ARTIFICIAL LIMBS FOR AMPUTATION THROUGH THE FOREARMThe constituent parts of an artificial arm are the same in principle as for those of an artificial leg, they are— 1. A means of attachment preventing the appliance from dropping as the result of its weight. 2. A socket, fitted to the stump and articulated with the last named at the elbow. 3. The terminal appliance, intended to replace as far as possible the amputated hand and, if possible, resembling it in appearance. In the case of the upper limb the advantages that wood possesses in giving strength and accuracy of fit do not apply, and the arm and the forearm pieces are made of leather, with lateral steels articulated at the elbow: this joint is active in the case of amputations of the forearm but purely passive in amputations of the arm. We will commence by describing the appliance for amputation through the forearm, taking as our type amputation in the lower half. This will furnish an example which illustrates all the principles that should guide us, the ends we should have in view, and the means by which we can attain them. When once we have studied the apparatus by We must study in turn: (1) The attachment of the upper arm socket; (2) the joint between this and the forearm socket; and (3) the appliances attached to the extremity of the forearm whether these take the shape of a hand or not. 1. Points of Attachment1. Suspension.—In the exceptional amputation very low down, in which the roots of the thenar and hyperthenar eminences remain, the enlargement thus formed at the extremity of the forearm may be used for the attachment of a wristlet which may suffice to support the artificial appliance, provided that the latter is not intended for heavy work. In the latter case an attachment from the elbow at least must be added. This method would evidently be out of the question in the usual class of case, viz. ordinary amputations through the forearm. In these the attachment may be made in two ways:— (1) To the humerus above the condylar enlargements, the epicondyle and the epitrochlea, the latter being much the more prominent. (2) To the top of the shoulder, i.e. to the surface over the acromion and clavicle. A. Attachment to the Elbow.—The simplest method Fig. 123.—The three regions used as points of support, the shoulder, the elbow and the wrist. Fig. 124.—Suspension from the elbow. The side steels of the arm piece are curved in to fit upon the supra-condylar ridges of the humerus. A good method of suspension for long stumps, when the appliance is not to be used for heavy work. It should be supplemented in other cases by direct suspension from the shoulder. This direct method of attachment is sufficient for a low amputation, in cases where the patient does not do hard work. But if the stump is short and if the patient has to carry fairly heavy weights the appliance is only prevented from slipping by a consider B. Attachment to the Shoulder.—For this reason it is usually advisable to supplement this by an indirect attachment to the acromion and clavicle by means of a shoulder cap. Fig. 125. The firmest and strongest pattern consists of a piece of blocked leather, moulded to the shoulder, including the pectoral, supra-clavicular and scapular regions. This is kept in place by a strap which passes under the opposite axilla. It is cut away on the outer side of the acromion, the anterior and posterior borders being continued downwards on either side of the deltoid as two tapering straps to which the armlet is attached. In this way full liberty of movement is allowed to the shoulder (Fig. 125). This pattern is strong, but cumbersome and heavy. It can be lightened by reducing it to an antero-posterior strap, 6 or 7 centimetres wide, over the clavicle and spine of the scapula, ending in front and behind at the level of the axillary folds in triangular enlargements. In the upper and inner angles of these are attached the ends of the axillary strap, to the lower and outer angles, prolongations from the armlet (Figs. 126 and 127). Figs. 126 and 127. The lightest method, but obviously also the least secure, consists in suspending the armlet by two straps, anterior and posterior, which cross above the clavicle and then pass in the form of a loop under the opposite axilla (Fig. 128). Fig. 128. The choice between these three methods of attachment depends upon the profession of the patient and the strength required by it. 2. Resistance to Upward Pressure.—The artificial limb should be capable of resisting upward pressure, when a thrusting force is exerted by the hand. This is secured in the following three ways, the hand being presumed to hang vertically with the elbow straight:— (1) By pressure of the end of the stump in the socket (in amputations low down with a palmar flap—for example, in disarticulation at the wrist joint). (2) By pressure of the top of the forearm socket on the enlargement of the forearm below the elbow. (3) By pressure of the inner side of the upper edge of the armlet against the axilla. But, in actual work, thrusting movements are nearly always made with the elbow bent to a right angle or almost so, then the pressure transmitted through the forearm piece is borne almost entirely by the steels of the armlet. 