
Abbot, Charles (afterwards Lord Colchester), speaker, 36, 61, 72, 85, 238.

Abdallah, Pasha of Acre, 393.

Abercromby, James (afterwards Lord Dunfermline), master of the mint, 346;

speaker, 354.

Abercromby, Sir Ralph, general, 6, 346.

Aberdeen, 306, 348.

Aberdeen, Earl of (Gordon), 138;

chancellor of the duchy, 231;

foreign secretary, 236, 263, 264, 268, 352, 376, 380;

secretary for war and colonies, 352.

Åbo, treaty of, 123.

Abolition of slavery, acts for the, 46-48, 325-327, 438.

Abolition of slave trade, 48, 143, 151, 152, 167, 188, 274, 279, 358, 438.

Abrantes, 98.

Abyssinia, 436.

Academy, Royal. See London.

Acarnania, 266.

Acre, 393, 394.

Acte Additionnel, the, 155.

Adams, John Quincy, 128.

Addington, Henry (afterwards Viscount Sidmouth), 25, 39, 50, 54, 68, 200, 202, 346;

first lord of treasury and chancellor of exchequer, 1, 2, 11, 15, 16, 27, 34;

relations with Pitt, 2, 24-29;

attacked by Pitt, 30, 31;

resignation, 31, 32;

his adherents, 34, 36, 68, 81;

becomes Viscount Sidmouth and lord president of the council, 35;

resignation, 37;

lord privy seal, 45;

lord president of the council, 49;

resignation, 49;

lord president of the council, 76, 82;

home secretary, 81, 83, 172, 177, 179, 180, 183;

in cabinet without office, 199;

retirement, 227.

Addington, John Hiley, M.P., 28, 36.

Adelaide, 440.

Adelaide, Princess of Saxe-Meiningen (afterwards queen of William IV.), 184, 273, 277, 351, 375.

Adige, river, 138.

Adour, river, 115, 117.

Adrianople, peace of, 267, 268.

Ægean islands, the, 263;

sea, 224, 394.

Ætolia, 266.

AfghÁnistÁn, 397, 402, 403, 412-414;

treaty with East India Company, 403;

first AfghÁn war, 403, 414.

Africa, interior of, 436.

Agra, 399, 409.

Agriculture, condition of, 84, 433, 434.

Ahmadnagar, 398.

Airy, Sir George, 428.

Aix, island, 69.

Aix-la-Chapelle, conference of, 189-191, 377.

Akkerman, treaty of, 260.

Alava, Spanish admiral, 40.

Albuera, battle, 103, 104.

Albuquerque, Duke of, 100.

Alcantara, 99.

Alemtejo, province, 255.

Alessandria, 213.

Alexander the Great, 401, 413.

Alexander I., Tsar of Russia, 5, 7, 23, 37, 52, 59, 66, 78, 80, 81, 92, 104, 105, 124, 144-148, 151-153, 168, 189-191, 210-212, 214, 216-218, 224, 225, 232.

Alexandria, 261, 264, 265, 393, 413;

battle and capitulation of, 6;

retention by England, 19;

expeditions to, 52, 57, 264;

convention of, 264, 265.

Algarve, province, 389.

Algeciras, 8.

Algiers, Dey of, 187, 188;

bombardment of, 188;

conquest of, 269.

Algoa bay, 438.

Alliance, La Belle, 164.

"All the Talents" ministry. See ministries, Grenville's.

Almaraz, 106.

Almeida, 100, 102, 103.

Almora, treaty of, 405.

Alps, the, 138.

Alsace, 143, 168.

Alten, Count, 162.

Althorp, Viscount (afterwards third Earl Spencer), 230, 234;

chancellor of the exchequer, 279, 280, 283, 286, 291, 297, 321-323, 328, 330, 334, 335, 343-345;

resignation, 346;

chancellor of the exchequer, 347, 349, 350, 373.

Amager, island, 4.

Amascoas, battle, 390.

Ambigu, L', newspaper, 12.

Amelia, Princess (daughter of George III.), 74.

America, British North, 85, 225.

See also Canada.

America, South, 205, 226.

See also Spain and Portugal.

Amherst, Earl, governor-general of Bengal, 408, 409.

Amherstburg, 141.

Amiens, 10;

treaty of, 16, 17, 19, 20, 208, 398;

negotiations, 7-12;

preliminary treaty, 9, 13, 14;

definitive treaty, 12, 13, 435.

AmÍr KhÁn, PindÁrÍ leader, 407.

Andalusia, 94, 100, 102, 106, 107.

Anglesey, Marquis of. See Paget, Lord.

AngoulÊme, Duke of. See Louis Antoine, dauphin.

Ansbach, 43.

Anti-Duelling Association, 251.

Antioch, 393.

Antwerp, 43, 64, 65, 200, 378, 380, 382, 386.

Apsley House. See London.

Aragon, 100.

Arakan, 408, 409.

Aranjuez, 87, 92, 93;

treaty of, 6.

Arapiles hills, the, 107.

Archangel, 310.

Archipelago, the, 261.

Arcis-sur-Aube, battle, 145.

Arcot, 400.

Arden, Lord (Perceval), 50.

ArgÁum, battle, 399.

Argentine, the (La Plata), 190.

Argus, the, American ship, 141.

Arkwright, Sir Richard, 83.

Arta, gulf of, 266, 392.

Artois, Count of. See Charles X. of France.

Ascot races, 148.

Ashley, Lord (Ashley-Cooper), afterwards Earl of Shaftesbury, 327, 328.

Asia Minor, 394, 413.

Aspern, 63.

Aspropotamo, river, 268.

Assam, 408, 409.

Assaye, battle, 399.

Astorga, 93-95.

Attwood, Thomas, M.P., 335.

Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, 56, 81.

Auckland, first Lord (Eden), president of the board of trade, 34, 346.

Auckland, second Lord (Eden), afterwards Earl of, first lord of the admiralty, 346, 357;

governor-general of India, 363, 412.

AuerstÄdt, battle, 47.

Augusta, Princess of Hesse, 184.

Augusta, Princess (daughter of George III.), 184 n.

Austen, Jane, 422.

Austerlitz, battle, 42, 43, 51, 60.

Australia, 436, 438-440;

New South Wales, 438, 439;

Queensland, 439;

South Australia, 440;

Victoria, 439;

West Australia, 439.

Austria, 17, 54, 58, 59, 62, 78, 80, 124, 214, 215, 220, 264, 267, 391;

guarantees independence of Malta, 13;

treaty with France, 14;

third coalition, 37, 38, 41;

Ulm and peace of Pressburg, 42;

struggle with France, 61-64;

treaty with England, 63;

war with Bavaria, 63;

piece of Vienna, 64, 66;

national bankruptcy, 81;

treaty with France, 122;

attacks North Italy, 133;

diplomacy, 132, 134-137, 144, 187-189, 217;

truce with Russia, 135;

treaty of Ried, 137;

treaty of Teplitz, 137;

war with France, 137, 142;

alliance with Murat, 143;

campaign of 1814, 118, 143-145;

treaty of Chaumont, 144, 145, 168, 186, 191, 377;

treaty of Fontainebleau, 145, 146;

first treaty of Paris, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167, 378;

congress of Vienna, 149, 151-153, 166, 167, 186, 188-190, 376, 379, 381, 388;

secret treaty of Vienna, 153;

acquires Venetia and Lombardy, 166;

second treaty of Paris, 167, 168, 376;

holy alliance, 168;

treaties with the Two Sicilies, Tuscany, Modena and Parma, 187;

conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, 189-191;

congress of Troppau, 211-214, 395, 396;

congress of Laibach, 212, 223;

army in Italy, 212, 213, 216;

congress of Verona, 216-219, 222, 223, 392;

conference at London, 222;

conference at St. Petersburg, 224;

joins conference of London, 379-386, 392;

secret convention at MÜnchengrÄtz, 395, 396;

convention at Berlin, 396.

Ava. See Burma.

Azores, islands, 259, 388.

Azzara, Chevalier, 21.

Bacon, Lord, 424.

Badajoz, 99, 102-106, 108, 113, 147;

treaty of, 6.

Baden, 34, 189.

Baghdad, 413.

Bailey, Old. See London.

Baird, David (afterwards Sir David), general, 6, 47, 93-95.

Balkans, the, 263, 266, 267.

Baltic, the, 52, 78, 90, 199, 310.

Baltic, battle of the, 4, 5, 420.

Baltimore, 146.

Banda Oriental. See Uruguay.

Bank charter acts, 325, 326, 330, 331.

Bank of England, 183, 205, 206, 303;

notes made legal tender, 182.

Bank restriction act, 16.

Bankes, Henry, M.P., 157.

Banks, Sir Joseph, 428.

Barcelona, 88, 110, 220.

Barclay, Commander, 139.

Barham, Lord (Sir Charles Middleton), first lord of the admiralty, 36.

Baring, Alexander (afterwards Lord Ashburton), 304;

president of board of trade and master of the mint, 352.

Baring, Francis (afterwards Lord Northbrook), 346.

Barlow, Sir George, governor-general of Bengal, 401.

Barnstaple, 193.

Baroda, GÁekwÁr of, 405, 406.

Barrosa, 102.

Basque provinces, 390, 391.

Basque roads, 69.

Bass, George, 439.

Bassein, treaty of, 398, 399, 405.

Batavian republic. See Holland.

Bath, 43, 362.

Bath (Holland), 65.

Bathurst, Charles Bragge-. See Bragge, Charles.

Bathurst, Earl, president of the board of trade, 50, 68;

secretary for war and colonies, 82, 109, 112;

resignation, 227;

lord president of the council, 231.

Battersea Fields. See London.

Bautzen, battle, 135.

Bavaria, 41, 42, 66, 136, 152, 153, 166, 189, 392;

war with Austria, 63;

treaty of Ried, 137.

Baylen, 58, 88, 89, 92.

Bayonne, 88, 89, 92, 112, 115-117, 119;

road to, 111.

Beachy Head, 8.

Beauharnais, Auguste, Duke of Leuchtenberg, 382.

Beauharnais, EugÈne, viceroy of Italy, 138.

Bedford, Duke of (Russell), lord lieutenant of Ireland, 49.

Beilan, pass, 393.

Beira, province, 255, 257.

Belgium, 143, 144, 150, 158, 159, 161, 162, 200, 377;

Prince of Orange proclaimed, 138;

troops, 156;

Waterloo campaign, 157-164;

united to Holland, 166;

revolution, 276, 376-382;

elects Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg king, 383;

war with Holland, 384-386, 393;

convention with Holland, 387.

Belgrade, 80.

Bell, Henry, 427, 434.

Belleisle, 388.

Bellerophon, the, British ship, 165, 168, 169.

Belliard, French general, 383, 384.

Bellingham, John, 76.

Benevente, 94, 95.

Bengal, 310, 330, 400, 404, 408, 410.

Bentham, Jeremy, 338, 341, 420, 421, 437.

Bentinck, Lord William, 114, 143;

governor-general of India, 410-412.

BerÁr, 399.

See NÁgpur.

Berbice, 9.

Beresford, Lord George, 242.

Beresford, William (afterwards Lord and later Viscount), 47, 96, 103, 109, 118, 119, 211, 222.

Berezina, river, 125.

Berkeley, Vice-admiral, 127.

Berkshire, 281, 341.

Berlin, 53, 81, 134, 310;

convention at, 396.

Berlin decree, the, 55, 403.

Bernadotte, Marshal (afterwards Charles XIV. of Sweden), 54, 80, 136, 137, 143, 150.

Berry, Duke of, 210.

Bessarabia, 123.

Bessborough, Earl of (Ponsonby), 287.

BessiÈres, Marshal, 88, 92.

Betanzos, 95.

Bexley, Lord. See Vansittart, Nicholas.

Bhartpur, 399, 403, 408, 409.

Bickersteth, Henry (afterwards Lord Langdale), 363.

Bidassoa, river, 112, 114, 115.

Bilbao, 111, 391.

Birmingham, 178, 236, 272, 285, 295, 297, 304, 335, 435.

Biscay, province, 109, 389, 391.

Bishopp, British officer, 130.

Blackburn, Francis, attorney-general for Ireland, 313, 314.

Blackfriars. See London.

Blackheath. See London.

Blackwood's Magazine, 423-425.

Bladensburg, battle, 146.

Blake, Spanish general, 88.

Blandford, Marquis of (Churchill), afterwards Duke of Marlborough, 271, 284.

Blanketeers, the, 176.

Blomfield, bishop of London, 324, 341, 373.

BlÜcher, Marshal, 138, 143-145, 148;

Waterloo campaign, 156-161, 163-164.

Bohemia, 64, 137.

Bombay, 310, 398.

Bona, 188.

Bonaparte, Joseph, 10-12, 21;

King of Naples, 47, 53;

King of Spain, 59, 88, 89, 92, 98, 104, 106, 107, 109-111, 122, 123, 190.

Bonaparte, Josephine (wife of Napoleon), 382.

Bonaparte, Louis, King of Holland, 46, 53, 78.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 6, 19, 39, 41, 42, 51, 53-56, 58, 62, 64-66, 78, 80-82, 87-89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99-102, 104, 105, 109-112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120-126, 128, 143, 145, 148, 150, 168, 171, 186, 199, 382;

concordat with the pope, 7;

refuses overtures of peace, 8;

meets Cornwallis, 10;

elected president of the Italian republic, 12, 17;

plans for the invasion of England, 8, 35, 38, 41, 71;

attacked by French exiles in London, 12, 17;

consul for life, 15, 17;

Fox presented to him, 15, 16;

annexes Piedmont, 17;

mediates in Switzerland and Germany, 17;

schemes of colonial expansion, 18;

Whitworth, 20-22;

declared emperor, 33, 34;

plots against his life, 33, 34;

coronations, 35, 37, 38;

Ulm and Austerlitz, 42, 64;

Jena and AuerstÄdt, 47, 55, 64;

Eylau, 51, 56;

Friedland, 52, 122, 401;

meets Alexander, 52;

"continental system," 53, 55-58, 78-80, 83, 87, 105, 171, 403;

manifesto, 57;

at Erfurt, 59;

EckmÜhl and Wagram, 60, 63;

Borodino, 63, 124;

Leipzig, 63, 114, 118, 133, 137, 138;

marriage with Maria Louisa, 78;

fiscal policy, 79;

first abdication, 82, 118, 145;

in Spain, 92, 94;

war with Russia, 121-126, 402;

campaign of 1813, 132-138;

LÜtzen and Bautzen, 135;

Dresden, 137;

campaign of 1814, 143-145;

La RothiÈre, 144;

Arcis-sur-Aube, 145;

treaty of Fontainebleau, 145, 146;

Elba, 145, 146, 153, 201;

"The Hundred Days," 151, 153-165;

Ligny, 158, 159;

Quatre Bras, 159;

Waterloo, 160-165;

second abdication, 165;

St. Helena, 166, 167, 169, 170, 402;

designs on India, 401-403.

