

There are two entirely different modes of fitting:

I. For amputations above the condyles, in which weight must always be borne upon the tuberosity of the ischium through the top of the bucket.

II. For amputations through the condyles (or for disarticulation of the knee) in which a direct end bearing may suffice.

I. Apparatus with Bearing upon the Ischium

(Amputation above the condyles.)

In the construction of an artificial limb for amputation through the thigh two entirely different principles may be used, according as it is desired to make the patient walk upon a rigid shaft, that is to say upon a peg, or upon an artificial leg proper, in which the knee bends in walking (known as the American leg).

But whichever principle is adopted, whatever material is chosen, wood or leather, and however exact the fit in the bucket may be, certain common rules govern:—

1. The shape of the top of the bucket by which it is fitted to the top of the thigh and its bearing upon the ischium.

2. The attachment of the limb to the trunk.

To begin with we shall consider these two questions, and then temporary and permanent apparatus, the peg leg and the full artificial limb, will be described.

I. The Shape of the Top of the Bucket

The tuberosity of the ischium is the sole bony point which can prevent the ascent of the limb when weight is applied. This tuberosity is situated in the posterior part of the perineum (Fig. 1), the anterior part of which is unable to stand pressure. It is necessary, therefore, to clear this part by cutting down the inner border in its anterior part, forming a perineal concavity, which rises posteriorly against the ischium (Fig. 3).

It is essential that the ischium should not be able to slip inside the bucket, otherwise the inner border will come in contact with the perineum: therefore the diameter of the bucket must be less than that of the limb, so that the ischium may rest upon its upper edge.

If the bucket is too large, the patient abducts the stump, so as to lower the inner border and prevent pressure on the perineum; he carries the leg away from the side as he walks, and this is both unsightly and fatiguing.

When an apparatus is completed, it is very easy to ascertain the site of the pressure on the ischium. The limb being put on, the ischium is fixed between the thumb and first finger, and it can then be ascertained whether it rests on the edge of the bucket or lies within it. This can be determined more exactly, if whilst the fingers which mark the position of the ischium are kept within the bucket, the patient is told to raise his stump.

If the bucket is sufficiently narrow, it may be circular without the excavation for the perineum (Fig. 2). But this shape is unsatisfactory for another reason, because it results in a tendency for the limb to rotate inwards.

At the moment when the artificial limb is coming in contact with the ground as it takes a step, the pelvis is oblique (the iliac spine of the sound side lying posterior to that of the amputated side). The sound limb as it executes its step is carried forwards, and the pelvis which was oblique in one direction now becomes oblique in the opposite direction. This movement is transmitted to the femur in the stump, so that the artificial limb turns inwards relatively to the stump. With each step this rotation becomes little by little more perceptible, and after a time the patient is obliged to correct it by turning the artificial limb with his hand.

If, on the other hand, the front of the upper border of the bucket slopes downwards and inwards at an angle of about 45 degrees, when as a result of its weight the bucket turns inwards as the limb is swung, the base of the stump will come against a higher part of bucket; but when the pressure of the weight of the body returns, the stump, being forced into the bucket, will descend again along this slope, that is to say a passive external rotation of the artificial limb will be brought about, correcting at every step the tendency to internal rotation.

Figs. 1 and 2

Fig. 3

In the upright position the rami of the pubis and ischium, between which stretches the perineum, slope downwards and backwards at an angle of about 45° with the horizontal. The tuberosity of the ischium bounds the perineum posteriorly, and is its lowest point. The rami of the pubis and ischium, corresponding to the genito-crural fold, mark the boundary between the thigh and the perineum. These bones are unable to stand the pressure of an artificial limb.

If the top of the bucket is narrower than the circumference of the top of the limb, measured below the ischium, it may be circular and still give support to the ischium, which will not slip into it. If the ischium does slip into the bucket, the result will be that it no longer serves as the support, the pressure coming instead upon the rami of the pubis and ischium and upon the perineum.

The constriction thus exerted upon the top of the stump may easily become insupportable. The correct solution of the problem is to cut down the upper border of the bucket opposite the perineum, letting it rise again posteriorly beneath the tuberosity of the ischium, and gain a good support there.

The same slope may be given to both edges of the bucket (Fig. 5). This obliquity in the posterior part serves no useful purpose: it is better on the contrary to lower the posterior border combining this semioblique fitting with a rise beneath the ischium and a depression under the perineum (Fig. 6).

These conditions are easily carried out in a wellmade wooden bucket, represented in figures 8 and 9, in which it may further be seen that from the front it is convex outwards; from the side, convex forwards (Fig. 9). This form, which is that of some good American appliances, ought to be generally used.

The curve outwards, by drawing away the soft parts from it, frees the region of the ischium and allows the tuberosity of the ischium to press upon the bucket (Fig. 8).

If the thigh piece is curved forwards, and particularly if the limb is built with a very slight flexion of the knee, the stump remains slightly flexed at the hip and the patient feels as if he is sitting in the apparatus.

When the thigh piece is straight, an uncomfortable pressure is produced by the edge of the bucket against the ischium. It may be added that extension of the hip is very often impaired, particularly in patients with a short stump: The extensor muscles being divided, the flexors cause contraction into a flexed position, the more so the shorter the stump is. If the thigh piece is straight, the short stump cannot follow the movement of extension necessary in walking; it slips out of the bucket if the anterior lip of the latter is too low.

The principles are the same for the leather bucket, known as the French pattern.

Figs. 4,5 and 6

Figs. 7,8 and 9

Figure 4 shows the circular bucket (almost always too large) of the poor man's peg leg, attached to the body by a belt which is fastened to a projection upwards from the outer side of the bucket. Figure 5 shows the oblique bucket, with symmetrical anterior and posterior borders. Figure 6 one with the anterior border oblique, the posterior border being cut away. Figure 7 shows the double obliquity, downwards and backwards, of the bucket. The convexities of the bucket and thigh piece, in the type which we consider to be the best, are shown in figure 8 (convexity outwards), and figure 9 (convexity forwards).