3. Resistance to Rotation.—A well-adjusted artificial arm cannot rotate on the limb because— (1) The forearm is elliptical in section and not circular, this is specially so in the lower third. (2) Flexion of the elbow is only possible if the artificial joint is in the same plane as the axis of the elbow joint—that is, the sagittal plane. (3) The axillary strap of the shoulder attachment prevents rotation. Fig. 129.—The three regions used as points of resistance to upward pressure. Fig. 130.—The three regions at which rotation of the apparatus may be prevented. 1. The Concavity of the Armlet.—At the elbow joint the pinching of the anterior soft parts on flexion is liable to take place in just the same way as occurs at the back of the knee in amputations through the leg. To avoid this it is necessary— (1) That the axis of the joint should lie in a (2) That the armlet and the forearm socket should be cut away in front in crescent-shaped concavities. Fig. 131.—Limb for amputation in the middle third of the forearm. The depth of these concavities is estimated when the limb is fitted. Both the arm and the forearm may be cut away freely without any resulting inconvenience, provided that the stump is long; but if the stump is short and includes only the upper third of the forearm, it is impossible to cut away the forearm socket sufficiently without depriving the stump of a proper hold in the socket, so that movements are not transmitted to the forearm lever with their proper force. Consequently the socket for the forearm must be cut away very little, and must be carried up to the level of the fold of the elbow when the joint is flexed. The flesh in front of the elbow will not be pinched if, the Fig. 132.—Bad apparatus for amputation in the upper third of the forearm. The front of the arm piece is insufficiently cut away. Fig. 133.—Good apparatus. The arm piece is well cut away, consequently the flesh does not bulge out. 2. Construction of the Joint.—In most cases this is a simple articulation between the steels of the arm and the forearm pieces by two hinge joints. Fig. 134.—Limb for amputation through the lower third of the forearm, with elbow joint of strong leather. Fig. 135.—Details of the joint. The objection to this is that the movements of pronation and supination, if these are present in the stump, are abolished. (a) Long Stump.—When the stump is long (amputation in the lower quarter) the following may be This method is, moreover, scarcely applicable to patients who will have to carry out heavy work. (b) Short Stump.—The stump of an amputation in the upper third of the forearm is too short to be securely held in the forearm bucket. There is consequently a loss of power in the movements communicated, particularly in flexion, the arm of the lever being too short; in addition, the elbow joint in these cases is often a little stiff, so that flexion beyond a right angle is impossible (Figs. 136 to 138). Figs. 136 and 137.—Amputation through the forearm above the upper third. The elbow joint does not flex beyond the right angle. Fig. 138.—Limb for amputation through the upper third of the forearm. (For a description of the ratchet see page 135.) The chief functional difficulty depends upon the fact that, with the elbow at a right angle, the anterior surface of the forearm stump is too short to support a weight; for example, a basket held by the handle. The stump escapes partly from the bucket when the forearm extends. It is therefore well in such cases to fix the elbow at a right angle by means of a ratchet identical with that used in the artificial arm for amputation above the elbow (Fig. 138). 3. The Artificial Hand and AppliancesAt the extremity of their forearm almost all patients wish in the first place to wear something that is shaped like a hand. Many people—and even many medical men—consider that this "artificial hand" is really useful. In actual fact, by means of fairly simple contrivances, it can be used to enable the patient to eat, to write, to put on and take off his hat, but it is out of the question for it to do real work. For that an appliance, a tool in fact, adapted for use and not for appearance is necessary. The limb, therefore, will, as a rule, end in a hand, but for workmen this hand will be capable of being unscrewed and replaced easily by one or more appliances. Attempts have been made to construct so called universal hands and forceps which will serve for any sort of work, but up to the present none of these inventions have given satisfaction. And the practical solution of the problem in the present state of affairs consists in devising a special