Bond, Nathaniel, M.P., 36.

Bonnymuir, 193.

Bordeaux, 118, 154;

road to, 117.

Bordeaux, Henry, Duke of. See Chambord, Count of.

Borisov, battle, 125.

Borodino, battle, 63, 124, 164.

Bosphorus, the, 267, 394.

Boston (United States), 142.

Botany Bay, 438.

Boulogne, 8, 35, 38.

Boulton, Matthew, 435.

Bourbon, island, 69, 403.

Bourbon, Duke of, 154.

Bourne, W. Sturges, 341;

home secretary, 227;

first commissioner of woods and forests, 228, 229.

Braga, 258.

Bragge, Charles (afterwards Bragge-Bathurst), 28, 68, 202;

chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 81, 82, 174;

president of the board of control, 199.

Brahmaputra, the, 408, 409.

Braine l'Alleud, Belgian village, 162.

Brand, M.P., 284.

Brazil, 89, 190, 211, 221, 222, 253, 254, 259, 388;

commercial treaty with England, 222.

Brereton, Colonel, 298.

Breslau, 134, 135.

Brest, 39, 55.

Brewster's EncyclopÆdia, 424.

Bridgwater Treatises, the, 338.

Brienne, 143.

Brighton, 350.

Brindley, James, 434.

Bristol, 175, 297, 298, 302, 309, 435.

British Association, the, 338.

Brittany, 154.

Brock, Major-general, 129, 130.

Broke, Captain, 142.

Brooks's club. See London.

Brougham, Henry (afterwards Lord Brougham and Vaux), 48, 172, 173, 182, 193-196, 207, 228, 234, 241, 242, 274, 277, 278, 280, 357-359, 363, 423, 431;

lord chancellor, 281, 282, 287, 295, 325, 338, 343, 345, 346, 348, 351;

legal reforms, 332, 333, 358, 359, 361.

Broussa, 393.

Brown, American commander, 146.

Bruce, Michael, 436.

BrÜnn, 42.

Brunswick, 196.

Brunswick (Charles), Duke of, 184 n.

Brunswick (Frederick William), Duke of, 159.

Brunswick, troops, 158.

Brunswick clubs, 243.

Brussels, 158-161, 378, 379, 381, 383, 384, 387.

Bucentaure, the, French ship, 40.

Bucharest, treaty of, 123.

Buckingham, Marquis of (Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville), afterwards Duke of, 199, 295.

Buckingham palace. See London.

Buckinghamshire, 281.

Buckinghamshire, third Earl of (Hobart), 1.

Buckinghamshire, fourth Earl of. See Hobart, Lord.

Buckland, William, Dean of Westminster, 340.

Buenos Ayres, 47, 56, 57, 205, 216, 223.

Bukowina, 224.

Bulgaria, 263, 267.

Bull-baiting, 15.

"Bullion committee," the, 73.

BÜlow, Frederick William von, General, afterwards Count, 143, 145, 163, 164.

Bulwer, Edward Lytton (afterwards Lord Lytton), 426.

Burdett, Sir Francis, M.P., 51, 72, 175, 226, 240-242, 284, 285, 298, 374.

Burgess, Thomas, bishop of St. Davids, 430.

Burgos, 92, 108, 110.

Burgundy, 154.

Burke, Edmund, 308, 415, 422.

Burlington Heights, 139, 140.

Burma, first Burmese war, 408, 409;

treaty with East India Company, 409.

Burnes, Sir Alexander, 413, 414.

Burns, Robert, 415.

Burrard, Sir Harry, general, 90, 91, 93.

Bussaco, 101, 113.

Butrinto, 188.

Buxton, Thomas Fowell, M.P., 326, 327.

Bylandt, Dutch general, 162.

Byron, Lord, 233, 417-419.

Cachar, 411.

Cadiz, 8, 39-41, 89, 96, 100, 102-104, 109, 256.

Cadoudal, Georges, 33.

Cairo, capture of, 6.

Calabria, 47.

Calcott, Sir Augustus, 427.

Calcutta, 398, 402, 408, 412.

Calder, Sir Robert, 39.

Caledonian canal, 434.

Cambridge. See Universities.

Cambridge (Adolphus), Duke of (son of George III.), 184, 185.

Cambridgeshire, 175 n.

Camden, Earl (Pratt), afterwards Marquis Camden, secretary for war and colonies, 34, 37;

lord president of the council, 37, 50, 66, 67;

in cabinet without office, 76, 82.

Camelford, 193.

Campbell, Lord, 361, 363.

Campbell, Sir Archibald, 409.

Campbell, Sir Neil, 153.

Campbell, Thomas, 420, 431.

Canada, 128, 147, 157, 225, 312, 437, 438;

attacked by the United States, 129, 130, 139-141, 146.

Candia. See Crete.

Cannes, 153.

Canning, George, 2, 24, 68, 76, 84, 85, 172, 209, 231, 232, 238, 240, 245, 279, 284, 285, 319, 339, 358, 423;

jeux d'esprit, 26, 28;

foreign secretary, 50, 52-54, 59, 66, 92;

resignation, 67;

president of the board of control, 174, 176, 185, 199, 201, 406;

foreign secretary, 197, 199-201, 207, 208, 216, 218-226, 232-235, 241, 242, 255-257, 259, 260, 390, 392, 408;

first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer, 227, 228, 273, 380;

death, 228, 229.

Canning, Sir Stratford (afterwards Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe), 225, 266.

Canterac, Spanish general, 223.

Canterbury, archbishop of (Howley), 299, 337, 373.

Cape Finisterre, 39.

Cape Formoso, 151.

Cape of Good Hope, 9, 47, 167, 398, 403, 438.

Cape St. Vincent, battle, 389.

Cape Trafalgar, battle, 40, 43, 69.

Capodistrias, Greek president, 267, 268, 392.

Carcassonne, road to, 119.

Carinthia, 66.

Carlile, agitator, 282.

Carlisle, sixth Earl of (Howard), first commissioner of woods and forests, 228, 357;

lord privy seal, 228;

in cabinet without office, 280;

lord privy seal, 346, 347.

Carlos, Don. 389-391.

Carlsbad, 189.

Carlton House. See London.

Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 424.

Carlyle, Thomas, 417, 434, 427.

Carnot, French statesman, 155, 165.

Caroline of Brunswick, Princess of Wales (afterwards queen of George IV.), 48, 85, 86, 183, 184, 192-197, 200.

Carr, R. J., bishop of Worcester, 299.

Cartwright, Edmund, 83.

Cartwright, Major, 175.

Casimir-Perier, French premier, 387.

Caspian Sea, 310.

Castalla, 109, 114.

CastaÑos, Francisco Xavier de, 93.

Castlereagh, Viscount (Stewart), afterwards second Marquis of Londonderry, 2, 68, 71, 73, 100, 201, 202, 208, 209, 228, 238;

president of the board of control, 15, 34;

secretary for war and colonies, 37, 50, 52, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65-67, 90, 92, 200;

resignation, 67;

foreign secretary, 76, 82, 85, 123, 144-147, 153, 156, 169, 171-173, 183, 189, 191, 195, 199, 210-212, 214, 217, 260, 387;

death, 199-201, 216, 408.

Catalonia, 88, 92, 112, 114, 115, 118.

Cathcart, Lord (afterwards Viscount, later Earl of), 43, 54, 123, 134, 136.

Catholic Apostolic Church, 339.

Catholic Association, 240, 241, 244-246.

Catholic emancipation, 49, 76, 200, 207, 226, 230, 236-249, 431;

abandoned, 2, 34;

opposition to, 32, 34, 45, 50, 208, 227;

carried, 249.

Cato Street conspiracy, 192, 193.

Cattaro, 142.

Caulaincourt, French diplomatist, 144.

Cawnpur, 399.

Census, 300, 311, 312.

Ceylon, 9, 167.

Chadwick, Edwin, 341.

ChambÉry, 149.

Chambord, Count de, 210, 376.

Chambray, Marquis de, 125.

Champagne, 143, 144.

Champlain, lake, 140, 146.

Chandos, Marquis of (Brydges-Chandos-Temple-Grenville), afterwards second Duke of Buckingham, 295, 299;

"Chandos clause," 295.

Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt, 427.

Charity Commission, 182.

Charleroi, 158, 161.

Charles, Count of Artois (afterwards Charles X. of France), 34, 116, 154, 224, 376.

Charles IV., King of Spain, 87, 88.

Charles XII., King of Sweden, 54.

Charles XIII., King of Sweden and Norway, 54, 150.

Charles, Archduke, 63.

Charles Albert, Prince, of Carignano (afterwards King of Sardinia), 213.

Charles Emmanuel II., King of Sardinia, 10.

Charles Felix, King of Sardinia, 213.

Charlotte, Princess (daughter of the Prince Regent), 86, 174, 183-185, 194, 195, 268.

Charlotte, Queen-dowager of WÜrtemburg (daughter of George III.), 184 n.

Charlotte, queen of George III., 74, 184, 185.

Charlotte, queen of John VI. of Portugal, 253, 254.

Chartism, 308.

ChassÉ, D. H., Dutch general, 162.

Chateauguay, battle of river, 141.

Chatham, Earl of (John Pitt), lord president of the council, 1;

master-general of the ordnance, 1, 24, 50, 64, 65, 71;

resignation, 72.

ChÂtillon-sur-Seine, congress at, 118, 144.

Chaumont, treaty of, 144, 145;

extended at Paris, 168, 186, 191, 377.

Chauncey, Commodore, 140.

Cherbourg, 376.

Chesapeake Bay, 146;

estuary, 141.

Chesapeake, the, American frigate, 127, 142, 147.

Chesney, Francis Rawdon, colonel, 413.

Chester, bishop of (Sumner), 341.

Chichagov, Russian general, 125.

Chichester, first Earl of (Pelham), 1.

Chile, 190, 221.

China, 86, 310, 325, 328, 329;

coolies, 438.

Chios, island, 261, 263.

Chippewa, 130, 146.

Chiswick, 228.

Chittagong, 408.

ChÍtu, PindÁrÍ leader, 406, 407.

Cholera, 299, 309, 311, 407.

Christian, Prince (afterwards Christian VIII. of Denmark), 143, 150.

Chrystler's Farm, battle, 141.

Church, Sir Richard, general, 262, 266.

Church, Irish, temporalities act, 321-325.

Church rates, 373, 374.

Church, Scottish, 360 n., 424.

Church, states of the. See Papal states.

Cilicia, 394.

Cinque Ports, 23.

Cintra, convention of, 60, 91.

Cisalpine republic (Italian republic), 9, 12, 17, 38.

Ciudad Real, 96.

Ciudad Rodrigo, 100, 102-108.

Civil list, 15, 173, 174, 192, 278, 282, 283, 290.

Clancarty, Earl of (Le Poer-Trench), 61, 68.

Clare election, 236, 237, 243, 245, 250, 251, 313.

Clare, Earl of (Fitzgibbon), 3.

Clarence (William), Duke of. See William IV.

Clarke, Mrs., 60, 61.

Clarkson, Thomas, philanthropist, 48.

Clausel, General, 107, 108, 111-113.

Cleves, 43.

Clinton, Sir Henry, general, 162.

Clive, Lord, 396.

Clyde, the, 428, 434.

Coa, river, 110.

Cobbett, William, 177, 207, 282, 318, 335, 343, 423;

Weekly Register, 72, 175, 204, 422, 423.

Coblenz, 138.

Cochrane, Lord (afterwards Earl of Dundonald), 51, 69, 72, 88, 175, 190, 221, 222, 233.

Codrington, Admiral, 230, 233, 234, 264.

Coercion acts (Irish), 330-322, 324, 325, 346, 347.

Coimbra, 98, 101.

Colchester, Lord. See Abbot, Charles.

Cole, General (afterwards Sir) G. L. 103.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 416, 417, 425.

Colle, La, Mill, 146.

Collingwood, Admiral, 39, 40, 41, 57, 69, 88.

Collingwood, the Lord, British ship, 216.

Cologne, 43.

Colombia, 216, 223.

Combermere, Lord (Cotton), afterwards Viscount, 409.

Combination laws, 204, 207.

Comet, the, steamboat, 427, 434.

Concordat, the, 7.

Congreve rockets, 117.

"Conservative," origin of name, 319.

Constable, John, 427.

Constantinople, 57, 214, 216, 233, 259, 261, 267, 387, 393, 394.

Constitution, the, American frigate, 131, 132.

Continental system, the, 33, 55-58, 66, 78-80, 83, 87, 105, 126, 128, 171, 403.

Convention act (Irish), 240.

Conyngham, Marquis of, 346.

Cook, Captain, 436, 438.

Cooke, General, 162.

Coorg, 411.

Copenhagen, 3-5, 54, 55, 57.

See Baltic, battle of the.

Copley, Sir John (afterwards Lord Lyndhurst), 226, 242, 281, 295, 302-304, 359, 361-363, 365, 369-372;

lord chancellor, 227, 231, 243, 246, 249, 352.

Corn, price of, 7 n., 84, 85, 172, 174, 203, 370.

Corn laws, 85, 173, 204, 207, 243, 306.

Cornwall, 288.

Cornwall (Canada), 141.

Cornwall, revenues of duchy of, 15, 278.

Cornwallis, Admiral, 39.

Cornwallis, Marquis, 239;

master-general of ordnance, 1;

negotiates treaty of Amiens, 10-12;

warns England, 17;

governor-general of Bengal, 400, 401.

Corporation act, 229, 334, 235, 242.

Corporation act (Irish), 372.

CoruÑa, 39, 90, 92, 93;

battle, 95, 96, 108.

Cottenham, Lord. See Pepys, Sir Charles.

Countries, the Low. See Belgium and Holland.

Cowper, William, 415.

Cox, David, 427.

Cracow, 153, 166.

Cradock, Sir John, 96.

Craig, Sir James, 42;

governor of Canada, 128, 129.

Craufurd, Robert, general, 105.

Crete, 261, 263, 266, 268.

Criminal law, reform of, 51, 77, 194, 201, 369.

Croker, John Wilson, 274, 303, 318.

Crome, John, the elder, 427.

Cronstadt fleet, 123.

Cuba, 222.

Cuesta, Spanish general, 88, 98, 99.

Cumberland (Ernest), Duke of (son of George III.), 184, 185, 197, 231, 235, 246, 274, 324, 367, 368.

Curtis, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin, 243, 244.

Curwen, John Christian, M.P., 181, 182, 284.

Cuttack, 399.

