g@html@files@63719@63719-h@63719-h-33.htm.html#Page_258" class="pginternal">258. Chardin, J. B. S., 13, 258, 260, 267–268, 271. Grace before Meat, Plate xli. Cigoli, H., 47. Cima, Giovanni Battista, 11, 64. Cimabue, 11, 15, 19. Civerchio, 105. Claesz, Pieter, 220. Claeszoon, Alart, 195. Claude, 6, 157, 217, 247–248, 257, 274, 289. View of a Sea Port, Plate xxxviii. Clouet, FranÇois, 237. Clouet, Jean, 235–236. Codde, Pieter, 207. Cogniet, L., 301. Collantes, Francisco, 190. Coltellini, Michele, 92. “Compagno di Pesellino,” 30. Constable, John, 281, 289–290, 292, 294, 303–304. Hampstead Heath, Plate liv. Conti, Bernardino de, 38, 97. Cooper, T. Sidney, R.A., 218. Coques, Gonzales, 150, 154. Corneille de Lyon, 238. Cornelissen, Cornelis, 199. Corot, J. B. C., 290–292. The Well, Plate xlix. Correggio, 7, 9, 107, 113–114, 117, 177, 278. Marriage of St. Catherine, Plate xv. Cossa, Francesco, 90, 101. Costa, Lorenzo, 5, 90–91, 101–102, 115. Coter, Colin de, 133. Cotes, Francis, 271. Cottignola, Zaganelli da, 60. 53, 62, 85. GÉrard, Baron F. P. S., 277. Gerard of Haarlem, 193. GÉricault, J. L. A. ThÉodore, 281–282, The Raft of the “Medusa,” Plate xlvi. GÉrin, 261. Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 26. Ghirlandaio, Benedetto, 33. Ghirlandaio, Davide, 33. Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 11, 24, 32–34. Portrait of an Old Man and his Grandson (“The Bottle-nosed Man”), Plate iii. Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo, 34, 46, 57. Giambono, Michele, 61. Gillot, Claude, 261, 264. Giltinger, Gumpold, 166. Giordano, Luca, 121, 171, 191. Giorgione, 6, 40, 46, 64, 66, 68–70, 73. Pastoral Symphony, Plate x. Giottesques, 20, 61. Giotto, 11, 16, 19–21, 27, 69, 79, 101. Giovanni d’Allemagna, 63. Giovanni di Paolo, 17, 50. Giovanni Francesco da Rimini, 53. Giovenone, Girolamo, 111. Girard d’Orleans, 228. Girodet de Roucy-Trioson, A. L., 277. Girolamo da Carpi, 90. Girolamo dai Libri, 87. Girolamo di Benvenuto, 50. Giulio Romano, 56, 58–60, 115, 117. Glauber, 220. Goebouw, 256. Goltzius, Hendrick, 199. Gossart, Jan, 132–134, 236. Goya, 191–192. Gozzoli, Benozzo, 257. Patel, Pierre Antoine, 155. Signorelli, 50. Simone Martini, 16, 17. Christ bearing His Cross, Plate i. Slingelandt, J. A. van, 211. Snyders, Frans, 149, 151, 258. Sodoma, 50, 111. Sogliani, 46. Solario, Andrea, 95–96. Solario, Cristoforo, 95. Sorgh, H. M., 208. Southwell, Sir Richard, 165. Spaendonck, C. van, 223. Spagnoletto, 120, 176–179, 191, 277. Spanzotti, Martino, 111. Speranza, Giovanni, 109. Squarcione, Francesco, 80, 94, 105. Starnina, 22, 171. Steen, Jan, 211–213. Bad Company, Plate xxxiv. Steenwyck, Hendrik van, 222. Stefano da Zevio, 28. Suardi, Bartolommeo, 94. Subleyras, P., 260. Sustermans, Justus, 156. Swanenburgh, Jacob van, 201. Swanevelt, Herman van, 210. Taddeo di Bartolo, 17. Taraval, H., 267. Tassi, Agostino, 247. Tempel, A. van den, 210. Teniers the Elder, David, 153. Teniers the Younger, David, 6, 153–154. Terborch, Gerard, 8, 211–213, 221. Concert, Plate xxxiii. Testorino, Bartolommeo, 105. Theotocopuli, D., 173–176. Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 115, 118. Tiepolo, 77, 269. Tintoretto, 74, 76–77, 117, 167, 173. Tisi, Benvenuto, 91. Titian, 4, |