appliance for a particular trade, studying carefully the movements necessary in this trade. A workman who in the course of his occupation carries out a number of different movements may thus have several appliances, which he selects as he requires them. For example, a locksmith must be able to hammer, to file, and to drill holes in succession. We will describe first the hand properly so called, then the appliances. The former is suitable for clerks, and it is for them that the various improved patterns that we shall describe are made. The latter are suitable for manual workers to whom should be given These appliances will almost always be constructed to carry out the movements made by the left hand in the course of the work, because the first step in the re-education of a patient who has lost the right hand should always consist in training the remaining left hand to carry out the work hitherto entrusted to the missing right hand. A.—The Artificial Hand.The hand, which is screwed into the end of the forearm socket in such a way that it is in semipronation when the arm hangs vertical, is nearly always made of wood, but occasionally of aluminium. The finger is divided throughout its whole length by a mortise 1·5 millimetres in width, in which are glued two layers of veneering wood (mahogany, rosewood, etc., extremely hard woods, or else a layer of hornbeam). It may be a simple show hand without any joint. This pattern is no longer used. It may be jointed in one or in several fingers. We shall first consider certain principles of construction which we can explain by describing the chief mechanisms used. Simple Spring Grip Thumb.—The simplest and most useful articulation is that of the thumb, which when at rest is kept by means of a spring in the flexed position, with the grip against the index finger which is partly flexed (as are also the other fingers). In many cases the patient is content with this simple mechanism. He opens the spring with the Figs. 139 to 142.—Mechanism of the passive spring thumb. The thumb turns on the axle D upon a piece which fits by a tapered extremity C into a hollow cut out in the thenar eminence. The base of the thumb is rounded. The spring AB flexes the thumb. Figs. 143 to 145.—The Beaufort Thumb. The model shown on page 98 is more mobile than this, in which the thumb turns on the axis AB, and is fitted directly into the thenar eminence. But in this type it will be seen that the spring CD which keeps the thumb flexed, reaches right up to the wrist, and is therefore longer and more powerful. The thumb is much stronger, and this is the mechanism usually adopted. It has the inconvenience that it requires a deep excavation of the thenar eminence, encroaching upon the root of the index finger, so that it is impossible to mount the thumb in this way when it is desired to fit a movable metacarpo-phalangeal joint to the index finger, either with a spring (Fig. 155) or without (Fig. 148). The Automatic Thumb.—Active opening movement can be produced by the mechanism shown in figure This narrow grip, between the tips of the thumb and index finger only, is not always convenient. A commercial traveller or a foreman could not easily hold with it the order book, in which he has to write. But if the thumb, held by a powerful spring, is parallel to the palm of the hand and grips against the other fingers, which are stretched out and not semiflexed, the grip will be strong and convenient, especially if a mechanism is introduced between the forearm and the hand, allowing the latter to be rotated at will into any position (Fig. 148). As in the preceding case the thumb may have either a simple grip or an automatic grip opened voluntarily by a cord from the shoulder. The following is a very interesting method which allows a fork or pen to be held, the automatic thumb being used. The fingers are half flexed, the index being separated from the middle finger, so that the handle of a pen can be inserted between them. The grip of the thumb is not against the tip of the index finger but against the outer side of the last phalanx of the middle finger, against which in consequence the handle of the object held will be pressed (Fig. 147). Fig. 146—Appliance with automatic thumb. The cord is fixed to a loop which passes round the sound shoulder. Abduction and forward movement of the shoulder and flexion of the elbow open the thumb. Fig. 147.—Hand with space between the index and middle fingers, wide enough to take the handle of a fork, which is held by pressure of the thumb against the side of the middle finger. The extended fingers are better placed for gripping than the partially flexed fingers, although the latter are convenient to the patient in certain ways. Ball and socket joints are inserted at the interphalangeal joints. (Details are shown in figures 152 to 154.) These are so stiff that they maintain the position Fig. 148.