Czartoryski, Prince Adam, 80.

Czernowitz, 224.

DakÁiti, 401.

Dalmatia, 42, 142;

Duke of. See Soult, Marshal.

Dalrymple, Sir Hew, general, 90, 91.

Danube, the, 41, 63, 77, 94, 124, 263, 310.

Danubian principalities. See Moldavia and Wallachia.

Danzig, surrender of, 52.

Dardanelles, the, 55, 57, 188, 214, 215, 260, 265, 267, 394, 395.

Darling, Governor, 440.

Darlington, 435.

Darnley, Earl of (Bligh), 54.

Dartmouth, Earl of. See Lewisham, Viscount.

Darwin, Charles, 428.

Daulat RÁo Sindhia. See Sindhia.

DavoÛt, Marshal, 81, 136, 137.

Davy, Sir Humphry, 428, 433.

Dawson, George, M.P., 243, 246.

"Days, the Hundred." See Bonaparte, Napoleon.

Dearborn, American general, 130, 140.

Decaen, French general, 18.

Deccan, the, 407.

Delaborde, French officer, 90.

Delaware, estuary, 141.

Delhi, 397-399, 406.

Demerara, 9.

Denman, Thomas (afterwards Lord Denman), 195.

Denmark, 3-5, 53-55, 59, 69, 136, 190;

treaties of Kiel, 143, 189;

loses Norway, 166.

Dennewitz, battle, 137.

De Quincey, Thomas, 425.

Derby, 296.

Derby, twelfth Earl of (Smith-Stanley), 277.

Derbyshire, 83.

Derry, 243.

DesnoËttes, General Lefebvre-, 88.

Despard, Edward Marcus, colonel, 16.

Detroit, 129, 138.

Devonshire, 359.

Devonshire, Duke of (Cavendish), 228.

D'Eyncourt. See Tennyson, Charles.

Dickens, Charles, 426.

Diebitsch, Russian general, 266, 267, 310.

Dijon, 145.

Disraeli, Benjamin (afterwards Earl of Beaconsfield), 426.

Dissenters, 306;

disabilities of, 85, 234, 235, 353, 355, 430.

DonauwÖrth, 41, 63.

Dost Muhammad, AmÍr of KÁbul, 414.

Douro, the, 94, 98, 99, 110.

Dover, 148, 195, 351, 435.

Downs, the, 64.

Drake, British envoy, 33.

Dresden, 112, 114, 135;

battle, 137.

Dropmore, seat of Lord Grenville, 24.

Drummond, Sir Gordon, 146.

Dublin, 19, 77, 197, 240, 317, 371;

castle, 23;

police bill, 362;

archbishop of (Whately), 317, 421, 422;

Roman Catholic archbishop of (Curtis), 243, 244.

Duckworth, Sir John, admiral, 57.

Dudley, Viscount and Earl of. See Ward, J. W.

Duhesme, French general, 88.

Dumont, Pierre Étienne Louis, 420.

Duncannon, Viscount (Ponsonby), afterwards Earl of Bessborough, 287;

home secretary, 347;

lord privy seal, 357.

Duncombe, Thomas S., M.P., 374.

Dundas, Sir David, commander-in-chief, 61, 62.

Dundas, Henry (afterwards first Viscount Melville), 3, 24, 25, 30, 32, 68;

first lord of the admiralty, 34;

impeachment, 36.

Dundas, Robert S. (afterwards second Viscount Melville), president of board of control, 68;

first lord of the admiralty, 82;

resignation, 227;

president of board of control, 231;

first lord of the admiralty, 243.

Dundee, 306.

Dupont, General, 88.

Durham. See Universities.

Durham, Lord (Lambton), afterwards Earl of, 345, 348;

lord privy seal, 280, 287, 291;

resignation, 325.

East India Company. See India.

East Retford, 235, 236.

Ebrington, Viscount (Fortescue), afterwards second Earl Fortescue, 206, 303.

Ebro, the, 89, 92, 110, 114.

Ecclefechan, 424.

Ecclesiastical commission, 355, 373.

EckmÜhl, battle, 63.

Edgeworth, Maria, 422.

Edgware Road. See London.

Edinburgh, 306, 348.

Edinburgh Review, the, 358, 423, 424.

Education, national, 49, 51, 182, 193, 194, 358;

Irish, 316, 317.

Edwards, George, informer, 192.

Egmont, Earl of (Perceval), 50.

Egypt, 6, 9, 18, 57, 224, 225, 233, 262, 264, 265, 269, 396, 413;

convention of Alexandria, 264, 265;

peace of Kiutayeh, 394.

Elba, island, 145, 146, 151, 153, 169, 201.

Elbe, the, 55, 62, 133, 135, 137.

Eldon, Lord (Scott), afterwards Earl of Eldon, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 244, 248, 249, 296, 319, 333, 353, 358, 362;

lord chancellor, 1, 29, 30, 31, 49, 50, 51, 60, 67 n., 74-76, 82, 85, 169, 172, 179, 180, 194-196, 202, 209;

resignation, 227.

Elections, general. See Parliament.

Eliot, Lord (afterwards Earl of St. Germans), 390.

Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of George III.), 184 n., 185.

Ellenborough, first Lord (Law), lord chief justice, 45, 49, 169, 177.

Ellenborough, second Lord, afterwards Earl (Law), 328, 329;

lord privy seal, 231;

president of the board of control, 243, 271, 352.

Ellesmere canal, 434.

Ellice, Edward, secretary at war, 346.

Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 403.

Elsinore, 4.

Elvas, 93, 103.

Embargo act (United States), 128.

Emmet, Robert, 18, 23, 240.

Empire, Holy Roman, dissolved, 46;

treaty of LunÉville, 6, 17.

Enghien, Duke of, murder of, 34, 35, 37.

England, negotiates with France, 7-12;

conquests, 9, 14, 47, 69, 81, 398, 403;

signs treaty of Amiens, 12, 13, 398;

industrial and agricultural depression, 13, 83, 171, 172, 174-180, 205-207, 270, 299, 312, 370;

fresh discord with France, 16, 17;

war declared against France, 22;

preparations for invasion, 23;

third coalition, 35, 37, 38, 41, 52;

treaty with Russia, 37:

treaty with Sweden, 38;

expeditions to Naples, 42, 47, 63;

Anglo-Hanoverian expedition to North Germany, 42, 43, 51;

negotiations with France, 46;

state of army in 1806, 51;

in 1807, 59, 60;

in 1813, 86;

troops in Sweden, 52;

troops in Denmark, 53, 54;

orders in council, 55, 56, 126, 130, 171;

commercial warfare, 58;

Peninsular war, 59-63, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 82, 87-120, 129, 182;

treaty with Spanish junta, 96;

Walcheren expedition, 62-66, 99:

treaty with Austria, 63;

Sweden declares war on, 78;

treaties with Russia and Sweden, 85, 123, 136;

war with United States, 58, 82, 126-132, 138-142, 146, 147, 156, 171;

treaty of Stockholm, 136;

treaties of Reichenbach, 136;

treaty of Teplitz, 137;

treaty of Ried, 137;

treaty of Kiel, 143;

treaty of Chaumont, 144, 145, 168, 186, 191, 377;

treaty of Fontainebleau, 145, 146;

treaty of Ghent, 147, 156, 203;

visit of the allied sovereigns, 147, 148;

first treaty of Paris, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167, 378;

treaty with Spain, 150;

congress of Vienna, 149, 151-153, 156, 166, 168, 186-188, 190, 376, 379, 381, 388;

Waterloo campaign, 156-165;

second treaty of Paris, 167, 168, 376;

union of Irish and English exchequers, 174;

expedition against the Barbary States, 187, 188;

conferences of Vienna, 189, 216, 217;

conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, 189-191, 377;

congress of Troppau, 211-215, 395, 396;

the Eastern question, 213, 216, 232-234, 259-269, 392;

congress of Verona, 216-219, 222, 223, 392;

assists Portugal, 220, 221, 255-258;

commercial treaty with Brazil, 322;

conferences of London, 222, 262-268, 379-386, 392;

conference at St. Petersburg, 224;

treaty with United States, 225;

treaty of London, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262-264, 266, 267;

treaties with Portugal, 255;

convention of Alexandria, 264, 265;

convention with France and Holland, 387;

triple and quadruple alliances, 389-391;

treaties with Indian states, 398, 399;

treaty with Persia, 402.

Epirus, 188.

Erfurt, 59, 92.

Erie, lake, 139, 141.

Erlon, d', French general, 159, 162, 163.

Erskine, Lord, 77, 177;

lord chancellor, 49.

Esdremadura, 99, 106.

Espinosa, battle, 92.

Essequibo, 9.

Essex, 175 n.

Essling, 63.

Etruria, kingdom of, 9.

Euphrates, the, 413.

Evans, De Lacy (afterwards Sir de Lacy), 343, 391.

Eveleigh, Dr., 429.

Evora, convention at, 390.

Ewart, William, M.P., 369.

Exchange, Royal. See London.

Exeter, bishop of (Phillpotts), 324.

Exmouth, Lord (Pellew), afterwards Viscount, 187, 188.

Eylau, battle, 51, 199;

campaign, 56.

Fabvier, Colonel, 262.

Factory acts, 326-328.

Falmouth, 259.

Faraday, Michael, 428.

Fath Ali, ShÁh of Persia, 402.

Fauvelet, French agent, 19.

Fawkes, Guy, 192.

Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, 396.

Ferdinand III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, 166.

Ferdinand IV., King of the Two Sicilies, 7, 47, 58, 166, 187, 211, 212, 216, 221.

Ferdinand VII., King of Spain, 87, 88, 103, 123, 150, 187, 190, 210, 215, 218, 222, 388, 389, 395.

Ferrol, 39.

Ferronays, De la, French foreign minister, 261.

Finance, 15, 48, 49, 86, 172, 173, 198, 201-204, 206, 207, 226, 238, 235, 270, 283, 291, 334, 335, 347, 356, 369;

income and property tax, 15, 23, 48, 49, 172, 173;

currency reform, 74, 182, 183.

Fines, act for abolition of, 325, 333.

Finland, 54, 59, 122, 123, 125, 166.

Finn, W. F., M.P., 367, 368.

Fischer, Danish commander, 5.

Fitzgerald, Vesey, M.P., 236, 237.

Fitzherbert, Mrs., 194.

Fitzwilliam, Earl, 14, 29, 32, 180;

lord president of the council, 45;

in cabinet without office, 49.

Flaxman, John, 427.

Fletcher, Colonel, 101.

Fleurus, 158.

Flinders, Matthew, 436, 439.

Florence, 212, 216;

treaty of, 7.

Florida, 215.

Flushing, 65, 71.

Fontainebleau, 82, 118, 145;

decree 79;

treaties of, 87, 145, 146.

Fort Erie, 130.

Fortescue, first Earl, 296.

Fort George, 130, 140, 141.

Fort Sandusky, 139.

FouchÉ, French politician, 155, 165, 168.

Fox, Charles James, 14-16, 26, 27, 29-34, 200, 279, 372, 417;

relations with George III., 32, 33, 45, 46, 185;

foreign secretary, 45, 46;

abolition of slave trade, 46, 48;

death, 46, 47, 49, 228.

Foy, French general, 111, 112, 160.

France, 13, 14, 17, 21, 39-41, 47, 54, 58, 64, 65, 69, 79, 88, 105, 119, 128, 130, 145, 150-153, 186, 187, 189-191, 205, 210, 212, 221, 223, 377, 398;

treaties of LunÉville and Aranjuez, 6, 17;

treaty of Florence, 7;

negotiations resulting in treaty of Amiens, 7, 13;

proposed invasion of England, 8;

war declared against England, 22;

alliance with Spain, 35;

encroachments in Europe, 37;

war with Austria, 38, 41, 42;

war with Russia, 38, 41, 42, 51;

"army of England," 38, 42;

peace of Pressburg, 42;

treaty with the Two Sicilies, 42;

treaty of SchÖnbrunn, 43;

treaty with Prussia, 46, 55;

war with Prussia, 47, 52;

treaty of Tilsit, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 78, 87, 401, 402;

secret treaty of Fontainebleau, 87;

Milan decree, 56;

Peninsular war, 59-63, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 82, 87-120;

war with Austria, 61-64;

peace of Vienna, 64, 66;

loss of foreign possessions, 69, 81, 215, 223, 403;

annexations, 77-79;

breach with Russia, 79-81, 105, 108;

treaty with Prussia, 122;

war with Russia, 82, 97, 100, 121-126, 402;

campaign of 1813, 132-138;

war with Prussia, 134;

war with Austria, 137, 142, 143;

campaign of 1814, 118, 143-145;

the allies enter, 118, 143;

congress at ChÂtillon-sur-Seine, 118, 144;

first treaty of Paris, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167, 378;

congress of Vienna, 149, 151-153, 156, 166, 167, 186, 188, 190, 379, 381, 388;

Waterloo campaign, 156-165;

second treaty of Paris, 167, 168, 376;

congress of Troppau, 211-214, 395, 396;

dispute with Spain, 215, 217-221, 256, 257, 264;

congress of Verona, 216-219, 222, 223, 392;

conference at St. Petersburg, 224;

treaty of London, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262-264, 266, 267;

the Eastern question, 259-269, 392-395;

conference of London, 262-268, 379-386, 392;

conquest of Algiers, 269;

revolution of July, 274, 276, 285, 376, 378;

assists Belgium, 384-386;

convention with England and Holland, 387;

attacks Portugal, 388;

quadruple alliance, 389-391;

officers in India, 398;

treaty with Persia, 402.

France, Isle of. See Mauritius, the.

Franche-ComtÉ, 143.

Francis II., Holy Roman Emperor (afterwards Francis I., Emperor of Austria), 17, 46, 78, 144, 145, 148, 218, 224, 395.

Francis IV., Duke of Modena, 166.

Frankfort, 189.

Franklin, Benjamin, 185.

Fraser, General, 57.

Frasnes, 158, 159.

Frederick, Prince Regent of Denmark (afterwards Frederick VI.), 5, 53.

Frederick, Prince, of Orange, 379.

Frederick II., the Great, King of Prussia, 47.

Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony, 135.

Frederick Joseph, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg, 184.

Frederick William III., King of Prussia, 38, 42, 43, 46, 47, 52, 62, 122, 134, 144, 147, 148, 152, 189.

Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia (afterwards Frederick William IV.), 395.

FrÉjus, 146.

Frenchtown, 138.

Freyre, English officer, 118.

Friedland, battle, 52, 122, 401.

Frolic, the, British sloop, 132.

Fuentes d'OÑoro, battle, 103.

GÁekwÁr. See Baroda, GÁekwÁr of.

Galicia, 39, 66, 80, 88, 90, 94, 98, 122.