In this the thigh piece is strengthened by two lateral steels (to the lower end of which is fixed the leg piece) joined posteriorly by a semicircular cross piece on which the ischium should rest (Fig. 13).

Figs. 10 and 11

The usual form hitherto has been that shown in figure 10. The cross piece was horizontal and formed simply a posterior semicircle; the lateral steels were straight. Consequently in this pattern these steels form a cone, in which the soft parts are not compressed on the inner side, nor drawn outwards, as in the apparatus previously described. Further, as long as the stump is not shrunken, the ischium covered on its inner side by soft parts sinks into the bucket, and it is the perineum which becomes the point of pressure (Fig. 11). Made of leather, the perineal concavity soon loses its shape and really no longer exists. Finally the bucket is circular, with the faults inseparable from that shape (Fig. 12).

In cases where it is felt necessary to employ leather, all these faults are easily corrected, by giving the cross piece the shape which we have described for the wooden bucket, and by prolonging it forwards through two-thirds of the corresponding circumference, in the shape of an oblique bucket. (Dotted line in Fig. 12.)

If it is not strengthened, an oblique border of leather gives way, and after a few months' use allows rotation. The leather which extends from the termination of the metal ascends very steeply towards the trochanter, whilst the posterior border of the bucket, which is horizontal, curves downwards on the inner side to form the perineal concavity.

Figs. 12,13 and 14

The ordinary leather bucket is mounted upon two lateral steels, which are joined by a posterior cross piece (Fig. 13). This framework is shown in figure 10, and covered with leather in figure 12. If the lateral steels are straight and divergent, this has all the defects of the straight circular bucket. The concavity for the perineum, cut out of the leather, soon loses its shape. It is, however, easy to shape the cross piece as shown in figure 14, with a perineal concavity and the anterior border oblique, following the dotted line in figure 12. By doing this and curving the steel uprights appropriately, the correct form of the wooden bucket can be copied exactly in a leather and steel apparatus. Such a correct apparatus is shown in figures 15 to 18.

In figure 14 is seen the metal framework; in figures 15 and 16 that of the apparatus covered with leather; in figure 17 the support upon the ischium; and the possibility of making this appliance identical with the wooden bucket will be observed (Fig. 18).

Figs. 15 and 16

Figs. 17 and 18

II. Mode of Suspension

Suspension of the thigh piece is essential, and is all the more important when the stump is short and consequently more liable to slip out of the bucket. For this purpose support may be taken either from the waist, upon the prominence of the iliac crests, or from the shoulders by means of braces. In the case of a long stump (amputation below the middle of the thigh) only one of these methods is necessary, we shall describe the usual methods:

The waist belt (French system) for leather appliances.

Braces (American system) for appliances of wood.

If the stump is short a combination of the two methods is best.

Figs. 19 and 20.—Simple pelvic suspension, with details of the joint at the hip.

A. Suspension by means of a waist belt.For the peg leg made of leather the best method consists in placing a pelvic plate, which is attached to the hip steel, below the iliac crest (Figs. 20 to 24). A belt attached to the extremities of this plate surrounds the pelvis and passes above the iliac crest on the other side. The thigh piece is attached to this support, on the outer side, by articulation of the outer femoral steel with the hip steel; on the inner side, by a perineal strap. Braces complete the method of suspension of the apparatus (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21.

The axis of the metal joint between the outer femoral steel and the lower end of the T piece should be directly above the great trochanter (Fig. 20).

The femoral steel often breaks in the neighbourhood of this joint (Fig. 23); we have got over this difficulty by adding immediately beneath it a joint which allows of abduction (Fig. 19). A perineal strap limits this movement.

Fig. 22.

Fig. 23.

Suspension from the pelvis.

A metal hip piece is fixed below the iliac crest and held in place by a belt which passes above the iliac crest of the opposite side (Figs. 20 to 24). This piece is attached to the thigh bucket by a joint shown in figure 19 (see also Fig. 22), which allows both flexion and abduction of the hip, and which forms the suspension of the outer side of the limb. The inner border is suspended by means of a perineal strap, shown in figures 21 and 22. In figure 21 is shown how a suspending brace may be easily added. Figure 23 shows the action of a single hinge joint, allowing only flexion and extension at the hip joint. On page 27 will be seen similar joints which, however, move on the pelvic attachment as well as on the thigh piece. The object of this is to prevent the pinching of the abdominal wall by the top of the thigh bucket when the patient sits. It is indispensable in short stumps. On page 21 will be seen a joint which allows abduction of the hip, and thus relieves the strain upon the hinge joint; without it the latter is easily broken.

B. Suspension by means of braces (American method).—The American method of suspension has the advantage of leaving the pelvis free; the patient does not feel the pull of the hip piece. Besides, when the belt is used, if the patient sits down, the buttock on the side of the stump is raised, to an extent corresponding to the thickness of the bucket, an obliquity of the pelvis, which is both uncomfortable and unsightly, being produced. The braces being relaxed in the sitting posture, the patient can avoid this inconvenience; for the stump may be slipped partly out of its bucket, the upper extremity of which is then beyond the level of the edge of the chair. This position is very comfortable, because it is normal, but the patient must replace his stump in the bucket whenever he stands up.

Figs. 24 and 25

Braces composed of straps passing over the shoulders and down the front, attached to the bucket by buckles. Posteriorly they are joined together by a cross strap between the scapulÆ, and beyond this are continued in the form of elastic straps.

This form of suspension is essential for those artificial limbs with a free knee-joint, in which, as we shall see, the braces serve to extend the joint.

We illustrate here two methods of attaching the braces to the thigh piece, that which we use in the limb supplied by the FÉdÉration (Figs. 24 and 25) and that which is used in the American limb of Marks (Figs. 26 and 27).

Fig. 26.Braces which end below in looped thongs of leather.

Fig. 27.These loops, held in to the thigh piece by passing beneath a loop of leather, pass over two pulleys about the middle of the inner and outer sides of the thigh piece respectively. The outer brace tends to abduct the limb if it is tightened.