—Articulated hand for commercial travellers. The thumb, lying parallel to the palm of the hand, takes a secure hold of such an article as a memorandum book. Fig. 149.—The usual pattern of hand. The grip is too small. Fig. 150.—The index finger is the same length as the middle finger. The thumb and index fingers are furnished with nails. A small ball can be picked up. Fig. 151.—The middle finger being longer than the index, the latter does not reach the surface of the table and the ball cannot be picked up. If the fingers are rigid and in semiflexion it is As to the attempt which Beaufort appears to have made to give movement to the wrist also, we do not believe that any practical result has as yet been attained. For the relative length of the fingers and the utility of a nail on the thumb and on the index finger see figures 150 and 151. Shape of the Hand.In the usual pattern (Figs. 149 and 151) the fingers are semiflexed and the thumb grips against the index finger, which is shorter than the middle finger as in the natural hand. If it is desired to pick up a ball, for example (Fig. 151), it will be seen that the middle finger projects and gets in the way. For this reason it is advisable that the index finger be longer than the middle, and in addition it is useful to furnish the thumb and index finger with a little projection representing the nail (Fig. 150). In figure 148 will be seen an arrangement which allows the thumb to grip not by the tip, but by the whole length of its palmar surface (to hold, for example, a notebook). The fingers of this hand have ball and socket joints constructed in the way shown in figures 152 to 154. The joints keep passively the Figs. 152 to 154. The fingers shown in figures 155 to 157 are joined together into a single piece, which articulates with the metacarpal part of the hand upon a transverse axis. They are held in a position of flexion at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints by four palmar springs and they are opened away from the thumb by the action of a cord which bifurcates from the thumb cord on the back of the hand. The pull of this cord is exerted upon the upper angle of a triangle from the lower border of which four cords pass on to the back of the phalanges. Figure 156 shows detail of a finger. We know that attempts have been made to isolate Figs. 155 to 157.—Automatic fingers. In figure 155 are seen the cavity in which the finger portion works and the axis upon which movement takes place, also the four palmar springs. In figure 157 the arrangement of the cords. In figure 158 the attachment of the spring to the finger. This pattern, which we have designed and which is not patented, seems to us to be simpler than those in which the interphalangeal joints are also articulated and are automatic. It gives a more accurate grip between the tips of the thumb and index finger. The Brunet Grip.—The Brunet grip is described here because of its resemblance to the automatic thumb, both being worked on the same principles. Figs. 158 and 159. Fig. 160. Brunet's Grip. Below the leather forearm piece, which laces up, the lateral steels are continuous with each other in the form of an arch, to which the grip is riveted. The latter consists of a strong semicircular piece of metal facing downwards, ending in a pair of wide and thick jaws, like those of a locksmith's pliers. When the apparatus is at rest, these are kept in contact by the pressure of two powerful fixed springs, attached to the semicircle on the forearm above and to the jaws below. The external and dorsal spring is attached to the tip of its jaw, the internal and palmar (the side on which the manipulating cord is attached) to the base of it. The pliers are opened in the following way:— Inside the semicircle to which the jaws are attached, lies a cylinder with its ends cut obliquely; this rotates about a transverse axis, and when at rest lies with its longer side upward. To the palmar edge of the shorter side is attached a transverse eccentric, to which is hooked a cord actuated as described in figure 146. When this is drawn upward the cylinder rotates so that the wider side comes between the jaws of the pliers and opens them; when the cord is relaxed the springs turn the cylinder back again find the jaws close. Figures 158 and 159 show the appliance at rest and with the jaws open. This appliance is patented and is made in one piece. We demonstrate in figure 160 that it would be very easy to make the pliers detachable from the forearm, with a screw connection, just as is done in the various other appliances which will be described. The grip of the automatic thumb always lacks power, for two reasons. There is no room in the thenar eminence to fit a powerful spring and the grip has always a very narrow hold. The Brunet grip is an actual pair of pliers, shaped like these and furnished with a powerful spring. It is opened by a cord like that of the automatic thumb. Figures 158 to 160 explain the