Gambier, Admiral (afterwards Lord), 54, 69.

Gamonal, battle, 92.

Ganges, the, 398, 407.

Gantheaume, French admiral, 39.

Gardane, French general, 402.

Gardner, Colonel, 405.

Garonne, the, 118.

Gascoyne, General, M.P., 291.

Gatton, 289.

Gebora, river, 102.

Genappe, 160.

Genoa, 143, 149, 166, 390;

bay of, 69.

George III., 2, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 48-50, 55, 62, 66-68, 71, 92, 96, 171, 194, 208, 242, 375;

insanity, 29, 74, 83;

relations with Fox, 32, 33, 45, 46;

jubilee, 69;

family, 184;

death, 185, 192;

character, 185, 186, 249, 273.

George, Prince of Wales (afterwards George IV.), his friends, 29;

regent for George III., 74-76, 83, 85, 148, 156, 157, 165, 168, 176, 179, 186;

marriage relations, 85, 86, 183, 184, 192-197;

character, 173, 174, 183, 184, 194, 197, 208, 244, 282, 375;

king, 192, 199, 201, 226-231, 242-244, 246, 249, 268, 271;

coronation, 196, 197, 309;

death, 272, 273.

GÉrard, General (afterwards Marshal), 164, 386.

Germany, 38, 41-43, 46, 47, 55, 58, 59, 61-64, 71, 79, 80, 82, 92, 97, 105, 115, 118, 123, 132-138, 142, 144, 149, 152, 156, 188, 189, 381, 387, 424, 425;

redistribution of territory, 17, 53, 78, 153;

forces in the Peninsula, 98, 114, 116;

organisation of, 166.

See also Austria, Bavaria, Hanover, Prussia, etc.

Gerona, 88.

Ghent, 155, 378;

treaty of, 147, 156, 203.

Ghika, Alexander, Hospodar of Wallachia, 396.

Gibbon, Edward, 415.

Gibraltar, 188, 259, 381;

governor of, 90;

straits of, 8, 39.

Giessen, 189.

Gifford, William, 423.

Gillray, James, 26.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 44, 200, 318, 350, 424.

Glasgow, 193, 295, 306, 371.

Glenelg, Lord. See Grant, Charles.

Gloucester (William), Duke of (nephew of George III.), 184 n.

Goderich, Viscount. See Robinson, F. J.

Godoy, Spanish statesman, 87.

Goethe, Wolfgang von, 417, 418.

Gohad, 399.

Golden Lane. See London.

Gordon, Robert, diplomatist, 266.

Goulburn, Henry, 284, 303, 319;

chancellor of the exchequer, 231, 270, 278, 280;

home secretary, 352, 367.

Gower, Lord Francis Leveson (afterwards Earl of Ellesmere), 236.

Gower, Lord Granville Leveson- (afterwards Earl Granville), secretary at war, 66;

retirement, 68.

Graham, Sir James, 270, 277, 352, 354, 374;

first lord of the admiralty, 279, 287;

resignation, 345.

Graham, Sir Thomas (afterwards Lord Lynedoch), 102, 104, 110-113.

Grampound, 193, 198, 284, 288.

Granby, Marquis of (Manners), 52.

Grand, river, 139.

Grant, Charles (afterwards Lord Glenelg), 277;

board of trade, 230, 231;

resignation, 236, 380;

president of the board of control, 279, 329, 330, 380;

secretary for war and colonies, 357.

Grattan, Henry, M.P., 197, 238.

Graves, Rear-admiral, 5.

Greece, 379, 380, 383;

revolts against Turkey, 213, 214, 216, 217, 223-226, 232-234, 253, 259-267, 393;

independent, 268;

boundary fixed, 392.

Greenock, 306.

Grenoble, 153.

Grenville, Thomas, first lord of the admiralty, 49.

Grenville, Lord, 2, 14, 24-26, 29, 33, 35, 54, 56, 67 n., 68, 74-76, 109, 238, 279;

his followers, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34;

first lord of the treasury, 45, 47-49, 51, 52;

resignation, 49, 50;

opposition to Peninsular war, 71, 76.

Greville, Charles, 332.

Grey, Charles (afterwards Viscount Howick and later second Earl Grey), 46, 67 n., 68, 74-76, 199, 228, 230, 249, 271, 276, 277, 348, 357;

first lord of the admiralty, 45;

foreign secretary, 49, 52, 55;

opposition to Peninsular war, 76;

first lord of the treasury, 278-283, 285-287, 290, 291, 293-296, 299, 301-304, 320, 321, 324, 325, 334, 375, 380;

resignation, 344-347.

Grey, Earl de, first lord of the admiralty, 352.

Grossbeeren, battle, 137.

Grosvenor Square. See London.

Grote, George, 341, 345, 374, 431.

Grouchy, Marshal, 160, 163, 164.

Guadeloupe, 136.

Guadiana, the, 99.

Guarda, 100.

GuerriÈre, the, British frigate, 131, 132.

Guildhall. See London.

Guilleminot, French diplomatist, 266.

Guizot, French statesman, 357.

GujrÁt, 399.

GÚrkhas, the, 404, 405.

Gustavus IV., King of Sweden, 37, 54, 90.

Gwalior, 310, 399, 407.

See Sindhia.

Habeas corpus act, suspension of, 3, 176-178, 181, 240, 320.

Hague, the, 384.

HaidarÁbÁd, 40;

NizÁm of, 397, 398;

treaty of Bassein, 398, 399.

Hal, 158, 161.

Halifax, the, British sloop, 127.

Hallam, Henry, 426, 427.

Hamburg, 134, 136, 138, 310.

Hamilton, English commodore, 225.

Hamilton, Sir William, philosopher, 417.

Hampden clubs, 175.

Hampshire, 281, 282.

Hampton, General, 140, 141.

Hampton roads, 127.

Hanau, battle, 133.

Hannibal, the, British ship, 8.

Hanover, 22, 38, 42, 43, 46, 55, 134, 136, 166, 249.

Hanoverian troops, 137, 158, 159, 161.

Hanse Towns, the, 55.

Hardenberg, Prussian minister, 144, 152.

Hardinge, Henry (afterwards Sir Henry and later Viscount Hardinge), 104;

secretary at war, 236, 250, 275, 313.

Hardwicke, Earl of (Yorke), lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 2, 23, 27.

Harrison, American general, 138, 139.

Harrowby, Lord (Dudley Ryder), afterwards Earl of Harrowby, 68, 193, 295, 299, 301, 302;

foreign secretary, 34;

retirement, 35;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 37;

president of the board of control, 66;

lord president of the council, 81, 82, 227, 230.

Hartwell, Bucks, 147.

Harwich, 197.

Hasselt, 384.

Hastings, Marquis of. See Moira, Earl of.

Hastings, Warren, 279.

Haugwitz, Prussian minister, 42, 43.

Hawkesbury, Lord (Jenkinson), afterwards Earl of Liverpool, foreign secretary, 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 25, 34, 228;

called to the house of lords, 27;

home secretary, 34;

declines office as first lord of the treasury, 45;

home secretary, 50;

secretary for war and colonies, 68, 71, 82, 100, 106;

first lord of the treasury, 77, 82, 83, 85, 108, 109, 151, 168, 169, 172, 173, 183, 195-199, 205, 238, 239, 242, 279, 380;

resignation, 208, 209, 226.

Hay, Lord John, 391.

Haye, La, farm, 162.

Haye Sainte, La, farm, 162, 163.

Hayti, 215, 223.

Hazlitt, William, 425.

Health, board of, 310.

Hegel, Georg, 417.

Heligoland, 143, 167.

Helvetian republic. See Switzerland.

Helvoetsluis, 18.

Henry IV., King of France, 219.

Henry, John, 128.

Herat, 412-414.

Herries, J. C., chancellor of the exchequer, 229, 230;

master of the mint, 231;

secretary at war, 352.

Herschel, Sir John, 428.

Hesse, Princess' Augusta of (Duchess of Cambridge), 184.

Heytesbury, Lord, 412.

Hill, Rowland (afterwards Sir Rowland and later Viscount Hill), 104-106, 108, 110-113, 115-117, 119.

HimÁlayas, the, 404, 405.

Hobart, Lord (afterwards fourth Earl of Buckinghamshire), secretary for war and colonies, 1, 2, 34;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 35;

resignation, 37;

president of the board of control, 81, 82, 174.

Hobhouse, Sir John Cam (afterwards Lord Broughton), 325, 327, 343, 418;

first commissioner of woods and forests, 347;

president of the board of control, 357.

Hohenlinden, battle, 420.

Holkar, Jaswant RÁo Holkar, 398, 399, 405;

MalhÁr RÁo Holkar, 405, 406.

Holland (Batavian republic), 9, 11, 18 19, 21, 38, 53, 61, 81, 149-151, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 166, 199, 377;

treaty of Amiens, 13;

Louis Bonaparte, king of, 46;

loss of Cape of Good Hope, 47, 403;

Walcheren expedition, 65;

annexed by France, 78;

revolts, 133, 138;

Prince of Orange proclaimed King of the Netherlands, 138;

Dutch at Waterloo, 158, 161, 162;

united to Belgium, 166;

separation from Belgium, 376-386, 393;

convention with Great Britain and France, 387;

convention with Belgium, 387;

settlers in South Africa, 438.

Holland, Lord (Vassall-Fox), 170, 180, 199, 228, 230, 234;

lord privy seal, 49;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 280, 357.

Holy Alliance, 37, 168, 169, 186, 200, 229.

Holyhead, 197.

Homs, 393.

Hone, William, 177.

Hope, John (afterwards Sir John, later Lord Niddry and Earl of Hopetoun), 93, 95, 116, 117, 119.

Horner, Francis, M.P., 73, 183, 423.

Hornet, the, American ship, 141.

Hougoumont, 161, 162.

Howard, John, 415, 437.

Howick, Viscount. See Grey, Charles.

Howick, Viscount (afterwards third Earl Grey), 271;

secretary at war, 357.

Howley, archbishop of Canterbury, 299, 337, 373.

Huddersfield, 270.

Hudson, James (afterwards Sir James Hudson), 351.

Hugo, Victor, 426.

Hull, American general, 129.

Hume, David, 415.

Hume, Joseph, 198, 274, 323, 367, 368, 374, 431.

Hunt, "Orator," 175, 179, 207, 281, 318.

Huron, lake, 129.

Huskisson, William, 84, 86;

president of the board of trade, 198, 202, 203, 205, 207, 227, 228;

secretary for war and colonies, 229-232, 235, 270, 271;

resignation, 236, 380;

death, 275, 276, 435.

Hutchinson, General, 6.

Hutton, James, 428.

Hydriots, the, 392.

Ibrahim, Pasha, 224, 225, 233, 264, 265, 392-394, 396.

Illyrian provinces, 66, 122, 134, 137.

ImpÉrieuse, the, British frigate, 88.

Inconstant, the, Napoleon's brig, 153.

Indemnity acts, 234.

India, 3, 18, 50, 59, 61, 104, 329, 330, 397-414, 436;

French towns in India, 18, 19;

East India Company, 201, 271, 399, 400, 406, 409;

acts and charters relating to East India Company, 86, 325, 328-330, 404, 411, 412;

treaties, 398, 399, 402, 403-406, 409, 412;

coolies, 438.

Indians (America), 129, 138, 147.

Indies, East, 20, 81, 310.

Indies, West, 20, 39, 69, 131, 219, 326, 438.

Indore. See Holkar.

Ingilby, Sir W. A., M.P., 334.

Inglis, Sir Robert, M.P., 245.

Inn, river, 63.

Insurrection act, 240, 320.

Inverness, 348.

Ionian islands, 69, 167, 187, 188, 267, 268.

Irawadi, the, 408.

Ireland, 16, 51, 55, 85, 197, 208, 242, 246, 247, 281, 289, 290, 312, 316, 317, 359, 360, 367, 368, 370-373;

condition of, in 1801, 2, 3;

in 1821, 199, 239;

in 1824, 205;

in 1828, 243;

in 1829, 270;

in 1830, 275;

in 1831-32, 312-317;

in 1833, 320, 321;

in 1834, 345;

in 1837, 371;

French spies, 18, 19, 23;

Emmet's rebellion, 18, 23, 240;

scheme for representative assembly, 77;

union of Irish and English exchequers, 174;

Clare election, 236, 237, 243, 245, 250, 251, 313;

disfranchisement of forty shilling freeholders, 241, 249;

famine, 243;

reform bill, 306, 307;

agitation against tithe, 313-316, 320;

church, 315-317, 322;

processions act, 316, 317;

education, 316, 317;

coercion act, 320-322, 324, 325, 332;

church temporalities act, 321-325, 332;

second coercion act, 347;

municipal corporations bill, 364, 365.

Irving, Edward, 339, 340.

Isabella II., Queen of Spain, 389, 395.

Isabella Maria, Regent of Portugal, 253.

Ischia, island, 63.

Isle-aux-noix, 140.

Istria, 42.

Isturiz, Spanish premier, 391.

Italy, 42, 58, 63, 79, 133, 137, 138, 143-145, 149, 153, 157, 166, 187, 210, 211, 213, 215-217, 348, 377, 387;

Napoleon crowned King of Italy, 37, 38.

Italian republic. See Cisalpine republic.

Jackson, Andrew (afterwards President of the United States), 147.

Jackson, Francis J., British envoy, 53.

Jails, 369, 437.

Jaswant RÁo Holkar. See Holkar.

Java, 81, 403.

Java, the, British frigate, 132.

Jefferson, Thomas, President of the United States, 58, 127, 128.

Jeffrey, Francis (afterwards Lord), 423.

Jena, battle, 47, 199.

Jenner, Dr. Edward, 15, 427.

Jessor, 310.

Jesuits, 247.

Jews, disabilities of, 235.

John VI., King of Portugal, 211, 215, 220, 221, 253, 254.

Johnson, Samuel, 186, 415.

Jones, Sir Harford (afterwards Brydges), 402.

Jones, John Gale, 72.

Jordan, Mrs., 273.

Jourdan, Marshal, 98, 110.

Jumna, river, 398, 399.

Junot, Duke of Abrantes, 54, 58, 89-91, 100.

KÁbul, 403, 413, 414.

Kaffraria, 438.

Kalisch, treaty of, 134.

KandahÁr, 403, 414.

Kant, Immanuel, 417.

Karavasara, 266.

KarnÁtik, the, 397.

Katzbach, the, battle, 137.

Keats, John, 419.

Keble, John, 337.

Kehl, 138.

Kellermann, French general, 159, 162.

Kent, 23, 281.

Kent (Edward), Duke of (son of George III.), 184, 185.

Kent (Victoria Mary), Duchess of 184, 185, 281.