C. Combined method of suspension.If the stump is short the artificial limb must be attached both by a belt and by braces; the latter should be 5 to 6 centimetres wide.

Fig. 28.

Fig. 29.

Fig. 30.

Combined suspension for short stumps.

Fig. 28.—Complete appliance.

Fig. 29 and 30 show the value of a flexion pivot between the hip piece and the pelvic plate. If there is no such pivot, the T piece undoubtedly rotates upon the belt, but not to a sufficient extent to prevent the thigh piece in rising and pinching the abdominal wall (Fig. 29). If there is a double joint the hip piece becomes oblique, thrusting the thigh piece forward and allowing the patient to sit erect (Fig. 30).

In these cases also, to prevent the stump escaping from the bucket when the hip is flexed, the front of the thigh piece is carried as high as possible; but if the appliance is furnished with a metal T piece, such as has been described (Fig. 29, see also Fig. 23), then this raised border prevents flexion of the hip by coming in contact with the abdominal wall when the patient sits down. This difficulty can be got over by making the top of the T piece movable; when the patient sits down the vertical piece of the T becomes oblique, the thigh piece comes forward, allows the stump to escape a little way and no longer presses against the abdominal wall (Fig. 30).

The belt may also be replaced by a leather corselet, having fixed to it the hip piece that we have just described.

The braces by themselves are a poor method of attachment for a short stump.

In the sitting position the stump easily escapes from the bucket.

When the patient is standing the stump remains abducted, whilst the apparatus, as the result of its own weight hangs vertically, in this swaying position the lower extremity of the stump presses against the outer side of the bucket, whilst the inner edge of the bucket cuts into the flesh at the top of the thigh.

III. Walking on a peg leg and similar appliances

The rigid peg and the jointed peg.—The peg leg is a rigid rod, ending in a slight enlargement, which transmits the weight of the body, resting by means of the ischium upon the top of the bucket, directly to the ground.

The erect position is thus very secure, and stability in walking is also very good throughout the time when the artificial limb bears the weight.

To raise the limb from the ground and carry it forwards, the patient uses at the same time both flexion of the stump at the hip and movements of the pelvis (elevation, then rotation inwards) varying to some extent with his proficiency and with the length of the stump.

The old-fashioned peg leg, called the "poor man's peg," consists of a bucket continued into a rigid peg. If the support beneath the ischium is well made according to the principles described above, it is an excellent temporary limb.[3] This bucket of common wood, which is not specially shaped to the stump, is very economical; its imperfect fit is an advantage in that the stump, which is still enlarged, cannot bear friction; as the stump assumes its true shape and diminishes in size, the bucket is packed. We would add that every patient, who is not rich enough to possess two complete artificial limbs should have in reserve an emergency peg leg, for occasions when the artificial limb requires repair.

[3] A number of temporary limbs have been designed, with buckets of lattice work or of plaster. The old-fashioned wooden peg, which is easily obtained, avoids all this additional work without any disadvantage.

As a permanent apparatus, with accurately fitted bucket, the rigid peg leg has two defects: it has not the appearance of a leg and foot, and when the patient is sitting the rigid peg is unsightly and inconvenient to him and to his neighbours. We have therefore designed and completed a jointed peg leg, the principle of which is as follows:

Below the thigh piece the peg is attached by a transverse joint, this joint being locked in the extended position when the patient is upright. The patient sets it free by manipulating the lock through the trousers, when he sits down; when he gets up again the locking in the extended position is automatic.

The fitting of this transverse joint may be carried out in two ways.

1. The upper end of the peg ends in a stirrup-shaped fork and the bolt passes through the two ends of this fork and through the lower end of the thigh piece (Figs. 31 to 33).

2. The lower extremity of the thigh piece has cut in it a central mortise into which fits a vertical plate, prolonged upwards from the middle of the leg piece. The bolt passes through this artificial tibial spine and through the two sides of the mortise in the thigh piece. If the hole in the tibial spine through which this bolt passes is square the hinge works securely (Figs. 34 to 36).

In this form the axle turns with the leg, in the first form this is also possible. But most often when the forked attachment is used it is fixed to a leather thigh piece, and each end of the fork is jointed independently to the corresponding end of the lateral steels of the thigh piece, without any complete transverse bolt. It is then the fork that revolves around these two joints.

Figs. 31 to 33.—Fixation of the stirrup of the leg (Fig. 31) by a transverse bolt (Fig. 33), the aperture for which in the thigh piece is seen in Fig. 32. Double lock (Fig. 32).

Figs. 34 to 36.—Attachment by mortise and tenon, with a bolt, square in section, passing through the knee. Single lock on the outer side.

If there is a complete transverse bolt, the joint can be securely locked by a single lock at one of its extremities (at the outer extremity) (Figs. 36 to 39).

If there are two lateral joints the single lock is insufficient, both joints must be fixed at once; unless this is done, that which is not fixed has a certain amount of play and is strained.

It is, however, simple, by means of a posterior semicircle, to joint the two locks and to work them together by a single movement (Fig 32).

For Æsthetic reasons the wooden leg piece may be made in the shape of a leg and foot. But if the principle of the peg leg has been adopted, for an agricultural labourer for example, on account of its stability, it is better to use an appliance in which a "show leg" is fitted around the simple peg on days when appearance is more important than work (Figs. 37 to 45). The limb is thus rendered lighter, for the false calf consists of a simple layer of felt and it is very easy to replace the enlarged lower end of the peg by a foot.

Figs. 37 to 40.—Attachment by a mortise, and show foot.

We show later two models of this sort, one with an American thigh piece of wood and a single lock upon a transverse axle, the other with a leather thigh piece and a double lock. The first (Figs. 37 to 40) is shown with an attachment by braces, and the second (Figs. 41 to 47) with an attachment by means of a waist belt; we have already explained when these two must be combined.

Figs. 41 to 47

Leather and steel peg leg, with show foot.