mechanism. It is an excellent appliance with which the wearer can carry out the majority of the actions of everyday life. It has, however, the disadvantage that it is not shaped like a hand—a point to which patients attach much importance—and, moreover, it is a part of a patented appliance, for which an interchangeable hand is not manufactured. So that in order to have in addition an artificial hand, which is capable of being removed and replaced by one or more of the appliances which will be described later, it would be necessary for the patient to possess two complete artificial limbs, and changing from one to the other would evidently be inconvenient. We generally prescribe this appliance for patients who have lost both arms, for one side and as a supplementary appliance. There are other similar models into details of which it is unnecessary to enter. Those in which the grip is opened by movements of pronation and supination are obviously only suitable for certain rare cases (very long stumps, with free movement). B.—Appliances for Use in Place of the Hand.The general principle is to fit to the end of the forearm piece an attachment which can be screwed on or unscrewed at will and which carries an appliance which is adapted to the various more or less specialised movements of the patient's trade. Naturally the results thus attained must always be imperfect; but however little perseverance and ingenuity he may possess, the patient finds that he is able to educate the remaining arm, even when it is the left, to replace the amputated one in a way that is often remarkable. It is to this education that attention must be specially directed in the workshops for the re-education of the maimed. 1. Knife and Fork.—The first necessity is to be able to eat, and by certain very simple devices a fork, spoon or knife may be fixed to a wooden hand, whether the thumb be mobile or not. As a general rule if the patient has one arm intact, he uses the sound hand only for this purpose, but when both forearms have been lost an appliance is indispensable. We have already described how in the hand with an automatic thumb, room can be left between the index and middle fingers for the handle of a spoon or fork. A direct grip can also be obtained with the hand shown in figure 147. The hand with five automatic digits (p. 105) is usually arranged in such a way that it is possible to These appliances have replaced that in which the knife or fork is attached to a block of wood which can be fitted into the palm of the hand when required. It is inconvenient to be obliged to carry these special implements about. Raynal's fork-rest has the advantage over the last Fig. 161.—Raynal's fork rest. Fig. 162.—The termination of the forearm is a hemispherical piece of metal, furnished with a screw into which screw at will the hand, the hook or the ring. 2. Appliances for Workmen.—All the appliances that are attached to the arms in place of the artificial hand for performing various kinds of work are elaborated from two simple forms: the hook and the ring (for catching hold and carrying a parcel, for holding a handle, etc.). A glance at figure 162 will show the nature of these and the way in which they are used. But it will also be understood that if the simple ring and hook are useful for equally simple purposes they are altogether insufficient for skilled labourers Many makers have realised this and have devised very ingenious implements, some of which we reproduce, though we are obliged to limit ourselves to certain types, for they can be varied in countless ways according to the needs of particular cases. The same workman, as we have already said, may have several appliances which he uses in turn as he needs them in the course of his work. These appliances are constructed in two ways; some are fixed to the end of the forearm and are immobile, some are attached by means of a joint or joints and are capable of rotation in various directions. (a) Fixed Appliances.—We illustrate here an appliance derived from the simple hook, the vine-dresser's claw, devised some time ago by Gripouilleau; branches of varying size can be held while the other hand saws them or cuts them with the pruning shears (Figs. 163 and 164). Fig. 163.—Vine dresser's hook. (Gripouilleau). Fig. 164.