Keswick, 420.

Key, Sir John, M.P., 334.

KhÁtmÁndu, 404.

Kiel, treaty of, 142, 143, 189.

Kilkenny, murders in, 320.

Killingworth colliery, 434, 435.

Kilwarden, Viscount (Wolfe), 23.

King's College. See London.

Kiutayeh, 393;

peace of, 394.

KlÉber, French general, 6.

Knatchbull, Sir Edward, paymaster of forces, 352.

Knights of St. John, 9, 10, 13;

property of the order, 11.

Konieh, 393.

KÖnigsberg, 81.

Kotzebue, murder of, 189.

Krasnoe, battle, 125.

Kronborg, 4.

Kruse, Dutch officer, 162.

Kulm, 137.

KumÁun, district of, 405.

Kutuzov, Russian general, 124.

LabedoyÈre, Colonel, 154.

Laconia, 392.

Laffitte, French premier, 383, 387.

Lahore, 402.

Laibach, treaty of, 212, 213.

Lake, General (afterwards Lord and later Viscount Lake), 398-401, 409.

Lamb, Charles, 425.

Lamb, William (afterwards Viscount Melbourne), 227, 231, 236;

home secretary, 279, 296, 299;

first lord of the treasury, 347, 350;

resignation, 351;

first lord of the treasury, 357, 359, 360, 363, 370, 371, 373, 390, 401, 431.

Lampeter, St. David's College, 430.

Lancashire, 83, 179, 435.

Lancaster, revenues of duchy of, 278, 282.

Landau, 149, 167.

Langdale, Lord. See Bickersteth, Henry.

Lansdowne, Marquis of. See Petty, Lord Henry.

LaswÁri, battle, 399.

Laud, William, 429.

Lauderdale, Earl of (Maitland), 46, 170.

Lauriston, General (afterwards Marshal), 13.

Lawley, Sir Robert, M.P., 29.

Lawrence, Captain, 141, 142.

Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 427.

Leach, Sir John, 195.

Leadenhall Street. See London.

Leeds, 198, 272, 327.

Leghorn, 143.

Leicestershire, 83.

Leinster, 315.

Leipzig, battle, 63, 82, 114, 117, 118, 133, 137, 138, 143, 164.

Leon, plains of, 88, 106.

Leopard, the, British flagship, 127.

Leopold, Prince, of Saxe-Coburg (afterwards King of the Belgians), 174, 183, 185, 268, 269, 383, 384.

Lepanto, 266.

L'Estrange, Colonel, 179.

Levant, the, 18, 413.

Lewis I., King of Bavaria, 392.

Lewisham, Viscount (Legge), afterwards Earl of Dartmouth, president of the board of control, 1, 15.

"Lichfield House Compact," 356.

LiÈge, 43, 381.

Ligny, 158, 164;

battle, 158-160.

Ligurian republic, 9, 12, 37, 38.

Lille, negotiations at, 9, 14.

Limburg, province, 382, 385-387.

Lincolnshire, 334.

Lincoln's Inn Fields. See London.

Linois, French admiral, 8.

Lisbon, 54, 89-91, 93-98, 100, 102, 109, 201, 211, 215, 220-222, 257-259, 389.

Littleport, 175 n.

Littleton, Edward John (afterwards Lord Hatherton), 325, 345, 346.

Liverpool, 201, 232, 275, 276, 291, 369, 388, 435.

Liverpool, Earl of. See Hawkesbury, Lord.

Lloyd, Charles, bishop of Oxford, 249.

Lobau, island, 63.

Lobau, Prince of, 163.

Lombardy, 149, 166, 187.

See also Cisalpine republic.

London, 195, 196, 201, 202, 206, 270, 277, 278, 296, 303, 311, 435, 437;

bishop of (Blomfield), 324, 341, 373.


Apsley House, 293.

Battersea Fields, 251.

Blackheath, 194.

Bridges: Blackfriars, London, Southwark, Strand (Waterloo), Westminster, 436.

Brooks's Club, 374.

Buckingham Palace, 349.

Carlton House, 70, 436.

Cato Street, 193.

Corporation of, 173.

Edgware Road, 193.

Golden Lane, 435.

Guildhall, 148.

Grosvenor Square, 193.

King's College, 250, 431.

Leadenhall Street, 329, 398, 411.

Lincoln's Inn Fields, 298.

"London University," 250, 356, 431;

university of London, 431, 432.

Newgate, 72, 369.

Old Bailey, 282.

Pall Mall, 435.

Regent Street and Park, 436.

Royal Academy, 427.

Royal Exchange, 175.

St. Paul's, 196.

Small-pox Hospital, 427.

Southwark, 26.

Spa Fields, Bermondsey, 175.

Spitalfields, 202.

Tower, 72, 175.

University College, 431, 432.

Westminster, 51, 72, 343.

Westminster Abbey, 46, 196, 309.

Westminster Hall, 349.

White Conduit House, 298.

London, conferences of, 222, 262-268, 379-386, 392;

protocols of, 265, 267, 381-385, 392;

treaties of, 96, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262-264, 266-268, 385, 392.

London Magazine, the, 424, 425.

Londonderry, second Marquis of. See Castlereagh, Viscount.

Londonderry, third Marquis of. See Stewart, Sir Charles.

Lonsdale, Earl of (Lowther), 67 n.

Lorraine, 143, 168.

Loughborough, Lord (Wedderburn), afterwards first Earl of Rosslyn, 1, 271.

Louis XIV., King of France, 186.

Louis XVI., King of France, 145.

Louis XVIII., King of France, 118, 119, 145, 147, 149, 154-157, 166, 167, 169, 187, 215, 218, 219, 377.

Louis Antoine, Duke of AngoulÊme (afterwards dauphin), 116, 118, 154, 220, 376.

Louis Philippe, Duke of OrlÉans (afterwards King of France), 154, 274, 376, 377, 379, 380, 382-384, 390, 391.

Louisiana, 6, 18.

Louvain, 384.

Low Countries. See Belgium and Holland.

LÜbeck, 78.

Luddite riots. See Riots.

Lugo, 95.

Lundy's Lane, battle, 146.

LunÉville, treaty of, 6, 10, 13, 17, 38.

LÜtzen, battle, 135.

Luxemburg, grand duchy of, 43, 380-387.

Lyell, Charles (afterwards Sir C.), 428.

Lyndhurst, Lord. See Copley, Sir John.

Lyons, 154.

Maas, river, 387.

Maastricht, 380, 382.

Macadam, John Loudon, roadmaker, 434.

Macarthur, John, 439.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington (afterwards Lord Macaulay), 296, 327, 411, 412, 423-427.

Macaulay, Zachary, 423, 431.

Macdonald, Marshal, 124, 125, 154.

Macedonian, the, British ship, 132.

Mack, Austrian general, 42.

Mackinac, 129, 139.

Mackintosh, Sir James, 16, 194, 201.

Mackworth, Major, 298.

Macquarie, Governor, 439, 440.

Madison, James, President of the United States, 128-130.

Madras, 400, 410.

Madrid, 71, 87-89, 92-94, 96, 98, 103, 107, 108, 111, 150, 217-220, 390, 391;

treaty of, 6.

Magdeburg, 138.

MahmÚd, AmÍr of AfghÁnistÁn, 403.

Mahmud II., Sultan of Turkey, 57, 168, 188, 266, 393, 394, 396.

Maida, battle, 47.

Maine, state, 147.

Mainots, the, 392.

Mainz, 136.

Maitland, Captain, 169.

Majorca, 88.

Malcolm, Sir John, colonel, 402.

Malden, 129.

MalhÁr, RÁo Holkar. See Holkar.

Malmaison, 165.

Malmesbury, Earl of (Harris), 14, 49.

Malta, possession of, 9-13, 20, 22, 37, 408, 413;

independence guaranteed, 13;

parliamentary debate on, 14;

retention by England, 19, 20, 167.

Malthus, Thomas Robert, 421.

MÁlwÁ, 406, 409, 411.

Manchester, 176, 178, 179, 272, 275, 276, 295, 303, 311, 435.

Mansfield, first Earl of (Murray), 45.

Mansfield, third Earl of (Murray), 292.

MarÁthÁ wars, 398, 399, 406, 407.

Marcoff, Count, 21.

Marengo, battle, 159.

Maria II., da Gloria, Queen of Portugal, 253, 254, 258, 259, 388.

Maria Christina, Queen-regent of Spain, 389, 391.

Maria Louisa, empress of Napoleon I., 78, 145, 150, 166.

Mariembourg, 149, 382.

Marlborough, Duke of (Churchill), 52.

Marmont, Marshal, 104-108.

Marriage reform bills, 355;

act, 366, 367.

Martinique, 9.

Mary, Duchess of Gloucester (daughter of George III.), 184 n.

MassÉna, Marshal, 100-104.

Maumee, river, 130, 138.

Mauritius, the (Isle of France), 18, 149, 167, 398, 403, 438.

Maya, pass, 113.

McClure, General, 141.

McDonnell, Colonel, 141.

Medellin, 96.

Medina de Rio Seco, 88.

Mediterranean, the, 39, 69, 188, 262, 265, 393.

Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, 224, 225, 264, 269, 392-394.

Mehidpur, battle, 406.

Melampus, the, British warship, 127.

Melbourne, Viscount. See Lamb, William.

Melcombe Regis, 289, 305.

Melville, first Viscount. See Dundas, Henry.

Melville, second Viscount. See Dundas, Robert S.

Menou, 6.

Merton, Surrey, 39.

Mesolongi, 266, 418.

Metcalfe, Charles (afterwards Sir Charles and later Lord Metcalfe), 402, 403, 406, 409, 411, 412.

Methodist revival, the, 339.

Metternich, Prince, 122, 134, 138, 144-146, 152, 156, 189, 191, 210, 217, 218, 224, 377, 395, 396.

Mexico, 223.

Miaoulis, Greek admiral, 393.

Michigan, lake, 129;

state, 138, 139.

Middle Ground shoal, 4.

Middleton, Sir Charles. See Barham, Lord.

Miguel, Dom (afterwards King of Portugal), 220, 221, 253-255, 258, 259, 388-390;

convention at Evora, 390.

Milan, 37;

decree, 56;

commission, 195.

Milhaud, French officer, 162.

Militia, the, 16, 21, 31.

Militia balloting bill, 59.

Militia transfer bill, 60.

Mina, guerilla leader, 104.

Minho, province, 258.

Ministries: Addington's, 1-31;

Pitt's, 33-44;

Grenville's (All the Talents), 45-50;

Portland's, 50-67, 87-99;

Perceval's, 68-76, 99-106;

Liverpool's, 77-86, 107-226, 253-258;

Canning's, 227, 228, 258;

Goderich's, 229, 230, 259, 260;

Wellington's, 230-252, 260-278, 376-380;

Grey's, 278-347, 380-390, 392-396;

Melbourne's, 347-351;

provisional administration, 351;

Peel's, 352;

Melbourne's, 357-375, 390-392.

Minorca, 9, 88.

Minto, second Earl of (Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound), first lord of the admiralty, 363, 401.

Minto, Lord (Elliot), afterwards first Earl of Minto, governor-general of Bengal, 401-404.

Modena, 213;

treaty with Austria, 187.

Moira, Earl of (Rawdon-Hastings), afterwards Marquis of Hastings, 75, 76, 310;

master-general of the ordnance, 45;

governor-general of Bengal, 404-408.

Moldavia, 57, 59, 80, 213-215, 260, 263, 267, 394-396.

MolÉ, French foreign minister, 379.

Molesworth, Sir William, M.P., 374.

Moltke, 396.

Moncey, Marshal, 88.

Mondego, river, 90, 101.

Mongolia, 310.

Moniteur, newspaper, 18.

Monroe, James, President of the United States, 223;

Monroe doctrine, 223.

Mons, 158.

Monson, Colonel, 399.

MontbÉliard, 149.

Montenegrins, the, 142.

Monte Video, 56, 57, 190.

Montmorency, French diplomatist, 217, 218.

Montreal, 140.

Montrose, Duke of (Graham), president of the board of trade, 34.

Mont St. Jean, 160.

Moore, Sir John, general, 54, 90-95, 108, 200.

Moore, Thomas, 420.

Moravia, 42, 64.

Moraviantown, 139.

Morea, the, 214, 224, 225, 261, 263-266, 393.

Moreau, General, 33.

Morpeth, Lord (afterwards seventh Earl of Carlisle), 357, 359, 372.

Morrison, Colonel, 141.

Mortier, Marshal, 99.

Moscow, 124.

Moss, convention of, 150.

Mughal emperor, 399.

Muhammad, ShÁh of Persia, 412.

MÜhlhausen, 149.

Mulgrave, Lord (Phipps) (afterwards first Earl of Mulgrave), 347;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 34;

foreign secretary, 35;

first lord of the admiralty, 50, 67 n.;

master-general of the ordnance, 72, 82;

in cabinet without office, 178;

retirement of, 194.

Mulgrave, second Earl of (Phipps), lord privy seal, 347;

lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 359, 371.

MÜnchengrÄtz, secret convention at,395,396.

Munich, 33.

Municipal corporations act, 360-362, 370;

bill (Ireland), 364, 365.

Murat, Joachim, 87;

King of Naples, 88, 123, 143, 150, 157, 168;

death, 157.

Muraviov, Russian general, 393.

Murray, Colonel, 141.

Murray, Sir George, secretary for war and colonies, 236;

master-general of the ordnance, 352.

Murray, John, 423.

Murray, Sir John, general, 109, 114.

Mysore, 411.

NÁgpur, 406;

RÁjÁ of, 398, 390, 405, 406.

Namur, 157, 160, 161.

Napier, Captain (afterwards Admiral Sir Charles Napier), 389.

Napier, General Sir W., 110.

Naples, 47, 63, 157, 213;

bay of, 42.

Naples, kingdom of, 47, 53, 63, 88, 123, 143, 150, 157.

See also Sicilies, the Two.

Naples, Prince of, 383.

Napoleon, King of Rome, son of Napoleon I., 145, 165.

Nash, John, architect, 436.

Nassau, troops, 158.

National debt, the, 204, 206;

in 1802, 15;

in 1815, 171.

"National Political Union," 298.

Nauplia, 225.

Navarino, 225;

battle, 230, 233, 234, 253, 259, 264.

Navarre, province, 300.

Navigation laws, reform of the, 202, 203, 207, 216, 437.

Neapolitan States. See Sicilies, the Two.

Nelson, Lord (afterwards Viscount), 8, 16, 39, 69, 233, 273;

expedition to Copenhagen, 3-5, 8;

Trafalgar, 40, 41.

Nemours, Louis, Duke of, 382, 383.

NepÁl, 404, 405, 408, 409;

treaty of Almora, 405.