Figures 41 to 47 (leather appliance) should be compared with figures 37 to 40 (wooden appliance) which complete them in certain points. It is unnecessary to refer further to the method of fitting the bucket to the suspension, or to the method of attaching and locking the knee.

The peg—attached above by a stirrup or by a mortise, it does not matter which—ends below in a rectangular tenon which fits into a corresponding excavation in the upper surface of the terminal piece, whether peg or foot (Figs. 38 and 44). A transverse bolt, square in section, with a head at one end and a thread at the other, fixes these two parts together. By taking out this bolt the peg can be replaced by the foot or vice versÂ.

If the attachment of the foot is made in the heel, a fixed foot is used (Figs. 43 and 45), but it is easy, by making the attachment higher, to use a foot with movable ankle joint (Fig. 40).

The attachment of the show calf piece around the peg is shown in figures 43 and 45.

Most often the wooden thigh piece is to be preferred; the limb is lighter and may last four or five years instead of about two years.

We may add that leather loses its shape and the bucket becomes enlarged, producing inconveniences already described on page 18.

But leather—indespensable for certain stumps which cannot stand a wooden bucket—has the advantage that it can be employed as a temporary fitting. During the first weeks, sometimes even for the first months, the shrinking of the stump can be accommodated by lacing up the bucket, and, when shrinkage is complete, the leg part of this first apparatus can be attached to a wooden bucket which the improved condition of the stump now renders possible.

This form is a little more expensive (80 frs.) than "the poor man's leg," but I believe a great deal more comfortable. It may be added, that it is easy when the foot is fitted at the end of the apparatus to render flexion of the knee free and to attain the "American walk," of which we shall speak later. All that is necessary is to attach in front an artificial muscle of indiarubber, reaching from the thigh to the leg and an extending sling like that in the American limbs (see page 47).

This appliance which we call the "FÉdÉration Leg," because we designed it at the FÉdÉration des MutilÉs, has already been imitated without its origin being acknowledged.

IV. Walking with free flexion of the knee

A. Design.—The oldest type, which will suffice for studying the general conditions of stability, is that of Marks, with a fixed foot shaped out of the same piece of wood as the leg: the ankle joint—several types of which we shall describe later—does not affect the question of stability.

The appliance is made entirely of wood; it is strong and light.

Nothing need be added to the description already given of the fitting and method of attachment of the thigh piece, which ends below in a curved "condyle,"[4] which fits into the top of the leg piece. It is transfixed by a metal bolt, from each end of which a metal plate descends and is riveted into a corresponding groove in the leg.[5] This forms the axle which rotates in the thigh piece when the knee flexes or extends. Flexion of the knee is free. Extension is stopped just short of the straight line (see p. 16).

[4] The bucket and the condylar portion are made of two separate pieces of wood.

[5] The hole through which the bolt passes being cut in soft wood (willow or lime), must be strengthened by a cylinder of metal, of leather, or of harder wood (beech or service tree) in which the axle revolves.

Fig. 48.Marks leg with fixed foot.

Fig. 49.Construction of the foot.

The foot is in equinus at an angle of 25° to 30° so that the heel is 2 or 3 centimetres from the ground (the usual height of the heel of a boot). The piece of wood which forms the instep and which is continuous with the leg stops at a point corresponding to the middle of the metatarsus, and is only half the thickness of the foot. The rest of the foot is shaped of indiarubber stuck on to the instep piece; the wood and rubber being enclosed in a sheath of leather.

The foot should also point slightly outwards, as in the normal standing position.

To ascertain whether the limb is built so as to ensure equilibrium, a thread is stretched against its side so as to pass through the axes of the knee and ankle joints, if this cuts the ischial bearing point at its centre the equilibrium of the patient is assured. Equilibrium will be better still if the cord lies entirely behind the ischial bearing point, leaving in front of it the greater part of the thigh piece. The best method of ascertaining if the foot is properly mounted is to hold the limb in front of one by the thigh piece, with the knee bent at a right angle; it can then be seen whether the foot turns outwards at the correct angle.

It is not necessary to say anything more about the shape of the thigh piece (page 17).

The metal bolt which transfixes the knee must not allow any play; the hole through which it passes must be lined with hard wood or leather.

The indiarubber sole should be reinforced with several layers of canvas incorporated in the rubber, as the latter if not so reinforced perishes and cracks.

The appliance must further be examined after it is applied. The level of the iliac spines must be compared: the spine on the side of the amputation should be 2 cm. below that of the sound side.

Examine the position of the point of the foot. Make the patient sit down, see if the knees are on the same horizontal plane; if the sound knee is the higher the leg piece is too short. The foot being fixed in the equinus position the patient must wear boots while the examination is being carried out.

B. Mechanism of walking.—In walking, a step being taken with the artificial leg, the toe of the foot is the last to leave the ground, the heel being raised and the knee straight. The limb is swung forward and raised by flexion of the hip: active flexion of the knee is impossible, but passive flexion occurs, owing to the weight of the leg piece, as the thigh is raised.

At this moment the leg piece is vertical, forming an angle with the thigh, from this position it must pass into one in which it is oblique forwards and downwards, in a straight line with the thigh, so that the knee may be fully extended when weight is again borne by the limb as the foot meets the ground. If at this moment the knee is flexed the limb will double up under the weight of the body.

The first contact of the limb with the ground should be at the heel with, as we have already said, the knee extended. Afterwards as the limb, which at first points obliquely forward and downwards, passes into the vertical position in which it must be at the period when it bears the whole of the weight, this complete extension becomes locked and transforms the limb into a rigid column.

This is brought about as explained on page 48 by mounting the foot in equinus, and we must here describe the methods by which the commencement of the movement of extension may be communicated to the leg so that the heel may be the first part of the foot to touch the ground.

These methods may be termed knee extending mechanisms. They assist the passive action of the weight of the leg.