—The branch is held in the grip by a leverage exerted by torsion. This appliance of Gripouilleau, with a series of hooks, forms the basis of almost all the "pincer hands" constructed by M. Boureau and characterised by— (1) The closure of the upper hook which is thus transformed into a ring, the two appliances being combined in one; (2) The spring fixed to the straight side of the hook providing the grip necessary for holding articles. If the free end of the spring is turned up like the pointed toe of a mediÆval shoe a sufficiently large opening is left between it and the straight edge of the hook to enable an object which is fixed mechanically or held by the other hand to be pushed into and gripped by the spring. The simplest type of this mechanism is the postman's hand (Figs. 165 and 166). Figs. 165 and 166. Postman's hand. The left hand of the postman who sorts letters has for its work to keep in the proper order the envelopes which are arranged in little packets; the right hand has only to push the letter into place between a flat spring, fixed to the wrist, and the back of the hook. If two or three springs are supplied the postman can arrange two or three packets of letters at the same time. He can also bind the packet with string. The vine-dresser's hand is provided with this spring to hold small flat objects, but the second spring is wavy in outline, so that semilunar spaces are left between it and the first. Into these branches slip when the spring is pressed against them, and they are thus held more firmly, whilst being sawn or pruned, Fig. 167.—Horticulturist's hand. Fig. 168.—Method of holding a branch. This thrust to seize the branch is somewhat rough, and is only possible in holding hard wood which there is no fear of bruising. For more delicate shoots (grafting vines indoors, preparation of cuttings), a grip is necessary which can be opened before seizing The packer's hand is very ingenious (Fig. 169). It has the hook pierced by an eye enabling a thread to be passed through a basket as with a curved needle. The jaws of the pincers are smooth at the tips, but further back they have a series of graduated notches in which tacks of different sizes can be held whilst they are driven in with the hammer. But of course a workman can only work quickly if he can hold a number of tacks of the same size in the palm of his hand, placing one under the hammer, relaxing his hold of it after the first gentle blow has fixed it, and getting the next ready while he drives it home. Fig. 169.—Packer's hand. The plumber's hand (Fig. 170) is made in the shape of a pair of gas pliers, and ends in cutting edges with which wires can be cut. With them a bolt can be held whilst the other hand screws on the nut. Fig. 170.—Plumber's hand. The leather-cutter's hand (Figs. 171 and 172) should be able to hold the skin which the other hand cuts: it consists of a plate with a rough surface fixed to a ball and socket joint which allows it to turn in any direction, so that the other hand can follow the line to be cut which is often sinuous. This appliance may also be used to hold a drawing paper, a rule for cutting cardboard, or sheets of paper for binding. Fig. 171.—Leather-cutter's hand. The examples that we have chosen amongst Fig. 172.—Leather-cutter's hand. We could have described many more examples, but we shall only say a few words about the mechanic's hand, which is simply an adjustable spanner which can be automatically closed, terminating in toothed pliers to hold circular objects without the necessity for being screwed up. As a matter of fact, in all the work of a mechanic (sawing, filing, drilling, tightening screws, hammering, forging, and grinding) the left hand is only used for picking up and steadying the article to be manipulated. M. Boureau rightly considers that it is better to entrust this rÔle to the artificial hand rather than to contrive to make the latter capable of sawing or of filing by means of the devices which we shall describe further on (p. 121 and following), ingenious and interesting though these may be. From these appliances, adapted to certain particular grips, others have been devised for chair caning, soldering, and for enabling factory hands to work starting levers and brakes. Thus each case must be studied separately and the workman furnished with one or several appliances according to his needs, making the necessary modifications from the existing patterns. Several of these appliances are attached by a ball-and-socket joint like that described for the leather cutter: this is an intermediate form between the fixed appliance and the jointed appliances which will be described later. Boureau recommends that the length of the forearm should be such that the artificial appliance reaches only as far as the level of the sound wrist. The work will then gain in precision. We believe that this principle holds good even for the true artificial hand, which should be made 3 to 4 centimetres shorter than the sound hand. But it must be realised that we shall be met with a difficulty, which we have already experienced. Comments are made upon the appearance of the arm and the wearer may sometimes be made to believe that this is due to faulty construction. For certain special crafts the subject may be studied from another standpoint and an actual tool constructed which carries out the necessary actions like a machine worked by the forearm, so that in these special cases the artificial hand is the active hand. At the Valentin Hauy Institute for the blind, where there has long been a brushmaking workshop, we have seen in use a very ingenious tool of this description Fig. 173.