl of Warwick, and after his father’s death, also Earl of Salisbury.”

329, Index.

After “Bourchier, William, Earl of Ewe,” instead of “118 (note), 209 (note),” insert, “40 (note 1), 118 (note 4), 209 (note 3).”

339, Index.

After “Shrewsbury, John Talbot, first Earl of, slain at Castillon, 46 (note),” add “103 (note 6).”


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