In fact the recurrence of extension is brought about by a pendulum movement of the leg, which, at first oblique downwards and backwards, swings into a downward and forward obliquity. But this movement is slow (the pendulum which marks one second is one metre long) and incomplete. The patient can make it complete with a little instruction, by extending the thigh slightly as soon as the foot touches the ground.

This may be sufficient if the stump is long; the leverage is good, and while the hip is being flexed a swing can be given to the thigh piece which accentuates the pendulum movement of the leg.

But with a short stump some special mechanism is essential to make sure that extension will be complete, otherwise the patient will be obliged to walk with short and calculated steps, to wait whilst the pendulum action produces extension of his knee and allows him to put weight upon his foot.

C. Mechanism for starting extension of the knee during the time the leg is swinging.—There are two methods which are generally combined:

1. Elastic traction by an artificial muscle.

2. The extending sling.

1. Artificial muscle.—The action of an artificial muscle made of elastic (noiseless) or of a coiled steel spring, is easily understood.

(a) The simplest method (that which is commonly used for infantile paralysis affecting the quadriceps) consists in fixing an elastic band divided into two slips, one on either side of the patella) between the front of the thigh and of the leg, about the middle of each. (This is represented in figure 98 in our convertable leg.)

(b) When the apparatus includes the regular artificial knee the makers generally place this mechanism in the interior of the thigh and leg pieces, using methods which are often very ingenious. Of these we illustrate some on pages 40 onwards, with an explanatory description.

In describing these mechanisms, which may be called intra-condylar, it is necessary to speak at the same time of the stop to limit extension because, as will be seen, it is combined with the extending spring.

We have already said that rigidity in extension when the limb is vertical is essential, but whilst it is necessary for extension to be complete at this moment it is also necessary to prevent the knee being forced into the hyperextended position, as this would quickly strain the joint and render the limb useless.

This limitation of extension can be effected quite easily by the tension of a popliteal cord (see page 41. The knee in Marks leg), or by carrying the anterior border of the leg piece upwards in front of the thigh piece so that it impinges against the latter.

This method is not very good because it is noisy.

Moreover, the repeated impact against the leg piece may split the wood, so that if this method is adopted the stop must be reinforced by a binding of several layers of parchment.

We will first describe a mechanism the association of which with the extending sling will be seen on page 48.

a. To limit extension of the knee all that is necessary is to prolong the antero-posterior diameter of the knee bolt (which turns with the leg) by a horizontal wing, which engages with a corresponding notch in the femoral condyle. We show here Figs. 50 and 51) a rather more complicated but still simple mechanism which is interesting because it can be combined with the action of the extending sling (see page 48).

It consists of a piece of metal curved on the flat, ending above in a cylinder through which the knee bolt passes, continued below into a cylindrical tail piece, which fits into a ring which is fixed inside the top of the calf. During flexion this plate moves in a median posterior window in the femoral condyle, becoming oblique at the same time as the tail piece sinks into the ring; during extension the tail piece rises in the ring and the interior flat surface engages against a corresponding groove in the femoral condyle (covered with leather to secure silence).

Figs. 50 and 51.—Internal mechanism to limit extension of the knee.

. In the Marks knee an internal system of cords and springs serves at the same time both to limit extension and to produce an elastic extending force. It is a system which is fairly simple and much used.

1. Limitation of extension is secured by a U-shaped cord, the extremities of which are fixed to a wooden cross piece (T), fixed in the thigh piece three centimetres above the axis of the joint. The cords leave the thigh through two lateral openings in the back of the thigh piece, and the loop passes through a ring halfway down the calf.

2. The extending force consists in a coiled steel spring the mechanism of which is combined with that of this cord. The lower half of the spring is enclosed in a copper tube lined with chamois leather to secure silence; its upper half or rather more is coiled around a wooden pin, which terminates above in a head which is cup shaped: it will be seen (Fig. 57)that if pressure is made on this head the spring is shortened and under compression.

This spring is fixed below (by means of a tenon which allows antero-posterior movement) upon a bracket in the calf which is continuous with the ring through which passes the check cord. The cup-shaped upper end is in contact with a ball which projects from the upper surface of the thigh piece between the two openings for the check cord (Fig. 53). It will be seen that when the knee is flexed the spring, the head of which lies below the axis of the joint, will be compressed at the same time as the check cord is relaxed) so that there is an elastic recoil tending to reproduce extension. The ball which rests on the top of the spring is fixed in such a manner as to be in the same horizontal plane as the axis of the knee: that is to say, it is in the same vertical plane as this axis when the knee is flexed to a right angle (Fig. 52). Therefore in this position the spring has no tendency to produce either extension or flexion, that is to say the mechanism is now at dead point, and when the patient is sitting flexion to the right angle is maintained without any effort.

Fig. 52.

Fig. 53.

Figs. 54 to 57.

The Marks knee.

Figs. 52 and 53.—O, knee bolt. T, cross piece of wood, situated in the extended position above the knee bolt, in the flexed position behind it. C, bracket fixed halfway up the interior of the calf.

A U-shaped cord a passes through a hole in the bracket C and is attached at each end to the cross piece T; it limits extension. The two ends of the word enter the thigh piece by two apertures in the posterior surface, between which is fixed a metal ball which projects 2 cms. The extending spring is the rod b which is fixed to this ball and to a socket in the upper surface of the bracket. Figs. 54 to 57 show the parts of this spring: a tube, a spiral spring, and a rod with cup-shaped head. When the spring is in the tube and the rod in the spring (Fig. 57), it will be seen that pressure upon the head of the rod increases the tension of the spring.

In the knee shown in figures 58 and 59 the extending mechanism is as follows. Directly behind the axis of the joint is a metal crossbar, upon which fits the grooved upper extremity of a piece of wood, the other end of which rests (like a lance) in a pocket which is suspended in the leg piece by an elastic band (the latter being kept stretched to a greater or less extent by a lace which emerges from the calf).

Figs. 58 and 59.—Elastic spring for extending the knee.

