GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF FITTING FOR THE LOWER LIMBWhether we are dealing with an amputation of the leg or an amputation of the thigh, the principle function of the artificial limb is to support the weight of the body. The bucket must therefore give support to this weight. Three bearing points are thus possible: at the base, upon the surface and upon the end of the stump. 1. Bearing upon the base.—The principal bearing is that which is taken by fitting the upper edge of the bucket under the bony prominences situated around the last joint preserved, i.e. the tuberosity of the ischium for the thigh, the head of the tibia for the leg. 2. Bearing upon the surface of the stump.—Certain makers attribute to this an importance which we believe to be imaginary, but which leads them to erroneous conclusions. It is evident that if a conical stump which is jointless and which transmits the weight is fitted exactly, point downwards, into a conical bucket, supported below by a vertical pillar, the weight is transmitted by the friction of the part enclosed against the bucket, without any pressure upon the free end. But experience shows us that if the pressure of the bucket at this point is harmful to the lateral scars, it is not less so for most terminal scars. The stump in its bucket is in fact a bone, furnished with soft parts upon which we cannot exert vertical pressure, without squeezing them back towards the base of the stump, thus exerting an upward tension of the terminal soft parts over the end of the bone. This is bound to occur unless there is a considerable length of soft parts beyond the end of the bone, that is unless more bone has been sacrificed than was necessary. In this way we get all the disadvantages of an end bearing without its advantages. 3. Direct end bearing.—This is only the principal bearing in certain special stumps which we shall indicate in due course; in some of these it is the sole bearing. In the case of apparatus for the usual amputations, above the epiphyseal enlargements, it is never more than a complementary or accessory bearing, although a very useful one. To take pressure upon the end of the stump it is only necessary to stretch across the bucket at the right height a piece of material covered with felt. If the apparatus is made of leather, the support is taken upon a circular band of metal fixed to the lateral steels. In order that direct pressure upon the stump may be possible, two conditions are indispensable: that there is no terminal scar; and that the extremity of the bone is well covered with a thick and non Nevertheless skin which is not prepared in this way by its normal structure can adapt itself to pressure and friction, provided that it is padded by a thick muscular layer, sheathed whenever possible with fibrous tissue. A skin which is not so lined, especially in fair and stout people, with thin and delicate skin, ulcerates easily as the result of friction or even of simple pressure, and bursÆ and callosities form. See what happens to the skin on the dorsum and outer side of the foot in the case of talipes equino varus. The muscles of the flap will not remain over the bone in the condition of muscular tissue, they become fibrous—but they are useful because: 1. They interpose a fibrous layer of greater or less thickness between the bone and the skin, so that the latter remains movable over the end of the bone and is not directly compressed; 2. They adhere to the cut section of the bone forming a tendinous insertion, which renders their action on the bony lever more powerful. A flap bears weight badly when the muscles have retracted around the bone, over which there is then nothing but skin. It is the same when the flap is stretched tightly across the end of the bone, the soft parts must remain soft and free. Among the hundreds of cases of amputation of the leg or thigh that have passed before us in being fitted at the FÉdÉration des MutilÉs, there were many in which the presence of a terminal scar rendered the fitting of an apparatus difficult; we have never found this the case with a lateral scar; we have never seen the latter ulcerate rapidly as the result of pressure or friction in a properly made wooden bucket. So that it cannot be admitted that the proper covering of a stump is ever a matter of secondary importance. Consequently we should consider, as a matter of principle, the circular method of amputating only as a last resort, and we ought to arrange the section of the soft parts so as to cover the end of bone as adequately as possible, and to bring the scars to one side. We realise that in practice war surgery often necessitates deviations from the ideal. We often find ourselves in a dilemma—either the stump must be good but too short; or, being long, must be poor or even bad. In the special case of the thigh, circular amputation in the lower third when it is carried out through healthy tissue and has not suppurated can be trimmed and sutured in such a way as to give an excellent scar, which is transverse and slightly posterior. In Amputating through infected parts, resigning himself to healing by granulation and subsequent trimming by operation, he must take time and trouble to attain in the end a result which is good functionally, although at first sight unsightly. But it is this surgeon who is on the right road, rather than he who sends us good stumps which have not suppurated, because he has amputated through the thigh for a wound of the middle of the leg, or through the leg for a wound of the foot or even of the front of the foot. It is clear, that for the stump effectually to play its part of a lever in its bucket, a certain definite length is necessary; and we ought to do everything possible to secure a length of at least 15 to 20 centimetres in a thigh stump, or 10 to 12 centimetres in a leg stump. But when this length is secured, there is no great functional difference between, for example, an amputation of the leg in the lower third or in the lower quarter, particularly if the fitter understands how to utilise direct end bearing. The |