
I. Levitical 3
II. The Wagons 16
III. Mr. Yorke 31
IV. Mr. Yorke (continued) 40
V. Hollow's Cottage 51
VI. Coriolanus 66
VII. The Curates at Tea 85
VIII. Noah and Moses 110
IX. Briarmains 125
X. Old Maids 147
XI. Fieldhead 164
XII. Shirley and Caroline 181
XIII. Further Communications on Business 201
XIV. Shirley Seeks to be saved by Works 226
XV. Mr. Donne's Exodus 239
XVI. Whitsuntide 253
XVII. The School Feast 264
XVIII. Which the Genteel Reader is recommended to skip, Low Persons being here introduced 279
XIX. A Summer Night 290
XX. To-morrow 306
XXI. Mrs. Pryor 319
XXII. Two Lives 336
XXIII. An Evening Out 346
XXIV. The Valley of the Shadow of Death 365
XXV. The West Wind blows 384
XXVI. Old Copy-books 392
XXVII. The First Bluestocking 410
XXVIII. Phoebe 433
XXIX. Louis Moore 453
XXX. Rushedge—a Confessional 461
XXXI. Uncle and Niece 475
XXXII. The Schoolboy and the Wood-nymph 491
XXXIII. Martin's Tactics 502
XXXIV. Case of Domestic Persecution—Remarkable Instance of Pious Perseverance in the Discharge of Religious Duties 513
XXXV. Wherein Matters make some Progress, but not much 521
XXXVI. Written in the Schoolroom 534
XXXVII. The Winding-up 555

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