The elastic being slightly stretched when the knee is extended, it will be seen that the crossbar turning round the axis of the knee becomes lowered as the knee flexes, so that the elastic is stretched and consequently opposes flexion; but when the knee is bent to a right angle the axis of the joint, the crossbar and the wooden rod are in the same vertical line; the mechanism is at a dead point just as we have already seen in the Marks knee, and the tension on the elastic presses the leg directly downwards without tending either to flex or to extend it.

Leather pads deaden the noise of the impact.

Extension is limited, as will be seen by comparing figures 58 and 59, by the vertical wooden rod meeting flat surfaces in the thigh and leg pieces simultaneously.

3. Extending slings.[6]—To the sling which passes over the shoulder on the side of the artificial limb, is attached a strap which passes down in front of the thigh piece and is attached to the upper third of the leg.

[6] This is an old French method used in Fouilloy's appliance, which has, however, only become generally used in the suspending braces of the American appliance.

When the patient raises the leg from the ground, the weight of the appliance makes it slip down the stump, tension is thus produced upon this strap and as a result the knee is extended. By an adroit movement of the shoulder this extension can be carried out actively.

When the limb rests upon the ground the weight of the body presses the stump down into the bucket, the tension on the strap is released and consequently the knee is free to flex.

On pages 44 to 48 will be found figures showing the principal points in this extending brace.

The braces, whether they have or have not an extending strap, may be constructed in three ways:

a. To ease the constant pressure exerted on the shoulders by the strap which is stretched by the weight of the artificial limb, the brace may be made of elastic like the ordinary trousers brace. But the limb they carry is heavy, so they rapidly become overstretched and it is difficult to keep them properly adjusted.

b. The stretching is naturally diminished if the upper part of the brace is not elastic but an elastic section is inserted in its lower third, in front and behind.

c. But the patients almost always say that better command of the limb is obtained with inelastic braces. If the strap is wide on the shoulder, the pressure is well borne, and the lower attachment may be made narrower, consisting of a leather thong (Fig. 64).

Figs. 60 and 61.

Figs. 62 and 63.

Figs. 64 and 65.

Fig. 60.—Fouilloy's Braces. Figs. 61 to 65.—Marks' braces. Fig. 61.—General construction of the braces. Figures 62 and 63.—Attachment at the sides of the thigh piece. Figures 64 and 65.—General view of the apparatus as worn.

To attach extension braces to the front of the leg piece the old and simple method adopted by Fouilloy may be used. It consists in attaching an elastic strap to the brace which passes over the shoulder on the side of the amputation (and which is fixed to the top of the thigh piece alongside of the other brace). The elastic strap ends in a bifurcated leather thong each branch of which (held in place by a loop of leather) descends obliquely alongside of the patella surface to be attached to the corresponding side of the leg in its upper third (Fig. 60.

In Marks' method the braces end below in loops made of a leather thong (Fig. 61). These are held against the thigh piece by passing under leather bands; they reach as far down as the upper third on the inner and outer sides of the thigh (Figs. 62 to 65).

To each of the loops, gliding on them by means of a pulley, is attached a leather strap which descends vertically to the upper third of the corresponding surface of the leg, being held in place by passing under a leather band. These two straps are attached to each other in front by a lace, which draws them towards the middle line, and in this way brings their line of action forwards. The tighter the lace is drawn the more powerful will be the extending force.

Instead of attaching the extension brace to the leg piece it may be made to pass under a pulley in the interior of the knee. What actually happens is that the thigh piece drops, owing to its weight, when the limb is swung free; this throws a strain on the brace which is transmitted to the leg piece by the following mechanism. The metal stop described on page 39 which limits extension of the knee during the period of weight bearing, is prolonged upwards and forwards beyond the hole through which the axis of the knee passes, this prolongation being furnished with two wooden pulleys (Fig. 69). The loops attached to the braces enter the front of the thigh piece, each by a separate opening, turn under the corresponding pulley and emerge again posteriorly (Figs. 66 to 68).

Figs. 66 to 68.

This mode of attachment has the advantage that when the limb is swung the movement does not take place upon the shoulders—which easily become chafed by the ordinary suspenders—but upon the pulleys upon which the leather thongs work.

The mechanism shown in figures 69 to 71 is interesting. When the metal lever moves around the axis of the knee joint, its lower end and the pulleys at the upper end travel in opposite directions: in flexion the pulleys move downwards and forwards, the lower end upwards and backwards; in extension they move in the opposite direction. Therefore when the limb is swung and the knee bends (Fig. 71), the thigh piece drops of its own weight, the braces tighten, raise the pulley and consequently make the lower end of the lever move downwards and forwards, thus extending the knee joint.

Figs. 69 to 71.

D. Mechanism to secure rigidity of the knee during weight hearing.—During the time that the healthy limb is raised from the ground and carried forwards there must be complete rigidity of the artificial limb in the extended position. This is secured by mounting the foot in the equinus position. When it has been swung forwards, in taking a step, the limb comes in contact with the ground heel first; then, as the leg becomes vertical the entire sole lies flat on the ground; if the foot is in equinus this position is only possible with the knee hyperextended, or with full extension it may be possible for a very short period. So that it is the weight of the body that locks the limb in the extended position, the sole of the foot sloping obliquely downwards and forwards; and the weight being taken on the toe. There is always a tendency to hyperextension, and to avoid straining the limb in this direction (as occurs in a living knee which is forced into the position of genu recurvatum by a talipes equinus) it is as well, as we have already said, to oppose it by some passive resistance, either in the form of a simple popliteal check cord or by a stop fixed to the front of the leg.

Figs. 72 to 75.

In Figure 72 the foot is fixed, the weight comes upon the point of the foot, and pressure upon the axis AB tends to close the angle ABC, i.e. to produce a genu recurvatum, and so to lock the knee in extension. If the foot is articulated, equilibrium is secured in the same way. Figures 73 to 75 are intended to show that in order that the axis ABC may not be vertical (Fig. 73) the axis B of the knee must be behind the perineal concavity in the bucket, and it is better if at the same time the axis of the ankle joint C is carried forward.