Nesselrode, Russian diplomatist, 138, 262.

Netherlands, the. See Belgium and Holland.

NeuchÂtel, 43.

Neuville, De, French ambassador, 222.

Newark (Canada), 141, 146.

Newark (England), 248.

Newcastle, 311.

Newcastle, Duke of (Fiennes-Pelham-Clinton), 228, 248, 296, 297.

New England, 128.

Newfoundland, fishery, 10.

Newgate. See London.

Newman, John Henry, 325, 336-338, 340.

New Orleans, 147.

"New poor law," 340-344.

New South Wales. See Australia.

Newspaper stamp act, 369, 370.

New York, 146;

state, 146.

New Zealand, 436.

Ney, Marshal, 17, 99-101, 154, 155, 158-160, 163.

Niagara, river, 130, 140, 141, 146;

falls, 130, 146.

Nicholas I., Tsar of Russia, 232, 259, 260, 262, 361, 385, 393, 395, 396.

Nicholls, Colonel, 405.

Niemen, the, 52, 124, 133.

Nile, the, 6;

battle of the, 69.

Nive, river, 115-117.

Nivelle, river, 115.

Nivelles, 159.

Nonconformists. See Dissenters.

Non-intercourse act (United States), 83, 128.

Norfolk (United States), 127.

Norfolk Island, 439.

North Briton, the, journal, 422.

Northern confederacy, the, 5, 8.

Northumberland, Duke of (Percy), lord lieutenant of Ireland, 244, 313.

Northumberland, the, British ship, 166.

Norway, 54, 80, 122, 123, 189;

ceded to Sweden, 136, 142, 143, 150, 166;

convention at Moss, 150.

Nottingham, 296;

castle, 297.

Nottinghamshire, 83, 176.

Novara, battle, 213.

Nugent, John, 122, 142.

Nugent, Lord (Grenville-Nugent-Temple), 241.

OcaÑa, battle, 100.

Ochterlony, General (afterwards Sir David), 404, 405, 409.

O'Connell, Daniel, 2, 237, 241, 242, 244, 246, 249, 251, 252, 272, 275, 280, 281, 287, 294, 306, 312-316, 319, 321-324, 344-346, 348, 356, 359, 362, 363, 371, 374.

Oder, the, 80, 135.

Ohio, state, 138.

Old Bailey. See London.

Oldenburg, duchy of, 78, 105.

Oldham, 318.

Old Sarum, 3, 285, 289.

OlÉron, island, 69, 165.

Olivenza, 6, 102, 123.

Oliver, the spy, 176.

Ontario, lake, 139.

Oporto, 89, 90, 96, 98, 211, 388.

Orange lodges, 367, 368;

Orangemen, 241, 270, 317, 367, 368.

Orenburg, 310.

Orfordness, 8.

OrlÉans, Duke of. See Louis Philippe.

OrlÉans, Philip, Duke of, 186, 272.

Orthez, battle, 117.

Otranto, 12.

Otto, French diplomatist, 80.

Otto, Prince of Bavaria (afterwards King of Greece), 392.

Oudh, 404;

NawÁb WazÍr of, 397.

Ouseley, Sir Gore, 402.

Oxford, 148, 337, 338;

bishop of (Lloyd), 249;

movement, 337-340, 417;

university. See Universities.

Paget, Lord (afterwards Earl of Uxbridge and later Marquis of Anglesey), 94, 162, 245, 249;

master-general of the ordnance, 230;

lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 231, 243;

recalled, 244;

lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 281, 313, 321;

resignation, 344.

Paisley, 306.

Pakenham, Sir Edward, general, 147.

Palatinate, the, 381.

Palermo, 63, 211.

Paley, William, 421.

Pall Mall. See London.

Palmella, Portuguese statesman, 220, 255.

Palmerston, Viscount (Temple), 277, 286, 421;

secretary at war, 68, 172, 227, 229, 231, 263, 392;

resignation, 236;

foreign secretary, 261, 279, 357, 380, 382, 387, 388, 390, 391, 393, 412.

Pamplona, 111-113, 115.

Papal States, 9, 58, 157, 166, 187, 213, 258.

Papelotte, farm, 162.

Paraguay, 190.

Parga, 188.

Paris: the Tuileries, 31, 105, 155;

first capitulation, 145;

first treaty of, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167, 378;

second capitulation, 165;

second treaty of, 167, 168, 376;

treaty of Chaumont extended at, 168, 186, 191, 377;

revolution of July, 274, 285, 376;

cholera at, 311.

Park, Mungo, 436.

Parker, Sir Hyde, admiral, 3-5.

Parliament: general election of 1802, 15;

of 1806, 48;

of 1807, 50;

of 1812, 85;

of 1818, 178;

of 1820, 193;

of 1826, 207, 242;

of 1830, 274;

of 1831, 293, 294;

of 1832, 318;

of 1835, 354;

reform, 61;

liberals and conservatives, 319;

houses destroyed by fire, 349.

Parma, duchy of, 145, 150, 166;

treaty with Austria, 187.

Parnell, Sir Henry, M.P., 84, 278.

Pasages, 391.

Paskievitch, Russian general, 388.

Patten, Colonel, M.P., 26, 27.

Patuxent, river, 146.

Paul, Tsar of Russia, 5.

Peacock, the, British ship, 141.

Pease, Edward, 434, 435.

Peel, Sir Robert (first baronet), 327.

Peel, Robert (afterwards Sir Robert), 44, 71, 172, 183, 200, 227, 283, 286, 287, 290, 292, 294, 300, 303, 305, 319, 323, 324, 330, 331, 334, 335, 343, 345, 347, 348, 351, 359-362, 364, 365, 371-373, 375;

home secretary, 199, 201, 202, 209, 226, 231, 235, 236, 242-248, 252, 270-272, 274-278;

first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer, 352-355, 363, 366, 367, 390, 412;

resignation, 356, 357.

Pelham, Lord (afterwards second Earl of Chichester), home secretary, 1;

resigns office, 27;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 27.

Pelican, the, British ship, 142.

Peloponnese, the, 393.

See Morea, the.

Peltier, Jean, editor, 12, 16.

PeÑa, La, Spanish commander, 102.

Peninsular war, 59-61, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 82, 87, 120, 129, 146, 182, 200, 423.

Pennsylvania, 139.

Penryn, 193, 235, 236.

Pepys, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord and later Earl Cottenham), lord chancellor, 363.

Perceval, Spencer, 49;

chancellor of the exchequer, 50, 61, 67 n., 82, 83;

first lord of the treasury, etc., 68, 71, 74-76, 77, 236, 238, 380;

assassination, 76, 81.

Perry, Commodore, 139.

Persia, 123, 310, 401, 402, 412, 413;

treaties with East India Company and Great Britain, 402.

Perth, 306.

Peru, 215, 223.

PeshÁwar, 413.

PeshwÁ, the, of Poona, 398, 405, 406;

treaty of Bassein, 398, 399, 405.

Peter (afterwards Peter I., Emperor of Brazil, and Peter IV., King of Portugal), 221, 253, 254, 258, 259, 388, 389.

Peter II., Emperor of Brazil, 254, 388.

Peterloo, massacre of. See Riots.

Petty, Lord Henry (afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne), 241, 345, 421;

chancellor of the exchequer, 45;

home secretary, 228;

president of the council, 279, 280, 357, 369.

Philippeville, 149, 382.

Philippon, governor of Badajoz, 106.

Phillip, Governor, 438.

Phillpotts, bishop of Exeter, 324.

Pichegru, French general, 33.

Picton, Thomas (afterwards Sir Thomas), 106, 118, 159, 162.

Piedmont, 17, 38, 213, 217.

PindÁrÍs, the, 404-408, 411.

Pitt, William, the elder (first Earl of Chatham), 44, 284.

Pitt, William, the younger, 2, 14, 15, 23, 47-50, 86, 173, 176, 181, 182, 185, 202, 208, 227, 237, 279, 284, 291, 307, 322, 330, 417, 437, 438;

his resignation in 1801, 1, 397, 415;

alienation from Addington's ministry, 24;

negotiations with Addington, 24-26;

attacks Addington, 30, 31;

overtures from Eldon, 30;

interview with the king, 32;

first lord of the treasury, 33-37;

organises third coalition, 35, 37, 38, 41;

loss of Melville, 36;

collapse of the third coalition, 43, 46;

death, 43;

his adherents, 68, 200.

Pius VII., Pope, 7, 35, 78, 150, 166, 163.

Plasencia, 98.

Plata, La. See Argentine, the.

Plattsburg (United States), 140, 141, 146.

Plunket, William (afterwards Lord Plunket), 239;

attorney-general of Ireland, 199, 241, 249.

Plymouth, 259.

Poictiers, the British ship, 132.

Poischwitz, 135.

Poland, 52, 53, 79, 80, 122, 144, 152, 153, 156, 166, 310, 381, 387, 388, 395.

Pole & Co., 206.

Pole, W. Wellesley (afterwards Lord Maryborough), master of the mint, 174, 178, 202.

Polignac, French statesman, 223.

Pomerania, Swedish, 54, 80, 122, 143, 166.

Pondicherri, 18;

French towns in India, 18, 19.

Ponsonby, Sir William, 162.

Ponsonby, Lord (afterwards Viscount Ponsonby), 383.

Poona, 398, 405, 406.

See PeshwÁ.

Poor law, 171, 181, 311, 312, 420, 437;

poor rates, 182, 203;

"new poor law," 340-344, 366;

poor law board, 343;

Ireland, 312, 316, 317, 372, 373.

Popham, Sir Home, 47.

Poros, 266, 392.

Porte, the. See Turkey.

Portland, third Duke of (Cavendish-Bentinck), 49, 66;

home secretary, 1;

lord president of the council, 1;

in cabinet without office, 35;

first lord of the treasury, 50, 52, 60;

minor reforms, 51, 61;

changes in his ministry, 66;

resignation, 67;

death, 68.

Portland, fourth Duke of (Cavendish Scott Bentinck), lord privy seal, 227;

in cabinet without office, 228;

lord president of the council, 230.

Port Mahon, 188.

Port Phillip, 439, 440.

Portsmouth, 39, 148, 197.

Portugal, 11, 53, 60, 122, 151, 190, 200, 201, 226, 395;

treaties of Badajoz and Madrid, 6;

Junot's expedition to, 54, 58, 89-91;

Peninsular war, 59-61, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 82, 87-120;

revolutions, 211, 220, 221, 254, 255-258;

cortes, 211, 215, 220, 221, 254, 258;

junta, 220, 221;

relations with Brazil, 221, 222, 253, 254, 388-390;

conference at London, 222;

triple and quadruple alliances, 389, 390;

convention of Evora, 390.

Posen, 166.

Pottinger, British officer, 412.

Potwallopers, 281, 289, 308.

Prague, 135.

Prescott, 141.

Presqu'isle (Pennsylvania), 139.

Press, liberty of the, 180, 358;

Indian press, 411, 412.

Pressburg, peace of, 42.

Press-gang, 23.

Preston, 281, 318.

Prevost, Sir George, governor of Canada, 129, 130, 140, 146.

Privy Council, acts relating to the, 325, 332.

Processions act (Ireland), 316, 317.

Procida, island, 63.

Proclamation act, 320.

Proctor, English colonel, 138, 139.

Prome, 409.

Prout, Samuel, 427.

Prussia, 17, 51-53, 59, 80, 81, 105, 124, 136, 144, 187-189, 220, 267, 391;

guarantees independence of Malta, 13;

vacillation, 38, 41-43, 51;

treaty of SchÖnbrunn, 43;

treaty with France, 46, 55;

treaty of Tilsit, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 62, 78, 87, 124, 401, 402;

treaty with France, 122;

convention of Tauroggen, 125;

campaign of 1813, 133-138;

convention with Russia, 134;

treaty of Kalisch, 134;

treaty of Reichenbach, 136;

treaty of Teplitz, 137;

treaty of Ried, 137;

campaign of 1814, 118, 143-145;

treaty of Chaumont, 144, 145, 168, 186, 191, 377;

first treaty of Paris, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167;

congress of Vienna, 149, 151-153, 156, 166, 168, 186, 188-190, 378, 381, 388;

campaign of 1815, 156-165;

gains Swedish Pomerania, 166;

second treaty of Paris, 167, 168, 376;

Holy Alliance, 168;

conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, 189-191, 377;

congress of Troppau, 211-214, 395, 396;

congress of Laibach, 212, 313;

congress of Verona, 216-219, 222, 223, 392;

conference at St. Petersburg, 224;

conference of London, 379-386, 392;

secret convention at MÜnchengrÄtz, 395, 396;

convention at Berlin, 396.

Pruth, river, 263.

Public Advertiser, the, newspaper, 422.

Puebla, pass, 111.

Punjab, 403, 413.

Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 336.

Putney, 43.

Pyrenees, the, 110, 115, 136, 138;

battle, 113.

Quadruple alliance, 389, 391.

Quakers, the, 48.

Quarterly Review, the, 423.

Quatre Bras, 158-160;

battle, 159.

Queen's County, murders in, 320.

Queensland. See Australia.

Queenstown (Canada), 130.

Raeburn, Sir Henry, 427.

Railways, 275, 276, 427, 428, 434, 435.

Raisin, river, 138.

RÁjputÁna, 399, 400, 406, 409.

Rangoon, 408, 409.

RanjÍt Singh, RÁjÁ of Bhartpur, 309, 403, 409.

RanjÍt Singh, Sikh ruler, 403, 412;

treaty with East India Company, 403.

Ratisbon, 63.

RÉ, island, 165.

Reciprocity of duties act, 203, 207.

Redesdale, Lord (Mitford), 235.

Redoutable, the, French ship, 41.

Red Sea, the, 6, 413.

Reform, movement for, 61, 77, 174, 175, 178, 181, 198, 204, 271, 272, 277, 278, 280-308;

partial reforms, 198, 235;

first bill of 1831, 287-291;

second bill, 294-296;

third bill, 300-306;

Scotch and Irish bills, 306, 307.

Regency act (1811), 74, 75.

Regency act (1830), 281.

Regent Street and Park. See London.

Register, Weekly. See Cobbett.

Registration bill, 355;

acts, 366, 367.

Reichenbach, treaties of, 136.

Reille, French general, 111, 113, 158, 162.

Religious movements, 336-340, 417.

Rennell, James, 436.

Rennie, John, 435, 436.

Rensselaer, Van, American general, 130.

Reshid, Turkish general, 393.

Revel, 4.

Rey, Emmanuel, governor of St. Sebastian, 112-114.

Reynier, French general, 100, 101.

Rhine, the, 9, 41, 138, 143, 152, 153, 158, 166, 381;

confederation of the, 46, 53, 134, 138.