—Brushmaker's hook. Fig. 174.—First movement. The string is picked up by the hook. Fig. 175.—Second movement. The string is pulled through one of the holes perforated in the back of the brush. Fig. 176.—Third Movement. Catching the bundle of bristles. Fig. 177.—Fourth Movement. The bundle is fixed in the hole in the back of the brush. (3) In place of an actual tool the detachable part may consist of a clamp on the principle of a ring into which the tool is inserted by the handle. The two principal methods are the screw and the American chuck. A glance at figures 178 and 179 will explain how the large handle of a tool intended for heavy work is controlled by means of a screw and rings. Figs. 178 and 179.—Nyrop's grip for hammer and saw. At Rouen we have seen the disabled Belgians who had been re-educated wearing an ingenious T-shaped clamp by means of which the handle of a tool may be held either in the line of the axis of the forearm The American chuck consists of a pair of metal jaws fixed at their base into a cylinder and appearing somewhat like the petals of a long corolla. Another cylinder is screwed over the first to control the opening Figs. 180 to 185.—The American Chuck. The pincers are composed of two jaws with vertical cylindrical grooves (to fit upon a handle), joined above by a ring (Fig. 185) and coupled by a spring C which keeps them apart. The pincers fit into a piece B (Fig. 182) cut on the outer side with a screw thread (Figs. 182 and 183) upon which the piece A is screwed up or down (Figs. 180 and 181). When screwed towards the point of the pincers it presses on the two jaws and closes them. When screwed in the opposite direction the pincers open automatically. If the jaws open widely, the wooden handle of a tool can be held, but if the opening is small the unmounted tool must be fitted into them (Figs. 186 and 187). This method is specially useful for files, as it frequently happens that several files are required for the same piece of work and they can be changed rapidly. Figs. 186 and 187.—File fitted into the American chuck. It must, however, be insisted upon that the principle of giving a passive rÔle to the artificial hand is to be preferred. (b) Appliances with Mobile Joints.—In the course of work the direction of the wrist is changing at every instant, flexion, extension, pronation, and supination occurring, sometimes in order to move around the object, sometimes in order to maintain a suitable position when the movements of the shoulder and elbow vary the direction of the forearm. The consequence of this is that the worker learns to turn the piece of work around with his sound hand. To get over this difficulty passive joints are inserted One of the simplest mechanisms—and one of the oldest, because it was designed by Gripouilleau—is that of the agricultural labourer's ring, intended to grip and manipulate the handle of a wheelbarrow or a plough. The ring is mounted on a transverse axis and moves in a horseshoe which in its turn revolves on a shank which is screwed into the forearm. The ring is provided with a screw, which may be tightened upon the handle if desired, but which is, however, rarely used (Figs. 188 to 190). Figs. 188 to 190.—Agricultural hook and ring. (Gripouilleau.) Fig. 191.—Combined hook and ring. (Boureau.) The tram-driver's bell, represented in figure 192, is devised on the same principle. It moves on a transverse axis, and in figures 193 and 194 its utility in managing levers in driving a tram or a motor car will be easily seen. The rotation of the horseshoe on the axis of the forearm is not required. Figs. 192 to 194. 1. Tram driver's and chauffeur's bell. 2. Method of use by a tram driver. 3. Management of a motor car lever. Pressure at the extremity and traction. The "cardan" joint also allows movement in every direction: it consists of two semicircles of metal, placed at right angles, each working around a transverse axis, these axes being united in the form of a cross. The construction and working will Figs. 195 and 196.—Universal joint with ball. Figs. 197 and 198.—Simple universal joint. The spade holder used at the agricultural centre at Limonest is mounted on a cardan (Fig. 199). Fig. 199.—Gardener's cylindrical spade holder. A universal joint permits movements in every direction. The joint can be fixed by a compression screw which is easily and quickly adjusted. Where several tools are necessary each should be complete with its own universal joint. Other methods of terminal passive articulations are— (1) Ball joints which have already been described in connection with the fingers and which may be applied to the wrist. (2) Bayonet joints which are only applicable to certain artificial hands which are not subjected to any great strain. Figure 200 explains this mechanism as it is applied to the artificial hand represented in figure 148. Fig. 200. |