This extension is unlocked automatically at the moment when the weight is thrown forward on the healthy limb, the artificial limb rising on its toe and the knee commencing to bend because the braces are relaxed.

E. Movable ankle.—We have taken as our type a limb with a fixed foot. There are, however, a number of methods of attaching a foot with a movable ankle joint. The general principles and the mechanism for securing stability are those which we have already studied, but the gait is more supple, at the price it is true of somewhat delicate articulations and therefore of simplicity.

The foot is made of a single piece of wood; it is divided transversely at the level of the middle of the metatarsal bones, and the anterior part (shaped like toes) is attached by two pieces of leather, dorsal and plantar, between which are two indiarubber cylinders which keep the toe piece extended 15° to 20° when at rest, and which allow, when the foot is pressed on the ground, an extension to 45°.

This foot is mounted on the leg at an angle of 45° beyond the right angle, with an interposed rubber cylinder, which allows of the diminution of the angle to 25° or 30° but no further. It is important that flexion to a right angle should not be possible. In fact, a slight degree of equinus is essential in order to secure the locking of the knee in extension, exactly as with the fixed foot (compare figures 73, 74 and 75 with figure 72), and as on the shoe there is always a heel which makes us walk normally in slight equinus, the two feet will be similar in appearance, the slight movement of the artificial foot being sufficient to allow a rolling movement of the sole upon the ground (Figs. 77 to 86).

Figs. 76 to 76A.

The figures 76 and 76A show the simplest and best known mechanism. On the upper surface of the foot two cavities are hollowed, one in front and one behind the bolt of the ankle joint, in each of these is placed a cylinder of rubber; the posterior cylinder is about twice as thick as the anterior. Above them the leg piece is fixed, it ends in front in a short instep which lies within the cavity hollowed out in the foot.

The foot is attached to the leg piece by a bolt made as follows: a steel tube fitting into two corresponding grooves in the leg and foot, is attached to the leg by being prolonged upward into a vertical rod, which is secured by a nut inside the leg piece.

Upon the steel tube moves a brass rod shaped like an inverted U, the two ends of which pass through the foot and fasten beneath it by two nuts (Fig. 82).

Raising the point of the foot further compresses the anterior piece of rubber, lowering it relieves the pressure upon this piece and compresses the posterior piece. But the tension and the size of the pieces of rubber are such that they are under slight compression in the position of rest, the foot being in 30° of equinus. So that this foot is never loose. When pressure is made on the point of the foot it may come to within 15° or 20° of a right angle, but it returns to its angle of 30° as soon as the pressure ceases.

Figs. 77 to 81.

Contact of the sole with the ground in normal walking. Heel first then toe, with progressive dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. Compare with the contact of the artificial foot in figures 82 to 86.

With boots on, with heels of 2·5 centimetres the two feet are in the same position when the soles are flat on the ground.

The forepart of the foot (representing the toes and the anterior part of the metatarsals) is kept in this position (Fig. 76) in slight extension by a piece of rubber, compression of which allows an increase of extension of 15° to 20°.

When a step is taken, the heel of the foot first meets the ground, the leg pointing downwards and forwards. Then the whole sole comes to lie flat on the ground, the degree of equinus being increased, the posterior rubber compressed and the anterior relaxed (Figs. 82 and 83), but when the limb is vertical the sole still being flat on the ground, compression of the posterior diminishes and that on the anterior increases (Fig. 84). This remains unchanged up to the moment when the foot leaves the ground, whilst the heel rises and the weight is borne on the toe piece of the foot, which is forced into extension (Figs. 85 and 86).

Figs. 82 to 86.

This method of using rubber cylinders is the simplest. Another method, good but more delicate, is shown in figures 87 and 88. In the leg below the calf are two cross pieces of wood; the lower placed transversely supports the upper which is antero-posterior and so increases its resistance to the cords which are attached to it.

Figs. 87 and 88.

The shape of these pieces of wood can be seen in the figures and require no further explanation. The bolt of the ankle joint is the same as in the foot last described. To the antero-posterior cross piece are attached two cords, which pass through the foot and are attached beneath it, one under the heel, and the other about the level of the midtarsal joint. The posterior cord is inelastic and stops dorsiflexion of the foot. The anterior has a section of elastic in it; it prevents the dropping of the foot whilst the limb is being swung. A small pad of rubber placed in front beneath the anterior part of the leg piece allows, by its compression, the partial correction of the equinus when the sole is pressed flat on the ground.

Some appliances allow the foot a little lateral mobility, by rotation around an antero-posterior axis, so that it may adapt itself to irregularities of the ground. We here illustrate the "Duplex foot," which is very ingenious but which has the defect that after a time the mechanism grates. The ankle attachment is carried out in the same way as in the limbs last described (in this particular limb it is attached by cords), but the foot piece is divided as in a sub-astragaloid amputation; the lower surface of the astragaloid piece bears a median antero-posterior projection, tapering posteriorly and enlarged into a knob anteriorly, this lies in a corresponding groove in the heel piece; alongside this are two rubber cushions which are alternately compressed and relaxed as the foot inclines to one or other side.

Fig. 89.Duplex Foot.

Combined mechanism for knee and ankle joints.

This very ingenious combination, which, however, necessitates a rather complex mechanism, was devised by Palmer in 1850. It is carried out in the limb made by Frees, the mechanism of which will be seen to resemble that of the articulated foot shown on page 54 in figures 87 and 88.

Above the axis of the knee joint and at right angles to it is a wooden cross piece, to which are attached three cords, two behind the joint, one in front; these cords emerge from the thigh piece through an opening in its lower end (Figs. 90 to 92).

The posterior of these cords, made of hemp, ends inside the upper third of the leg. It limits the extension of the knee, exactly as described in the Marks leg.

The other two cords extend down to the foot, which is attached in a manner very similar to that shown on page 54, but with a single rubber cylinder behind, and with the instep cut obliquely so that when the joint is in the resting position of equinus there is an opening in front amounting to an angle of 15° to 20°. The posterior cord, of hemp, is attached in the heel; the anterior, made of catgut with an indiarubber section, enters the foot obliquely and is fixed a little in front of the middle of the sole.