Riall, General, 146.

Rice, Thomas Spring (afterwards Lord Monteagle), 345;

secretary for war and colonies, 346;

chancellor of the exchequer, 357, 369, 373.

Richelieu, Duke of, 212.

Richmond, Charlotte, Duchess of, 159.

Richmond, third Duke of (Lennox), 284.

Richmond, fifth Duke of (Lennox), postmaster-general, 280;

resignation, 345.

Ried, treaty of, 137.

Rieti, battle, 212.

Riga, 124.

Rio Janeiro, 254, 259.

Riot act, 72, 176, 297.

Riots, 344;

Luddite, 83, 85, 175, 432, 433;

bread, 174;

agricultural, 174, 281, 282;

Spa Fields, 175;

Derbyshire insurrection, 176;

"Peterloo" or "Manchester massacre," 178-180, 192;

reform bill, 293, 296-298, 302, 309.

Riou, Edward, 5.

Ripon, Earl of. See Robinson, F. J.

Robinson, Frederick John (afterwards Viscount Goderich, later Earl of Ripon), president of the board of trade, etc., 177, 178, 198;

chancellor of the exchequer, 202, 207;

secretary for war and colonies, 227;

first lord of the treasury, 229, 230, 233, 242, 260, 380;

secretary for war and colonies, 279;

lord privy seal, 325;

resignation, 345.

Rochefort, 165.

Rodil, Spanish general, 389.

Roebuck, John, M.P., 362, 372, 374.

Rohilkhand, 397.

RoliÇa, 90.

Rolleston, magistrate, 176.

RomaÑa, Spanish general, 95.

Roman Empire, Holy. See Empire, Holy Roman.

Roman States. See Papal States.

Rome, 58, 351.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, M.P., 51, 77, 194, 199, 201.

Roncesvalles, pass, 112, 113.

Rose, George, M.P., 182.

Rosetta, 57.

Ross, General, 146.

Rosslyn, first Earl of. See Loughborough, Lord.

Rosslyn, second Earl of (St. Clair Erskine), president of the board of control, 271;

lord president of the council, 352.

RothiÈre, La, battle, 144.

Roussin, French admiral, 388, 393, 394.

Royal Institution, the, 428.

Royal Sovereign, the, British ship, 40.

RÜgen, island, 52, 53, 143.

Rumelia, 263, 267.

Rumford, Count, 428.

Russell, Lord John (afterwards Earl Russell), 193, 198, 207, 234, 235, 272, 284, 356, 421, 431;

paymaster of the forces, 280, 287, 290, 294, 297, 300, 304, 321, 324, 345, 350, 351;

home secretary, 357, 361, 362, 365, 366, 368, 369, 371, 372, 374.

Russia, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 35, 38, 41-43, 51, 52, 62, 66, 88, 90, 92, 187, 188, 210, 220, 225, 232, 391, 392, 402, 412;

holy alliance, 37, 168, 169, 186, 199, 229;

war of third coalition, 37, 38, 41, 42, 51;

treaty with England, 37;

treaty with Sweden, 38;

treaty of Tilsit, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 62, 78, 87, 124, 401, 402;

war with Turkey, 52, 57, 77;

secret convention at Erfurt, 59, 92;

breach with France, 79-81, 105;

armistice with Turkey, 81;

war with France, 82, 97, 100, 121-126, 132-138;

treaty with England, 85;

fleet, 90, 92;

alliance with Sweden, 54, 122, 123;

treaty of Åbo, 123;

treaty of Bucharest, 123;

treaties with England and Sweden, 123, 136;

convention of Tauroggen, 125;

convention with Prussia, 134;

treaty of Kalisch, 134;

treaty of Reichenbach, 136;

treaty of Teplitz, 137;

treaty of Ried, 137;

campaign of 1814, 118, 143-145;

treaty of Chaumont, 144, 145, 168, 186, 191, 377;

treaty of Fontainebleau, 145, 146;

first treaty of Paris, 147, 149, 151, 156, 167, 378;

congress of Vienna, 149, 151-153, 156, 166, 168, 186, 188-190, 376, 379, 381, 388;

gains Finland, 166;

second treaty of Paris, 167, 168, 376;

conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, 189-191, 377;

congress of Troppau, 211-214, 395, 396;

congress of Laibach, 212, 213;

breach with Turkey, 213-215;

congress of Verona, 217-219, 222, 223, 392;

conference of St. Petersburg, 224;

treaty of Akherman, 260;

conference of London, 262-268, 379-386, 392;

treaty of London, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262-264, 266, 267;

war with Turkey, 234, 260-267;

peace of Adrianople, 267, 268;

war with Poland, 387, 388;

assists Turkey, 393-395;

treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, 394, 395;

secret convention at MÜnchengrÄtz, 395, 396;

convention at Berlin, 396;

treaty with Turkey, 396;

influence in the east, 412-414.

Rutlandshire, 288.

Ryder, Dudley. See Harrowby, Earl of.

Ryder, Richard, home secretary, 68;

retirement, 81.

Saale, river, 133.

Sackett's Harbour, 139, 140.

Sadler, Michael, M.P., 248, 316, 327.

Sahagun, 94.

St. Albans, 345.

St. Amand, 158.

St. Antoine, the, French ship, 8.

St. David's, bishop of (Burgess), 430.

St. George's Channel, American privateers in, 141.

St. Helena, 153, 157, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170.

St. Jean de Luz, 115, 117.

St. Lawrence, river, 141;

fishery, 10.

St. Lucia, 149, 167.

St. Marcial, battle, 114.

St. Paul's cathedral. See London.

St. Petersburg, 121, 225, 232, 233, 261, 310, 356;

conference at, 224.

St. Sebastian, 112-114, 391.

St. Vincent, Earl of (Jervis), first lord of the admiralty, 1, 30, 34, 36.

Salaberry, Colonel de, 141.

Salamanca, 93, 94, 105-108;

battle, 107.

SaldaÑa, 94.

Salzburg, 66.

Sambre, river, 164.

Samos, 266, 268.

San Domingo, 18, 49, 215.

Sandvliet, 65.

Santa Ana, the, Spanish ship, 40.

Santander, 108, 110.

Santarem, 102.

Santha Martha, Miguelite general, 389.

SantÍsima Trinidad, the, Spanish ship, 40.

Sardinia, kingdom of, 150, 166, 167, 187.

Sartorius, Admiral, 388.

Sarum, Old, 421.

SÁtÁra, 406.

"SatÍ," 410.

Saumarez, Sir James (afterwards Baron), admiral, 8.

Savary, French minister, 88.

Savings-banks, 182, 437.

Savoy, 149, 167.

Saxony, 53, 133, 136, 138, 144, 152, 153, 166.

Scarlett, James (afterwards Lord Abinger), 358.

Scharnhorst, Prussian statesman, 81.

Scheldt, the, 64-66, 71, 99, 385-387.

SchÖnbrunn, treaty of, 43.

Schwarzenberg, Austrian general, 124, 143-145.

Scientific discoveries, 340, 427-436.

Scotland, 193, 197, 271, 285, 289, 290, 293, 348, 360, 362, 433;

reform bill, 306;

church of, 360 n., 424.

Scott, Sir Walter, 417, 418, 422, 423.

Scott, Sir William (afterwards Lord Stowell), 169.

Scylla, castle, 63.

SÉbastiani, French officer (afterwards foreign minister), 18, 20, 57, 98, 382.

Secretaries of state, division of departments of, 1, 2.

Selim III., Sultan of Turkey, 7.

Sepoys, 6, 400, 406.

Septennial act, 374.

Seringapatam, 397.

Servia, 80.

Seville, 68, 96.

Shaftesbury, Earl of. See Ashley, Lord.

ShÁh ShujÁ, AmÍr of AfghÁnistÁn, 403.

Shannon, the, British frigate, 142, 147.

Shaw, Sir Robert, M.P., 197.

Sheaffe, Major-general, 130, 140.

Sheil, Richard Lalor, M.P., 237, 241, 306, 315, 344.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 419.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 14, 16, 29, 75, 200, 421.

Sicilies, the Two, 9-14, 47, 166, 187, 188, 211-213;

treaty of Florence, 7;

treaty of neutrality with France, 42.

Sicily, island and kingdom of, 47, 57, 58, 150;

army in Spain, 109, 114.

Sidmouth, Viscount. See Addington, Henry.

Sikhs, the, 403.

See RanjÍt Singh, Sikh ruler.

Silesia, 53, 135, 137.

Silistria, 396.

Simmons, Dr. Samuel Foart, 29.

Sind, 402, 413, 414.

Sindhia, Daulat RÁo Sindhia, 397-399, 401, 405.

Six acts, the, 180, 229.

Skaw, the, 3.

Small-pox, 15;

hospital, See London.

Smeaton, John, 434.

Smohain, hamlet, 162.

Smith, Adam, 415, 420.

Smith, Sydney, 423.

Smith, William, 428.

Smyth, American general, 130.

Socialists, 175.

Society for diffusion of useful knowledge, 338.

Society, Highland, 433.

Society, Kildare Place, 317.

Society of friends of the people, 279.

Society, Water-colour, 427.

Soissons, 145.

Sombreffe, French general, 158.

Somerset, Lord Robert, 162.

Somersetshire, 175, 298.

Sophia, Princess (daughter of George III.), 184 n.

Sophia, Princess, of Gloucester (niece of George III.), 184 n.

Souham, French general, 108.

Soult (Duke of Dalmatia), French general, 94-96, 98, 99, 102-108, 110, 112-119.

South Australia. See Australia.

Southey, Robert, 416, 420.

Southwark. See London.

Spa Fields, Bermondsey. See London and Riots.

Spain, 13, 35, 39-41, 47, 58, 59, 81, 85, 123, 144, 149-151, 166, 187, 188, 190, 200, 205, 231, 254, 259;

treaties of Aranjuez, Badajoz and Madrid, 6;

treaty of Amiens, 13;

alliance with France, 35;

Peninsular war, 59-61, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 82, 87-120, 423;

juntas, 68, 92, 93, 96, 97, 103, 120;

secret treaty of Fontainebleau, 87;

abdication of Charles IV., 87;

Joseph Bonaparte, king of, 59, 88, 89, 104, 122, 123;

treaties with England, 96, 150, 151;

cortes, 103, 109, 112, 210, 215;

insurrection, 210, 215-217;

loss of colonies in America, 190, 205, 215, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 253, 257;

dispute with France, 215, 217-221, 256, 257, 264;

aggressions in Portugal, 254-256, 258;

triple and quadruple alliances, 389, 390;

Carlist war, 389-391.

Speculation, 205, 206.

Speenhamland, 341.

Spenceans, the, 175.

Spencer, second Earl, 14, 25, 34, 230, 349;

home secretary, 45, 49;

resignation, 50.

Spencer, General, 90, 103.

Spitalfields. See London.

Spithead, 39.

Stafford, Marquis of, afterwards Duke of Sutherland (Gower), 66.

Standard, the, newspaper, 250.

Stanley, Edward Geoffrey Smith- (afterwards Lord Stanley, later fourteenth Earl of Derby), 277, 347, 352, 354, 360, 374;

chief secretary for Ireland, 280, 281, 294, 313, 315-317, 321;

secretary for war and colonies, 322, 323, 325-327, 334;

resignation, 345, 346.

Steamboats, 427, 428, 434.

Stephenson, George, 275, 276, 427, 434, 435.

Stewart, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord Stewart, later third Marquis of Londonderry), 146, 212, 228, 296, 356.

Stewart, Dugald, 421.

Stockholm, treaty of, 136.

Stockton on Tees, 435.

Strachan, Sir Richard, admiral, 64.

Stralsund, 43.

Strand Bridge. See London.

Strangford, Viscount (Smythe), 214-216.

Strassburg, 41.

Strikes, 178, 204.

Stroud, 359.

Stuart, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord Stuart de Rothesay), 218.

Stuart, Sir John, 47.

Sturt, Charles, 439.

SubsÉrra, Count of, 222.

Suchet, Marshal, 100, 107, 109, 112, 114, 115, 118, 119.

Suez, 413;

canal, 413.

Suffolk, 175 n.

Sugden, Sir Edward (afterwards Lord St. Leonards), 283.

Sumatra, 81.

Sumner, John B., bishop of Chester, 341.

Sunderland, 309, 310.

Surrey, 281.

Sussex, 281.

Sussex (Augustus), Duke of (son of George III.), 184, 185.

Sutlej, river, 403.

Sutton, Charles Manners- (afterwards Sir C. Manners-Sutton, later Viscount Canterbury), speaker, 251, 304, 354.

Sweden, 43, 51-54, 58, 59, 78, 80, 105, 151, 166, 190;

third coalition, 37, 38;

treaties with Russia and England, 38, 123, 136;

declares war on England, 78;

ally of Russia, 122, 123, 133, 136;

treaty of Åbo, 123;

treaty of Stockholm, 136;

war with France, 136, 137;

treaty of Kiel, 142, 143, 189;

acquires Norway (convention of Moss), 150.

Swift, Jonathan, 422.

Switzerland (Helvetian republic), 9, 38, 79, 138, 143, 166, 387;

civil war, 17;

invasion of, 17, 20;

revolts, 133.

Sydney, 439.

Syria, 18, 393, 394, 396, 413.

Tagus, the, 89, 90, 92, 96, 98, 99, 102, 104-106, 221, 388.

Talavera, 93;

battle, 98, 99, 101.

Talleyrand, French statesman, 10, 19, 21, 22, 34, 46, 78, 151, 152, 156, 379, 382, 387.

"Tamworth manifesto," the, 332, 354, 371.

TarÁi, the, 405.

Tarbes, 118.

Tarragona, 112, 114.

Tasmania. See Van Diemen's Land.

Tauroggen, convention of, 125.

Taylor, Sir Herbert, 286.

Telford, Thomas, 275, 434.

Temporalities, Irish Church, act, 321-325.

Tenasserim, 408, 409.

Tenedos, the, British frigate, 142.

Tennyson, Alfred (afterwards Lord), 419.

Tennyson, Charles (afterwards Tennyson D'Eyncourt), M.P., 235, 374.

Teplitz, treaty of, 137;

conference at, 396.

Terceira, island, 259.

Terneuze, 65.

Test act, 229, 234, 235, 242.

ThagÍ, 411.

Thames, the, 435.

Thames, river (Canada), 139.

ThermopylÆ, 268.

Thiers, French statesman, 390, 391.

Thistlewood, Arthur, 192, 193.

Thompson, Charles Poulett (afterwards Lord Sydenham), president of the board of trade, 346, 357.

Ticino, river, 149, 166.

Tierney, George, 26, 28, 86;

master of the mint, 228-230.

