Oppressed with sin and woe, A burdened heart I bear, Opposed by many a mighty foe; But I will not despair. With this polluted heart, I dare to come to Thee, Holy and mighty as Thou art, For Thou wilt pardon me. I feel that I am weak, And prone to every sin; But Thou who giv'st to those who seek, Wilt give me strength within. Far as this earth may be From yonder starry skies; Remoter still am I from Thee: Yet Thou wilt not despise. I need not fear my foes, I deed not yield to care; I need not sink beneath my woes, For Thou wilt answer prayer. In my Redeemer's name, I give myself to Thee; And, all unworthy as I am, My God will cherish me. My sister Anne had to taste the cup of life as it is mixed for the class termed "Governesses." The following are some of the thoughts that now and then solace a governess:— |