ANIMALS PRONGHORN Antilocapra americana A presentation of general information on many of the mammals most commonly seen in Yellowstone, illustrated with drawings of many of the species described. by Yellowstone Interpretive Series YELLOWSTONE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM ASSOC. Yellowstone National Park Reprinted March 1959 This booklet is published by the Yellowstone Library and Museum Association, a non-profit organization whose purpose is the stimulation of interest in the educational and inspirational aspects of Yellowstone’s history and natural history. The Association cooperates with and is recognized by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior, as an essential operating organization. It is primarily sponsored and operated by the Naturalist Division in Yellowstone National Park. As one means of accomplishing its aims the Association has published a series of reasonably priced booklets which are available for purchase by mail throughout the year or at the museum information desks in the park during the summer.
Orders or letters of inquiry concerning publications should be addressed to the Yellowstone Library and Museum Association, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. Copyright 1952 by the |