Tigris, the, 413.

Tihran, 402, 412.

Tilsit, treaty of, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 62, 78, 87, 124, 401, 402.

Times, the, newspaper, 343, 348, 351, 422.

Timur, 310.

TipÚ, 397, 400.

Tithe, agitation against (Ireland), 313-316, 320.

Tithe commutation act, 355, 365, 366.

Tithe commutation bills (Ireland), 347, 348, 365, 372.

Tobago, 9, 11, 149, 167.

Tooke, Horne, 3, 421;

act, 3.

Tormes, river, 107.

Toronto, 139.

Torres Vedras, 90, 91, 100-102, 115.

Tortosa, 112.

Toulon, 39.

Toulouse, battle, 109, 118, 119.

Tower of London. See London.

Tractarians. See Oxford movement.

Tracts for the Times, 339.

Trades Unions, 204.

Trafalgar, battle, 40, 41.

Traz-os-Montes, province, 255, 257.

Trekroner, the, battery, 4, 5.

Trianon tariff, the, 79.

Trieste, 62, 66, 142.

Trinidad, 9, 151, 167.

Triple alliance, 389.

Tripoli, 394;

Bey of, 187, 188.

Tripolitza, 225.

Trondhjem, diocese of, 136.

Troppau, congress of, 211-214, 395, 396.

Trotter, paymaster, 36.

Tudela, battle, 92, 93.

Tugendbund, the, 62.

Tuileries, the. See Paris.

Tunis, Dey of, 187, 188.

Turin, 213.

Turkey, 7, 57-59, 122, 188, 269, 387;

treaty of Amiens, 13;

treaty with France, 14;

war with Russia, 52, 57, 77;

armistice, 81;

treaty of Bucharest, 123;

Greek revolt, 213, 214, 216, 217, 223-225, 232-234, 259-267, 392;

rupture with Russia, 214, 217, 225;

war with Russia, 234, 260-267;

treaty of Akherman, 260;

peace of Adrianople, 267, 268;

treaty and protocol of London, 267;

Egyptian revolt, 393, 394;

assisted by Russia, 393-396;

treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, 394, 395;

treaty of Kiutayeh, 394;

Austrian mediation, 395, 396;

treaty with Russia, 396;

Asiatic Turkey, 310.

Turner, J. M. W., 427.

Tuscany, treaty with Austria, 187.

Tyrol, the, 66, 134.

Ucles, 96.

Ulm, 42.

Ulster, 270.

Union, act of, 237, 239, 240, 248;

movement for repeal, 252, 275, 313, 314, 316, 344.

United States, 56, 58, 83, 131, 157, 190, 216, 223, 257, 312, 337, 438;

sale to them of Louisiana, 18;

war with England, 82, 85, 126-132, 138, 146, 147;

non-intercourse act, 83, 128;

treaty of Ghent, 147, 156, 203;

buys Florida, 215;

treaty with England, 225.

United States, the, American ship, 132.

Universities, 247, 306, 308, 430;—

Cambridge, 419, 428-432.

Dublin, 274.

Durham, 432.

Edinburgh, 358.

Glasgow, 371.

London, 250, 356, 431, 432;

King's College, 250, 431;

University College, 431, 432.

Oxford, 148, 245, 337, 351, 421, 422, 428, 432;

Balliol College, 429;

New College, 429;

Oriel College, 337, 338, 421, 429;

St. Alban Hall, 421.

Unkiar Skelessi, treaty of, 394, 395.

Urfa, 396.

Uruguay (Banda Oriental), 190.

Utrecht, treaty of, 389.

Uxbridge, Earl of. See Paget, Lord.

Valencia, 88, 107, 109, 110, 112.

Valladolid, 93, 108, 109.

Vallais, republic of, 79.

Vancouver, Captain, 436.

Vandamme, French general, 137.

Vandeleur, Sir John Ormesby, 164.

Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), 439.

Vansittart, Nicholas (afterwards Lord Bexley), 68, 73;

envoy at Copenhagen, 3, 4;

chancellor of the exchequer, 81, 82, 86, 173-174, 183, 193, 198;

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 202, 227.

Vellore, 400, 410.

Venaissin, 149.

VendÉe, La, 155.

Venetia, 42, 134, 149, 166, 187.

Verdier, General, 88.

Verona, congress of, 199, 216-219, 222, 223, 392.

Victor, Marshal, 96, 98, 102.

Victor Emmanuel I., King of Sardinia, 38, 213, 216.

Victoria. See Australia.

Victoria, Princess (afterwards Queen), 70, 185, 274, 281, 375.

Victory, the, British ship, 40.

Vienna, 42, 63, 80, 134, 189, 191, 254, 259;

peace of, 64, 66;

congress of, 149, 151-153, 156, 166;

secret treaty, 153;

treaty of, 166, 168, 186-188, 190, 379-381, 388;

final act, 189;

conference at, 216, 217;

proposed conference, 396.

Vigo, 39, 95.

Villafranca, 93, 95.

Villa Real, 389.

VillÈle, French statesman, 215, 217-219.

Villeneuve, French admiral, 39-41.

Vimeiro, battle, 91.

Vincennes, castle, 34.

Vincent, Colonel, 140.

Vistula, the, 123, 133.

Vitoria, battle, 109-112, 114, 136.

Vivian, Sir Richard H. (afterwards Lord), 164.

Volga, the, 310.

Volhynia, 122.

Volo, gulf of, 266, 392.

Volunteer consolidation bill, 30.

Vonitza, 266.

Wade, General, 434.

Wadsworth, American general, 130.

Wagram, battle, 63, 100.

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 440.

Walcheren expedition, the, 62-67, 71, 72, 74, 99, 199.

Wales, 289, 291, 305, 434;

amalgamation of English and Welsh benches, 271.

Wales, Caroline, Princess of. See Caroline, queen of George IV.

Wales (George), Prince of. See George IV.

Walker, George T. (afterwards Sir G. T.), 106.

Wallachia, 57, 59, 213-215, 260, 263, 267, 395, 396.

Walmoden, Hanoverian general, 137.

Walpole, Sir Robert (afterwards Earl of Orford), 205-208.

Walpole, Lord (afterwards Earl of Orford), 134.

Ward, Henry, M.P., 345, 346.

Ward, John William (afterwards Viscount, later Earl of Dudley), 197, 431;

foreign secretary, 227, 231, 260;

resignation, 236, 263, 380.

Wardle, Colonel, M.P., 60, 61, 72.

Warsaw, 55, 381, 387, 388;

duchy of, 53, 66, 79, 124, 152, 153, 166.

Wartburg festival, 188.

Washington, 130, 146.

Wasp, the, American sloop, 132.

Waterford, 237, 242, 250.

Waterloo, battle, 44, 147, 160-166, 230, 415.

Waterloo Bridge. See London.

Watsons, the, father and son, 175, 192.

Watt, James, 435.

Wavre, 159-161, 164.

Weekly Political Register, the. See Cobbett.

Wellesley, Sir Arthur (afterwards Duke of Wellington), 61, 151, 152, 156, 167, 168, 174, 189, 195, 199, 201, 208, 209, 216-219, 226, 227-229, 259, 280, 282, 285, 286, 293, 302-304, 309, 319, 324, 334, 343, 347, 350, 361, 362, 371, 372, 392, 397, 431;

chief secretary for Ireland, 50;

bombardment of Copenhagen, 54;

Peninsular war, 60, 71, 76, 90-120, 200;

viscount, 71, 99;

Vimeiro, 91;

commander-in-chief in the Peninsula, 96, 97;

Talavera, 98, 99;

Bussaco, 101;

lines of Torres Vedras, 101, 102;

Fuentes d'OÑoro, 103;

earl, 105;

sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, 105, 106;

Salamanca, 107;

marquis, 108;

Vitoria, 110, 111, 136;

the Pyrenees, 113;

siege of St. Sebastian, 113, 114;

Bayonne, 115-117;

Toulouse, 118, 119;

duke, 151;

Waterloo campaign, 156-165;

Waterloo, 160-165;

master-general of the ordnance, 178, 194;

first lord of the treasury, 230-232, 234, 236, 243-246, 248-252, 260-263, 265-269, 271, 272, 276-278, 376, 377, 379, 380, 388;

duel with Winchilsea, 250, 251;

provisional administration, 351;

foreign secretary, 352, 356, 390;

Indian campaign, 398-400;

Assaye and ArgÁum, 399.

Wellesley, Sir Henry (afterwards Lord Cowley), 150.

Wellesley, Richard, marquis, 54, 67, 76, 96, 109, 174, 230, 278, 280, 325;

foreign secretary, 68, 76;

lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 199, 241, 344, 346;

governor-general of Bengal, 397-400, 402-405, 407, 408.

Wellington, Duke of. See Wellesley, Sir Arthur.

Wesel, 138.

Wesley, John, 337.

Westbury, 245.

West Australia. See Australia.

Westminster abbey and hall. See London.

Westmorland, Earl of (Fane), lord privy seal, 1, 50, 82;

resignation, 237.

Westphalia, 53, 153;

troops, 158.

Wetherell, Sir Charles, 248, 297.

Weymouth, 289, 305, 326.

Wharncliffe, Lord (Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie), 291, 292, 299, 301, 302;

lord privy seal, 352.

Whately, Dr., archbishop of Dublin, 317, 421, 422.

Whitbread, Samuel, M.P., 36, 49, 51, 156, 157, 182, 199.

Whiteboys, 320.

White Conduit House. See London.

Whitefeet, 320.

Whitelocke, General, 56, 57.

Whitworth, Lord (afterwards Earl), ambassador extraordinary to France, 19;

negotiates with French government, 20-22, 46.

Wilberforce, William, M.P., 15, 48, 195.

Wild, Jonathan, 181.

Wilkes, John, 72, 374, 422.

Wilkie, Sir David, 427.

Wilkinson, American general, 141, 146.

William, Duke of Clarence (afterwards William IV.), 208, 249;

marriage, 184, 185;

lord high admiral, 227;

resignation, 243;

king, 273, 274, 277, 278, 281-283, 286, 287, 289-294, 296, 297, 299, 301-305, 337, 347-352, 354, 356, 357, 363, 368, 371;

coronation, 295, 301, 309;

death, 375.

William, Prince of Orange, 9-13.

William Frederick, Prince of Orange (afterwards William I., King of the Netherlands), 138, 158, 267, 378, 381, 385.

William, Prince of Orange (afterwards William II., King of the Netherlands), 159, 384.

Wilson, Sir Robert, 125.

Wiltshire, 281.

Winchester, school, 429.

Winchilsea, Earl of (Finch-Hatton), 250, 251.

Winder, American general, 146.

Windham, William, 14, 15, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 47, 51;

secretary for war and colonies, 45.

Windsor Castle, 70, 375.

Windsor Castle, the, British ship, 221.

Wittgenstein, Russian general, 125, 143, 145.

Worcester, bishop of (Carr), 299.

Wordsworth, William, 416.

WÜrtemburg, 42, 187, 189.

Wynn, Charles Williams, president of the board of control, 199, 227.

Yanzi, gorge, 113.

Yarmouth, Viscount (Ingram-Seymour Conway), afterwards third Marquis of Hertford, 46.

Yeo, Sir James, captain, 140.

Yorck, Count, 125, 133.

York, 83.

York (Toronto), 139, 140, 146.

York (Frederick), Duke of (son of George III.), 49, 60, 61, 72, 74-76, 184 n., 185, 197, 207, 208, 239, 242, 268.

Yorke, Charles Philip, home secretary, 27, 34;

first lord of the admiralty, 72, 82;

retirement, 81.

Yorkshire, 38, 180, 198, 274, 280, 288, 294, 432, 435.

Zadorra, river, 110.

Zaragoza, 88, 96.

ZemÁn ShÁh, King of AfghÁnistÁn, 397.

Znaim, 64.

Zumalacarregui, Carlist general, 390, 391.


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General: Changes to punctuation have not been individually documented

Page 11: reopen standardised to re-open

Page 13: Shortlived standardised to Short-lived

Pages 42, 187, 189, 466, 486, footnote 66: Spelling of WÜrtemberg, WÜrtemburg as in original

Pages 47, 296: short-sighted standardised to shortsighted

Page 60: heartbreaking standardised to heart-breaking

Page 66: Lord Granville Leveson Gower standardised to Leveson-Gower (note that Francis Leveson Gower never has a hyphen in the original or this version)

Page 85: non-conformists standardised to nonconformists

Page 94: shortlived standardised to short-lived

Pages 108, 113: rearguard standardised to rear-guard

Page 109, 363: Spelling of make-shift, makeshift not standardised as usage differs

Page 127: flag-ship standardised to flagship

Page 176: lifelong standardised to life-long

Page 182: it corrected to its after "measure of relief owes"

Page 183: bank-notes standardised to banknotes

Page 201: But replaced by but at start of page as it is a continuation of the sentence from the previous page

Page 252: wofully as in original

Pages 260, 481, 484: Spelling of Akkerman, Akherman as in original

Page 274: deathblow standardised to death-blow

Pages 289, 361 and 374: Spelling of rate-paying and ratepaying not standardised as it is used in two different contexts

Page 298: ring-leaders standardised to ringleaders

Page 316: tithe proctor standardised to tithe-proctor

Page 316: beneficies as in original

Page 335: house-holders standardised to householders

Page 341: outdoor standardised to out-door

Page 345: tithe proctors standardised to tithe-proctors

Page 349: re-assembled standardised to reassembled

Page 362: over-ride standardised to override

Pages 393, 403, 475: Spelling of Mahmud and MahmÚd not standardised as it is used in two different contexts

Page 394: MUNCHENGRATZ standardised to MÜNCHENGRÄTZ

Pages 407, 416, 462: Spelling of Khan and KhÁn not standardised as it is used in two different contexts

Pages 427, 465: Spelling of Callcott, Calcott as in original

Page 443: Italicisation of "Constitutional History of England from 1760 to 1860" corrected

Page 461: Aetolia standardised to Ætolia

Page 461: Aegean standardised to Ægean

Page 463: In entry Beauharnais, Eugene standardised to EugÈne

Page 464: Bridgewater standardised to Bridgwater

Page 475: Malhar standardised to MalhÁr

Page 475: In entry Louis Antoine, AngoulÉme standardised to AngoulÊme

Page 475: In entry Louis Philippe, Orleans standardised to OrlÉans

Page 479: Pressgang standardised to Press-gang

Page 483: ) added to entry for Stewart, Sir Charles, after Londonderry

Page 483: ) added to entry for Switzerland, after republic

Page 483: Thermopylae standardised to ThermopylÆ

Page 484: Volgo standardised to Volga

Page 486: Ingram-Seymour Conway corrected to Ingram-Seymour-Conway


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