
The significations of the following words, habitually used by Dr. Broca, are appended:—

Agenesic. Mongrels of the first generation, entirely unfertile, either between each other, or with the two parent species, and consequently being unable to produce either direct descendants or mongrels of the second generation.

Dysgenesic. Mongrels of the first generation, nearly altogether sterile.

a. Unfertile with each other, therefore with no direct descendants.

b. They sometimes, but rarely and with difficulty, breed with one or the other parent species. The mongrels of the second generation, produced by this interbreeding, are infertile.

Paragenesic. Mongrels of the first generation having a partial fecundity.

a. They are hardly fertile or infertile inter se, and when they produce direct descendants, these have merely a decreasing fertility, tending to necessary extinction at the end of some generations.

b. They breed easily with one at least of the two parent species. The mongrels of the second generation, issued from this second breeding, are themselves and their descendants fertile inter se, and with the mongrels of the first generation, with the nearest allied pure species, and with the intermediate mongrels arising from these various crossings.

Eugenesic. Mongrels of the first generation entirely fertile.

a. They are fertile inter se, and their direct descendants are equally so.

b. They breed easily and indiscriminately with the two parent species; the mongrels of the second generation, in their turn are, themselves and their descendants, indefinitely fertile, both inter se or with the mongrels of all kinds which result from the mixture of the two parent species.


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