When the knee flexes, the wooden cross piece tilts, its posterior end becoming lower, its anterior higher (Figs. 91 and 92), the elastic of the anterior cord is tightened, thus raising the front of the foot, whilst at the same time the heel cord is relaxed. Thus the mechanism which produces extension of the knee acts at the same time upon the foot; when the knee is straight the foot is plantar flexed to 20°, when the knee flexes the foot comes to a right angle. Thus the foot becomes dorsiflexed at the same time as the knee flexes, as in ordinary walking.

If the action in walking is watched, it will be seen that as the limb is swung forward, the toe is raised so as to clear the ground.[7]

[7] The mechanism of this artificial leg resembles that of the "tendon leg," which was in such common use in England before the present war that it is often called the English pattern.—(Ed.)

Fig. 92.—(Figs. 90 to 92. Foot and Knee of Frees.)

In the sitting position the anterior cord is not relaxed, there is no dead point, so that the knee always tends to extend. This is somewhat inconvenient.

Conversion of the articulated peg leg into the leg with free knee movement and vice versÂ.

Whatever advantage it may be thought to possess, in our opinion the artificial leg with free knee joint is only suitable for sedentary occupations; it is not suitable for manual labourers and particularly for agricultural labourers who are obliged to get about on rough ground. Hence it is not uncommon for a patient who has been provided with an American leg to come and ask for a peg leg. In figures 93 to 95 it will be seen that it is a simple matter to transform the limb into an articulated peg. It is only necessary to attach the stirrup-shaped fork of the peg to the thigh piece by the knee bolt, and to add the double lock. To this peg may be added, if desired, the show calf and foot described on page 32. The full artificial leg can be rebuilt whenever it is wished.

Figs. 93 to 95.

On the other hand, an articulated wooden peg leg, such as we have described under the name of the Federation leg, can be easily adapted for walking with a free knee. It is only necessary to unlock the knee joint and to add the artificial muscle or accumulator of elastic shown in figure 98. This supplies the extending force, the value of which we have shown on page 36. We consider that this appliance is excellent and we know patients who almost always walk upon the peg, but who sometimes use a free knee for short walks. The conversion is simple and requires no special care. Under these conditions the fixed foot is almost always used; there is nothing to prevent the fitting of an articulated foot, but we have already seen that there is no great difference in walking between the old-fashioned fixed foot of the Marks leg and the more or less complicated articulated feet of more recent design.

Figs. 96 to 98.

II. Limbs without bearing upon the Ischium

For amputations through the condyles of the femur, and similar amputations (disarticulation of the knee and very short stumps below the knee).

Certain orthopÆdists do not know how to fit an artificial limb to an amputation through the condyles of the femur; they come therefore to the conclusion that this is a bad operation, and ought to be replaced by an amputation above the condyles.

The two objections raised to this amputation are:—

1. That it is impossible to fit a wooden bucket because the bone at the lower end of the stump is larger than it is at a higher level.

2. That it does not leave enough room to fit an artificial knee joint at the right level.

These two objections are not valid, and, on the other hand, this amputation allows us to fit an artificial limb with complete end bearing, and this is a great advantage.

1. Fitting of the bucket.—The first difficulty is easily got over. All that is necessary is to cut away the front of the lower half of the bucket, and to cover in this opening with a lacing piece of leather. The stump passes into the top of the bucket, comes out of this opening and then falls back into the enlarged lower end where it takes a direct bearing (Fig. 99).

Fig. 99.Limb with end bearing for amputation in the region of the condyles of the femur. Anterior part of the thigh bucket cut away to allow the insertion of the enlarged lower end of the stump.

2. Level of the knee joint.—It is clear that if the stump is too long it is impossible to fit a knee joint with a bolt right through at the same level as the opposite knee. The thigh piece would have to be prolonged downwards in order to allow of the insertion of this bolt.

This arrangement would not affect walking, but would be unsightly in sitting because of the inequality in the length of the thighs.

It is easy to overcome the difficulty by attaching the leg by two independent lateral hinge joints, without a bolt right through, using the stirrup-shaped fork and the double lock, if a peg is used. This method, as we have already stated, is not so strong, but this is to a large extent compensated for by the possibility of getting a direct end bearing.

3. Direct end bearing and suspension.—If the stump is well covered with a good anterior flap and if the lower end of the bucket is accurately moulded upon it with an interposed layer of felt, the patient can walk directly upon the end of the stump, without it being necessary to carry the bucket up against the ischium, simple braces being used as the means of suspension.

4. There is nothing special about the braces or about the extending strap if the knee is free, nor about the method of attaching the foot.

These limbs for long stumps do not require any spring to extend the knee, if one is wanted an artificial muscle is quite easily fitted.

We have taken as our type an amputation through the femoral condyles.

The covering of the stump is excellent, and pressure is taken upon tissues which are naturally adapted to it (the thick skin and fibrous tissue over the patella), specially if it has been possible to keep the patella in the flap and fix it across the cut surface of the femur (Gritti's operation).

The mechanical points in the fitting of an artificial limb for an amputation through the knee joint are the same. But this amputation seems to us to be inferior to that through the condyles. The sacrifice of three centimetres in length is of no importance in an appliance with direct end bearing; and, on the other hand, disarticulation has several disadvantages:—

1. The enlargement of the femoral condyles, without any compensating advantage.

2. The bearing upon the two condyles, separated by a groove.

3. The insufficient covering of the condyles by the thin skin of the front of the leg.

The principles of fitting a limb are the same in amputations of the leg in which we are obliged to make the patient walk upon the bent knee (too short a stump, the position of the scars, persistent osteitis, the impossibility of straightening the knee when it is ankylosed or stiff in a flexed position), as in the old-fashioned kneeling pin leg.

A posterior transverse band, passing over the bent stump helps to hold the limb on.


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